Number of items: 477.
Abshagen, J.,
Langenberg, J.,
Pfister, G.,
Mullin, T.,
Tavener, S. J. and
Cliffe, K. A.
Taylor-Couette flow with independently rotating end plates.
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 18
pp. 129-136.
Aloisi, G.,
Wallmann, K. 
Bollwerk, S. M.,
Derkachev, A.,
Bohrmann, G. and
Suess, E.
The effect of dissolved barium on biogeochemical processes at cold seeps.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68
pp. 1735-1748.
An, S. I.,
Timmermann, A.,
Bejarano, L.,
Jin, F. F.,
Justino, F.,
Liu, Z. and
Tudhope, S.
ENSO dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum.

Paleoceanography, 19
Azañól, J. M.,
Azor, A.,
Pérez-Peña, V.,
Booth-Rea, G.,
Rodríguez-Fernández, J.,
Delgado, J.,
Carrillo, J. M. and
Torcal, F.
Morfometría de la red de drenaje, tectónica activa y sismicidad instrumental en el borde occidental de Sierra Nevada (Cordilleras Béticas).
Geo-temas, 6
pp. 135-138.
Bahamonde, J. R.,
Kenter, J. A. M.,
Della Porta, G.,
Keim, L.,
Immenhauser, A. and
Reijmer, J.
Lithofacies and depositional processes on a high, steep-margined Carboniferous (Bashkirian-Moscovian) carbonate platform slope, Sierra del Cuera, NW Spain.
Sedimentary Geology, 166
pp. 145-156.
Baumann, H.,
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
Köster, F. W. and
Temming, A.
A new Retention Index for the Central Baltic Sea: Long-Term Hydrodynamic Modelling Used to Improve Baltic Sprat, Sprattus sprattus, Recruitment Models.

In: ICES Council Meeting 2004. , 22.-25.09.2004, Vigo, Spain .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, 2004
Becker, C.,
Feuchtmayr, H.,
Brepohl, D. C.,
Santer, B. and
Boersma, M.
Differential impacts of copepods and cladocerans on lake seston, and resulting effects on zooplankton growth.
Hydrobiologia, 526
pp. 197-207.
Belchier, M.,
Clemmesen, C.,
Cortes, L.,
Doan, T.,
Folkvord, A.,
Garcia, A.,
Geffen, A.,
Hoie, H.,
Johannessen, A.,
Moksness, E.,
de Pontual, H.,
Ramirez, T.,
Schnack, D. and
Sveinsbo, B., eds.
Recruitment Studies: Manual on Precision and Accuracy of Tools.
Benthien, A.,
Riebesell, U. 
Engel, A. 
Zondervan, I.,
Hefter, J.,
Delille, B.,
Harlay, J. and
Jacquet, S.
Alkenone carbon isotopes during a bloom of Emiliania huxleyi: Effects of CO2 concentration and production.
In: 8. International Conference on Paleoceanography, ICP 8. , 05.09.-10.09.2004, Biarritz, France .
Bialas, J. 
Breitzke, M.,
Fekete, N.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Klaucke, I. 
Bürk, D.,
Papenberg, C. 
Klaeschen, D. 
and SO173-1 Working Group
Mound Culebra, Costa Rica: A high resolution deep towed seismic survey.
In: EGU 1st General Assembly. , 25.- 30.04.2004, Nice, France .
Billant, A.,
Desaubies, Y.,
Grit, C.,
Send, U. and
Böhme, L.
Sensor evaluation.
In: Development of a Realtime In Situ Observing System in the North Atlantic Ocean by an Array of Lagranganian Profiling Floats : EU Contract EVK2-CT-2000-00087, GyroScope Final Report.
, ed. by
Desaubies, Y..
IFREMER, Plouzane, France, pp. 38-45.
Böttcher, M. E.,
Khim, B. K.,
Suzuki, A.,
Gehre, M.,
Wortmann, U. G. and
Brumsack, H. J.
Microbial sulfate reduction in deep sediments of the Southwest Pacific (ODP Leg 181, Sites 1119–1125): evidence from stable sulfur isotope fractionation and pore water modeling.
Marine Geology, 205
pp. 249-260.
Brandt, P. 
Rubino, A.,
Sein, D. V.,
Baschek, B.,
Izquierdo, A. and
Backhaus, J. O.
Sea level variations in the western Mediterranean studied by a numerical tidal model of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 34
pp. 433-443.
Breitzke, M.,
Bialas, J. 
Bürk, D.,
Fekete, N.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Klaucke, I. 
Papenberg, C. 
Ranero, C. and
Klaeschen, D. 
and SO173-1 Working Group
A high resolution deep-tow seismic reconnaissance survey across mounds and slope failures off Nicaragua.
In: EGU 1st General Assembly. , 25.- 30.04.2004, Nice, France .
Brückmann, W. 
Rehder, G.,
Hensen, C. 
Müller, C.,
Moerz , T.,
Mau, S. 
Schneider von Deimling, J. 
Gas hydrate dissociation triggering mass wasting on the Costa Rica continental margin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2004. , 13.-17.12.2004, San Francisco, USA .
Bumke, K.,
Clemens, M.,
Grassl, H.,
Pang, S.,
Peters, G.,
Seltmann, J. E. E.,
Siebenborn, T. and
Wagner, A.
Accurate areal precipitation measurements over land and sea (APOLAS).

BALTEX Newsletter, 6
pp. 9-13.
Carignan, J.,
Cardinal, D.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Galy, A.,
Rehkämper, M.,
Wombacher, F. and
Vigier, N.
A reflection on Mg, Cd, Ca, Li and Si isotopic measurements and related reference materials.
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 28
pp. 139-148.
Caumette, P.,
Guyoneaud, R.,
Imhoff, J. F. 
Süling, J. and
Gorlenko, V.
Thiocapsa marina sp. nov., a new purple sulfur bacterium containing okenone isolated from several brackish and marine environments.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 54
pp. 1031-1036.
Colmenero-Hidalgo, E.,
Flores, J. A.,
Sierro, F. J.,
Bárcena, M.,
Löwemark, L.,
Schönfeld, J. and
Grimalt, J.
Ocean surface water response to short-term climate changes revealed by coccolithophores from the Gulf of Cadiz (NE Atlantic) and Alboran Sea (W Mediterranean).
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 205
pp. 317-336.
Cronin, S. J.,
Gaylord, D. R.,
Charley, D.,
Wallez, S.,
Alloway, B. and
Esau, J.
Participatory methods of incorporating scientific with traditional knowledge for volcanic hazard management on Ambae Island, Vanuatu.
Bulletin of Volcanology, 66
pp. 652-668.
Dengler, M. 
Schott, F.,
Eden, C.,
Brandt, P. 
Fischer, J. 
Zantopp, R. J. 
Break-up of the Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current into eddies at 8°S.
Nature, 432
pp. 1018-1020.
Eisenhauer, A. 
Nägler, T. F.,
Stille, P.,
Kramers, J.,
Gussone, N.,
Bock, B.,
Fietzke, J. 
Hippler, D. and
Schmitt, A. D.
Proposal for International Agreement on Ca Notation resulting from discussion at workshops on stable isotope measurement held in Davos (Goldschmidt 2002) and Nice (EGS-AGU-EUG 2003).
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 28
pp. 149-151.
Engel, A. 
Delille, B.,
Jacquet, S.,
Riebesell, U. 
Rochelle-Newall, E.,
Terbrüggen, A. and
Zondervan, I.
Transparent exopolymer particles and dissolved organic carbon production by Emiliania huxleyi exposed to different CO2 concentrations: a mesocosm experiment.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 34
pp. 93-104.
Favali, P.,
Beranzoli, L.,
Calcara, M.,
D'Anna, G.,
Etiope, G.,
Frugoni, F.,
Lo Bue, N.,
Marinaro, G.,
Monna, S.,
Montuori, C.,
Sgroi, T.,
Gasparoni, F.,
Cenedese, S.,
Furla, F.,
Ferentinos, G.,
Papatheodorou, G.,
Christodolou, D.,
Blandin, J.,
Marvaldi, J.,
Rolin, J. F.,
Clauss, G.,
Gerber, H.,
Coudeville, J. M.,
Nicot, M.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Gamberi, F.,
Marani, M. P. and
Neri, G.
Single-frame multiparameter platforms for seafloor geophysical and environmental observations: projects and missions from GEOSTAR to ORION.
In: Oceans '04 MTS/IEEE Techno-Ocean '04. , 09.-12.11.2004, Kobe, Japan ; pp. 2000-2007 .
Ferraz-Dias, J.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Ueberschär, B.,
Rossi-Wongtschowski, C. and
Katsuragawa, M.
Condition of Brazilian sardine, Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindacher, 1879) larvae in the Sao Sebastiao inner and middle continental shelf (Sao Paulo, Brazil).

Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 52
pp. 81-87.
Fietzke, J. 
Eisenhauer, A. 
Gussone, N.,
Bock, B.,
Liebetrau, V.,
Nägler, T. F.,
Spero, H. J.,
Bijma, J. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Direct measurement of 44Ca/40Ca ratios by MC-ICP-MS using the cool plasma technique.
Chemical Geology, 206
pp. 11-20.
Freundt, A. 
Kutterolf, S. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Perez, W.,
Schmincke, H. U. 
Strauch, W.
Volatile masses put into the stratosphere by arc-volcano plinian eruptions: Along-term record from Nicaragua.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11, Pucon, Chile .
Freundt, A. 
Kutterolf, S. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Schmincke, H. U. 
Strauch, W.
Tsunami in Lake Managua, Nicaragua, triggered by a compositionally zoned plinian eruption.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11, Pucon, Chile .
Froese, R. 
State of the Marine Environment.
In: Conference on Sustainable EU Fisheries: Addressing the Environmental Challenges. , 08.11, Brussels, Belgium .
Froese, R. 
Sampang, A.
Taxonomy and biology of seamount fishes.
In: Seamounts: biodiversity and fisheries.
; 12 (5)
, ed. by
Morato, T. and
Pauly, D..
Fisheries Centre Research Reports, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 25-31.
ISBN 1198-6727
Froese, R. 
Lloris, D. and
Opitz, S.
The need to make scientific data publicly available - concerns and possible solutions.

In: Fish Biodiversity: local studies as basis for global inferences.
, ed. by
Palomares, M. L. D.,
Samb, P.,
Diouf, T.,
Vakily, J. M. and
Pauly, D..
ACP-EU Fisheries Research Report, 14
o.Verl., o.O., pp. 268-271.
Garofalo, K.,
Hansteen, T. 
Frische, M.,
Tassi, F.,
Vaselli, O. and
Strauch, W.
Geochemical and isotopic study of fumarolic emissions from three Nicaraguan Volcanoes.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11, Pucon, Chile .
Giller, P.,
Hillebrand, H.,
Berninger, U. G.,
Gessner, M.,
Hawkins, S.,
Inchausti, P.,
Inglis, C.,
Leslie, H.,
Malmqvist, B.,
Monaghan, M.,
Morin, P. and
O'Mullan, G.
Biodiversity effects on ecosystem function: emerging issues and their experimental test in aquatic communities.
Oikos, 104
pp. 423-436.
Götze, H. J.,
Woldetinsae, G.,
Schmidt, S.,
Alasonati Tasarova, Z.,
Ebbing, J.,
Prezzi, C. and
Lippmann, A.
Integrated Three Dimensional Gravity Modeling in Different Types of Geological Environments.
In: AGU - Fall Meeting. , 13.- 17.12, San Francisco, USA .
Grevemeyer, I. 
Kopf, A. J.,
Fekete, N.,
Kaul, N.,
Villinger, H. W.,
Heesemann, M.,
Wallmann, K. 
Spieß, V.,
Gennerich, H. H.,
Müller, M. and
Weinrebe, R. W.
Fluid flow through active mud dome Mound Culebra offshore Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: evidence from heat flow surveying.
Marine Geology, 207
pp. 145-157.
Grossart, H. P.,
Allgaier, M.,
Passow, U.,
Engel, A. 
Schulz, K. and
Riebesell, U. 
The effect of different CO2 concentrations on bacterial abundance and activity in the course of a diatom bloom.
In: Abstract VAM. , 2004, Braunschweig, Germany .
Guilyardi, E.,
Gualdi, S.,
Slingo, J.,
Navarra, A.,
Delecleuse, P.,
Cole, J.,
Madec, G.,
Roberts, M.,
Latif, M. 
Terray, L.
Representing El Niño in coupled ocean-atmosphere GCMs: the dominant role of the atmospheric component?.

Journal of Climate, 17
pp. 4623-4629.
Guinehut, S.,
Larnicol, G.,
LeTraon, P. Y. and
Send, U.
Array and experiment design.
In: Development of a Realtime In Situ Observing System in the North Atlantic Ocean by an Array of Lagranganian Profiling Floats : EU Contract EVK2-CT-2000-00087, GyroScope Final Report.
, ed. by
Desaubies, Y..
IFREMER, Plouzane, France, pp. 14-23.
Gussone, N.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Haug, G.,
Heuser, A.,
Müller, A. and
Tiedemann, R.
Reconstruction of Caribbean Sea surface temperature and salinity fluctuations in response to the Pliocene closure of the Central American Gateway and radiative forcing, using δ44/40Ca, δ18O and Mg/Ca ratios.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227
pp. 201-214.
Hansteen, T. 
Galle, B.,
Frische, M.,
Garofalo, K. and
Strauch, W.
Cyclic degassing behaviour at San Cristóbal and Telica Volcanoes, Nicaragua.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11.2004, Pucon, Chile .
Hebbeln, D.,
Pfannkuche, O.,
Reston, T. J. and
Ratmeyer, V.
Forschungsschiff METEOR Reise Nr. 61 (2004) - Nordost-Atlantik.

Forschungsschiff Meteor : Reise Nr. M ... = Research vessel Meteor, 61
Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 41 pp.
Hennings, I.,
Herbers, D.,
Prinz, K. and
Zimer, F.
On waterspouts related to marine sandwaves.
In: Marine Sandwave and River Dune Dynamics II, International Workshop. . Proceedings MARID 2004 - Marine Sandwave and River Dune Dynamics II. ; pp. 88-95 .
Hetzinger, S.,
Pfeiffer, M.,
Ruprecht, E. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Reconstruction of Caribbean sea-surface salinity using a combined analysis of Sr/Ca elemental rations and oxygen isotope data from modern Diploria strigosa corals.
In: 8. International Conference on Paleoceanography, ICP 8. , 05.09.-10.09.2004, Biarritz, France .
Hintsa, E. J.,
Dacey, J. W. H.,
Zemmelink, H. J.,
Marandino, C.,
Saltzmann, E. S.,
Edson, J. B.,
Zappa, C. J. and
McGillis, W. R.
Sea-to-air fluxes of DMS and gas transfer velocities derived from independent micrometeorological techniques .
In: SOLAS Open Science Conference 2004. , 13.-16.10.2004, Halifax, Canada .
Hoffmann-Wieck, G.,
Hartz, S.,
Jakobsen, O.,
Müller-Wille, M. and
Haffner, A.
Geoarchäologie im Oldenburger Graben - Genese und steinzeitliche Besiedlung einer ehemaligen Fjordlandschaft in der westlichen Ostsee.
In: Starigard/Oldenburg: Hauptburg der Slawen in Wagrien, Band 5: Naturwissenschaftliche Beiträge.
Offa-Bücher, 82
Wachholtz, Neumünster, pp. 15-29.
Jakobsen, O.,
Meurers-Balke, J.,
Hoffmann-Wieck, G. and
Thiede, J. 
Postglazialer Meeresspiegelanstieg in der südwestlichen Ostsee - Geoarchäologische Ergebnisse aus der Niederung des Oldenburger Grabens (Ostholstein).
In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises
“Geographie der Meere und Küsten” in Warnemünde = Geography of Seas and Coasts : proceedings of the 22nd annual conference in Warnemünde, Germany / EUCC – Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V..
, ed. by
Schernewski, G. and
Dolch, T..
Coastline Reports, 2004
EUCC, Warnemünde, pp. 9-21.
Karstensen, J. 
Schlosser, P.,
Wallace, D. W. R.,
Bullister, J. and
Blindheim, J.
Decadal variability of water mass formation and transformation in the Greenland Sea (solicited).
In: EGU General Assembly 2004. , 25.-30.04.2004, Nice, France .
Karstensen, J. 
Schneider, B.,
DePol Holz, R.,
Oschlies, A. 
Schlitzer, R. and
Sabine, C.
Comparison of two methods to determine the oceans uptake of anthropogenic carbon.
In: EGU General Assembly 2004. , 25.-30.04.2004, Nice, France .
Klyuvitkina, T. S. and
Bauch, H. A. 
Past changes in Laptev Sea water masses deduced from dinoflagellate cysts assemblages.
In: 4th International Congress Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology and Meiobenthology : Isparta, Turkey, September 13-18, 2004 : Program & Extended Abstracts.
, ed. by
Yanko-Hombach, V..
ISEMMM, International Society of Environmental Microbiology, Micropaleontology, and Meiobenthology, Isparta, Turkey, pp. 109-111.
ISBN 9757929786 ; 9789757929789
Kopf, A.,
Bannert, B.,
Brückmann, W.,
Dorschel, B.,
Foubert, A. T. G.,
Grevemeyer, I. 
Gutscher, M. A.,
Hebbeln, D.,
Heesemann, B.,
Hensen, C. 
Kaul, N. E.,
Lutz, M.,
Magalhaes, V. H. d. S.,
Marquardt, M. J.,
Marti, A. V.,
Nass, K. S.,
Neubert, N.,
Niemann, H.,
Nuzzo, M.,
Poort, J. P. D.,
Rosiak, U. D.,
Sahling, H.,
Schneider von Deimling, J. 
Somoza Losada, L.,
Thiebot, E. and
Wilkop, T. P.
Report and preliminary results of SONNE cruise SO175, Miami - Bremerhaven, 12.11 - 30.12.2003 : (GAP, Gibraltar Arc Processes).
Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 228
UNSPECIFIED, Bremen, 218 pp.
Köster, F.,
Möllmann, C.,
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
Tomkiewicz, J.,
Wieland, K.,
Kraus, G.,
Voss, R.,
MacKenzie, B. R.,
Schnack, D. 
Makarchouk, A.,
Plikshs, M.,
St. John, M. A.,
Rohlf, N.,
Linkowski, T. and
Beyer, J. E.
Baltic cod recruitment - the role of physical forcing and species interaction.

In: ICES Council Meeting 2004. , 22.-25.09.2004, Vigo, Spain .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, L:29
Kraus, G.,
Mohrholz, V.,
Voss, R.,
Dickmann, M.,
Hinrichsen, H. H. and
Herrmann, J. P., eds.
Consequences of summer inflow events on the reproduction cycle of Baltic sprat.
Kuhn, T.,
Ratmeyer, V.,
Petersen, S. 
Hekinian, R.,
Koschinsky, A.,
Seifert, R.,
Borowski, C.,
Imhoff, J. F. 
Türkay, M.,
Herzig, P.,
Alexander, B.,
Augustin, N. 
Birgel, D.,
de Carvalho, L. M.,
Engemann, G.,
Ertl, S.,
Franz, L.,
Grech, C.,
Jellinek, T.,
Klar, S.,
Küver, J.,
Kulescha, F.,
Lackschewitz, K.,
Renken, J.,
Ruhland, G.,
Scholten, J.,
Schreiber, K.,
Süling, J.,
Westernstöer, U. and
Zielinski, F.
The Logatchev hydrothermal field - revisited: new findings of the R/V Meteor cruise HYDROMAR I (M60/3).

InterRidge News, 13
pp. 1-4.
Kutterolf, S. 
Freundt, A. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Schmincke, H. U. 
Strauch, W.
Varying volatile release during dacitic Chiltepe Pumice eruption (Nicaragua): Response to compositional changes and magma mixing?.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11, Pucon, Chile .
Kutterolf, S. 
Schacht, U.,
Freundt, A. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Mörz, T.,
Schmidt, M. and
Schmincke, H. U. 
Marine Tephras offshore Nicaragua and Costa Rica - Determination of sedimentation rates, eruption volumes, marine stratigraphy.
In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 14.-20.11, Pucon, Chile .
Kwasnitschka, T. 
Underwater Allsky Photography.
In: International Planetarium Society Conference 2004. , 04.-08.07.2004, Valencia, Spain .
Lackschewitz, K.,
Devey, C. W. 
Stoffers, P.,
Botz, R.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Kummetz, M.,
Schmidt, M. 
Singer, A.
Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of hydrothermal alteration processes in the active, submarine, felsic-hosted PACMANUS field, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68
pp. 4405-4427.
Lan, H.,
Axelsson, M.,
Brupbacher, U.,
Schmidt, S. 
Schiebel, R.
The spring 2004 phytoplankton succession, R/V POSEIDON cruise 308 [POS308].
In: Swiss Global Change Day. , 05.04.2004, Bern, Switzerland .
Lankhorst, M.
Technical behaviour of APEX floats.
In: Development of a Realtime In Situ Observing System in the North Atlantic Ocean by an Array of Lagranganian Profiling Floats : EU Contract EVK2-CT-2000-00087, GyroScope Final Report.
, ed. by
Desaubies, Y..
IFREMER, Plouzane, France, pp. 34-37.
Lassen, S. J.,
Kuijpers, A.,
Kunzendorf, H.,
Hoffmann-Wieck, G.,
Mikkelsen, N. and
Konradi, P.
Late-Holocene Atlantic bottom-water variability in Igaliku Fjord, South Greenland, reconstructed from foraminiferal faunas.

The Holocene, 14
pp. 165-171.
Latif, M. 
Der globale Klimawandel.
In: Gletscher im Treibhaus.
, ed. by
Zängl, W. and
Hamberger, S..
Tecklenborg Verlag, Steinfurt, pp. 220-225.
ISBN 3-934427-41-3
Latif, M. 
Fischer Kompakt
Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 127 pp.
ISBN 3-596-16125-8
Latif, M. 
Klimaänderung und El Niño.
In: Wetterkatastrophen und Klimawandel - sind wir noch zu retten?.
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, München, pp. 42-49.
ISBN 3-937624-80-5
Latif, M. 
Roeckner, E.,
Botzet, M.,
Esch, M.,
Haak, H.,
Hagemann, S.,
Jungclaus, J.,
Legutke, S.,
Marsland, S.,
Mikolajewicz, U. and
Mitchell, J.
Reconstructing, monitoring, and predicting multidecadal-scale changes in the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation with sea surface temperature.

Journal of Climate, 17
pp. 1605-1614.
Liebetrau, V.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Frei, R.,
Kronz, A.,
Bock, B.,
Hansen, B. T. and
Leipe, T.
Radiometric growth rate and Pb isotope evolution of Mn/Fe precipitates from the SW-Baltic Sea.
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geologie - Sonderheft
pp. 177-197.
Linane, K.,
Neven, I.,
Thompsen, J.,
Molis, M. and
Wahl, M. 
Inducible defences of marine macroalgae in response to herbivory: A study examining the effects of grazing, waterborne cues and light on seaweed defence.
In: 52. Winter Meeting of the British Phycological Society. , 04.-07.01.2004, Lancaster, UK .
Lochte, K.,
Koeve, W. 
Meggers, H.,
Mintrop, L. and
Oschlies, A. 
BMBF-Verbundprojekt JGOFS Nordatlantik Synthese II : Abschlußbericht ; 01.07.2001 - 30.06.2003.

BMBF / IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 52 pp.
Lüdmann, T.,
Wong, H. K.,
Konerding, P.,
Zillmer, M.,
Petersen, J. and
Flueh, E.
Heat flow and quantity of methane deduced from a gas hydrate field in the vicinity of the Dnieper Canyon, northwestern Black Sea.
Geo-Marine Letters, 24
pp. 182-193.
Macaya, E.,
Rothäusler, E.,
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Molis, M. and
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Inducible response in two brown macroalgae from the northern-central coast of Chile.
In: 18. International Seaweed Symposium. , 20.-25.06.2004, Bergen, Norway .
MacDonald, I. R.,
Bohrmann, G.,
Escobar, E.,
Abegg, F.,
Blanchon, P.,
Blinova, V.,
Brückmann, W.,
Drews, M.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Han, X.,
Heeschen, K.,
Meier, F.,
Mortera, C.,
Naehr, T.,
Orcutt, B.,
Bernard, B.,
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