POSEIDON 247 station and sample log Status: 14-JUL-1999 List of abbreviations: St : Station no. C : CTD cast no., monotonically increasing during the cruise; all casts to near bottom if not indicated else Wd : Water Depth Instr : Type of instrumentation or mooring or equipment DTRAP : Drifting sediment traps MN : Multiple closing plankton net NB2 : Neil Brown CTD, IFMK code NB2 with 12x12 l bottle rosette FSI : Falmouth Scientific CTD; IFMK code FSI1 with 24x10 l bottle rosette vADCP : vessel mounted RDI ADCP, 150 KHz PC-LOG: on-line log of GPS date, time, position, pitch & roll; near-surface T, S; meteorological data NOAA : national oceanic and atmospheric administration surface buoy CS : Core station with 2 casts for the ICCM Additional sensors on and samples taken from CTD/rosette: 1 F Fluorometer attached to CTD 2 A self-contained lowered RD Instruments ADCP S/N 599 attached to CTD/rosette 3 W self-contained lowered RD Instruments WorkHorse ADCP attached to rosette 4 O oxygen 5 N nutrients 6 C chlorophyll 7 S salt 8 R Ruhmor single corer attached to CTD/rosette frame 9 CO2 Alkalinity profile for CO2 system Date Time St C Latitude Longitude Wd Inst 1999 UTC UTC North West MMDD hhmm GG MM.MM GGG MM.MM [m] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0106 0830 sail from IFM Kiel begin of P247/1 0110 0900 start PC-LOG; start vADCP 0115 0847 vADCP off,; PC-LOG off 0115 0945 Pta. Delgada; end of P247/1 0116 1055 sail from Pta. Delgada begin of P247/2 0116 1130 start vADCP; start PC-Log 0117 1030 001 001 35 00.09 029 11.04 3616 NB2 R, S MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0118 0515 002 -99 35 00.00 031 00.0 3031 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0118 1120 002 002 34 57.7 031 04.3 3135 NB2 S 0119 1105 003 -99 32 06.0 031 39.0 4187 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0119 1212 003 003 32 07.14 031 41.57 4245 NB2 R, S 0119 2130 004 004 32 40.01 030 34.76 3293 NB2 R, S 0119 2310 004 -99 32 40.2 030 33.1 3236 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0121 0518 005 -99 33 35.0 026 10.0 4765 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0121 1135 005 005 33 36.2 026 07.9 4766 NB2 0122 2210 006 -99 35 50.0 020 30.0 5203 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0123 0718 006 006 35 49.4 020 25.8 5217 FSI A, S 0124 0130 007 -99 33 05.0 022 00.0 5226 MN 100 m, 700 m, 2000 m 0124 0900 008 -99 32 59.5 021 59.9 5217 V276-18 recover mooring K276 0124 1600 009 -99 32 43.1 021 58.8 5190 V369 recover mooring SQ2 0124 2025 010 007 33 00.06 021 59.97 5217 FSI A, CO2, S; near K276/L1 0125 1008 011 -99 32 58.1 022 00.5 5216 V276-19 set mooring K276/L1 0127 0950 012 -99 29 11.9 015 38.4 3616 V367-05 recover mooring; ESTOC 0127 1258 013 -99 29 09.5 015 40.6 3618 V367-06 set mooring; ESTOC 0127 1830 014 008 29 08.0 015 41.8 3618 FSI A, S; near ESTOC 0128 0857 vADCP off,; PC-LOG off 0128 1000 Las Palmas; end of P247/2 Date Time St Pr Latitude Longitude Wd Inst 1999 UTC UTC North West MMDD hhmm GG MM.MM GGG MM.MM [m] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0131 0900 sail from Las Palmas; begin of P247/3 0131 0945 start vADCP; start PC-LOG 0131 1049 -99 -99 28 20 015 26.0 3117 XBT 1 0131 1150 -99 -99 28 30 015 31.0 3539 XBT 2 0131 1200 015 009 28 30.4 015 31.1 3543 FSI 500 m; water for traps 0131 1339 -99 -99 28 40 015 35.2 3882 XBT 3 0131 1446 -99 -99 28 50 015 39.5 3595 XBT 4 0131 1550 -99 -99 29 00 015 43.5 3614 XBT 5 0131 1648 -99 -99 29 09 015 47.5 3623 XBT 6 0131 1809 016 010 29 03.41 015 47.50 3622 FSI 200 m; launch drifting trap T1 0131 2018 017 011 29 09.95 015 30.01 3609 FSI O, N, C, S; ESTOC Jan 1999 station; PN; launch NOAA buoy 0201 1110 018 -99 28 49.3 013 40.2 950 EBC5-03 recover mooring 0201 1400 019 -99 28 45.3 013 27.6 1290 EBC4-03 recover mooring 0201 1450 020 -99 28 44.0 013 19.1 1210 V377-03 recover mooring 0201 2009 021 012 28 40.5 013 07.1 844 FSI O, N, C, S 0202 0922 022 -99 28 45.5 013 27.4 1292 EBC4-04 set mooring 0202 1308 023 -99 28 44.1 013 19.0 1234 V377-04 set mooring 0202 1532 024 -99 28 42.1 013 09.7 1000 V378-03 recover mooring 0202 1902 025 013 28 42.98 013 17.97 1103 FSI O, N, C, S, FL 0202 2150 026 014 28 45.02 013 29.01 1277 FSI O, N, C, S, FL 0203 0052 027 016 28 47.52 013 40.03 1022 FSI O, N, C, S, FL 0203 0845 028 -99 29 00.3 013 56.9 1600 EBC6-01 set mooring 0203 1053 029 017 28 58.31 013 58.67 1597 FSI O, N, C, S, FL 0203 1800 Arrecife pilot; change of personnel 0203 2035 030 018 28 50.96 013 59.00 1567 FSI O, N, C, S 0204 0015 031 019 28 54.93 014 15.04 3008 FSI O, N, C, S 0204 0420 032 020 29 01.19 014 32.99 3390 FSI O, N, C, S 0204 1005 033 021 29 05.85 015 07.09 3580 FSI O, N, C, S 0204 1541 034 022 29 09.85 015 29.88 3609 FSI O, N, C, S; 800 m; CS 0204 1712 034 023 29 09.56 015 29.79 3609 FSI O, N, C, S; CS 0204 2303 035 024 29 09.92 016 00.08 3627 FSI O, N, C, S 0205 0600 036 -99 29 10.7 015 55.6 3640 service SBU buoy of DOMEST 0205 1421 037 -99 29 17.1 016 27.1 3718 recover T1; trap lost 0205 1518 038 025 29 09.99 016 30.09 3697 FSI O, N, C, S 0205 2107 039 026 29 10.00 017 00.76 3883 FSI O, N, C, S 0206 0325 040 027 29 10.04 017 30.06 3851 FSI O, N, C, S 0206 0911 041 028 29 09.94 017 59.97 3692 FSI O, N, C, S, 800 m; CS 0206 1111 041 029 29 09.00 018 00.63 3661 FSI O, N, C, S; CS 0206 1919 042 030 29 09.89 019 00.06 4410 FSI O, N, -, S; 6 bottles open 0206 1919 042 030 29 09.89 019 00.06 4410 FSI O, N, -, S; 6 bottles open 0207 0507 043 031 29 10.12 020 00.26 4593 FSI O, N, C, S 0207 1415 044 032 29 09.99 021 00.01 4716 FSI O, N, C, S 0207 2302 045 033 29 10.04 022 00.05 4892 FSI O, N, C, S; 800 m; CS 0208 0027 045 034 29 09.98 022 00.35 4893 FSI O, N, C, S; CS 0208 0825 046 -99 28 59.8 022 02.0 -99 V370 recover mooring SQ3 0209 0755 047 035 29 10.02 019 00.01 4411 FSI O, N, C, S; 2000 m; repeat upper part of St.42 0210 0600 048 -99 29 10.56 015 55.74 3640 mooring SBU of DOMEST; releaser position determined SBU buoy served 0210 1359 049 036 28 51.1 015 59.1 3552 FSI 500 m; test WH 0211 0200 vADCP profile finished; 0211 0730 vADCP off; PC-LOG off 0211 0800 Las Palmas; end of P247/3