Jaspers, C., Møller, E. F. and Kiørboe, T. (2015) Reproduction rates under variable food conditions and starvation in Mnemiopsis leidyi: significance for the invasion success of a ctenophore. Journal of Plankton Research, 37, 1011-1018. Starvation and egg production data. For details see materials and methods section of the manuscript. Laboratory controlled feeding and subsequent starvation with size and egg production data during starvation. days of starvation size (oa, mm) eggs (ind-1 d-1) 0 22.9 323 0 22 414 0 22.6 451 0 23.4 189 1 22.15 404 1 21.5 372 1 21.55 320 1 22.65 307 2 21.4 201 2 21 124 2 20.5 123 2 21.9 102 3 20 60 3 19 35 3 20.2 95 3 21 39 4 20 36 4 18.5 18 4 17 27 4 20.4 16 11 16.7 0 11 13.5 0 11 14 0 11 17 0 Field collected animals with data on size development and egg production rates during starvation. days of starvation size (oral aboral, mm) egg prod. during starvation (eggs ind-1 d-1) 1 33 4435 2 33.5 1312 3 32 43 5 30.4 206 7 29.4 34 12 28 7 1 25.6 1350 2 25.5 516 3 23.7 75 5 24.4 120 7 21 39 12 19.6 3 1 31.5 2671 2 31.5 1152 3 27.2 294 5 29 185 7 25.7 43 12 23.5 4 1 19.5 541 2 19.8 184 3 18.2 1 5 17.8 23 7 16 6 12 14.8 1 1 28 2323 2 28 614 3 27 4 5 25.3 146 7 23 24 12 22.5 2 1 27.4 1052 2 25.5 704 4 24.8 279 6 22.8 106 11 21 18 1 17 177 2 14.5 144 4 14.7 23 6 13.4 4 11 12.8 0.1 1 27.3 1020 2 22.5 232 4 21.8 171 6 20.4 115 11 18.9 20 Laboratory cohort fed at 100µgC L-1 and starved for up to 21 days with data on size development during starvation. Days of starvation size (oral aboral, mm) 0 6.35 0 7.94 0 5.56 0 6.03 0 3.17 2 4.64 2 5.93 2 3.44 2 3.10 2 6.68 4 3.49 4 3.65 4 4.76 4 4.76 4 5.56 6 5.56 6 3.97 6 5.56 6 3.97 6 4.76 8 3.97 8 3.17 8 6.35 8 5.56 8 3.97 10 2.70 10 3.97 10 5.40 10 3.49 10 4.76 12 5.08 12 3.97 12 5.08 12 3.49 12 4.76 14 4.76 14 3.97 14 7.14 14 5.56 14 5.56 16 3.81 16 2.70 16 2.70 16 3.97 16 3.49 18 3.97 18 2.86 18 4.44 18 2.86 18 3.17 21 3.49 21 2.38 21 3.17 21 4.76 21 2.86 0 5.56 0 4.76 0 7.94 0 6.83 0 4.76 2 4.84 2 6.49 2 4.06 2 4.93 2 4.80 4 5.56 4 4.60 4 4.76 4 3.49 4 7.14 6 5.56 6 4.76 6 5.56 6 4.76 6 3.97 8 3.97 8 2.86 8 5.08 8 4.76 8 3.49 10 5.08 10 3.49 10 3.49 10 3.17 10 3.97 12 2.38 12 3.49 12 5.56 12 3.97 12 4.76 14 5.08 14 3.17 14 3.17 14 3.97 14 5.08 16 3.17 16 3.17 16 4.76 16 3.49 16 3.97 18 4.76 18 3.02 18 3.17 18 2.70 18 3.17 21 3.17 21 3.49 21 3.17 21 3.97 21 3.97 0 3.49 0 6.35 0 5.56 0 3.97 0 7.94 2 3.77 2 4.74 2 4.34 2 5.57 2 5.19 4 6.35 4 6.35 4 3.97 4 3.97 4 7.14 6 4.76 6 5.56 6 6.35 6 4.76 6 6.35 8 3.17 8 5.87 8 5.08 8 3.17 8 3.49 10 3.17 10 5.08 10 3.97 10 2.70 10 5.56 12 3.17 12 5.56 12 2.86 12 3.17 12 5.56 14 3.17 14 3.49 14 3.17 14 4.76 14 5.56 16 3.49 16 3.17 16 4.44 16 3.17 16 3.49 18 4.44 18 3.97 18 2.86 18 2.38 18 1.90 21 3.97 21 6.35 21 3.17 21 4.44 21 3.49 0 4.76 0 4.76 0 4.76 0 4.76 0 4.29 2 5.59 2 4.56 2 4.60 2 4.23 2 3.34 4 3.97 4 4.44 4 4.44 4 5.08 4 5.56 6 3.97 6 4.44 6 3.17 6 3.49 6 3.17 8 3.97 8 3.65 8 3.97 8 4.29 8 4.76 10 3.97 10 4.76 10 5.24 10 3.49 10 5.56 12 4.44 12 3.49 12 3.97 12 3.97 12 3.17 14 3.17 14 3.97 14 3.49 14 3.97 14 3.49 16 3.49 16 2.70 16 1.90 16 3.17 16 3.17 18 6.35 18 3.17 18 4.44 18 3.65 18 2.86 21 3.97 21 2.86 21 3.17 21 3.49 21 2.86 0 4.76 0 4.76 0 6.35 0 7.14 0 6.35 2 3.78 2 7.85 2 5.98 2 5.29 2 3.36 4 7.14 4 6.67 4 3.97 4 6.35 4 3.97 6 4.76 6 3.97 6 6.35 6 3.17 6 4.44 8 3.49 8 5.87 8 3.17 8 3.49 8 4.76 10 3.17 10 5.08 10 3.17 10 5.08 10 2.70 12 4.76 12 4.76 12 4.29 12 2.70 12 3.17 14 3.17 14 4.44 14 3.97 14 4.76 14 2.86 16 3.17 16 5.08 16 5.56 16 3.49 16 2.70 18 4.44 18 3.49 18 3.97 18 3.17 18 2.86 21 3.17 21 3.49 21 3.17 21 4.76 21 3.49 Hatching success raw data from 3 different days. Eggs and larvae were counted after 24h and after 48h from the same individual incubated in different containers as outlined in the methods section. experiment date ind.number eggs 24h-1 larvae 24h-1 eggs+larvae (sum 24h) eggs 48h-1 larvae 48h-1 eggs+larvae (sum 48h) % hatching 24h-1 % hatching 48h-1 A 10.9.2010 1 30 9 39 6 54 60 0.23 0.90 A 10.9.2010 2 286 61 347 36 341 377 0.18 0.90 A 10.9.2010 3 52 14 66 6 69 75 0.21 0.92 A 10.9.2010 4 47 13 60 3 27 30 0.22 0.90 A 10.9.2010 5 404 342 746 51 198 249 0.46 0.80 B 8.9.2010 1 215 51 266 104 132 236 0.19 0.56 B 8.9.2010 2 195 65 260 7 38 45 0.25 0.84 B 8.9.2010 3 138 70 208 44 168 212 0.34 0.79 B 8.9.2010 4 178 22 200 174 65 239 0.11 0.27 B 8.9.2010 5 408 64 472 90 105 195 0.14 0.54 B 8.9.2010 6 10 5 15 24 25 49 0.33 0.51 B 8.9.2010 7 80 12 92 20 51 71 0.13 0.72 B 8.9.2010 8 130 10 140 14 49 63 0.07 0.78 B 8.9.2010 9 52 14 66 13 31 44 0.21 0.70 C 6.9.2010 1 704 180 884 47 442 489 0.20 0.90 C 6.9.2010 2 45 15 60 11 40 51 0.25 0.78 C 6.9.2010 3 82 19 101 70 225 295 0.19 0.76 C 6.9.2010 4 15 19 34 9 61 70 0.56 0.87 C 6.9.2010 5 35 12 47 4 16 20 0.26 0.80