Number of items: 349.
Allan, R.,
Chambers, D.,
Drosdowsky, W.,
Hendon, H.,
Latif, M. 
Nicholls, N.,
Smith, I.,
Stone, R. and
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Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

CLIVAR Exchanges, 21
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Antia, A.,
Koeve, W. 
Fischer, G.,
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Schulz-Bull, D.,
Scholten, J.,
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Neuer, S.,
Kremling, K.,
Kuss, J.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Bathmann, U.,
Fehner, U. and
Zeitzschel, B.
Basin-wide particulate carbon flux in the Atlantic Ocean: regional export patterns and potential for atmospheric CO2 sequestration.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15
pp. 845-862.
Antia, A.,
Maaßen, J.,
Herman, P.,
Voß, M.,
Scholten, J.,
Groom, S. and
Miller, P.
Spatial and temporal variability of particle flux at the N.W. European continental margin.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48 (14-15)
pp. 3083-3106.
Antia, A.,
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In: European Network for Integrated Marine Science Analysis.
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Vreie Universiteit Brussels, Brüssel, Belgium.
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Neuenfeldt, S. and
Vinther, M.
Report of the Study Group on Multispecies Predictions in the Baltic.

In: ICES Council Meeting 2001. , 07.-11.05.2001, Charlottenlund, Denmark .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, H:04
Bange, H. W. 
Andreae, M. O.,
Lal, S.,
Law, C. S.,
Naqvi, S. W. A.,
Patra, P. K.,
Rixen, T. and
Upstill-Goddard, R. C.
Nitrous oxide emissions from the Arabian Sea: A synthesis.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 1
pp. 61-71.
Barnier, B.,
Reynaud, T.,
Beckmann, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Molines, J. M.,
Barnard, S. and
Jia, Y.
On the seasonal variability and eddies in the North Brazil Current: insights from model intercomparison experiments.
Progress in Oceanography, 48
pp. 195-230.
Bauch, H. A. 
Erlenkeuser, H.,
Spielhagen, R. F.,
Struck, U.,
Matthiessen, J.,
Thiede, J. 
Heinemeier, J.
A multiproxy reconstruction of the evolution of deep and surface waters in the subarctic Nordic seas over the last 30,000yr.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 20
pp. 659-678.
Bauch, H. A. 
Kassens, H.,
Naidina, O. D.,
Kunz-Pirrung, M. and
Thiede, J. 
Composition and Flux of Holocene Sediments on the Eastern Laptev Sea Shelf, Arctic Siberia.
Quaternary Research, 55
pp. 344-351.
Bauch, H. A. 
Mueller-Lupp, T.,
Taldenkova, E.,
Spielhagen, R. F.,
Kassens, H.,
Grootes, P. M.,
Thiede, J. 
Heinemeier, J. and
Petryashov, V. V.
Chronology of the Holocene transgression at the North Siberian margin.
Global and Planetary Change, 31
pp. 125-139.
Bauch, H. A. 
Struck, U. and
Thiede, J. 
Planktic and benthic foraminifera as indicators of past ocean changes in surface and deep waters of the Nordic Seas.
In: The Northern North Atlantic: A Changing Environment.
, ed. by
Schäfer, P.,
Ritzrau, W.,
Schlüter, M. and
Thiede, J..
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 411-421.
ISBN 978-3-642-56876-3
Bebout, G. E.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Silver, E.,
Walther, C.,
Husen, S.,
Dole, J. and
Strauch, W.
A combined MCS and refraction study of the convergent Nicaraguan margin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2001. , 10.-12.12.2001, San Francisco, USA .
Beismann, J. O.,
Baringer, M.,
Doney, S.,
Gnanadesikan, A.,
Key, R. M.,
Monfray, P.,
Orr, J.,
Richards, K.,
Rintoul, S.,
Sloyan, B.,
Spall, S.,
Staneva, J.,
Volker, C.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
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Wolf-Gladrow, D.
Report from the Working Group on Model Development and Data Assimilation.

In: WOCE/JGOFS Transport workshop. , 25.-29.6.2001, Southampton, UK ; pp. 55-58 .
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Böning, C. W. 
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High-resolution modelling of the thermohaline and wind-driven circulation.
In: Ocean Circulation and Climate.
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Siedler, G.,
Church, J. and
Gould, J..
International Geophysics Series, 77
Academic Press, San Diego, USA, pp. 59-77.
ISBN 0-12-641351-7
Bumke, K. and
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Precipitation measurements over sea.
In: WCRP/SCOR Workshop on Ocean-Atmosphere Flux Fields. , 21.-24.05.2001, Bolger Center, Potomac, MD, USA . WCRP/SCOR Workshop on Intercomparison and Validation of Ocean-Atmosphere Flux Fields. ; pp. 303-306 .
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A 300000 years coral reef record of sea level changes, Mururoa atoll (Tuamotu archipelago, French Polynesia).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 175
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Christie, D. M.,
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Galapagos Plume-Ridge Interaction Part 1: Morphologic Variations Along the Eastern Galapagos Spreading Center. Results from the SO158 \MEGAPRINT\" expedition ".
In: AGU - Fall Meeting. , 10.-12.12.2001, San Francisco, USA .
Croot, P.,
Bowie, A. R.,
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Maldonado, M. T.,
Hall, J. A.,
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Boyd, P. W. and
Law, C. S.
Retention of dissolved iron and FeII in an iron induced Southern Ocean phytoplankton bloom..

Geophysical Research Letters, 28
Dählmann, A.,
Wallmann, K. J. G. 
Sahling, H.,
Sarthou, G.,
Bohrmann, G.,
Petersen, S. 
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Klinkhammer, G. P.
Hot vents in an ice-cold ocean: Indications for phase separation at the southernmost area of hydrothermal activity, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 193
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Davis, R. E. and
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Subsurface Lagrangian observations during the 1990's.
In: Ocean Circulation and Climate - Observing and Modeling the Global Ocean.
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Academic Press, San Diego, and London, pp. 123-139.
Dmitrenko, I.,
Hölemann, J. A.,
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Kirillov, S. and
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The Laptev Sea flaw polynya, Russian Arctic: effects on the mesoscale hydrography.
Annals of Glaciology, 33
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Dullo, W. C. 
Klima-Rekonstruktion der jüngsten Vergangenheit mit Korallen.
In: Klimaweißbuch : Klimainformationen aus geowissenschaftlicher Forschung (Fallstudien) ; Stand und notwendige Erkenntnisse der Paläoklimaforschung.
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GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam, pp. 78-83.
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Gavrilov, A.,
Gould, J.,
Howe, B.,
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Lynch, J.,
Menemenlis, D.,
Mercer, J.,
Mikhalevsky, P.,
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Nakano, I.,
Schott, F.,
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Observing the Ocean in the 2000s: A Strategy for the Role of Acoustic Tomography in Ocean Climate Observation.
In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century.
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Godae Project Office, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 391-418.
ISBN 0642 70618 2
Elvert, M.,
Greinert, J. 
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Whiticar, M. J.
Carbon isotopes of biomarkers derived from methane-oxidizing microbes at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia convergent margin.
In: Natural Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Distribution, and Detection.
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Dillon, W. P..
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AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 115-129.
Fasham, M. J. R.,
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Anderson, R.,
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Bathmann, U.,
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Carlson, C.,
Chen, C. T. A.,
Doney, S.,
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Hansell, D.,
Hanson, R.,
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Liu, K. K.,
Lochte, K.,
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Lowry, R.,
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Platt, T.,
Priddle, J.,
Quinones, R.,
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Saino, T.,
Sakshaug, E.,
Shimmield, G.,
Smith, S.,
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Takahashi, T.,
Treguer, P.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
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Wong, C. S.
A new vision of ocean biogeochemistry after a decade of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS).

Ambio, 2001
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Fielding, S.,
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Rabe, B. and
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Mesoscale subduction at the Almeria–Oran front - Part 2. Biophysical interactions.
Journal of Marine Systems, 30
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GEOMAR-Report, 101
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 263 pp.
Flueh, E. R.,
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Silver, E.,
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A combined MCS and refraction study of the convergent Nicaraguan margin.
In: MARGINS Central America Workshop. , 09.-13.07.2001, St. Rafael, Heredia, Costa Rica .
Fohrmann, H.,
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Modern Ocean Current-Controlled Sediment Transport in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas.
In: The Northern North Atlantic : a changing environment.
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Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 135-154.
Frentzel-Beyme, B.
Creatures of the Meteor Seamount.
In: Sharks and Rays - Elasmobranch Guide of the World.
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Froese, R. 
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Garthe, S. and
Pauly, D.
A preliminary comparison of the trophic structure of some large marine ecosystems.

In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2001. , 23.09.-03.10.2001, Oslo, Norway .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, T:07
Geider, R. J.,
Delucia, E. H.,
Falkowski, P. G.,
Finzi, A. C.,
Grime, J. P.,
Grace, J.,
Kana, T. M.,
LaRoche, J.,
Long, S. P.,
Osborne, B. A.,
Platt, T.,
Prentice, I. C.,
Raven, J. A.,
Schlesinger, W. H.,
Smetacek, V.,
Stuart, V.,
Sathyendranath, S.,
Thomas, R. B.,
Vogelmann, T. C.,
Williams, P. and
Woodward, F. I.
Primary productivity of planet earth: biological determinants and physical constraints in terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
Global Change Biology, 7
pp. 849-882.
Greinert, J. 
Bohrmann, G. and
Suess, E.
Gas Hydrate-Associated Carbonates and Methane-Venting at Hydrate Ridge: Classification, Distribution, and Origin of Authigenic Lithologies.
In: Natural Gas Hydrates: Occurrence, Distribution, and Detection.
, ed. by
Paull, C. K. and
Dillon, W. P..
Geophysical Monograph Series, 124
AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 99-113.
ISBN 0-87590-982-5
Grevemeyer, I. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Reichert, C.,
Bialas, J. 
Kläschen, D. 
Kopp, C.
Crustal architecture and deep structure of the Ninetyeast Ridge hotspot trail from active-source ocean bottom seismology.
Geophysical Journal International, 144
pp. 414-431.
Hay, W. W.
A climate model reflecting the complexity of the earth system.

In: Klimaweißbuch : Klimainformationen aus geowissenschaftlicher Forschung (Fallstudien) ; Stand und notwendige Erfordernisse der Paläoklimaforschung.
, ed. by
Negendank, J. F. W..
Terra Nostra, 2001,7
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam, pp. 171-178.
Hay, W. W.,
Wold, C. N. and
Flögel, S.
Evolution of sediment fluxes and ocean salinity.
In: Geologic Modeling and Simulation: Sedimentary Systems.
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Merriam, D. F. and
Davis, J. C..
Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, USA, pp. 153-167.
Heip, C.,
Duineveld, G.,
Flach, E.,
Graf, G.,
Helder, W.,
Herman, P. M. J.,
Lavaleye, M.,
Middelburg, J. J.,
Pfannkuche, O.,
Soetart, K.,
Soltwedel, T.,
de Stigter, H.,
Thomsen, L.,
Vanaverbeke, J. and
de Wilde, P.
The role of the benthic biota in sedimentary metabolism and sediment-water exchange processes in the Goban Spur area (NE Atlantic).
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48
pp. 3223-3243.
Herman, P. M. J.,
Soetaert, K.,
Middelburg, J. J.,
Heip, C.,
Lohse, L.,
Epping, E.,
Helder, W.,
Antia, A. and
Peinert, R.
The seafloor as the ultimate sediment trap - using sediment properties to constrain benthic-pelagic exchange processes at the Goban Spur.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48 (14-15)
pp. 3245-3264.
Herrmann, M.,
Gonschior, H. and
Piatkowski, U. 
Hydrographic changes push European common squid Alloteuthis subulata into Kiel Bay, western Baltic Sea, its easternmost area of distribution.

In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2001. , 23.09.-03.10.2001, Oslo, Norway .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, K:13
Hydes, D. J.,
Le Gall, A. C.,
Miller, A. E. J.,
Brockmann, U.,
Raabe, T.,
Holley, S.,
Alvarez-Salgado, X.,
Antia, A.,
Balzer, W.,
Chou, L.,
Elskens, M.,
Helder, W.,
Joint, I. and
Orren, M.
Supply and demand of nutrients and dissolved organic matter at and across the NW European shelf break in relation to hydrography and biogeochemical activity.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48 (14-15)
pp. 3023-3047.
Igarashi, Y.,
Igarashi, T.,
Endo, K.,
Yamada, O.,
Nakagawa, M. and
Sumita, M. 
Vegetation history since the Late Glacial of Habomai Bog and Ochiishi Cape Bog, Nemuro Peninsula, eastern Hokkaido, north Japan.
Japanese Journal of Historical Botany, 10
pp. 67-79.
Imawaki, S.,
Zenk, W.,
Wijffels, S.,
Roemmich, D. and
Kawabe, M.
Oceanic Boundary Currents.

In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century.
, ed. by
Koblinsky, C. J. and
Smith, N. R..
Godae Project Office, Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 285-306.
ISBN 0-642-70618-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
The phototrophic alpha-Proteobacteria.
In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbial community.
, ed. by
Dworkin, M.,
Falkow, S.,
Rosenberg, E.,
Schleifer, K. H. and
Stackebrandt, E..
Springer, New York.
Imhoff, J. F. 
The phototrophic beta-Proteobacteria.
In: The Prokaryotes: An evolving electronic resource for the microbiological community.
, ed. by
Dworkin, M.,
Falkow, S.,
Rosenberg, E.,
Schleifer, K. H. and
Stackebrandt, E..
Springer, New York.
Izquierdo, A.,
Tejedor, L.,
Sein, D. V.,
Backhaus, J. O.,
Brandt, P. 
Rubino, A. and
Kagan, B. A.
Control variability and internal bore evolution in the Strait of Gibraltar: a 2D two-layer model study.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 53
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Kelly, R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Silver, E.,
Goff, J.,
Ranero, C. and
von Huene, R.
A Quantitative Analysis of Flexural Faulting in the Cocos Plate at the Middle America Trench from Nicaragua to Costa Rica.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2001. , 10.-12.12.2001, San Francisco, USA .
Klaeschen, D.,
Kopf, A.,
Arsenault, M. and
Bialas, J., eds.
HYDGAS - Quantification of gas hydrates and gas in the sediment of the Cascadia accretionary wedge using seismic methods = Seismische Quantifizierung von Gashydraten im Sediment der
Cascadia-Subduktionszone : FS SONNE FAHRTBERICHT SO-150 / CRUISE REPORT SO-150,
17.09.2000 - 27.10.2000.
GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Kiel, 245 pp.
Klinkhammer, G. P.,
Chin, C.,
Keller, R. A.,
Dählmann, A.,
Sahling, H.,
Sarthou, G.,
Petersen, S. 
Smith, F. and
Wilson, C.
Discovery of new hydrothermal vent sites in Bransfield Strait, Antarctica.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 193
pp. 395-407.
Köster, F.,
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
St.John, M. A.,
Schnack, D. 
MacKenzie, B. R.,
Tomkiewicz, J. and
Plikshs, M.
Developing Baltic cod recruitment models. II. Incorporation of enviromental variability and species interaction.

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58
pp. 1535-1556.
Köster, F.,
Möllmann, C. 
Neuenfeldt, S.,
Plikshs, M. and
Voss, R.
Developing Baltic cod recruitment models. I. Resolving spatial and temporal dynamics of spawning stock snd recruitment for cod, herring and sprat.

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58
pp. 1516-1533.
Köster, F.,
Möllmann, C. 
Neuenfeldt, S.,
Vinther, M.,
Kraus, G. and
Voss, R.
Fish stock development and enviromental variability in the Central Baltic Sea.
In: ICES Council Meeting 2001. , 12.2001, Copenhagen, Denmark .
Krastel, S.,
Schmincke, H. U. 
Jacobs, C. L.,
Rihm, R.,
Le Bas, T. P. and
Alibes, B.
Submarine landslides around the Canary Islands.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 106
pp. 3977-3997.
Labonnote, L. C.,
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Doutriaux-Boucher, M.,
Gayet, J. F. and
Macke, A.
Modelling of light scattering with inhomogeneous hexagonal monocrystals. Interpretation of ADEOS-POLDER total and polarized reflectance measurements over ice clouds.
In: IRS 2000: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation - Proceedings of the
St. Petersberg, Russia, 24-29 July 2000.
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A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, Virginia, USA, pp. 201-204.
Labonnote, L. C.,
Brogniez, G.,
Buriez, J. C.,
Doutriaux-Bouchert, M.,
Gayet, J. F. and
Macke, A.
Polarized light scattering by inhomogeneous hexagonal monocrystals. Validation with ADEOS-POLDER measurements.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 106
pp. 14301-14312.
Lee, T. N.,
Johns, W. E.,
Liu, C. T.,
Zhang, D.,
Zantopp, R. J. 
Yang, Y.
Mean transport and seasonal cycle of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan with comparison to the Florida Current.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 106
pp. 22143-22158.
Lehmann, A.
Long-term modelling of the Baltic Sea - Application of 3-D ocean models - In Long-Term Oceanographic modelling of the Baltic Sea.
, ed. by
Sjoeberg, B.,
Nerheim, S.,
Stigebrandt, A. and
Oeberg, J..
Göteborg Universität, Earth Science Centre, Göteborg, 81 pp.
Linke, P. and
Suess, E., eds.
RV SONNE Cruise report SO148, Tecflux-II-2000, TECtonically-induced material FLUXes, Victoria - Victoria - Victoria , July 20 - August 15, 2000.

GEOMAR-Report, 098
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel, 125 pp.
Lochte, K.
Achievements and new challenges: Contributions to IGBP research.
In: German global change research 2001.
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Krafft, T.,
Moss, C.,
Scheidt, P. and
Welschhoff, A..
German National Committee on Global Change Research, Bonn, Germany, pp. 4-7.
Maldonado, M. T.,
Boyd, P. W.,
Abraham, E. D.,
Bowie, A. R.,
Croot, P.,
Strzepek, R.,
Waite, A.,
LaRoche, J.,
Frew, R. D. and
Price, N. M.
Iron uptake and physiological response of phytoplankton during a mesoscale Southern Ocean Iron enrichment..
Limnology and Oceanography, 46
pp. 1802-1808.
Martin, T. 
Pohlmann, H.,
Lemke, P.,
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Harder, M.
Regional Sea Ice Modeling.
Institut für Meereskunde Kiel, Kiel, Germany, pp. 119-140.
McCave, I. N.,
Hall, I. R.,
Antia, A.,
Chou, L.,
Dehairs, F.,
Lampitt, R. S.,
Thomsen, L.,
van Weering, T. C. E. and
Wollast, R.
Distribution, composition and flux of particulate material over the European margin at 47°-50°N.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 48 (14-15)
pp. 3107-3139.
Melzner, F.,
Forsythe, J. W.,
Lee, P. G.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Piatkowski, U. 
Rosenthal, H.
Can RNA/DNA ratios predict growth in European cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)?.

In: ICES Annual Science Conference 2001. , 23.09.-03.10.2001, Oslo, Norway .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, K:19
Möllmann, C. 
Köster, F.,
Kornilovs, G. and
Sidrevics, L.
Variability in population dynamics of calanoid copepods in the Central Baltic Sea.

In: ICES Council Meeting 2001. , 23.09.-03.10.2001, Oslo, Norway .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, U:08
Nowaczyk, N. R.,
Frederichs, T. W.,
Kassens, H.,
Nørgaard-Pedersen, N.,
Spielhagen, R. F.,
Stein, R. and
Weiel, D.
Sedimentation rates in the Makarov Basin, central Arctic Ocean: A paleomagnetic and rock magnetic approach.

Paleoceanography, 16
pp. 368-389.
Olsen, Y.,
Reinertsen, H.,
Vadstein, O.,
Anderson, T.,
Gismervik, I.,
Duarte, C.,
Agusti, S.,
Stibor, H.,
Sommer, U.,
Lignell, R.,
Tammiinen, T.,
Lancelot, C.,
Rousseau, V.,
Hoell, E. and
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Comparative analysis of food webs based on flow networks: effects of nutrient supply on structure and function of coastal plankton communities.
Continental Shelf Research, 21
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Passow, M. J.,
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