Number of items: 364.
Baranov, B. V.,
Werner, R.,
Hoernle, K. 
Tsoy, I.,
van den Bogaard, P. and
Tararin, I.
Evidence for Compressionally-Induced High Subsidence Rates in the Kurile Basin (Okhotsk Sea).
Tectonophysics, 350
pp. 63-97.
Berhorst, A.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Silver, E.,
Walther, C.,
Dole, J. and
Strauch, W.
The crustal structure of the convergent Nicaraguan margin from a combined reflection and refraction study.
In: EGS XXVII General Assembly. , 21.- 26.04.2002, Nice, France .
Berhorst, A.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Silver, E.,
Walther, C. H.,
Dole, J. and
Strauch, W.
The crustal structure of the convergent Nicaraguan margin from a combined MCS and refraction study.
In: DGG - 62. Jahrestagung. , 03.- 08.03.2002, Hannover, Germany .
Bialas, J. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Phipps Morgan, J.,
Schleisik, K. and
Neuhaeuser, G.
Ocean-bottom seismology in the third millennium.
In: Science technology synergy for research in the marine environment: challanges for the XXI century.
, ed. by
Beranzoli, L.,
Favali, P. and
Smriglio, G..
Developments in marine technology, 12
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 37-44.
ISBN 0-444-50591-1
Biebow, N.,
Kulinich, R. and
Baranov, B., eds.
KOMEX II, Kurile Okhotsk Sea Marine Experiment: Cruise report RV Akademik M.A.Lavrentyev cruise 29, Leg 1 and Leg 2 : Vladivostok - Pusan - Okhotsk Sea - Pusan - Okhotsk Sea - Pusan - Vladivostok ; May 25 - August 05,2002 ; [BMBF contract 03G0568 A - Joint project no. 01020094].

GEOMAR-Report, 110
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 190 pp.
Binns, R. A.,
Barriga, F.,
Miller, J.,
Asada, R.,
Bach, W.,
Bartetzko, A. C. M.,
Benning, L. G.,
Bjerkgard, T.,
Christiansen, L. B.,
Findlay, B.,
Iturrino, G. J.,
Kimura, H. and
Lackschewitz, K.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program.
Initial Reports of The Deep Sea Drilling Project, 193
pp. 1-84.
Boetius, A.,
Jorgensen, B. B.,
Amann, R.,
Henriet, J. P.,
Hinrichs, K. U.,
Lochte, K.,
McGregor, B. J. and
Voordouw, G.
Microbial systems in sedimentary environments of continental margins.
In: Ocean Margin Systems.
, ed. by
Wefer, G.,
Billett, D.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Jorgensen, B.,
Schlüter, M. and
van Weering, T..
Springer, Berlin, pp. 479-495.
Böhm, F.,
Haase-Schramm, A.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Dullo, W. C. 
Joachimski, M. M.,
Lehnert, H. and
Reitner, J.
Evidence for preindustrial variations in the marine surface water carbonate system from coralline sponges.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 3
Bohrmann, G.,
Jung, C.,
Heeschen, K.,
Weinrebe, R. W.,
Cailleau, B.,
Heath, R.,
Hühnerbach, V.,
Hort, M.,
Masson, D. and
Trummer, I.
Widespread fluid expulsion along the seafloor of Costa Rica convergent margin.
Terra Nova, 14
pp. 69-79.
Bokn, T.,
Moy, F. E.,
Hartvig, C.,
Engelbert, S.,
Karez, R.,
Kersting, K.,
Kraufvelin, P.,
Lindblad, C.,
Marba, N.,
Pedersen, M. F. and
Sörensen, K.
Are rocky shore ecosystems affected by nutrient-enriched seawater? Some preliminary results from a mesocosm experiment.
Hydrobiologia, 484
pp. 167-175.
Bower, A. S.,
Le Cann, B.,
Rossby, T.,
Zenk, W.,
Gould, J.,
Speer, K.,
Richardson, P. L.,
Prater, M. D. and
Zhang, H. M.
Directly measured mid-depth circulation in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean.
Nature, 419
pp. 603-607.
Brandt, P. 
Stramma, L. 
Schott, F.,
Fischer, J. 
Dengler, M. 
Quadfasel, D.
Annual Rossby waves in the Arabian Sea from TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter and in-situ data.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49
pp. 1197-1210.
Brewer, P. G.,
Paull, C.,
Peltzer, E. T.,
Ussler, W.,
Rehder, G. and
Friedrich, G.
Measurements of the fate of gas hydrates during transit through the ocean water column.

Geophysical Research Letters, 29
p. 2081.
Cronin, G.,
Lodge, D. M.,
Hay, M. E.,
Miller, M.,
Hill, A.,
Horvath, T.,
Bolser, R.,
Lindquist, N. and
Wahl, M. 
Crayfish feeding preferences for fresh water macrophytes: The influence of plant structure and chemistry.

Journal of Crustacean Biology, 22
pp. 708-718.
Dahm, T.,
Thorwart, M.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Braun, T.,
Herber, R.,
Favial, P.,
Beranzoli, L.,
D'Anna, G.,
Frugoni, F. and
Smirglio, G.
Ocean Bottom Seismometers Deployed in Tyrrhenian Sea.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 83
309; 314-315.
Dmitrenko, I. A.,
Hoelemann, J.,
Kirillov, S. A.,
Berezovskaya, S. L.,
Eicken, H.,
Ivanova, D. A. and
Kassens, H.
Transformation of baroclinic tidal internal waves under the influence of ice cover on the Laptev Sea shelf.
Doklady Earth Sciences, 385
pp. 609-614.
Dmitrenko, I.,
Hölemann, J.,
Kirillov, D.,
Berezovskaya, S.,
Ivanova, D.,
Eicken, H. and
Kassens, H.
The impact of sea ice on the periodic shallow water dynamics in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic).

In: 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice. , 02.-06.12.2002, Dunedin, New Zealand . Proceedings of the 16th IAHR International Symposium on Ice. ; pp. 375-381 .
Favali, P.,
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Calcara, M.,
Dánna, G.,
Etiope, G.,
Frugoni, F.,
Lo Bue, N.,
Marinaro, G.,
Monna, S.,
Monturi, C.,
Sgroi, T.,
Gasperoni, F.,
Cenedese, S.,
Furlan, F.,
Ferentinos, G.,
Papatheodorou, G.,
Christodolou, D.,
Blandin, J.,
Marvaldi, J.,
Rolin, J. F.,
Clauss, G.,
Gerber, H.,
Coudeville, J. M.,
Nicot, M. J.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Gamberi, F.,
Marani, M. P. and
Neri, G.
Single-frame multiparameter platforms for seafloor geophysical and environmental observations: projects and missons from GEOSTAR to ORION.

In: Science Technology Synergy for Research in the Marine Environment: Challenges for the XXI Century.
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Beranzoli, L.,
Favali, P. and
Smirglio, G..
Developments in marine technology, 12
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, p. 2000.
ISBN 0-7803-8669-8
Fischer, J. 
Begler, C.,
Brandt, P. 
Coenen, A.,
Dombrowsky, U.,
Friis, K.,
Getzlaff, K. 
Jancke, K.,
Johannsen, H.,
Kahl, G.,
Kieke, D.,
Lübs, H.,
Lüger, H.,
Müller, M.,
Ochsenhirt, W. T.,
Papenburg, U.,
Schmidt, H.,
Schütt, M.,
Steinhoff, T.,
Stramma, L. 
Stransky, J. and
Streu, P.
North Atlantic 2001 - Part 1
Cruise No. 50, Leg 1
7 May – 31 May 2001, Halifax – St. John’s.
Meteor-Berichte, 02-2
Flueh, E. R.,
Kopp, H. and
Schreckenberger, B., eds.
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GEOMAR-Report, 102
GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel, 391 pp.
Flüh, E. R.,
Bialas, J. 
Walther, C. H. E.,
Fekete, N.,
Thierer, P. O.,
Charvis, P.,
Collot, J. Y. and
Sallares, V.
SO159 - SALIERI: Krustenstruktur des Carnegie Rückens und des ecuadorianischen Kontinentalrandes.
In: DGG - 62. Jahrestagung. , 03.- 08.03.2002, Hannover, Germany .
Fretzdorff, S.,
Garbe-Schönberg, C. D.,
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High precision U-series isotope measurements of East Scotia back-arc basalts using single-collector -sector-field ICPMS.
In: Goldschmidt Tagung 2002. , 18.- 23.08.2002, Davos, Schweiz .
Froese, R. 
Garilao, C. V.
An annotated checklist of the elasmobranches of the South China Sea, with some global statistics on elasmobranch biodiversity, and an offer to taxonomists.

In: Elasmobranch biodiversity, conservation and management: proceedings of the international seminar and workshop.
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Fowler, S. L.,
Reed, T. M. and
Dipper, F. A..
Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, 25
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, pp. 82-85.
ISBN 2-8317-0650-5
Gallon, J. R.,
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Jones, D. A.,
Albertano, P.,
Canini, A.,
Congresti, R.,
Bergmann, B.,
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von Bröckel, K.,
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Ohlendieck, U.,
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Maximum rates of N2 fixation and primary production are out of phase in a developing cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea.
Limnology and Oceanography, 47
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Gorbarenko, S.,
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Derkachev, A. N.,
Astakhov, A. S.,
Southon , J. R. and
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Magnetostratigraphy and tephrachronology of the upper Quaternary sediments in the Okhotsk Sea: Implication of terrigenous, volcanogenic and biogenic matter supply.
Marine Geology
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Greinert, J. 
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Bohrmann, G. and
Suess, E.
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Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 203
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Astronomical age models for Pleistocene drift sediments from the western North Atlantic (ODP Sites 1055 to 1063).
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Haass, G., ed.
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GEOMAR Jahresbericht / Annual Report 2001 - Erstfassung.

GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 214 pp.
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International Journal of Earth Sciences, 91
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Heuser, A. 
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Hoernle, K. 
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The Missing History (16-71 Ma) of the Galápagos Hotspot: Implications for the Tectonic and Biological Evolution of the Americas.
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Holfort, J.,
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Kirch, A.,
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Hoppe, H. G.,
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Significance of bacterial enzymes in the marine environment.
In: Enzymes in the environment.
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Burns, R. and
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Marcel Decker, New York, USA, pp. 73-107.
ISBN 0-8247-0614-5
Hoppe, H. G.,
Arnosti, C. and
Herndl, G. F.
Ecological significance of bacterial enzymes in the marine environment.
In: Enzymes in the environment.
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Dick, R. P..
Marcel Decker, New York, Basel, pp. 73-107.
ISBN 0-8247-0614-5
Johnson, C. C.,
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Kauffman, E. G. and
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Patterns and processes influencing upper Cretaceous reefs.
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Kassens, H.,
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Galimov, E.,
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Georgeleit, K.,
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and Sekretariat System Laptev See 2000, GEOMAR Forschungszentrum für Marine Geowissenschaften der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Potsdam
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Terra Nostra, 2002
Selbstverl. der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Kiel, Potsdam, 120 pp.
Kassens, H.,
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Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research.
In: Climate Drivers of the North. , 08.05.-11.05.2002, Kiel . Climate Drivers of the North : Program and Abstracts ; Kiel, May 8-11, 2002 ; [7. Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation: Laptev Sea System]. ; pp. 54-55 .
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Knoll, M.,
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Lopez Laatzen, F.,
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Müller, T. J. 
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The Eastern Boundary Current System between the Canary Islands and the African Coast.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49
pp. 3427-3440.
Kortum, G.
Germania in Pacifico : Humboldt, Chamisso and other early german contributions to Pacific research, 1741 - 1876.
In: Oceanographic history : the Pacific and beyond; [proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the History of Oceanography, Scripes Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, July 1993].
University of Washington Press, Seattle, USA, pp. 107-117.
Krastel, S. 
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In: European Margin Sediment Dynamics: Side-scan Sonar and Seismic Images.
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Mienert, J. and
Weaver, P..
Springer, Berlin, pp. 293-296.
ISBN 3-540-42393-1
Lamb, M. F.,
Sabine, C. L.,
Feely, R. A.,
Wanninkhof, R.,
Key, R. M.,
Johnson, G. C.,
Millero, F. J.,
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Bullister, J. L.,
Greely, D.,
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Chipman, D. W.,
Dickson, A. G.,
Goyet, C.,
Guenther, P. R.,
Ishii, M.,
Johnson, K. M.,
Keeling, C. D.,
Ono, T.,
Shitashima, K.,
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Takahashi, T.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Watanabe, Y.,
Winn, C. and
Wong, C. S.
Consistency and synthesis of Pacific Ocean CO2 survey data.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49
pp. 21-58.
Leppäkoski, E.,
Gollasch, S.,
Gruszka, P.,
Ojaveer, H.,
Olenin, S. and
Panov, V.
The Baltic - a sea of invaders.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59
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Liebetrau, V.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Gussone, N.,
Wörner, G.,
Hansen, B. T. and
Leipe, T.
226Raexcess/Ba growth rates and U-Th-Ra-Ba systematic of Baltic Mn/Fe crusts.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66
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Lochte, K.
The deep sea floor - new discoveries and visison.

In: Marine Issues from a Scientific, Political and Legal Perspective.
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Ehlers, P.,
Mann-Borgese, E.,
Wolfrum, R. and
Hoß, C..
Kluwer Law International, The Hague, Netherlands, pp. 233-240.
ISBN 90-411-1740-7
Lochte, K. and
Pfannkuche, O.
Processes driven by the small sized organisms at the water-sediment interface.
In: Ocean Margin Systems.
, ed. by
Wefer, G.,
Billet, D.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Jørgensen, B. B.,
Schlüter, M. and
Weering, T. C..
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 405-418.
ISBN 978-3-642-07872-9
Lüdmann, T.,
Baranov, B. and
Karp, B., eds.
and P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, Pacific Oceanological Institute (POI), Vladivostok, Hamburg University, GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel
KOMEX, Kurile Okhotsk Sea Marine Experiment : Cruise report RV Professor Gagarinsky Cruise 32 SERENADE ; Seismo-Stratigraphic Research off Northern Sakhalin and in the Derugin Basin ; Vladivostok - Pusan - Sea of Okhotsk - Pusan - Vladivostok, August 31 - September 29, 2001.

GEOMAR-Report, 105
GEOMAR Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel, 52 pp.
McIntosh, K.,
Ahmed, I.,
Silver, E.,
Kelly, R.,
Ranero, C. R.,
Flueh, E. R. and
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Nicaragua/Costa Rica Marine Geophysics Update.
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Studying Past Deep-ocean Circulation and the Paleoclimate Record in the Gulf of Cadiz.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 83
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Novotny, K.,
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In: Vistas for geodesy in the new millennium:
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Springer, Berlin, pp. 493-498.
Post, A. F.,
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Spatial and temporal distribution of Trichodesmium spp. in the stratified Gulf of Aquaba, Red Sea.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 239
pp. 241-250.
Rehder, G.,
Collier, R. W.,
Heeschen, K.,
Kosro, P. M.,
Barth, J. and
Suess, E.
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Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 16
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Reston, T. J.,
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Grevemeyer, I. 
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Mitchell, N. C.,
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A rifted inside corner massif on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 5°S.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 200
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Reverdin, G.,
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Schott, F.,
Valdimarsson, H. and
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Recent changes in the surface salinity of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 107
Rhein, M.,
Fischer, J. 
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Smythe-Wright, D.,
Weiss, R. F.,
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Min, D. H.,
Fleischmann, U. and
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Labrador Sea Water: Pathways, CFC-Inventory and Formation Rates.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32
pp. 648-665.
Rogers, A.,
Billett, D.,
Berger, W.,
Flach, E.,
Freiwald, A.,
Gage, J.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Heip, C.,
Pfannkuche, O.,
Ramirez-Llodra, E.,
Medlin, L.,
Sibuet, M.,
Soetaert, K.,
Tendal, O.,
Vanreusel, A. and
Wlodarska-Kawalczuk, M.
Life at the edge: Achieving prediction from environmental variability and biological variety.
In: Ocean Margin Systems.
, ed. by
Wefer, G.,
Billett, D.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Jorgensen, B. B.,
Schlüter, M. and
van Weering, T..
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 387-404.
ISBN 3-540-43921-8
Sahling, H.,
Rickert, D.,
Lee, R. W.,
Linke, P. 
Suess, E.
Macrofaunal community structure and sulfide flux at gas hydrate deposits from the Cascadia convergent margin, NE Pacific.

Marine Ecology Progress Series, 231
pp. 121-138.
Sauter, A.,
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Schwartz, S.,
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Protti, M.,
Dixon, T. H. and
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In: EGS XXVII General Assembly. , 21.- 26.04.2002, Nice, France .
Sauter, A.,
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DeShon, H. R.,
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Protti, M.,
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Dixon, T. H.
Seismic Attenuation in the Subduction Zone of Costa Rica.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2002. , 06.- 10.12.2002, San Francisco, USA .
Schott, F.,
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Kindler, D.,
Link, R.,
Manzke, B.,
Mertens, C.,
Müller, M.,
Niehus, G.,
Ochsenhirt, W. T.,
Papenburg, U.,
Pinck, A.,
Schoenefeldt, R.,
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In: Competition and Coexistence.
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Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 207-218.
ISBN 978-3-642-62800-9
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Sommer, U.,
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ISBN 978-90-481-6217-8
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ISBN 1-55963-470-7
Svåsand, T.,
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Marine Geology, 186
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Marine Ecology Progress Series, 228
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Competition, coexistence and diversity on rocky shores.
In: Competition and Coexistence.
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Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 133-163.
ISBN 978-3-642-62800-9
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