Number of items: 905.
Aberle, N.,
Gohse-Reimann, S.,
Jaschinski, S.,
Wiltshire, K. H.,
Brendelberger, H. and
Sommer, U.
Effects of water column nutrients and grazer diversity on a seagrass-epiphyte-microphytobenthos community within and beneath a Zostera marina meadow.
In: Summer Meeting of the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, ASLO. , 23.05, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Agurto, C.,
Sommer, F.,
Sommer, U.,
Hansen, T. and
Rautenstrauch, C.
Stable isotope (δ13C and 15N signatures analyses) signatures of mesozooplankton and seston size fractions at the Central Baltic Sea: Bornholm Basin.
In: FE Seminar. , 02.09, Kiel .
Agurto, C.,
Sommer, F.,
Sommer, U.,
Hansen, T. and
Rautenstrauch, C.
Trophic structure of mesozooplankton in the Central Baltic Sea: δ13C and 15N signatures analysis.
In: Cycle of Conferences in Oceanography. , 24.01, Concepción, Chile .
Arroyo, I. G.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Husen, S.,
Gossler, J.,
Alvarado, G. E. and
Mora, M.
Characterization of the Central Costa Rican Pacific seismogenic Zzne from an "Amphibious" local seismological network.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .
Arunasri, K.,
Sasikala, C.,
Ramana, V. C.,
Süling, J. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Marichromatium indicum sp. nov., a new purple sulfur Gammaproteobacterium from mangroves of Goa, India.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55
pp. 673-679.
Bange, H. W. 
Nitrous oxide and methane in coastal waters.
[Invited talk]
In: Joint Chinese-German Workshop on Land-Sea Interactions along Temperate-Tropical Gradients in Chinese Coastal Waters. , 06.05, Beijing, China .
Bange, H. W. 
Nitrous oxide in the ocean.
[Invited talk]
In: Significant Processes, Observations, and Transformation in Oceanic Nitrogen (SPOT-ON) Conference. , 28.06, Warnemünde .
Bauch, H. A. 
Pavlidis, Y. A.,
Polyakova, Y. I.,
Matishov, G. G. and
Koç, N.
Pechora Sea environments : past, modern, and future state of Pechora Sea.

In: Pechora Sea environments : Past, Present, and Future.
, ed. by
Bauch, H. A.,
Pavlidis, Y. A.,
Polyakova, Y. I.,
Matishov, G. G. and
Koç, N..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501
Kamloth, Bremen, pp. 1-5, 247 pp.
Bauch, H. A.,
Pavlidis, Y. A.,
Polyakova, Y. I.,
Matishov, G. G. and
Koç, N., eds.
Pechora Sea Environments : Past, Present, and the Future.
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501
Kamloth, Bremen, 247 pp.
Bauch, T.,
Reijmer, J.,
Schäfer, P. and
McNeill, D. F.
Reef evolution in a silicilastic dominatd environment (Early Pliocene, Costa Rica).
In: Congrès ASF 2005, 10ème Congrès Francais de Sédimentologie. , 11.-13.10, Giens, France .
Becker, C.,
Brepohl, D. C.,
Feuchtmayr, H.,
Zöllner, E.,
Sommer, F.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Sommer, U. and
Boersma, M.
Impacts of copepods on marine seston and resulting effects on Calanus finmarchicus RNA: DNA ratios in mesocosm experiments.
Marine Biology, 146
pp. 531-541.
Biebow, N.,
Dullo, W. C. 
Obzhirov, A.,
Suess, E. and
Kulinich, R.
The environment of the Okhotsk Sea - contribution of the KOMEX Project.
In: 5th Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation in the Sea of Okhotsk - Kurile Island Arc System KOMEX. , 27.-30.05, Vladivostok, Russia .
Bindeman, I. N.,
Eiler, J. M.,
Yogodzinski, G. M.,
Tatsumi, Y.,
Stern, C. R.,
Grove, T. L.,
Portnyagin, M. 
Hoernle, K. 
Danyushevsky, L. V.
Oxygen isotope evidence for slab melting in modern and ancient subduction zones.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235
pp. 480-496.
Bischoff, A. A.,
Kube, N.,
Wecker, B. and
Waller, U.
MARE - Marine Artificial Recirculated Ecosystem: Steps towards closed systems for the production of marine organisms.
In: Lessons from the past to optimise the future.
, ed. by
Howell, B. and
Flos, R..
ESA special publication, 35
European Aquaculture Society, Oostende, Belgium, pp. 135-136.
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Heuser, A.,
Kiessling, W. and
Wallmann, K. 
Calcium isotope fractionation during dolomitization.
In: GeoErlangen 2005. , 29.09, Erlangen .
Böhm, F.,
Gussone, N.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Reynaud, S. and
Paytan, A.
Calcium isotopes in corals - influence of temperature and calcification rate.
In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 26.04, Vienna, Austria .
Böhm, F.,
Gussone, N.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Reynaud, S.,
Paytan, A.,
Reitner, J.,
Wörheide, G. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Ca isotope fractionation of biogenic CaCO3 - mineralogical control and vital effects.
In: Calcium Workshop. , 24.11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands .
Bohm, M.,
Asch, G.,
Fauzi, F.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Brotopuspito, K. S.,
Kopp, H. 
Luehr, B. G.,
Puspito, N. T.,
Ratdomopurbo, A.,
Rabbel, W. and
Wagner, D.
and MERAMEX Research Group
The MERAMEX Project - a seismological network in Central Java, Indonesia.
In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 6-9 .
Geotechnologien science report
Bonnet, D.,
Richardson, A.,
Harris, R.,
Hirst, A.,
Beaugrand, G.,
Edwards, M.,
Ceballos, S.,
Diekmann, R.,
Lopez-Urrutia, A.,
Valdes, L.,
Carlotti, F.,
Molinero, J. C.,
Weikert, H.,
Greve, W.,
Lucic, D.,
Albaina, A.,
Yahia, N. D.,
Umani, S. F.,
Miranda, A.,
dos Santos, A.,
Cook, K.,
Robinson, S. and
Fernandez de Puelles, M. L.
An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters.
Progress in Oceanography, 65
pp. 1-53.
Booth-Rea, G.,
Reston, T. J.,
Sawyer, D. and
Leythaeuser, T.
Synrift geometry, structural complexity and low-angle activity of the S reflector at the west Galicia rifted margin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-9.12, San Francisco, USA .
Boyd, P. W.,
Law, C. L.,
Hutchins, D. A.,
Abraham, E.,
Croot, P.,
Ellwood, M.,
Frew, R. D.,
Hall, J.,
Handy, S.,
Hare, C.,
Higgins, J.,
Hill, P.,
Hunter, K. A.,
LeBlanc, K.,
Moldonado, M.,
McKay, R. M.,
Oliver, M.,
Pickmere, S.,
Safi, K.,
Sander, S.,
Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S.,
Smith, M.,
Strzepek, R.,
Tovar-Sanchez, A. and
Wilhelm, S.
FeCycle - attempting an iron biogeochemical budget from a mesoscale SF6 tracer experiment in unperturbed low iron waters.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19
Brandt, P. 
Affler, K.,
Maluf, V. C.,
Dengler, M. 
Dispert, A.,
Dombrowsky, U.,
Ferreira, M.,
Fischer, J. 
Funk, A.,
Hummels, R.,
Mahmud, N.,
Müller, M.,
Papenburg, U.,
Schafstall, J.,
Stramma, L. 
Truscheit, T.,
Veleda, D.,
Weddige, P. and
Zantopp, R. J. 
Circulation and Variability in the Tropical Atlantic METEOR Cruise No. 62, Leg 2 from Fortaleza, Brazil to Recife, Brazil August 8 to August 31, 2004.
Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bremen, Germany, 46 pp.
Brandt, P. 
Fischer, J. 
Schott, F.,
Hormann, V.,
Bourles, B. and
Provost, C.
Circulation variability in the central equatorial Atlantic.
In: Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop. , 17.10, Venice, Italy .
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Czeschel, L.,
Eden, C. and
Böning, C. W. 
A rapid exit pathway of convectively formed water in the Labrador Sea boundary current.
In: Seminar. , 06.12, Hamburg .
Breitbarth, E.,
Oschlies, A. 
Friedrichs, G.,
Mills, M. M. and
LaRoche, J.
Global warming may decrease nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium.
In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6.2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Breitbarth, E.,
Passow, U.,
Terbrüggen, A. and
Croot, P.
Progression of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and potential of iron binding to TEP during EIFEX. Cruise Report: ANT21/3 EIFEX: Jan-Mar 2004.

In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXII3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 61-66, 5 pp.
Bringmann, G.,
Lang, G.,
Gulder, T. A. M.,
Tsurata, H.,
Mühlbacher, J.,
Maksimenka, K.,
Steffens, S.,
Schaumann, K.,
Stöhr, R.,
Wiese, J. 
Imhoff, J. F. 
Perovic-Ottstadt, S.,
Boreiko, O. and
Müller, W. E. G.
The first sorbicillinoid alkaloids, the antileucemic sorbillactones A and B, from a sponge derived Penicillium chrysogenum strain.
pp. 7252-7265.
Brückmann, W.,
Müller, C.,
Rehder, G.,
Greinert, J. 
Mörz, T. and
Schneider von Deimling, J.
SO173: Gashydrat-Dissoziation und Hangrutschung am Costa Rica Kontinentalrand - Mechanismen und Bilanzen.
In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.- 11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Brückmann, W. 
Rhein, M.,
Rehder, G.,
Flüh, E. R. and
Kopf, A.
Forschungsschiff METEOR
Reise Nr. 66 (2005)
Forschungsschiff Meteor : Reise Nr. M ... = Research vessel Meteor, 66
Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 60 pp.
Bumke, K.
Klimawandel: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik.
[Public Lecture]
In: Seminar über Flieger- und Tauchärztliche Aspekte sowie Physiologisches Auswahlverfahren und Betreuung von Polizeibeamtinnen und -beamten der Polizeiführungsakademie. , 19.10, Kiel .
Bumke, K. and
Rubel, F.
Precipitation over the BALTEX area.
In: BALTEX Phase I - 1993-2002.
, ed. by
Jacob, D. and
Omstedt, A..
International BALTEX Secretariat Publication, 31
International BALTEX Secretariat, Geesthacht, pp. 83-91.
Bumke, K.,
Clemens, M.,
Fischer, B.,
Peters, G.,
Graßl, H.,
Pang, S.,
Seltmann, J. and
Wagner, A.
APOLAS - More Accurate Areal Precipitation Over Land and Sea.

BALTEX Newsletter, 8
pp. 8-10.
Cahalan, R. F.,
Oreopoulos, L.,
Marshak, A.,
Evans, K.,
Davis, A. B.,
Pincus, R.,
Yetzer, K. H.,
Mayer, B.,
Davies, R.,
Ackerman, T. P.,
Barker, H. W.,
Clothiaux, E. E.,
Ellingson, R. G.,
Garay, M. J.,
Kassianov, E.,
Kinne, S.,
Macke, A.,
O'Hirok, W.,
Partain, P. T.,
Prigarin, S. M.,
Rubiev, A. N.,
Stephens, G. L.,
Szczap, F.,
Takara, E. E.,
Várnai, T.,
Wen, G. and
Zhuravleva, T. B.
THE I3RC: Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools for Cloudy Atmospheres.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86
pp. 1275-1293.
Caumette, P.,
Guyoneaud, R. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiolamprovum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2, Part B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, 35 pp.
2nd ed
ISBN 0-387-24144-2
Christie, D.,
Werner, R.,
Hauff, F. 
Hoernle, K. 
Hanan, B. B.
Morphological and geochemical variations along the eastern Galapagos Spreading Center.

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6
Croot, P.
Surface-active organic matter in the upper water column during EIFeX, a mesoscale open ocean iron enrichment experiment in the Southern Ocean.
In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 59-61.
Croot, P. and
Bluhm, K.
H2O2 dynamics during a mesoscale iron enrichment in the Southern Ocean.
In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 46-50.
Croot, P. and
Öztürk, M.
Changes in the speciation and biogeochemical cycling of other trace metals during EIFeX.
In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 55-58.
Croot, P.,
Bluhm, K.,
Breitbarth, E. and
Öztürk, M.
Temporal changes in iron specification during mesoscale iron enrichment experiment.
In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 50-55.
Croot, P.,
Laan, P.,
Nishioka, J.,
Strass, V.,
Cisewski, B.,
Boye, M.,
Timmermanns, K. R.,
Bellerby, R. G.,
Goldson, L.,
Nightingale, P. and
de Baar, H. J. W.
Spatial and temporal distribution of Fe(II) and H2O2 during EisenEx, an open ocean mescoscale iron enrichment.
Marine Chemistry, 95
pp. 65-88.
de Baar, H. J. W.,
Boyd, P. W.,
Coale, K. H.,
Landry, M. R.,
Tsuda, A.,
Assmy, P.,
Bakker, D. C. E.,
Bozec, Y.,
Barber, R. T.,
Brzezinski, M. A.,
Buesseler, K. O.,
Boyé, M.,
Croot, P.,
Gervais, F.,
Gorbunov, M. Y.,
Harrison, P. J.,
Hiscock, W. T.,
Laan, P.,
Lancelot, C.,
Law, C. S.,
Levasseur, M.,
Marchetti, A.,
Millero, F. J.,
Nishioka, J.,
Nojiri, Y.,
van Oijen, T.,
Riebesell, U. 
Rijkenberg, M. J. A.,
Saito, H.,
Takeda, S.,
Timmermans, K. R.,
Veldhuis, M. J. W.,
Waite, A. M. and
Wong, C. S.
Synthesis of iron fertilization experiments: from the Iron Age in the Age of Enlightenment..

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110
Delille, B.,
Harlay, J.,
Zondervan, I.,
Jacquet, S.,
Chou, L.,
Wollast, R.,
Bellerby, R. G. J.,
Frankignoulle, M.,
Borges, A. V.,
Riebesell, U. 
Gattuso, J. P.
Response of primary production and calcification to changes of pCO2 during experimental blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19
Dmitrenko, I. A.,
Tyshko, K. N.,
Kirillov, S. A.,
Eicken, H.,
Hölemann, J. A. and
Kassens, H.
Impact of flaw polynyas on the hydrography of the Laptev Sea.
Global and Planetary Change, 48
pp. 9-27.
D'Ortenzio, F.,
Iudicone, D.,
de Boyer Montegut, C.,
Testor, P.,
Antoine, D.,
Marullo, S.,
Santoleri, R. and
Madec, G.
Seasonal variability of the mixed layer depth in the Mediterranean Sea as derived from in situ profiles.

Geophysical Research Letters, 32
Dullo, W. C. 
Coral growth and reef growth.
In: Flügel-Colloquium 2005: Trends and Developments in Carbonate Sedimentology and Paleontology. , 13.04.-15.04, Erlangen .
Dullo, W. C. 
Biebow, N.,
Baranov, B.,
Werner, R. and
Lembke-Jene, L.
and SO178-Scientific Party
SO178 KOMEX: Stoffaustauschprozesse und -bilanzen im Ochotskischen Meer: Hintergrund und erste Ergebnisse.
In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .
Eicken, H.,
Dmitrenko, I.,
Tyshko, K.,
Darovskikh, A.,
Dierking, W.,
Blahak, U.,
Groves, J. and
Kassens, H.
Zonation of the Laptev Sea landfast ice cover and its importance as a frozen estuary.
Global and Planetary Change, 48
pp. 55-83.
Eickmann, B.,
Strauss, H.,
Koschinsky, A.,
Kuhn, T.,
Petersen, S. 
Schmidt, K.
Sulphur cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: isotopic evidence from the Logatchev and Turtle Pits hydrothermal fields.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .
Ellwood, M. J.,
van den Berg, C. M. G.,
Boye, M.,
Veldhuis, M.,
Jong, J. T. M. d.,
Baar, H. J. W. d.,
Croot, P. L. and
Kattner, G.
Organic complexation of cobalt across the Antarctic Polar Front in the Southern Ocean.
Marine and Freshwater Research, 56
pp. 1069-1075.
Flögel, S.,
Hay, W. W.,
Migdisov, A.,
Balukhovsky, A. N.,
Wold, C. N. and
Söding, E. 
Evaporites and the salinitiy of the ocean during the Phanerozoic: implications for climate, ocean circulation, and life.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .
Frank, M. 
Porcelli, D.,
Andersson, P.,
Halliday, A. N.,
Kubik, P. W.,
Hattendorf, B. and
Günther, D.
Tracing water masses and riverine inputs into the Arctic Ocean with dissolved 10Be and 9Be.
In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .
Froese, R. 
SpeciesBanks: Dreams and Realities.
[Invited talk]
In: GBIF Workshop Building SpeciesBanks: How Shall we Shape the Future?. , 02.03, Amsterdam, Netherlands .
Garofalo, K.,
Tassi, F.,
Frische, M.,
Hansteen, T. 
Vaselli, O.,
Delgado Huertas, A.,
Tedesco, D. and
Strauch, W.
\The collapsing volcano\" Mombacho (Nicaragua): is it experiencing a renew phase of volcanic activity?".
In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04.2005, Potsdam, Germany .
Gieskes, J.,
Mahn, C.,
Day, S.,
Martin, J. B.,
Greinert, J. 
Rathburn, T. and
McAdoo, B.
A study of the chemistry of pore fluids and authigenic carbonates in methane seep environments: Kodiak Trench, Hydrate Ridge, Monterey Bay, and Eel River Basin.
Chemical Geology, 220
pp. 329-345.
Gischler, E.,
Lomando, A. J.,
Alhazeem, S. H.,
Fiebig, J.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Oschmann, W.
Coral climate proxy data from a marginal reef area, Kuwait, northern Arabian-Persian Gulf.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 228
pp. 86-95.
Gorlenko, V. M. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Lamprobacter.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 16-18.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Götze, H. J.,
Schmidt, S.,
Araneda, M.,
Avenano, M.,
Omarini, R.,
Chong, G. and
Viramonte, J.
Twenty years of gravity surveys in the Central Andes.
In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04, Potsdam, Germany .
Grevemeyer, I. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Villinger, H.,
Dahm, T.,
Scherwath, M.,
Heesemann, M.,
Hofmann, S. D.,
Ranero, C.,
Rietbrock, A. and
Tilman, F.
and TIPTEQ Working Group
Impact of the lateral variability of the incoming ocean plate in South Chile on the structure of the marine forearc and the generation of mega thrust earthquakes.
In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam. , 09.06.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 18-23 .
Geotechnologien science report
Grevemeyer, I. 
Kaul, N.,
Diaz-Naveas, J. L.,
Villinger, H. W.,
Ranero, C. R. and
Reichert, C.
Heat flow and bending-related faulting at subduction trenches: Case studies offshore of Nicaragua and Central Chile.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236
pp. 238-248.
Grevemeyer, I. 
Ranero, C. R.,
Sahling, H.,
Barckhausen, U.,
Hensen, C. 
Wallmann, K. 
Weinrebe, R. W.,
Vanucchi, P.,
von Huene, R. and
McIntosh, K.
The relationship between fluids and tectonics at the Middle America Convergent Margin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .
Gurenko, A. A.,
Sobolev, A. V.,
Hoernle, K. 
Schmincke, H. U. 
Recycled component in the Canary plume, Canary Islands, Spain.
In: "Inclusions in Minerals and Processes in Earth's Mantle" Conference. , 09.05.-13.05, Kreuth am Tegernsee .
Gurenko, A. A.,
Sobolev, A. V.,
Hoernle, K. 
Schmincke, H. U. 
Recycled component in the Canary plume: constraints from olivine phenocryst composition and radiogenic isotopes in the shield stage lavas from the Canary Islands.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .
Gussone, N.,
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Dietzel, M.,
Heuser, A.,
Teichert, B. M. A.,
Reitner, J.,
Wörheide, G. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Calcium isotope fractionation in calcite and aragonite.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69
pp. 4485-4494.
Gussone, N.,
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Dietzel, M.,
Heuser, A.,
Teichert, B. M. A.,
Reitner, J.,
Wörheide, G. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Calcium isotope fractionation in the calcium carbonate polymorphs calcite and aragonite.
In: EGU General Assembly. , 26.04, Vienna, Austria .
Guyoneaud, R.,
Caumette, P. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiorhodococcus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 37-38.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Haase, K. M.,
Petersen, S. 
Perner, M. 
Schott, T. and
Süling, J.
and M64/1 Scientific Party
Hydrothermal activity on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: first results of the M64/1 cruise.
In: 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG). , 18.09.-21.09.2005, Aachen .
Haase, K. M.,
Petersen, S. 
Perner, M. 
Schott, T. and
Süling, J.
and M64/1 Scientific Party
Hydrothermal venting and volcanism on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .
Haase-Schramm, A.,
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Garbe-Schönberg, C. D.,
Dullo, W. C. 
Reitner, J.
Annual- to interannual temperature variability in the Caribbean during the Maunder Sunspot minimum.

Paleoceanography, 20
Haase-Schramm, A.,
Böhm, F.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Garbe-Schönberg, C. D.,
Reitner, J. and
Wörheide, G.
Sr/Ca ratios in different sclerosponge species and their application as temperature proxy.
In: GeoErlangen 2005, System Earth -Biosphere Coupling Regional Geology of Central Europe. , 29.09, Erlangen .
Hannington, M. D.,
de Ronde, C. D. J. and
Petersen, S. 
Sea-floor tectonics and submarine hydrothermal systems.
In: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume.
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Hedenquist, J. W.,
Thompson, J. F. H.,
Goldfarb, R. J. and
Richards, J. P..
Society of Economic Geologists, Littelton, Colorado, USA, pp. 111-141.
Haug, G. H.,
Ganopolski, A.,
Sigman, D. M.,
Rosell-Mele, A.,
Swann, G. E. A.,
Tiedemann, R.,
Jaccard, S. L.,
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Maslin, M. A.,
Leng, M. J. and
Eglinton, G.
North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago.
Nature, 433
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Heeschen, K. U.,
Collier, R. W.,
de Angelis, M. A.,
Suess, E.,
Rehder, G.,
Linke, P. 
Klinkhammer, G. P.
Methane sources, distributions, and fluxes from cold vent sites at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Margin.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19
Heesemann, M.,
Villinger, H. and
Grevemeyer, I. 
Heat-flux off coast Chile measured during RV Sonne cruise SO181-1b.
In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 40-43 .
Geotechnologien science report
Hensen, C. 
Wallmann, K. 
Ranero, C. R.,
Rehder, G.,
Brückmann, W.,
Grevemeyer, I. 
Reston, T. J.
Modes of fluid expulsion and its significance for forearc dewatering at Costa Rica Convergent Margin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , San Francisco .
Hensen, C. 
Wallmann, K. 
Schmidt, M. 
Suess, E.,
Ranero, C. and
Brückmann, W. 
Fluid Flow and Gas Hydrate Dynamics at Costa Rica Convergent Margin.
In: EGU. , Vienna .
Hetzinger, S.,
Pfeiffer, M.,
Dullo, W. C. 
Ruprecht, E.
Tracking tropical Atlantic climate variability of the last century using a 93-year monthly resolved δ18O and Sr/Ca record from a Caribbean coral.
In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.04.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria ; 04678 .
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7
Hetzinger, S.,
Pfeiffer, M.,
Dullo, W. C. 
Ruprecht, E.
Variability of past Caribbeansea surface conditions derived from a century-long coral record.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, California, USA .
Heuser, A.,
Eisenhauer, A. 
Böhm, F.,
Wallmann, K. 
Gussone, N.,
Pearson, P. N.,
Nägler, T. F. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Calcium isotope (δ44/40Ca ) variations of Neogene planktonic foraminifera.

Paleoceanography, 20
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
Schmidt, J. 
Möllmann, C.,
Voss, R. and
Lehmann, A.
The influence of circulation patterns on the interaction between Baltic larval cod and zooplankton as their prey.
In: Workshop on the Impact of Zooplankton on Cod Abundance and Production. , 08.06, Copenhagen, Denmark .
Hiraishi, A. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Acidiphilium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 54-62.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Hiraishi, A. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Porphyrobacter.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 275-279.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Hiraishi, A. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodoferax.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 727-732.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Hiraishi, A. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodoplanes.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 545-549.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Hiraishi, A. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Roseateles.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 746-748.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Hoernle, K. A. 
Werner, R.,
Hauff, F. 
van den Bogaard, P.
The Hikurangi Oceanic Plateau: A Fragment of the Largest Volcanic Event on Earth.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 51-54.
Hoernle, K. 
Hauff, F. 
van den Bogaard, P.,
Werner, R. and
Mortimer, N.
The Hikurangi oceanic plateau: Another large piece of the largest volcanic event on earth.
[Invited talk]
In: Goldschmidt Conference 2005. , 21.-25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .
Hoernle, K. 
Hauff, F. 
Werner, R.,
van den Bogaard, P. and
Mortimer, N.
and SO168 Scientific Party
Ursprung und Entwicklung des Hikurangi Ozeanplateaus (Neuseeland): Ein Fragment des größten bekannten vulkanischen Ereignisses auf der Erde? (SO168 ZEALANDIA).
In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Warnemünde .
Hoernle, K. 
van den Bogaard, P.,
Hauff, F. 
Werner, R. and
Geldmacher, J.
Origin of long-term intraplate volcanism in the Canaries, Galapagos and New Zealand: Which are consistent with the plume hypothesis?.
[Invited talk]
In: AGU Chapman Conference: The Great Plume Debate. , 28.08.-01.09, Fort William, Scotland .
Hoffmann, L. 
Peeken, I.,
Assmy, P.,
Veldhuis M. and
Lochte, K.
Response of pico-, nano-, and microphytoplankton during the Southern Ocean iron fertilisation experiment EIFEX.
In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Holohan, E. P.,
Troll, V. R.,
Walter, T. R.,
Münn, S.,
McDonnell, S. and
Shipton, Z. K.
Elliptical calderas in active tectonic settings: an experimental approach.
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 144
pp. 119-136.
Horii, Y.,
Kannan, K.,
Petrick, G.,
Gamo, T.,
Falandysz, J. and
Yamashita, N.
Congener-specific carbon isotopic analysis of technical PCB and PCN mixtures using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry.
Environmental Science & Technology, 39
pp. 4206-4212.
Hühnerbach, V.,
Masson, D.,
Bohrmann, G.,
Bull, J. M. and
Weinrebe, R. W.
Deformation and submarine landsliding caused by seamount subduction beneth the Costa Rica Continental margin - new insights from high-resolution sidescan sonar data.
In: Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products.
; 244
, ed. by
Hodgson, D. M. and
Flint, S. S..
Geological Society Publishing, London, pp. 195-205.
ISBN 1862391777
Ihle, T.,
Petersen, S. 
Herzig, P. and
Hannington, M. D.
Siting of gold and characteristics of gold-bearing massive sulfides from the interior of the felsic-hosted PACMANUS massive sulfide deposit, Eastern Manus Basin (PNG).
In: SGA Meeting. , 18.-21.08, Beijing, China .
Imhoff, J. F.
Genus Rhodothalassium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 228-229.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Family Chromatiaceae.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 3-9.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Family Ectothiorhodospiraceae.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 40-43.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Allochromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 12-14.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Chromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 10-12.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Ectothiorhodospira.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 43-48.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodovibrio.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 36-37.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodovulum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 205-209.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Roseospirillum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, 39 pp.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rubrivivax.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 749-750.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thioalkalicoccus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,b
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 25-26.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiococcus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 28-29.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiocystis.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 29-31.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiodictyon.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 31-33.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thioflaviococcus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 33-34.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiopedia.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 36-37.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Thiospirillum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 39-40.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Halorhodospira.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 49-52.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Isochromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 15-16.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Lamprocystis.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 18-20.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Marichromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 20-21.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Phaeospirillum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 32-33.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhabdochromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 23-24.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodobaca.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 204-205.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodobacter.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 161-167.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodoblastus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 471-473.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodocista.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 33-35.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodocyclus.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 887-890.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodopseudomonas.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 473-476.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodospira.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 35-36.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodospirillum.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 1-6.
ISBN -10:0387-24145-0
Imhoff, J. F. 
New Natural Products from Marine Microorganisms.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 44-46.
Imhoff, J. F. 
Order Chromatiales.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 1-3.
ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Caumette, P.
Genus Halochromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 14-15.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Caumette, P.
Genus Thiocapsa.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 26-28.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Caumette, P.
Genus Thiohalocapsa.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 34-35.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Gorlenko, V. M.
Genus Roseospira.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 37-38.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Gorlenko, V. M.
Genus Thiorhodospira.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, 57 pp.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Hiraishi, A.
Aerobic bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll and belonging to the alphaproteobacteria.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Introductory Essays.
; 2,A
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 133-136.
ISBN 978-0-387-24143-2
Imhoff, J. F. 
Hiraishi, A.
Genus Rhodobium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 571-574.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Imhoff, J. F. 
Madigan, M. T.
Genus Thermochromatium.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 24-25.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Overmann, J.
Genus Thiorhodovibrio.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria.
; 2,B
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 38-39.
ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9
Imhoff, J. F. 
Hiraishi, A. and
Süling, J.
Anoxygenic phototrophic purple bacteria.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Introductory Essays.
; 2,A
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 119-132.
ISBN 978-0-387-24143-2
Jickels, T. D.,
An, Z. S.,
Andersen, K. K.,
Baker, A. R.,
Bergametti, G.,
Brooks, N.,
Cao, J. J.,
Boyd, P. W.,
Duce, R. A.,
Hunter, K. A.,
Kawahata, H.,
Kubilay, N.,
LaRoche, J.,
Liss, P. S.,
Mahowald, N.,
Prospero, J. M.,
Ridgwell, A. J.,
Tegen, I. and
Torres, R.
Global iron connections between desert dust, ocean biogeochemistry and climate.
Science, 308
pp. 67-71.
Johansen, T. S.,
Hauff, F. 
Hoernle, K. 
Klügel, A. and
Kokfelt, T. F.
Basanite to phonolite differentiation within 1550-1750 yr: U-Th-Ra isotopic evidence from the A.D. 1585 eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands.
Geology, 33
pp. 897-900.
John, T.,
Scherer , E. E.,
Haase, K. and
Schenk, V.
Does fluid-induced eclogitization of slab crust generate arc signatures?.
In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 20.- 25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .
Kanzow, T. 
Flechtner, F.,
Chave, A.,
Schmidt, R.,
Schwintzer, P. and
Send, U.
Seasonal variation of ocean bottom pressure derived from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE): local validation and global patterns.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110
Kassens, H.,
Andersen, L.,
Barber, D.,
Bauch, H. 
Deming, J.,
Dmitrenko, I.,
Eicken, H.,
Lisitzin, A. P.,
Moore, S.,
Wassmann, P.,
Wegner, C. and
Zhao, J.
The Arctic shelf seas.
[Invited talk]
In: International Conference on Arctic Research Planning, ICARP II. , 10.11.-12.11, Copenhagen, Denmark .
Kassens, H.,
Dmitrenko, I.,
Hoelemann, J. A.,
Kirillov, S.,
Priamikov, S.,
Thiede, J. 
Timokhov, L. and
Wegner, C.
Seafloor observatories in Russian polynyas.
[Invited talk]
In: 7. Arctic Science Summit Week. , 17.04.-24.04, Kunming, China .
Keenlyside, N.,
Park, W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Latif, M. 
Kornblueh, L.,
Esch, M. and
Redler, R.
Projects and Experience at IFM-GEOMAR and MPI-M.
In: PRISM users meeting. , Toulouse, France .
Keir, R.,
Greinert, J. 
Rhein, M.,
Petrick, G.,
Sültenfuß, J. and
Fürhaupter, K.
Methane and methane carbon isotopes in the Northeast Atlantic including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (50°N).
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52
pp. 1043-1070.
Kim, S. K.,
Rosenthal, H.,
Clemmesen, C. 
Park, K. Y.,
Kim, D. H.,
Choi, Y. S. and
Seo, H. C.
Various methods to determine the gonadal development and spawning season of the purplish Washington clam, Saxidomus purpuratus (Sowerby).
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 21
pp. 101-106.
Klaeschen, D. 
Vidal, N.,
Kopf, A. J.,
von Huene, R. and
Krasheninnikov, V. A.
Multi-channel seismic profiles across Eratosthenes Seamount and the Florence Rise reflecting the incipient collision between Africa and Eurasia near the island of Cyprus, eastern Mediterranean.
In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel.
, ed. by
Krasheninnikov, V. A.,
Hall, J. K.,
Hirsch, F.,
Benjamini, C. and
Flexer, A..
Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 57-71.
ISBN 965-729-703-6
Klaeschen, D. 
Vidal, N.,
Kopf, A. J.,
von Huene, R. and
Krasheninnikov, V. A.
Reflection seismic processing and images of the eastern Mediterranean from the Cruise 5 of the Research Vessel "Akademik Nicolaj Strakhov".
In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel.
, ed. by
Krasheninnikov, V. A.,
Hall, J. K.,
Hirsch, F.,
Benjamini, C. and
Flexer, A..
Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 21-40.
ISBN 965-729-703-6
Klaeschen, D. 
Vidal, N.,
Kopf, A. J.,
von Huene, R. and
Krasheninnikov, V. A.
Seismic images from South-East of Cyprus to the Syrian coast.
In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel.
, ed. by
Krasheninnikov, V. A.,
Hall, J. K.,
Hirsch, F.,
Benjamini, C. and
Flexer, A..
Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 41-56.
ISBN 965-729-703-6
Klaeschen, D. 
Vidal, N.,
Kopf, A.,
von Huene, R. and
Krasheninnikov, V. A.
Seismic Images from South-East of Cyprus to the Syrien Coast.
In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Volume II: The Levantine Basin and Israel.
; 2
, ed. by
Krasheninnikov, V.,
Hall, J. K.,
Hirsch, F.,
Benjamini, C. and
Flexer, A..
Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 41-56.
ISBN 965-729-703-6
Klaeschen, D. 
Zillmer, M. and
Bialas, J. 
Seismic Imaging of Gas Hydrates.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 55-58.
Klaucke, I. 
Das Echolot - die Tiefe hören.
[Public Lecture]
In: Jahresversammlung der Seglergemeinschaft (Wappen von Bremen). , 05.11, Bremen .
Klaucke, I. 
Sahling, H.,
Bohrmann, G. and
Weinrebe, R. W.
The variability of fluid-escape features imaged with deep-towed sidescan sonar: morphologies, backscatter facies and controls.
In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .
Klaucke, I. 
Sahling, H.,
Bürk, D.,
Weinrebe, R. W. and
Bohrmann, G.
Mapping deep-water gas emissions with sidescan sonar.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86
pp. 341-346.
Klaucke, I. 
Sahling, H.,
Weinrebe, R. W.,
Bohrmann, G. and
Ivanov, M. K.
Mud volcanoes and other types of cold seeps in the Black Sea: morphologies, settings and processes.
[Invited talk]
In: CIESM Workshop 29. , 19.10.-22.10, Bologna, Italy .
Klaucke, I. 
Sahling, H.,
Weinrebe, R. W.,
Buerk, D.,
Lursmanashvili, N. and
Blinova, V.
Fluid venting and slope erosion offshore Georgia, Eastern Black Sea.
In: Workshop on Methane in the Black Sea. , 18.-20.05, Sewastopol, Ukraine .
Kopp, H. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Rabbel, W.,
Wagner, D. and
Wittwer, A.
and MERAMEX Scientists
Subduction zone processes in Central Java: Preliminary results of the MERAMEX amphibious Project.
In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 56-59 .
Geotechnologien science report
Kopp, H. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Wittwer, A.,
Barckhausen, U.,
Wagner, D.,
Papenberg, C. 
Petersen, C. J.
and MERAMEX-Working Group
Geophysikalische Untersuchungen der Sunda-Subduktionszone vor Zentral-Java: erste Ergebnisse der SONNE-Fahrten SO176 & SO179.
[Invited talk]
In: Statusseminar 2005 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .
Kopp, H. 
Flueh, E. R.,
Wittwer, A.,
Klaeschen, D. 
MERAMEX Scientists
Subduction of basement relief off Central Java: geological indications for subduction erosion.
[Invited talk]
In: EGU General Assembly. , 05.04, Vienna, Austria .
Körtzinger, A. 
Wallace, D. W. R.
Monitoring the Ocean's Breathing.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 31-32.
Köster, F. W.,
Möllmann, C.,
Hinrichsen, H. H.,
Tomkiewicz, J.,
Wieland, K.,
Kraus, G.,
Voss, R.,
MacKenzie, B. R.,
Schnack, D. 
Makarchouk, A.,
Plikshs, M. and
Beyer, J. E.
Baltic cod recruitment – the impact of climate variability on key processes.

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62
pp. 1408-1425.
Krabbenhöft, A.,
Bialas, J. 
Zillmer, M.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Petersen, J.,
Thierer, P. and
von Gronefeld, G.
Investigation of gas hydrates and free gas saturation with seismic methods.
In: Workshop on Methane in the Black Sea. , 18.-20.05, Sevastopol, Ukraine .
Kube, N.,
Bischoff, A. A.,
Wecker, B. and
Waller, U.
The feasibility of a photobioreactor (micro) for the removal of dissolved nutrients in a closed recirculating system.
In: Lessons From the Past to Optimise the Future.
, ed. by
Howell, B. and
Flos, R..
EAS special publication, 35
European Aquaculture Society, Oostende, Belgium, pp. 289-290.
ISBN 90-71625-19-2
Kuhn, T.,
Bruegmann, G.,
Petersen, S. 
Herzig, P.
Os isotopic ratios and PGE geochemistry in hocks and sulfides from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothemal field, 14°45'N MAR.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .
Kuhn, T.,
Lackschewitz, K. and
Petersen, S. 
Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 59-62.
Kuhn, T.,
Petersen, S. 
Lackschewitz, K.,
Augustin, N. 
Franz, L.,
Bruegmann, G. and
Devey, C. W. 
Hydrothermal processes in the active Logatchev-1 hydrothermal field: new insights from mineralogy and geochemistry of massive sulfides and alteration products.
In: Russian Ridge Workshop. , 06.-07.06, St. Petersburg, Russia .
Kutterolf, S. 
Schacht, U.,
Freundt, A. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Mörz, T. and
Schmidt, M. 
Vulkanische Aschen im Pazifischen Ozean vor Nicaragua und Costa Rica – Ergebnisse der
Sonne Ausfahrt SO173/3.
In: SONNE Statusseminar 2005. , 09.- 11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .
Kutterolf, S. 
Schacht, U.,
Freundt, A. 
Wehrmann, H.,
Mörz, T.,
Schmidt, M. and
Schmincke, H. U. 
Vulkanische Aschen im pazifischen Ozean vor Nicaragua und Costa Rica - Ergebnisse der Sonne Ausfahrt SO 173/3.
In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.-11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde .
Lackschewitz, K.,
Augustin, N. 
Devey, C. W. 
Eisenhauer, A. 
Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and
James, R.
Hydrothermal alteration in the Logatchev hydrothermal field: implications from secondary mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .
Lampitt, R.,
Edwards, M.,
Karstensen, J. 
Meinecke, G.,
Müller, T. J. 
Send, U.
A fully functioning observatory network in the Northeast Atlantic.
[Invited talk]
In: 4. EUROGOOS Conference. , 06.06.-09.06, Brest, France .
Lankhorst, M.,
Fratatoni, D.,
Ollitrault, M.,
Richardson, P. and
Zenk, W.
The Circulation of the Western Tropical Atlantic at Mid-Depth as Observed by Floats.
In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .
Latif, M. 
Climate change and El Niño.
In: Weather catastrophes and climate change - is there still hope for us?.
, ed. by
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft.
Selbstverlag, München, pp. 42-49.
Latif, M. 
Die Klimaproblematik.
In: Klimapolitik in einer erweiterten Europäischen Union.
, ed. by
John, K. D. and
Rübbelke, D. T. G..
Chemnitzer Studien, 7
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 15-25.
ISBN 3-8322-3767-4
Latif, M. 
Die Welt im Treibhaus.
[Public Lecture]
In: Ev. Studentengemeinde Saarland. , 28.06, Saarbrücken .
Latif, M. 
El Niño.
[Public Lecture]
In: Scientific Hearing on the "Impact of Climate Change". , 24.02, Brüssel, Belgium .
Latif, M. 
[Public Lecture]
In: UNSPECIFIED. , 12.03, Otzenhausen .
Latif, M. 
[Public Lecture]
In: UNSPECIFIED. , 05.10, Berlin .
Latif, M. 
Thema: Klimawandel.
[Public Lecture]
In: Öffentliche Veranstaltungsreihe "Rotes-Sofa-Gespräch". , 22.02, Stuttgart .
Latif, M. 
Verändert der Mensch das Klima?.
[Public Lecture]
In: Festvortrag anlässlich des 96. Bundeskongresses MNU (Mathematik- und naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht). , 17.03, Kiel .
Latif, M. 
Verändert der Mensch das Klima?.
In: Die Zukunft der Erde - Was verträgt unser Planet noch? Ein nichtlineares System mit verblüffendem Verhalten.
, ed. by
Fischer, E. P. and
Wiegandt, K..
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 118-129.
ISBN 3-596-17126-1
Latif, M. 
Tiedemann, R. and
Schott, F.
Tropical Atlantic Variability.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 17-20.
Lehmann, A.,
Krauß, W.,
Karstensen, J. 
König, J.,
Müller, T. J. 
Send, U.,
Lass, H. U.,
Dietrich, R.,
Eberlein, L.,
Liebsch, G.,
Novotny, K. and
Prandke, H.
BASEWECS - Influence of the Baltic Sea and its annual ice coverage on the water and energy budget of the Baltic Sea.

BALTEX Newsletter, 8
pp. 11-14.
Lembke-Jene, L.,
Tiedemann, R.,
Nürnberg, D. 
Kokfelt, U.,
Biebow, N.,
Röhl, U.,
Gorbarenko, S. and
Dullo, W. C. 
Millenial to Centennial scale climatic and oceanographic changes in the Okhotsk Sea during the past 15.000 years.
In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .
Lengfellner, K.,
Aberle, N.,
Sandow, M.,
Hansen, T. and
Sommer, U.
Plankton spring succession in response to warming winters.
In: 2. AQUASHIFT Workshop. , 28.09.2005, Kiel .
Linke, P. 
Wallmann, K. 
Suess, E.,
Hensen, C. 
Rehder, G.
In situ fluxes from an intermittently active mud volcano at the Costa Rica convergent margin.
In: Aquatic Sciences Meeting. , 23.02, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA .
Lotze, H.,
Reise, K.,
Worm, B.,
van Beusekom, J.,
Busch, M.,
Ehlers, A.,
Heinrich, D.,
Hoffmann, R. C.,
Holm, P.,
Jensen, C.,
Knottnerus, O. S.,
Langhanki, N.,
Prummel, W.,
Vollmer, M. and
Wolff, W. J.
Human transformations of the Wadden Sea ecosystem through time: a synthesis.

Helgoland Marine Research, 59
pp. 84-95.
Machu, E.,
Biastoch, A. 
Oschlies, A. 
Kawamiya, M.,
Garcon, V. and
Lutjeharms, J. R. E.
Phytoplankton distribution in the Agulhas system from a coupled physical-biological model.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52
pp. 1300-1318.
Madigan, M. T. and
Imhoff, J. F. 
Genus Rhodopila.
In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria.
; 2,C
, ed. by
Brenner, D. J.,
Krieg, N. R. and
Staley, J. T..
Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 83-85.
ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6
Marandino, C.,
De Bruyn, W. J.,
Miller, S. D.,
Prather, M. J. and
Saltzmann, E. S.
Oceanic uptake and the global atmospheric acetone budget
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .
Melzner, F.,
Forsythe, J. W.,
Lee, P. G.,
Wood, J. W.,
Piatkowski, U. 
Clemmesen, C. 
Estimating recent growth in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis: are nucleic acid-based indicators for growth and condition the method of choice?.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 317
pp. 37-51.
Michaud, F.,
Chabert, A.,
Collot, J. Y.,
Sallarès, V.,
Flueh, E. R.,
Charvis, P.,
Graindorge, D.,
Gustcher, M. A. and
Bialas, J. 
Fields of multi-kilometer scale sub-circular depressions in the Carnegie Ridge sedimentary blanket: Effect of underwater carbonate dissolution?.
Marine Geology, 216
pp. 205-219.
Moerz, T.,
Schramm, B.,
Hauff, F. 
Grevemeyer, I. 
Hoernle, K. 
Villinger, H.,
Brückmann, W. 
Garbe-Schönberg, C. D.
A window to the seismogenic zone - cold recycling of oceanic basement at the Mid Atlantic forearc (ODP Leg 170 and 205).
In: ICDP-IODP Meeting. , 14.03.-16.03, Potsdam .
Monecke, T.,
Hannington, M. D.,
Petersen, S. 
Herzig, P. and
Kleeberg, R.
Low temperature hydrothermal alteration at Conical Seamount, Papua New Guinea.
In: GAC-MAC-CSPG-CSSS Joint Meeting. , 15.05.-18.05, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada .
Monecke, T.,
Petersen, S. 
Kleeberg, R.,
Hannington, M. D. and
Herzig, P.
Mineralogische Untersuchungen an den hydrothermal alterierten Nebengesteinen der flachmarinen Goldvererzung des Conical Seamount, Papua Neuguinea.
In: BMBF-Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .
Mörz, T.,
Brückmann, W. 
Fekete, N.,
Hühnerbach, V.,
Masson, D. G.,
Hepp, D. A.,
Suess, E. and
Weinrebe, R. W.
Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin, Part I: Margin evolution, segmentation, dewatering and mud diapirism.
In: Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity.
, ed. by
Martinelli, G. and
Panahi, B..
NATO science series : Series 4, Earth and environmental sciences, 51
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 35-48.
ISBN 1-402-03203-X
Mörz, T.,
Fekete, N.,
Kopf, A. J.,
Brückmann, W.,
Kreitner, S.,
Hühnerbach, V.,
Masson, D. G.,
Hepp, D. A.,
Schmidt, M. 
Kutterolf, S. 
Sahling, H.,
Abegg, F.,
Spiess, V.,
Suess, E. and
Ranero, C. R.
Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin, Part II: Mound Culebra and Mounds 11 and 12.
In: Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity.
, ed. by
Martinelli, G. and
Panahi, B..
NATO science series : Series 4, Earth and environmental sciences, 51
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 49-76.
ISBN 1-402-03203-X
Mörz, T.,
Kreiter, S.,
Schmidt, M. 
Fekete, N.,
Kutterolf, S. 
Brückmann, W. 
Suess, E.
Systematische Änderungen im Schlammdiapirismus entlang des mittelamerikanischen Kontinentalrandes.
In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.- 11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .
Nishioka, J.,
Takeda, S.,
de Baar, H. J. W.,
Laan, P.,
Croot, P.,
Boye, M. and
Timmermans, K. R.
Changes in the concentrations of iron in different size fractions during an iron fertilization experiment in the Southern Ocean.
Marine Chemistry, 95
pp. 51-63.
Novotny, K.,
Liebsch, G.,
Dietrich, R. and
Lehmann, A.
Combination of sea-level observations and an oceanographic model for geodetic applications in the Baltic Sea.
In: A window on the future of geodesy.
, ed. by
Sanso, F..
Springer series of IAG Symposia, 128
Springer, Berlin, pp. 195-200.
Numberger, L.,
von Bröckel, K.,
Schönfeld, J. and
Spindler, M.
Observation of a spring bloom at Kiel Bight, depositional events and reactions of the benthic foraminiferal community.
In: The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting. , 16.06, Southampton, UK .
Nuzzo, M.,
Hensen, C. 
Hornibrook, E.,
Brückmann, W. 
Magalhaes, V.,
Parkes, R. and
Pinheiro, L.
Origin of Mud Volcano Fluids in the Gulf of Cadiz (E-Atlantic).
In: EGU. .
Oschlies, A. 
Eden, C.
Physical Controls on Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycling.

In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere
- Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -.
, ed. by
Villwock, A..
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 28-30.
Peck, M. A.,
Herrmann, J. P.,
Baumann, H.,
Kürs, U.,
Temming, A. and
Clemmesen, C. 
Interrelationships between rates of feeding and growth, RNA/DNA and otolith microstructure in post-larval Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) as determined from laboratory experiments.
In: American Fisheries Society Larval Fish Conference. , 13.07, Barcelona, Spain .
Peeken, I. and
Hoffmann, L. J. 
Primary production, phytoplankton biomass and distribution, and size fractionated bulk variables of the chlorophyll maximum during an iron fertilisation experiment in the region of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone.
In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXII3-4-5 of the Research Vessel Polarstern" in 2004.
, ed. by
Smetacek, V.,
Bathmann, U. and
Helmke, E..
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 106-114.
Peeken, I.,
Hoffmann, L. 
Assmy, P.,
Bathmann, U.,
Cisewski, B.,
Leach, H.,
Lochte, K.,
Sachs, O.,
Sauter, E. and
Strass, V.
Export of fresh algal material during the Southern Ocean iron fertilisation experiment.
In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .
Petersen, S. 
Herzig, P.,
Kuhn, T.,
Monecke, T.,
Franz, L.,
Hannington, M. D. and
Gemmel, J. B.
Shallow Drilling of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems Using the BGS Rockdrill: Conical Seamount (New Ireland Fore-Arc) and PACMANUS (Eastern Manus Basin), Papua New Guinea.
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 23
pp. 175-193.
Petersen, S. 
Kuhn, T.,
Herzig, P. and
Hannington, M. D.
Factors controlling precious and base-metal enrichment at the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field, 14°45'N on the MAR: new insights from cruise M60/3.
In: SGA Meeting. , 18.-21.08, Beijing, China .
Petersen, S. 
Kuhn, T.,
Scholten, J.,
Hannington, M. D. and
Herzig, P.
Hydrothermal Prozesse und magmatische Einträge im PACMANUS Hydrothermalfeld, östliches Manus Becken (PNG).
In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.-11.03, Warnemünde .
Pfannkuche, O.
Allochthonous deep-sea benthic communities: functioning and forcing.
In: Interactions between macro- and microorganisms in marine sediments.
, ed. by
Kristensen, E.,
Haese, R. R. and
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