Model name,Atmosphere component,AMOC (Sv); closed/open seaway,Seaway depth (m),Net eastward flow through seaway (Sv),Remark,Reference for model,Reference for open-Panama experiment UVIC 3sh,Energy-moisture balance model,13/11,130,5,Vert. diffusivity: 0.3–1.3 cm2 s− 1,Weaver et al. (2001),Schneider and Schmittner (2006) UVIC 3in,Energy-moisture balance model,13/5,700,10,Vert. diffusivity: 0.3–1.3 cm2 s− 1,Weaver et al. (2001),Schneider and Schmittner (2006) UVIC 6sh,Energy-moisture balance model,18/17,130,7,Vert. diffusivity: 0.6–1.6 cm2 s− 1,Weaver et al. (2001),Schneider and Schmittner (2006) UVIC 6in,Energy-moisture balance model,18/13,700,16,Vert. diffusivity: 0.6–1.6 cm2 s− 1,Weaver et al. (2001),Schneider and Schmittner (2006) BREMIC/LSG,Simplified energy balance model,18/10,500,14,," [Maier-Reimer et al., 1993] and [Prange et al., 2003] ",This study MIT (OGCM),Mixed boundary conditions,31/28,1000,16,No Arctic Ocean,Marshall et al. (1997),Nisancioglu et al. (2003) HadCM3,General circulation model,20/10,370,8,Mid-Pliocene boundary conditions,Gordon et al. (2000),Lunt et al. (2008a) CCSM2,General circulation model,14/12,800,12,," [Kiehl and Gent, 2004] and [Prange, 2008] ",Steph et al. (2006a) CCSM3,General circulation model,16/8,1475,11,," [Collins et al., 2006] and [Yeager et al., 2006] ",This study KCM,General circulation model,14/11,1200,13,,Park et al. (2009),This study EC415(ECBILT-CLIO),Quasi-geostrophic circulation model,27/19,415,11,,"Goosse and Fichefet (1999), Opsteegh et al. (1998)",This study EC700(ECBILT-CLIO),Quasi-geostrophic circulation model,27/15,700,14,,"Goosse and Fichefet (1999), Opsteegh et al. (1998)",Prange and Schulz (2004)