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Number of items: 160.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

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Carlson, A. E., Clark, P. U., Haley, B., Klinkhammer, G. P., Simmons, K., Brook, E. J. and Meissner, K. J. (2007) Geochemical proxies of North American freshwater routing during the Younger Dryas cold event. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104 . pp. 6556-6561. DOI 10.1073/pnas.0611313104.

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Dorschel, B., Hebbeln, D., Rüggeberg, A. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Carbonate budget of a cold-water coral carbonate mound: Propeller Mound, Porcupine Seabight. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96 (1). pp. 73-83. DOI 10.1007/s00531-005-0493-0.

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Farkas, J., Böhm, F., Wallmann, K. , Blenkinsop, J., Eisenhauer, A. , Van Geldern, R., Munnecke, A., Voigt, S. and Veizer, J. (2007) Calcium isotope record of Phanerozoic oceans: Implications for chemical evolution of seawater and its causative mechanisms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (21). pp. 5117-5134. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2007.09.004.

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Gundelwein, A., Müller-Lupp, T., Sommerkorn, M., Haupt, E. T. K. and Pfeiffer, E. M. (2007) Carbon in tundra soils in the Lake Labaz region of arctic Siberia. European Journal of Soil Science, 58 (5). pp. 1164-1174. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2007.00908.x.

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Gutjahr, M. , Frank, M. , Stirling, C. H., Klemm, V., Van de Flierdt, T. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Reliable extraction of a deepwater trace metal isotope signal from Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide coatings of marine sediments. Chemical Geology, 242 . pp. 351-370. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.03.021.

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Henderson, G. M., Anderson, R. F., Adkins, J., Andersson, P., Eisenhauer, A. , Frank, M. and Oschlies, A. and SCOR Working Group (2007) GEOTRACES - An international study of the global marine biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry, 67 . pp. 85-131. DOI 10.1016/j.chemer.2007.02.001.

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Hensen, C. , Nuzzo, M., Hornibrook, E., Pinheiro, L. M., Bock, B., Magalhães, V. H. and Brückmann, W. (2007) Sources of mud volcano fluids in the Gulf of Cadiz - indications for hydrothermal imprint. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (5). pp. 1232-1248. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2006.11.022.

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Heuberger, S., Schaltegger, U., Burg, J. P., Villa, I. M., Frank, M. , Dawood, H. and Hussain, S. (2007) Age and isotopic constraints on magmatism along the Karakoram-Kohistan Suture Zone, NW-Pakistan: Evidence for subduction and continued convergence after India-Asia collision. Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 100 (1). pp. 85-107. DOI 10.1007/s00015-007-1203-7.

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Jakobsson, M., Backman, J., Rudels, B., Nycander, J., Frank, M. , Mayer, L., Jokat, W., Sangiorgi, F., O'Regan, M., Brinkhuis, H., King, J. and Moran, K. (2007) The Early Miocene onset of a ventilated circulation regime in the Arctic Ocean. Nature, 447 . pp. 986-990. DOI 10.1038/nature05924.

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Klemm, V., Reynolds, B. C., Frank, M. , Pettke, T. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Cenozoic changes in atmospheric lead recorded in central Pacific ferromanganese crusts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 253 . pp. 57-66. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.10.018.

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Lantzsch, H., Roth, S., Reijmer, J. and Kinkel, H. (2007) Sea-level related resedimentation processes on the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene). Sedimentology, 54 (6). pp. 1307-1322. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00882.x.

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Meister, P., McKenzie, J. A., Vasconcelos, C., Bernasconi, S., Frank, M. , Gutjahr, M. and Schrag, D. (2007) Dolomite formation in the dynamic deep biosphere: Results from the Peru margin. Sedimentology, 54 . pp. 1007-1032. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00870.x.

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Ni, Y., Foster, G. L., Elliot, T., Schmidt, D. N., Pearson, P., Haley, B. and Coath, C. (2007) A core top assessment of proxies for the ocean carbonate system in surface-dwelling foraminifers. Open Access Paleoceanography, 22 (PA3212). DOI 10.1029/2006PA001337.

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Razina, V. V., Polyakova, Y. I., Kassens, H. and Bauch, H. (2007) Evolution of postglacial vegetation in the Western Laptev Sea region (Siberian Arctic). Open Access Polarforschung, 76 (3). pp. 125-132.

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Regenberg, M., Nürnberg, D. , Schönfeld, J. and Reichart, G. J. (2007) Early diagenetic overprint in Caribbean sediment cores and its effect on the geochemical composition of planktonic foraminifera. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 4 . pp. 957-973. DOI 10.5194/bg-4-957-2007.

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Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. , Dorschel, B. and Hebbeln, D. (2007) Environmental changes and growth history of a cold-water carbonate mound (Propeller Mound, Porcupine Seabight). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96 (1). pp. 57-72. DOI 10.1007/s00531-005-0504-1.

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Schönfeld, J. and Numberger, L. (2007) The benthic foraminiferal response to the 2004 spring bloom in the western Baltic Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 65 . pp. 78-95. DOI 10.1016/j.marmicro.2007.06.003.

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Schönfeld, J. and Numberger, L. (2007) Seasonal dynamics and decadal changes of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the western Baltic Sea (NW Europe). Open Access Journal of Micropalaeontology, 26 . pp. 47-60. DOI 10.1144/jm.26.1.47.

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Siddal, M., Stocker, T. F., Henderson, G. M., Joos, F., Frank, M. , Edwards, N. R., Ritz, S. and Müller, S. A. (2007) Modelling the relationship between 231Pa/230Th distribution in North Atlantic sediment and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Open Access Paleoceanography, 22 (PA2214). DOI 10.1029/2006PA001358.

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Stepanova, A., Taldenkova, E., Simstich, J. and Bauch, H. A. (2007) Comparison study of the modern ostracod associations in the Kara and Laptev seas. Open Access Marine Micropaleontology, 63 (3-4). pp. 111-142.

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Talukder, A. R., Bialas, J. , Klaeschen, D. , Bürk, D., Brückmann, W. , Reston, T. J. and Breitzke, M. (2007) High-resolution, deep tow, multichannel seismic and sidescan sonar survey of the submarine mounds and associated BSR off Nicaragua pacific margin. Open Access Marine Geology, 241 (1-4). pp. 33-43. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.03.002.

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Toucanne, S., Mulder, T., Schönfeld, J., Hanquiez, V., Gonthier, E., Duprat, J., Cremer, M. and Zaragosi, S. (2007) Contourites of the Gulf of Cadiz: a high-resolution record of the paleocirculation of the Mediterranean outflow water during the last 50,000 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 246 (2/4). pp. 354-366. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.10.007.

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Van de Flierdt, T., Goldstein, S. L., Hemming, S., Roy, M., Frank, M. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Global neodymium-hafnium isotope systematics - revisited. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259 . pp. 432-441. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.05.003.

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Weldeab, S., Lea, D. W., Schneider, R. and Andersen, N. (2007) 155,000 years of West African monsoon and ocean thermal evolution. Science, 316 (5829). pp. 1303-1307. DOI 10.1126/science.1140461.

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Weldeab, S., Lea, D. W., Schneider, R. and Andersen, N. (2007) Centennial scale climate instabilities in a wet early Holocene West African monsoon. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 34 . L24702. DOI 10.1029/2007GL031898.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Coakley, B., Edmonds, H. N., Frey, K., Gascard, J. C., Grebmeier, J. M., Kassens, H., Thiede, J. and Wegner, C. (2007) Past, present, and future : a science program for the Arctic Ocean linking ancient and contemporary observations of change through modeling. A follow-up to the 2nd International Conference on Arctic Research Planning,19-21 November 2007, Potsdam, Germany . Open Access Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 88 (28). p. 287.

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Erbacher, J., Mutterlose, J., Wilmsen, M. and Wonik, T. and Wunstorf Drilling Scientific Party 2007 (2007) The Wunstorf Drilling Project: Coring a Global Stratigraphic Reference Section of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Open Access Scientific Drilling, 4 . pp. 19-21. DOI 10.2204/

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Francois, R., Frank, M. , Rutgers van der Loeff, M. M., Bacon, M. P., Geibert, W., Kienast, S., Anderson, R. F., Bradtmiller, L., Chase, Z., Henderson, G., Marcantonio, F. and Allen, S. A. (2007) Comment on "Do geochemical estimates of sediment focusing pass the sediment test in the equatorial Pacific?" by Lyle et al.. Open Access Paleoceanography, 22 (PA1216). DOI 10.1029/2005PA001235.

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Heck, P. R., Frank, M. , Anselmetti, F. S. and Kubik, P. W. (2007) Origin and age of submarine ferromanganese hardgrounds from the Marion Plateau, offshore northeast Australia. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results, 194 . pp. 1-22. DOI 10.2973/

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Hissmann, K. and Fricke, H. (2007) Diving Expedition to a Methuselah of the Sea. Open Access German Research, 2007 (2). pp. 14-19. DOI 10.1002/germ.200790023.

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Polyakov, I., Timokhov, L., Dmitrenko, I., Ivanov, V., Simmons, H., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Dickson, R., Fahrbach, E., Fortier, L., Gascard, J. C. and Hölemann, J. (2007) Observational program tracks Arctic Ocean transition to a warmer state. Open Access Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 88 (40). pp. 398-399.


Niebuhr, B., Hiss, M., Kaplan, U., Tröger, K. A., Voigt, S., Voigt, T., Wiese, F. and Wilmsen, M. (2007) Beitrag zur Stratigraphie von Deutschland: Lithostratigraphie der norddeutschen Oberkreide. . Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 55 . Dt. Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, Hannover. ISBN 978-3-510-49202-2

Book chapters

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Kassens, H., Dullo, W. C. and Kakhro, N. (2007) Gute Zusammenarbeit in eisigem Klima : deutsch-russische Wissenschaftskooperatinen in der Polar- und Meeresforschung = Teploe sotrudnichestvo v ledyanom klimate : rossiysko-germanskoe nauchnoe sotrudnichestvo v oblasti polyarnych i morskich issledovaniy. In: Nauka & Obrazovanie : Rossiysko-Germanskoe Sotrudnichestvo = Wissenschaft & Bildung : Deutsch-Russische Kooperationsprojekte. . Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung, 2007,Sonderh. . Martens Verl., Moskau, pp. 24-25.

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Kassens, H., Thiede, J. , Bauch, H. , Hoelemann, J. A., Dmitrenko, I., Pivovarov, S., Priamikov, S., Timokhov, L. and Wegner, C. (2007) The Laptev Sea system since the last glacial. In: Coastline Changes: Interrelation of Climate and Geological Processes. , ed. by Hauff, H.. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 426 . Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colo., USA, pp. 89-96. DOI 10.1130/2007.2426(06).

Kucera, M. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) The origin of modern oceanic foraminiferal faunas and Neogene climate change. In: Deep-Time Perspectives on Climate Change: Marrying the Signal from Computer Models and Biological Proxies. , ed. by Williams, M., Haywood, A. M., Gregory, J. and Schmidt, D. N.. The Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications . Geological Society Publishing House, London, pp. 409-425. ISBN 978-1-86239-240-3

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Latif, M. , Keenlyside, N. S., Bader, J. and Hetzinger, S. (2007) Understanding hurricane development. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR Report: From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. ; 2006 , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 19-20.

Rein, B., Lückge, A., Dullo, W. C. , Reinhardt, L. and Sirocko, F. (2007) Abrupt changes of El Niño activity during stage MIS . In: The climate of past interglacials. , ed. by Sirocko, F., Sanchez-Goni, M. F., Litt, T. and Claussen, M.. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 305-322 . ISBN 978-0-444-52955-8

Rein, B., Lückge, A., Reinhardt, L., Sirocko, F. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Abrupt changes of El Niño activity during stage MIS 5e-d. In: The climate of the past interglacials. , ed. by Sirocko, F., Litt, T., Claussen, M. and Sanchez-Goni, M. F.. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 305-322.

Stepanova, A. Y., Taldenkova, E. E. and Baukh, K. A. (2007) Skorost′ smeny soobshchestv ostrakod na shel′fe morya Laptevykh v khode poslelednikovyouy transgressi morya (The rate of ostracodal assemblage replacement on the Laptev Sea shelf during the postglacial transgression, in Russian). In: Evstaticheskie kolebaniya uroviya morja v Fanerozoe i reakciya na nikh morskoy byoti : materialy soobshchaniya, Moskva, 13.11.2007 g. (Proceedings of the Conference Eustatic Sea-Level Oscillations During the Phanerozoic and Their Influence on Biota, Moskcow, 13.11.2007, in Russian). . Paleontologicheskiy Institut RAN, Moskva, Rossiya, pp. 71-82.

Voigt, S., Suhr, P. and Voigt, T. (2007) Exkursion E2 Sächsische Kreide. In: Fossile Ökosysteme : Exkursionsführer zur 77. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft. , ed. by Elicki, O. and Schneider, J. W.. Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen / Institut für Geologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg . Inst. für Geologie, Freiberg, pp. 49-64.


Andersson, P. S., Porcelli, D., Frank, M. , Björk, G., Dahlqvist, R. and Gustafsson, Ö. (2007) The sources of Nd isotopes in Arctic Ocean water. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 20.-24.08, Köln .

Backman, J., Jakobsson M., Frank, M. , Sangiorgi, F., Brinkhuis, H., Sluis, A., Stickley, C. and Gattacecca, J. (2007) Age/Depth relationships for the ACEX sedimentary section recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge. [Talk] In: First Conference on Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes (APEX). , 28.-29.3, Stockholm, Schweden .

Bauch, H. (2007) Apple or Orange? - Validity check of MIS 11 as climate analogue. [Talk] In: INQUA-Morss Workshop on MIS 11. , 29.-31.01, Woods Hole (USA) .

Bauch, H. (2007) A key case for Quaternary paleoclimatology: The Eemian controversy in the Arctic. [Talk] In: First Conference on Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes (APEX). , 28.-29.03, Stockholm (Sweden) .

Bauch, H. (2007) Reconstructing the late Quaternary history of the North Eurasian margin: Present status and future perspectives. [Invited talk] In: Workshop in Arctic Natural Climate Change. , 12.-14.11, Tromsoe (Norway) .

Bauch, H. (2007) Vergangene Warmzeiten und das Klima der Zukunft. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 19.11, Kiel (Germany) .

Bauch, H. (2007) Vergangene Warmzeiten und das Klima der Zukunft: Die Nordpolarregion als Fallstudie. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 06.07, Mainz (Germany) .

Böhm, F., Amini, M., Blenkinsop, J., Buhl, D., Eisenhauer, A. , Farkas, J., Von Geldern. R., Gussone, N., Heuser, A., Munnecke, A., Veizer, J., Voigt, S. and Wallmann, K. (2007) Calcium isotope budget of the Phanerozoic ocean. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 21.08, Köln .

Delacour, A., Früh-Green, G. L., Bernasconi, S. M., Schaeffer, P., Frank, M. , Gutjahr, M. and Kelley, D. S. (2007) Influence of high fluid fluxes on sulfur and carbon speciation of serpentinites of the Atlantis Massif. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Dmitrenko, I., Polaykov, I. V., Kirillov, S. A., Timokhov, L. A., Frolov, I. E., Sokolov, H. L., Simmons, H. L., Ivanov, V. V. and Walsh, D. (2007) Towards a warmer Arctic Ocean: Spreading of the early 21st century Atlantic water warmer anomaly along the Eurasian Basin margins. [Talk] In: IUGG XXIV General Assembly "Earth, Our Changing Planet". , 02.07.-13.07.2007, Perugia, Italy .

Dullo, W. C. (2007) Coldwater Coral Reefs along the European Continental Margin. [Talk] In: XVII. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz (School) für Marine Geologie "Geologie der Meere und Ozeane". , 12.-16.11, Moskau .

Dullo, W. C. (2007) Das größte Barriere-Riff der Welt: Die Kaltwasserkorallengürtel um Europa von Rhodos zum Nordkap. [Talk] In: Deutsch-Norwegisches Studienzentrum und Geologisches Institut. , 22.09, Tromsoe/Norwegen .

Dullo, W. C. (2007) Die Kaltwasserkorallen am europäischen Kontinentalrand: Das größte Barriere Riff der Welt. [Talk] In: Eröffnungsvortrag zur Wanderausstellung "Kaltwasser-Korallen". , 13.09, Magdeburg .

Dullo, W. C. (2007) Von der Tiefsee zum Hochgebirge. [Talk] In: Öffentlicher Vortrag, Gemeindesaal La Punt. , 30.08, La Punt, Schweiz .

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Dullo, W. C. , Freiwald, A., Rüggeberg, A. and Taviani, M. (2007) Cold-water coral reefs around Europe - hotspots from the central Mediterranean. [Talk] In: 38th CIESM Congress. , 12.04, Istanbul, Turkey .

Dullo, W. C. , Rüggeberg, A. and Flögel, S. (2007) Water mass dynamics around coral mounds. [Talk] In: ESF Workshop on Marine Research Drilling (Magellan Workshop Series) - Exploring Escarpment Mud Mound Systems and Mud Volcanoes with new European strategies for sustainable mid-depth coring. , 26.-29.04, Murten, Schweiz .

Dullo, W. C. , Rüggeberg, A. and Flögel, S. (2007) Watermasses of the NE-Atlantic. [Talk] In: Magellan Workshop. , 06, Murten, Switzerland .

Dürkop, A., Zuraida, R., Holbourn, A., Kuhnt, W., Nürnberg, D. and Andersen, N. (2007) Variabilität des Indonesischen Durchstroms (ITF) und des australasiatischen Klimas auf sub-orbitalen Zeitskalen während der Marinen Isotopenstadien 2 und 3. [Talk] In: Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 14.02.-15.02.2007, Kiel . Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE : Tagungsband. ; pp. 119-122 .

Flögel, S., Wagner, T. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Validation and use of General Circulation Models (GCMs) for past and future hydrological studies. [Talk] In: AGU Annual Meeting. , 12, San Francisco/USA .

Frank, M. (2007) Beryllium-Isotope als Tracer in der (Paläo)Ozeanographie und Paläomagnetik. [Talk] In: 1. Nutzerworkshop für 6MV Hochleistungs-Beschleuniger Massenspektrometer. , 09.11, Köln .

Frank, M. (2007) The importance of Constant Flux proxies in Paleoceanography. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 24.8, Köln .

Frank, M. (2007) Natürliche Radionuklide als Tracer im rezenten Ozean und in der Paläozeanographie. [Talk] In: Institutsseminar Mineralogisches Institut, Universität Hannover. , 03.12, Hannover .

Frank, M. (2007) Tracing Ocean Circulation and Continental Weathering with Radiogenic Isotopes. [Talk] In: Institutsseminar. , 20.03, Strasbourg, Frankreich .

Frank, M. (2007) Tracing Past Ocean Circulation and Continental Weathering with Radiogenic Isotopes. [Talk] In: Institutsseminar CRPG. , 08.03, Nancy, Frankreich .

Haeckel, M. , Liebetrau, V., Linke, P. , Reitz, A., Schneider, J. , Schönfeld, J. and Vanneste, H. (2007) Sources and rates of fluid flow at mud volcanoes - examples from the Gulf of Cadiz. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 10.-15.12, San Francisco, USA .

Haley, B. A., Frank, M. , Spielhagen, R. and Fietzke, J. (2007) The radiogenic isotope record of Arctic Ocean circulation and weathering inputs of the past 15 million years. [Talk] In: 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV) - The Oceans in the Earth System, International Conference 2007. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Haley, B., Frank, M. and Spielhagen, R. (2007) Cosmogenic and radiogenic isotope records from the late Cenozoic Arctic Ocean. [Talk] In: First Conference on Arctic Palaeoclimate and its Extremes (APEX). , 28.-29.03, Stockholm, Schweden .

Haley, B., Frank, M. , Spielhagen, R. and Eisenhauer, A. (2007) The Pb Isotope Evolution of Arctic Ocean Intermediate Water over the past 16 million years. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 20.08, Köln .

Harders, R., Brückmann, W., Feeser, V., Hensen, C. , Kutterolf, S. and Mörz, T. (2007) Ash layers: the controlling factor on translational sliding offshore Central America?. [Talk] In: 20. Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences, LAK. , 10.04.-13.04, Kiel .

Hay, W. W. and Flögel, S. (2007) Differences between modern and Cretaceous oceans. [Talk] In: IGCP 555 Conference. , 10, Daquing/China .

Hennings, I. and Herbers, D. (2007) The expected potential of TerraSAR-X high resolution spotlight mode data for shallow sea bottom topography imaging. [Talk] In: EARSeL International 3rd Workshop Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone. , 07.-09.06, Bolzano, Italy .

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Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W. C. , Keenlyside, N., Latif, M. and Zinke, J. (2007) Caribbean brain coral tracks Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and past hurricane intensity. [Talk] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Kandiano, E. (2007) Late Quaternary climate change. [Talk] In: Wellingdorfer Gymnasium. , 16.01, Kiel .

Kandiano, E., Bauch, H. and Gorodinskiy, A. (2007) Comparison of interglacial climate dynamics in the North Atlantic during the last 420.000 years: Evidence from foraminifera assemblages. [Talk] In: XVII International Conference on Marine Geology. , 12.-17.11, Moscow .

Kassens, H. (2007) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in Sibirien. [Talk] In: 2nd Internationale Georg von Neumayer Symposium. , 20.-23.09, Bad Dürkheim .

Kassens, H. (2007) Laptev Sea Systems. [Talk] In: Annual Conference Arctic Frontiers Tromsø. , 23.-26.01, Tromsø, Norwegen .

Kassens, H. (2007) The results of the joint fifteen years of Russian-German investigations in the Arctic. [Talk] In: 27th International Scientific School for Marine Geology on Geology of the Seas and Oceans. , 12.-16.11, Moskau, Russland .

Kassens, H. and Deming, J. (2007) International Arctic Polynya Program (IAPP): Annual report to the AOSB. [Talk] In: 26th Meeting of the Arctic Ocean Sciences Board. , 18.03, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA .

Kuhnt, W., Flögel, S., Holbourn, A. and Wallmann, K. (2007) Onset and spread of Cretaceous Anoxia. [Talk] In: IGCP 555 Conference. , 10, Chenzou, China .

Liebetrau, V., Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Flögel, S., Linke, P. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) Combined application of stable strontium (Delta88/86Sr) and U-Th isotope systematics on cold-water corals from the Gulf of Cadiz: a new proxy for Holocene changes of the Mediterranean outflow. [Talk] In: The Oceans in the Earth System, International Conference 2007 and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV). , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Liebetrau, V., Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Flögel, S., Linke, P. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) Combined application of stable strontium (Delta88/86Sr) and U-Th isotope systematics on cold-water corals from the Gulf of Cadiz: a new proxy for Holocene changes of the Mediterranean outflow. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2007. , 08, Köln .

Liebetrau, V., Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Flögel, S., Linke, P. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) Stable strontium (δ88/86Sr) and U-Th isotope systematics of cold-water corals: a combined proxy for Holocene changes of the Mediterranean outflow. [Talk] In: AGU Annual Meeting. , 12, San Francisco/USA .

Noé, S., Lembke-Jene, L. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Skelettbildung, Wachstumsmodus und Biomineralisation tiefmariner isidider Gorgonien (Octocorallia) aus dem westlichen Pazifik (Ochotskisches Meer, Neuseeland). [Talk] In: Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 14.02.-15.02.2007, Kiel . Statusseminar 2007 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE : Tagungsband. ; pp. 61-62 .

Nürnberg, D. (2007) Gulf of Mexico LOOP Current variability, fluvial discharge and Atlantic THC. Okhotsk Sea during the past 15.000 years: implications for forcings and teleconnections. [Talk] In: ESF-FWF Conference "Ocean Controls in Abrupt Climate Change". , 19.-24.05, Obergurgl, Österreich .

Polovodova, I. , Nikulina, A., Schönfeld, J. and Belozersky, G. (2007) Recent benthic foraminifera in moderate polluted environment: a case study from Kiel Fjord. [Talk] In: Foraminiferal and Nannofossil Joint Spring Meeting. , 07.-08.06, Angers, France .

Rickli, J., Frank, M. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Hafnium and Neodymium isotopes in Atlantic Ocean Waters. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Rickli, J., Frank, M. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Hafnium and Neodymium isotopes in Atlantic Ocean Waters. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 20.-24.08, Köln .

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. , Eisenhauer, A. , Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V. and Freiwald, A. (2007) Stable strontium isotopes (Delta88/86Sr) in cold-water corals - a new proxy for recostruction of intermediate ocean water temperatures. [Talk] In: The Oceans in the Earth System, International Conference 2007; 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV). , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Rüggeberg, A., v. Reumont, J., Flögel, S. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Water mass dynamics around coral mounds. [Talk] In: Post-Cruise Meeting P346. , 27.07, Bremen, Germany .

Schönfeld, J. (2007) Anthropogenic influences on benthic foraminiferal assemblages. [Talk] In: Workshop Human Impact on Marine Benthic Ecosystems. , 16.01, Utrecht, Niederlande .

Ueberschär, B., Müller, G., Lehmhaus, F. W. and Hoffmann-Wieck, G. (2007) Von wegen „Stumm wie ein Fisch" : Interaktive Ausstellung (gefördert vom BMBF, DFG). [Public Lecture] In: Gesamtausstellung "Sprache ist mehr als Worte“, Ausstellungsschiff „MS-Wissenschaft“. , 05.06.-07.10.2007, Kiel (und andere) .

Van de Flierdt, T., Goldstein, S. L., Hemming, S. R., Frank, M. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) Global Neodymium-Hafnium isotope systematics - revisited. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 20.-24.08, Köln .

van den Bogaard, C. (2007) KALMAR - Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems: Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in Space and Time. [Talk] In: Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS. , 22.03, Petropawlowsk-Kamtschatskij, Russland .

Voigt, S. (2007) Die Erde als Treibhaus - der globale Klimawandel vorgestern und heute. [Talk] In: Abendvortrag an der Fachschule für Technik "Julius Weisbach". , 09.11, Freiberg .

Voigt, S. (2007) Die Erde als Treibhaus: Klimaänderungen während der Kreidezeit. [Talk] In: Abendvortrag am Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz. , 16.05, Chemnitz .

Voigt, S. (2007) Ozeanisch anoxische Events in der Kreide: zufällig oder orbital gesteuert?. [Talk] In: Institutskolloquium des Institutes für Geologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg. , 24.01, Freiberg .

Voigt, S. (2007) Quantifizierung eustatischer Meeresspiegelschwankungen am Beispiel der Klippenfazies von Coschütz. [Talk] In: Festkolloquium zum 75. Geburtstag von Karl-Armin Tröger. , 18.01, Freiberg .

Voigt, S. (2007) Randmarine sedimentäre Systeme als Archiv für den Paläoklimawandel. [Talk] In: Vortrag im Rahmen der Neubesetzung der W2 Professur für Sedimentologie, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Universität Leipzig. , 10.07, Leipzig .

Voigt, S. (2007) Reconstruction fo Late Cretaceous - Paleogene palaeotemperatures (stable isotopes in brachiopods and shark teeth). [Talk] In: Institutskolloquium, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen. , 11.05, Copenhagen .

Voigt, S., Aurag, A., Leis, F. and Kaplan, U. (2007) Cretaceous high-resolution carbon isotope stratigraphy: a tool to decipher orbitally forced changes in the global carbon cycle?. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 17.04, Vienna, Austria .

Voigt, S. and Erbacher, J. (2007) Evidence for millenial scale oxic-anoxic oscillations during OAE 2 - The Oceans in the Earth System. [Talk] In: International Conference 2007 and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V.. , 05.10, Bremen .

Voigt, S., Zacke, A., Joachimski, M. M. and Gale, A. S. (2007) Surface water freshening and high-latitude river discharge in the Eocene North Sea. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Konferenz 2007. , 22.08, Köln .

Wagner, T., Beckmann, B., Flögel, S. and Hofmann, P. (2007) Consequences of regional variations in Mid-Cretaceous hydrologic cycling on tropical Atlantic ocean redox and marine sedimentation. [Talk] In: EGU Annual Meeting. , 05, Vienna, Austria .

Weldeab, S., Lea, D. W., Schneider, R. R. and Andersen, N. (2007) 155,000 years of West African monsoon and ocean thermal evolution. [Talk] In: International Conference and Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung. , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Weldeab, S., Lea, D. W., Schneider, R. R. and Andersen, N. (2007) 155,000 years of West African monsoon and ocean thermal evolution. [Talk] In: PAGES-IMAGES-NSF Workshop. , 30.05.-2.6, Trins, Austria .

Zinke, J., Pfeiffer, M., Timm, O. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Circum Indian Ocean marine and terrestrial records of climate variability: investigating land-ocean interaction since A.D. 1650. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Conference posters

Bauch, D. , Gröger, M., Hölemann, J., Taldenkova, E., Mackensen, A. and Andersen, N. (2007) Sea-ice and River Water Inventories Along the Laptev Sea Continental Slope Derived From Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition Within the Water Column. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 09-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Bauch, H. and Spielhagen, R. (2007) Evidence for systematic geographical shifts in North-Eurasian ice sheet extent during the Quaternary. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9). , 03.-07.09, Shanghai (China) .

Beckmann, B., März, C., Flögel, S., Wagner, T. and Hofmann, P. (2007) Geochemical record of ocean oxygenation and related organic carbon burial in the Late Cretaceous western tropical Atlantic at Demerara Rise. [Poster] In: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting. , 10, Bremen .

Flögel, S., Pfannkuche, O. and and the shipboard scientific party (2007) Preliminary results of the Maria S. Merian cruise 1-3, Gulf of Cadiz. [Poster] In: HERMES Annual Meeting. , 04, Carvoeiro, Portugal .

Frank, M. , Haley, B., Spielhagen, R. and Eisenhauer, A. (2007) The evolution of Arctic Ocean Circulation over the past 15 Myr.. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). , 3.-7.09, Shanghai, China .

Haeckel, M. , Berndt, C. , Liebetrau, V., Linke, P. , Reitz, A., Schönfeld, J. and Vanneste, H. (2007) Genesis and rates of fluid flow at the Mercator mud volcano, Gulf of Cadiz. [Poster] In: 17. Goldschmidt Conference 2007. , 19.-24.08.2007, Köln .

Haley, B. A., Frank, M. , Spielhagen, R. and Fietzke, J. (2007) The radiogenic isotope record of Arctic Ocean circulation and weathering inputs over the past 15 million years. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Kandiano, E. and Bauch, H. (2007) A comparative study of last interglacial climate dynamics in the polar and subpolar North Atlantic. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9). , 03.-07.09, Shanghai (China) .

Kandiano, E., Gorodinskiy, A., Helmke, J. and Bauch, H. (2007) Duration and temperature extent of MIS 9 in the North Atlantic. [Poster] In: 17. International Conference on Marine Geology. , 12.-17.11.2007, Moscow, Russia .

Karas, C. and Nürnberg, D. (2007) The late Miocene to Pliocene constriction of the Indonesian Gateway and its impact on ocean circulation and climate. [Poster] In: IODP Topical Symposium: North Atlantic Arctic Climate Variability Date. , 15.-16.08, Bremen, Germany .

Kassens, H. (2007) Streik in der Eisfabrik: Auswirkungen des Klimawandels in Sibirien. [Poster] In: Kieler Woche 2007 - Aquariumsvorträge, Polare Nächte 2007: Ringvorlesung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung e.V. - Internationales Polarjahr 2007/2008. , 18.06, Kiel .

Klyuvitkina, T., Polyakova, Y. and Bauch, H. (2007) Paleoceanography of the Laptev Sea under postglacial sea level rise based on aquatic palynomorph assemblages. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9). , 03.-07.09, Shanghai (China) .

[thumbnail of Abstract]

Langenbacher, J., Riethdorf, J. R. and Schwarzer, K. (2007) Influence of late Pleistocene to Holocene development on recent sediment distribution patterns in the southern part of Lübeck Bay, western Baltic Sea. [Poster] In: The Oceans in the Earth System, International Conference and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung e.V.. , 01.10.-05.10.2007, Bremen, Germany .

Lembke-Jene, L., Tiedemann, R., Nürnberg, D. , Obzhirov, A. I. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Variable Holocene methane emissions from cold seeps in the Okhotsk Sea - links to seismo-tectonic activity?. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Liebetrau, V., Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Flögel, S., Linke, P. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) Stable Strontium (δ88/86Sr) and U-Th systematics of cold-water corals as new proxy for holocene changes of the Mediterranean outflow. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 12, San Francisco, USA .

Liebetrau, V., Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Flögel, S., Linke, P. and Schönfeld, J. (2007) Stable strontium (δ88/86Sr) and U-Th systematics of cold-water corals as new proxy for Holocene changes of the Mediterranean outflow. [Poster] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 08, Köln .

Ling, H. F., Jiang, S. Y., Frank, M. , Zhou, H. Y., Zhou, F. and Lu, Z. L. (2007) Cenozoic Pb, Nd, and Hf isotope evolution of deep water in the central North Pacific Ocean: Implications for paleoenvironemental change. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). , 03.-07.09, Shanghai, China .

Muiños, S., Frank, M. , Maden, C., Hein, J. R., Lebreiro, S. M., Gaspar, L., Monteiro, J. H., van de Flierdt, T. and Halliday, A. N. (2007) New constraints on the Pb and Nd isotopic evolution of NE Atlantic water masses. [Poster] In: The Oceans in the Earth System, International Conference 2007 and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV). , 01.-05.10, Bremen .

Nikulina, A., Polovodova, I., Schönfeld, J., Belozersky, G. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) The response of living benthic foraminifera to environmental geochemistry in the Kiel Bight, south-western Baltic Sea: preliminary results. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Nikulina, A., Polovodova, I., Schönfeld, J. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Living benthic foraminifera distribution in the Flensburg Fjord (western Baltic Sea). [Poster] In: Foraminiferal and Nannofossil Joint Spring Meeting. , 07.-08.06, Angers, France .

Nürnberg, D. , Ziegler, M. and Karas, C. (2007) Gulf of Mexico LOOP Current variability over the past 400 kyrs and its relation to Mississippi discharge, ITCZ and Atlantic THZ. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography. , 03.-07.09, Shanghei, China .

Polyakova, Y., Stein, R. and Bauch, H. (2007) Evolution of postglacial environments on the Siberian shelf of Eurasia inferred from diatom assemblages. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9). , ß3.-07.09, Shanghai (China) .

Ponomareva, V., Portnyagin, M. , Juschus, O., Bindeman, I. and van den Bogaard, C. (2007) Kamchatka as a source of tephra layers in the Elgygytgyn Lake sediments. [Poster] In: El'gygytgyn Lake Workshop 2007. , 01.-03.11, Köln, Germany .

Ramdani, M. and Flögel, S. (2007) Zooplankton, phytoplankton and benthic communities associated to the cold water corals in the Bay of Cadiz. [Poster] In: HERMES Annual Meeting. , 04, Carvoeiro, Portugal .

Rozhkova, A., Dmitrenko, I., Bauch, D. , Hölemann, J. and Timokhov, L. (2007) Transformation of the Barents Sea inflow of the Atlantic water in the western Laptev Sea in 2005-2006: Impact of the upstream atmospheric circulation. [Poster] In: IUGG XXIV General Assembly "Earth, Our Changing Planet". , 02-13.07, Perugia, Italy .

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. , Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Liebetrau, V. and Freiwald, A. (2007) Stable isotopes and element ratio studies on Lophelia pertusa (L.). [Poster] In: DFG Geokommission. , 28.-30.06, Weimar, Germany .

Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Dullo, W. C. and Freiwald, A. (2007) First stable strontium isotopes (Delta88/86Sr) from cold-water corals - new proxy for intermediate water temperatures. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. , 15.-20.04, Vienna, Austria .

Schönfeld, J., Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. and Pfannkuche, O. (2007) Mid-depth circulation in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean recorded in coral mounds from the Porcupine Seabight. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). , 3.-7.09, Shanghai, China .

Schönfeld, J., Sommer, S., Pfannkuche, O. and Dullo, W. C. (2007) Benthic foraminifera from mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz: food and oxygen decoupled?. [Poster] In: Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting. , 07-08.06, Angers .

Sellen, E., Jakobsson, M., Kubik, P. W. and Frank, M. (2007) Beryllium isotope dating of sediment cores from the Alpha Ridge, Arctic Ocean. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2007. , 10.-14.12, San Francisco, USA .

Stepanova, A. Y., Taldenkova, E. E. and Bauch, H. (2007) The rate of ostracod assemblage dynamics - quick response to climate change. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP9). , 03.09.-07.09.2007, Shanghai, China .

Taldenkova, E., Bauch, H. , Stepanova, A., Ovsepyan, Y., Pogodina, I. and Kassens, H. (2007) Microfossil evidence of Atlantic-derived water mass inflows at the western Laptev Sea continental margin. [Poster] In: 1st Conference on Arctic Paleoclimate and its Extremes (APEX). , 28.-29.03, Stockholm, Schweden .

Taldenkova, E., Bauch, H. , Stepanova, A., Ovsepyan, Y., Pogodina, I. and Kassens, H. (2007) Postglacial and Holocene inflows of Atlantic-derived waters to the western Laptev Sea continental margin. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography. , 03.-07.09, Shanghai, China .

Taldenkova, E., Bauch, H. , Stepanova, A., Ovsepyan, Y., Pogodina, I. and Kassens, H. (2007) New data on Atlantic-derived waters inflow and paleogeography of the Laptev Sea during the Postglacial and Holocene (fossil microfossil assemblages studies). [Poster] In: V. All-Russian Conference on the Quaternary Period. , 07.-09.11, Moskau, Russland .

van den Bogaard, C., Dullo, W. C. , Baranov, B. V. and Georgeleit, K. (2007) KALMAR - The German-Russian multidisciplinary research project "Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems: Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in Space and Time". [Poster] In: El'gygytgyn Lake Workshop 2007. , 01.-03.11, Köln, Germany .

Van Nieuwenhove, N. and Bauch, H. (2007) Surface ocean conditions in the Norwegian Sea during the last interglacial: evidence from dinocyst and foraminiferal assemblages. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). , 3.-7.09, Shanghai, China .

Voigt, S., Wilmsen, M., Erbacher, J., Mutterlose, J., Wiese, F. and Wonik, T. (2007) Coring a global stratigraphic Reference Section of OAE 2: first results of the Wunstorf Drilling Project. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly. , 04, Vienna, Austria .

Weldeab, S., Lea, D. W., Schneider, R. R. and Andersen, N. (2007) 155,000 years of West African monsoon and ocean thermal evolution. [Poster] In: 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP). , 02.-07.9, Shanghai, China .

Zuraida, R., Nürnberg, D. , Duerkop, A., Kuhnt, W. and Holbourn, A. (2007) Changes in the vertical structure of the Indonesian throughflow during Marine Isotope Stage 3. [Poster] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 03.-07.09, Shanghai, China .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Amini, M. (2007) The role of high- and low-temperature ocean crust alteration for the marine calcium budget. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 73 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

Reports - other reports


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