Number of items: 429.
Antia, A.,
Burkill, P. H.,
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Simo, R. and
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Coupled biogeochemical cycling and controling factors.
In: Marine Science Frontiers for Europe.
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Springer Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 147-162.
ISBN 3-540-40168-7
Araneda, M.,
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Bataille, K.,
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Echtler, H.,
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and SO-161 Scientific Shipboard Party
Amphibious Seismic Survey Images Plate Interface at 1960 Chile Earthquake.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 84
Arroyo, I. G.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Goltz, C.,
Schnabel, M.,
Tilmann, F. and
Goßler, J.
Passive seismology on- and offshore Costa Rica.
In: LAK 2003: 18th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 03.- 05.04.2003, Freiberg, Germany .
Azanon, J. M.,
Azor, A.,
Booth-Rea, G.,
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de Justo-Alpañes, J. L.,
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Las fallas del recinto de la Alhambra : Faults in the Alhambra area.

Geogaceta, 34
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Institute of Oceanology (BAS), Varna, Bulgaria, 176 pp.
ISBN 954-449-164-3
Bauch, D. 
Darling, K.,
Simstich, J.,
Bauch, H. A. 
Erlenkeuser, H. and
Kroon, D. J.
Paleoceanographic implications of genetic variation in living North Atlantic Neogloboquadrina pachyderma.
Nature, 424
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Bauch, D. 
Erlenkeuser, H.,
Stanovoy, V.,
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Spielhagen, R. F.
Freshwater distribution and brine waters in the southern Kara Sea in summer 1999 as depicted by d18O results..
In: Siberian River Run-off in the Kara Sea: Characterisation, Quantification, Variability and Environmental Significance.
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Stein, R.,
Fahl, K.,
Fütterer, D. K.,
Galimov, E. M. and
Stepanets, O. V..
Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 6
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 73-90.
ISBN 0-444-51365-5
Bauch, H. A. 
Erlenkeuser, H.
Interpreting glacial-interglacial changes in ice volume and climate from subarctic deep water foraminiferal δ18O.
In: Earth's Climate and Orbital Eccentricity: The Marine Isotope Stage 11 Question.
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Droxler, A. W.,
Poore, R. Z. and
Burckle, L. H..
Geophysical Monograph, 137
AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, D.C., pp. 87-102.
ISBN 9780875909967
Baumann, H.,
Pepin, P.,
Davidson, F. J. M.,
Mowbray, F.,
Schnack, D. 
Dower, J. F.
Reconstruction of environmental histories to investigate patterns of larval radiated shanny (Ulvaria subbifurcata) growth and selective survival in a large bay of Newfoundland.

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60
pp. 243-258.
Benthien, A.,
Zondervan, I.,
Riebesell, U. 
Engel, A. 
Hefter, J.,
Delille, B.,
Harlay, J. and
Jacquet, S.
Alkenone carbon isotopes during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi: Effects of CO2 concentration and production.
In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 2003. , 06.-11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Berhorst, A.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Ahmed, I.,
Silver, E.,
Strauch, W. and
Barckhausen, U.
The crustal structure of the convergent Nicaraguan margin from a combined reflection and refraction study.
In: SEISMIX. , 06.- 10.01.2003, Taupo, New Zealand .
Berhorst, A.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Silver, E. and
Strauch, W.
The crustal structure of the convergent Nicaraguan margin from a combined MCS and refraction study.
In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.- 11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Berhorst, A.,
Flueh, E. R.,
McIntosh, K.,
Ranero, C.,
Silver, E. and
Strauch, W.
The crustal structure of the convergent Nicaraguan margin from a combined MCS and refraction study.
In: LAK 2003: 18th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 03.- 05.04.2003, Freiberg, Germany .
Bialas, J. 
Breitzke, M.,
Fekete, N.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Klaucke, I. 
Bürk, D.,
Papenberg, C. 
Klaeschen, D. 
and SO173-1 Working Group
A High Resolution Deep-Towed Seismic Survey Across Mound Culebra, Costa Rica.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2003. , 08.-12.12.2003, San Francisco, USA .
Boebel, O.,
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Schmid, C.,
Zenk, W.,
Rossby, T. and
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The Cape Cauldron: A regime of turbulent interocean exchange.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 50
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Bohrmann, G. and
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RV SONNE cruise report SO174 OTEGA II, LOTUS-OMEGA-MUMM : investigations within the BMBF special program "Gashydrate im Geosystem" ; Balboa - Corpus Christi - Miami, 1 October - 12 November 2003 ; LEG SO 174-1: Balboa (Panaman) - Corpus Christi (USA), 1 - 24 October 2003 ; Leg SO 174-2: Corpus Christi (USA) - Miama (USA), 25 October - 12 November 2003.

GEOMAR-Report, 117
GEOMAR, Kiel, 117, 6 S. pp.
Bohrmann, G.,
Ivanov, M. K.,
Foucher, J. P.,
Spiess, V.,
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Greinert, J. 
Weinrebe, R. W.,
Abegg, F.,
Aloisi, G.,
Artemov, Y.,
Blinova, V.,
Drews, M.,
Heidersdorf, F.,
Krabbenhöft, A.,
Klaucke, I. 
Krastel, S. 
Lerder, T.,
Polikarpov, I.,
Saburova, M.,
Schmale, O.,
Seifert, R.,
Volkonskaya, A. and
Zillmer, M.
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Geo-Marine Letters, 23
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Bokn, T. L.,
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Bjerkeng, B.,
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Christie, H.,
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Hoell, E. E.,
Karez, R.,
Kersting, K.,
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Olsen, M.,
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Sörensen, K.
The response of experimental rocky shore communities to nutrient additions.
Ecosystems, 6
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Booth-Rea, G.,
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Martínez-Martínez, J. M.,
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Revista de la Sociedad Geologica de Espana, 16
pp. 193-211.
Breitzke, M.,
Bialas, J. 
Bürk, D.,
Fekete, N.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Klaeschen, D. 
Klaucke, I. 
Papenberg, C. 
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and SO173-1 Working Group
A High-Resolution Deep-Towed Seismic Survey in the Mound Region Along the Continental Slope off Nicaragua.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2003. , 08.-12.12.2003, San Francisco, USA .
Butterfield, D. A.,
Fouquet, Y.,
Halbach, M.,
Halbach, P.,
Humphris, S. E.,
Lilley, M. D.,
Lüders, V.,
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Seyfried, W. R. j.,
Shimizu, M. and
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Group Report: How can we describe fluid-mineral processes and the related energy and material fluxes?.
In: Energy and Mass Transfer in Marine Hydrothermal Systems.
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Halbach, P.,
Tunnicliffe, V. and
Hein, J. R..
Dahlem University Press, Berlin, pp. 183-209.
ISBN 3934504124
Clemmesen, C. 
Bühler, V.,
Carvalho, G.,
Case, R.,
Evans, G.,
Hauser, L.,
Hutchinson, W. F.,
Kjesbu, O. S.,
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Journal of Fish Biology, 62
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Davenport, J.,
Black, K.,
Burnell, G.,
Cross, T.,
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Ekaratne, S.,
Furness, B.,
Mulcahy, M. and
Thetmeyer, H.
Aquaculture: the ecological issues.
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 89 pp.
ISBN 1-40511-241-7
DeBaar, H. and
LaRoche, J.
Trace metals in the ocean: evolution, biology and global change.
In: Marine Science Frontiers for Europe.
, ed. by
Wefer, G.,
Lamy, F. and
Mantoura, F..
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 79-105.
ISBN 3-540-40168-7
DeShon, H. R.,
Schwartz, S. Y.,
Bilek, S. L.,
Dorman, L. M.,
Gonzalez, V.,
Protti, J. M.,
Flueh, E. R. and
Dixon, T. H.
Seismogenic zone structure of the southern Middle America Trench, Costa Rica.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 108
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Dixon, T. H.,
Norabuena, E.,
Schwartz, S.,
DeShon, H. R.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Lundgren, P.,
Newman, A.,
Pollitz, F. and
Protti, M.
Geodetic and Seismic Constraints on some Seismogenic Zone Processes in Costa Rica.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2003. , 08.-12.12.2003, San Francisco, USA .
Engel, A. 
Heemann, C.,
Schartau, M. 
Schneider, U.,
Thoms, S.,
Delille, B.,
Jacquet, S.,
Zondervan, I. and
Riebesell, U. 
Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) production by marine phytoplankton in response to increasing CO2: laboratory and field mesocosm experiments.
In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.-11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Erlenkeuser, H.,
Cordt, H. H.,
Simstich, J.,
Bauch, D. 
Spielhagen, R.
DIC stable carbon isotope pattern in the surface waters of the southern Kara Sea, Sep. 2000.
In: Siberian River Run-off in the Kara Sea: Characterisation, Quantification, Variability and Environmental Significance.
, ed. by
Stein, R.,
Fahl, K.,
Fütterer, D. K.,
Galimov, E. M. and
Stepanets, O. V..
Proceedings in Marine Sciences, 6
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 91-110.
ISBN 0-444-51365-5
Flueh, E. R.,
Goltz, C.,
Arroyo, I. G.,
Boschini, I.,
Mora, M. and
Goßler, J.
Passive Seismology On- and Offshore Costa Rica.
In: AGU 2003 - Fall Meeting. , 08.- 12.12.2003, San Francisco, USA .
Froese, R. 
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Geldmacher, J. 
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Goßler, J.,
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Goltz, C. and
Arroyo, I. G.
Passive seismology on- and offshore Costa Rica.
In: DMG-GV-DGG-Tagung GEO2003. , 22.- 25.09.2003, Bochum, Deutschland .
Goßler, J.,
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Schnabel, M.,
Tilmann, F.,
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Arroyo, I. G.
Passive seismology on- and offshore Costa Rica.
In: 63. Jahrestagung DGG. , 23.- 28.02, Jena, Germany .
Grigoriev, M. N.,
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Gussone, N.,
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In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.- 11.04.2003, Nice, France .
Hasselmann, K.,
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Institut für Meereskunde Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 38 pp.
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In: AGU Fall Meeting 2003. , 08.-12.12.2003, San Francisco, USA .
Hoernle, K.,
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Werner, R. and
Hauff, F., eds.
FS/RV SONNE Fahrtbericht SO 168 = Cruise report SO168, ZEALANDIA : Causes and Effects of Plume and Rift-Related Cretaceous and Cenozoic Volcanism on Zealandia ; Wellington - Sydney - Lyttleton/Christchurch ; December 03, 2002 - January 16, 2003 ; [BMBF contract No. 03G0168A].

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Hurrell, J. W.,
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An Overview of the North Atlantic Oscillation.
In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and environmental impact.
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