Number of items: 273.
Alexandrov, V. Y.,
Martin, T. 
Kolatschek, J.,
Eicken, H.,
Kreyscher, M. and
Makshtas, A. P.
Sea ice circulation in the Laptev Sea and ice export to the Arctic Ocean: Sea ice circulation in the Laptev Sea and ice export to the Arctic Ocean: Results from satellite remote sensing and numerical modeling.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 105
pp. 17-143.
Bialas, J. and
Kukowski, N., eds.
FS SONNE FAHRTBERICHT SO146/1&2 / CRUISE REPORT SO146/1&2 GEOPECO : GEOphysical experiments at the PEruvian COntinental margin investigations of tectonics, mechanics, gashydrates, and fluid transport; Arica- Talcahuano, March 1 - May 4, 2000.

GEOMAR-Report, 096
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel, 502 pp.
Biebow, N.,
Lüdmann, T.,
Karp, B. and
Kulinich, R., eds.
KOMEX: Kurile Okhotsk Sea Marine Experiment Cruise Reports: KOMEX V and VI ; RV Professor Gagarinsky Cruise 26, MV Marshal Gelovany Cruise 1, Vladivostok - Pusan - Okhotsk Sea - Pusan - Vladivostok, 30 July - 5 September, 1999.

GEOMAR-Report, 088
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel , 308 pp.
Boebel, O.,
Anderson-Fontana, S.,
Schmid, C.,
Ansorge, I.,
Lazarevich, P.,
Lutjeharms, J. R. E.,
Prater, M.,
Rossby, T. and
Zenk, W.
KAPEX RAFOS Float Data Report 1997-1999, part A: The Agulhas- and South Atlantic Current Components.

Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 318
Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany, 194 pp.
Boetius, A.,
Ravenschlag, K.,
Schubert, C. J.,
Rickert, D.,
Widdel, F.,
Gieseke, A.,
Amann, R.,
Jorgensen, B. B.,
Witte, U. and
Pfannkuche, O.
A marine microbial consortium apparently mediating abaerobic oxidation of methane.
Nature, 407
pp. 623-626.
Böhm, F.,
Joachimski, M. M.,
Dullo, W. C. 
Eisenhauer, A. 
Lehnert, H.,
Reitner, J. and
Wörheide, G.
Oxygen isotope fractionation in marine aragonite of coralline sponges.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64
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Bohrmann, G.,
Linke, P.,
Suess, E. and
Pfannkuche, O., eds.
TECFLUX - I - 1999 :
JUNE 29 - SEPTEMBER 6 , 1999 ;
Leg S0143-1a: Honolulu - Astoria
June 29 - July 12, 1999,
Leg S0143-1b: Astoria - Astoria
July 14 - July 30, 1999
Leg S0143-2: Astoria - Astoria
July 31 - August 25, 1999,
Leg S0143-3: Astoria - San Diego
August 26 - September 6 , 1999.

GEOMAR-Report, 093
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für Marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel, 248 pp.
Bornemann, H.,
Kreyscher, M.,
Ramdohr, S.,
Martin, T. 
Carlini, A.,
Sellmann, L. and
Plötz, J.
Southern elephant seal movements and Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctic Science, 12
pp. 3-15.
Boyd, P.,
Watson, A. J.,
Law, C. S.,
Abraham, E. R.,
Trull, T.,
Murdoch, R.,
Bakker, D. C.,
Bowie, A. R.,
Buesseler, K. O.,
Chang, H.,
Charette, M.,
Croot, P.,
Downing, K.,
Frew, R.,
Gall, M.,
Hadfield, M.,
Hall, J.,
Harvey, M.,
Jameson, G.,
LaRoche, J.,
Liddicoat, M.,
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Maldonado, M.,
McKay, R. M.,
Nodder, R. M.,
Pickmere, S.,
Pridmore, R.,
Rintoul, S.,
Safi, K.,
Sutton, P.,
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Turner, S.,
Waite, A. and
Zeldis, J.
A mesoscale phytoplankton bloom in the polar Southern Ocean stimulated by iron fertilization.
Nature, 407
pp. 695-702.
Braithwaite, C. J. R.,
Montaggioni, L. F.,
Camoin, G. F.,
Dalmasso, H. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Origins and development of Holocene reefs: a revisited model based on boreholes in the Seychelles, Western Indian Ocean.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89
pp. 431-445.
Daly, K. L.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Smith, W. O.,
Skoog, A.,
Lara, R.,
Gosselin, M.,
Falck, E. and
Yager, P.
Non-Redfield carbon and nitrogen cycling in the Arctic: Effects of ecosystem structure and dynamics.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 104
pp. 3185-3199.
Dando, P. R.,
Aliani, S.,
Arab, H.,
Bianchi, C. N.,
Brehmer, M.,
Cocito, S.,
Fowler, S. W.,
Gundersen, J.,
Hooper, L. E.,
Koelbl, R.,
Kuever, J.,
Linke, P. 
Makropoulos, K.,
Meloni, R.,
Miquel, J. C.,
Morri, C.,
Mueller, S.,
Robinson, C.,
Schlesner, H.,
Sievert, S.,
Stoehr, R.,
Stueben, D.,
Thomm, M.,
Varnavas, S. and
Ziebis, W.
Hydrothermal studies in the Aegean Sea.
Physics and Chemistry of The Earth Part B-Hydrology Oceans and Atmosphere, 25
pp. 1-8.
Dehairs, F.,
Fagel, N.,
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Peinert, R.,
Elskens, M. and
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Export production in the Bay of Biscay as estimated from barium – barite in settling material: a comparison with new production.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 47
pp. 583-601.
Doney, S. C.,
Wallace, D. W. R. and
Ducklow, H. W.
The North Atlantic carbon cycle: new perspectives from JGOFS and WOCE.
In: The Changing Ocean Carbon Cycle: a midterm synthesis of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study.
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Hanson, R. B.,
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Dullo, W. C.,
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Die Bedeutung der Weltmeere für Mensch und Natur. Der Blaue Ozean, Projekt Expo 2000 : [The Blue Ocean].
UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, 80 pp.
Eicken, H.,
Kolatschek, J.,
Freitag, J.,
Lindemann, F.,
Kassens, H. and
Dmitrenko, I.
A key source area and constraints on entrainment for basin-scale sediment transport by Arctic sea ice.

Geophysical Research Letters, 27
pp. 1919-1922.
Frank, M. 
Gersonde, R.,
Rutgers van der Loeff, M.,
Bohrmann, G.,
Nürnberg, C. C.,
Kubik, P. W.,
Suter, M. and
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Similar glacial and interglacial export bioproductivity in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Multiproxy evidence and implications for atmospheric CO2.

Paleoceanography, 15
pp. 642-658.
Garthe, S.
Von Brutvögeln und Durchzüglern.
In: Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer.
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Newig, J. and
Theede, H..
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Glickman, T. S. and
Zenk, W.
Glossary of Meteorology.
AMS (American Meteorological Society) , Boston, 855 pp.
Gollasch, S.,
Rosenthal, H.,
Botnen, J.,
Hamer, H.,
Laing, I.,
Leppäkoski, E.,
Mcdonald, E.,
Minchin, D.,
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Olenin, S.,
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Voigt, M. and
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International Review of Hydrobiology, 85
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Gorbarenko, S. A.,
Derkachev, A. N.,
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Sauton, J. R.,
Shapovalov- Chuprynin, F. V. and
Nürnberg, D. 
Litostratigrafiya i tefrokhronologiya verkhechetvertichnych osadkov Okhotskogo morja
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Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya [Pacific Geology], 19
pp. 58-72.
Griffies, S. M.,
Böning, C. W. 
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Developments in ocean climate modelling.
Ocean Modelling, 2
pp. 123-192.
Hauff, F. 
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Garbe-Schönberg, D.
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Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1
p. 1009.
Hay, W. W.,
Duas-Brito, D.,
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Thierstein, H.,
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Dullo, C. 
Malmgren, B.,
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In: Fossils and the Future: Paleontology in the 21st century.
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Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 65-68.
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Hoernle, K. 
Werner, R.,
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Garbe-Schönberg, D.,
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Geology, 28
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Ioualalen, M.,
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The equatorial West Pacific fresh pool at the end of the La Nina event in October/November 1996.

Geophysical Research Letters, 27
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Jarre-Teichmann, A.,
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Archive of Fishery and Marine Research, 48
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König, I.,
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Grützner, J.,
Trautwein, A. X. and
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Iron oxidation in sediment cores (Site 1062) during six months of storage in the Ocean Drilling Program archive.

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Körtzinger, A. 
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Poisson, A.,
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The international at-sea intercomparison of fCO2 systems during the R/V Meteor Cruise 36/1 in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Marine Chemistry, 72
pp. 171-192.
Kurbjeweit, F.,
Schmiedl, G.,
Schiebel, R.,
Hemleben, C.,
Pfannkuche, O.,
Wallmann, K. 
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Distribution, biomass and diversity of benthic foraminifera in relation to sediment geochemistry in the Arabian Sea.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 47
pp. 2913-2955.
Mishchenko, M. I.,
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T-Matrix method and its applications.
In: Light scattering by nonspherical particles.
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Mishchenko, M. I.,
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Travis, L. D..
Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 147-172.
ISBN 978-0-12-498660-2
Mueller-Lupp, T.,
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Erlenkeuser, H.,
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Kassens, H. and
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Changes in the deposition of terrestrial organic matter on the Laptev Sea shelf during the Holocene: evidence from stable carbon isotopes.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89
pp. 563-568.
Nägler, T. F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Müller, A.,
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The δ44Ca-temperature calibration on fossil and cultured Globigerinoides sacculifer: New tool for reconstruction of past sea surface temperatures.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1
Nel, D. C.,
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The foraging ecology of greyheaded mollymawks at Marion Island: in relation to known longline fishing activity.
Biological Conservation, 96
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Peacock, S.,
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Deep water formation rates inferred from global tracer distributions: An inverse approach.
In: Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles..
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AGU Geophysical Monograph, 114
AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, pp. 185-195.
Rachold, V.,
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International Journal of Earth Sciences, 89
pp. 450-460.
Rosen, R.,
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Hay, W. W.,
Lane, H. R.,
Mosbrugger, V.,
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Scott, R. W.,
Sepkowski, J. J. and
Walter , M.
In: Fossils and the Future: Paleontology in the 21st century.
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Lane, R. H..
Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 65-68.
ISBN 3-7829-1162-8
Rutgersson, A.,
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Michelson, D. and
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Precipitation Estimates over the Baltic Sea: Present State of the Art.
In: Water and Heat Exchange Processes over the Baltic Sea.
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Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology, 530
University Printers, Ekonimikum, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 1-21.
ISBN 91-554-4705-8
Schmidt, R. and
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Seamounts and island building.
In: Encyclopedia of volcanoes.
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Sigurdsson, H..
Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 383-402.
Schott, F.,
Böning, C. W. 
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Schlosser, P.,
Wunsch, C. and
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Report of the WOCE North Atlantic Workshop,
Institut für Meereskunde, Universität Kiel, Germany, 23–27 August 1999.

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WOCE Report, 169
WOCE International Project Office, 110 pp.
Schott, F.,
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North Atlantic 1999, cruise No. 45, 18 May - 4 November 1999.
Meteor-Berichte, 00-4
Sellmer, C.,
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Zeller, U.,
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Carbon flow dynamics of a cold water filament: Data assimilation and synthesis.

In: 8. JGOFS-Workshop. , 02.-03.12.1999, Bremen, Germany . Bericht über den 8. JGOFS-Workshop am 2. und 3.12.1999 in Bremen. Im Anhang: Publikationen zum deutschen Beitrag zur Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), Stand 1/2000. ; pp. 46-47 .
Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 150
St. John, M. A.,
Mosegaard, H.,
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
Grönkjaer, H. H.,
Köster, F.,
Hüssy, K. and
Neilsen, R.
Baltic cod: resolving processes determining spatil and temporal windows of survival.

In: ICES Council Meeting 2000. , 27.-30.09.2000, Brügge, Belgium .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, N:27
Suess, E., ed.
and GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität
GEOMAR Jahresbericht / Annual Report 1998-1999.

GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 267 pp.
Svasand, T.,
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Clemmesen, C. 
Dahle, D.,
Hauser, L.,
Hutchinson, W. F.,
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Demonstrations of maternal effects of Atlantic cod: combining the use of unique mesocosm and novel molecular techniques - a new EU-project.

In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2000. , 27.-30.09.2000, Brügge, Belgium ; pp. 1-20 .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, 2000
Tasker, M. L.,
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Montevecchi, W. A. and
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ICES Journal of Marine Science
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Theede, H.
Nationalpark Wattenmeer.
In: Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer.
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Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 140-148.
ISBN 3-89234-931-2
Vespermann, D. and
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In: Encyclopedia of volcanoes.
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von Bröckel, K.,
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Geo-Marine Letters, 20
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Werner, R.,
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Berichte - Reports / Institut für Geowissenschaften, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 10
UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, 74 pp.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 19:47:06 2025 CET.