Items where Year is 2005

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Aberle, N., Gohse-Reimann, S., Jaschinski, S., Wiltshire, K. H., Brendelberger, H. and Sommer, U. (2005) Effects of water column nutrients and grazer diversity on a seagrass-epiphyte-microphytobenthos community within and beneath a Zostera marina meadow. [Other] In: Summer Meeting of the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, ASLO. , 23.05, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

Adelung, D. (2005) Robben in der Nordsee. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 01.12, Stralsund .

Agurto, C. (2005) Stable isotope ecology: assets and drawbacks. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 29.09, Valdivia, Chile .

Agurto, C., Sommer, F., Sommer, U. and Hansen, T. (2005) Assessing trophic levels of mesozooplankton in the central Baltic Sea and North Sea: a stable isotope study. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 03.10, Valdivia, Chile .

Agurto, C., Sommer, F., Sommer, U., Hansen, T. and Rautenstrauch, C. (2005) Stable isotope (δ13C and 15N signatures analyses) signatures of mesozooplankton and seston size fractions at the Central Baltic Sea: Bornholm Basin. [Other] In: FE Seminar. , 02.09, Kiel .

Agurto, C., Sommer, F., Sommer, U., Hansen, T. and Rautenstrauch, C. (2005) Trophic structure of mesozooplankton in the Central Baltic Sea: δ13C and 15N signatures analysis. [Other] In: Cycle of Conferences in Oceanography. , 24.01, Concepción, Chile .

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Antia, A. (2005) The oceans "biological pump" : strength and efficiency. (Professorial dissertation), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel Germany, 56 + Anh. pp.

Arroyo, I. G., Flueh, E. R., Husen, S., Gossler, J., Alvarado, G. E. and Mora, M. (2005) Characterization of the Central Costa Rican Pacific seismogenic Zzne from an "Amphibious" local seismological network. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Arunasri, K., Sasikala, C., Ramana, V. C., Süling, J. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Marichromatium indicum sp. nov., a new purple sulfur Gammaproteobacterium from mangroves of Goa, India. Open Access International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55 . pp. 673-679. DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.02892-0.

Augustin, N. , Lackschewitz, K., Devey, C. W. and Eisenhauer, A. (2005) Hydrothermal alteration in the high-temperature Logatchev vent field: implications for seawater-ultramafic rock interaction. [Other] In: 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG). , 18.09.-21.09, Aachen .

Avsic, T., Send, U. and Skarsoulis, E. (2005) Six years of tomography observation in the Central Labrador Sea. [Invited talk] In: International Conference Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results. , 29.06, Heraklion, Greece .


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Bader, J. and Latif, M. (2005) North Atlantic oscillation response to anomalous Indian Ocean SST in a coupled GCM. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Bader, J. and Latif, M. (2005) North Atlantic Oscillation Response to Anomalous Indian Ocean SST in a Coupled GCM. Open Access Journal of Climate, 18 . pp. 5382-5389. DOI 10.1175/JCLI3577.1.

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Bange, H. W. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht POS320/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Bange, H. W. (2005) Nitrous oxide and methane in coastal waters. [Invited talk] In: Joint Chinese-German Workshop on Land-Sea Interactions along Temperate-Tropical Gradients in Chinese Coastal Waters. , 06.05, Beijing, China .

Bange, H. W. (2005) Nitrous oxide in the ocean. [Invited talk] In: Kolloquium. , 06.12, Mainz .

Bange, H. W. (2005) Nitrous oxide in the ocean. [Invited talk] In: Significant Processes, Observations, and Transformation in Oceanic Nitrogen (SPOT-ON) Conference. , 28.06, Warnemünde .

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Bange, H. W. , Naqvi, S. W. A. and Codispoti, L. A. (2005) The nitrogen cycle in the Arabian Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 65 . pp. 145-158. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2005.03.002.

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Baquero Bernal, A. (2005) Interannual climate variability in the tropical Indian Ocean : a study with a hierarchy of coupled general circulation models. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 124 pp. . Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 8 .

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Baquero-Bernal, A. and Latif, M. (2005) Wind-driven Rossby waves in the tropical South Indian Ocean with and without an active ENSO. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35 . pp. 729-746. DOI 10.1175/JPO2723.1.

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Barash, M. S., Chekhovskaya, M. P., Biebow, N., Nürnberg, D. and Tiedemann, R. (2005) On the Quaternary paleoceanology of the southeastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk from lithology and planktonic foraminifera. Oceanology, 45 (2). pp. 215-220.

Barckhausen, U., Engels, M., Cande, S. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) New insights into the Farallon plate break-up. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Bauch, D. , Erlenkeuser, H. and Andersen, N. (2005) Water mass processes on Arctic shelves as revealed from δ18O of H2O. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1/3). pp. 165-174. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.011.

Bauch, H. (2005) North Siberian shelf sediments as an archive of palaeoenvironmental change during the Late Pleistocene. [Other] In: 1. International Workshop (INQUA) on Sub-Aerially Exposed Shelves Since the Middle Pleistocene Climatic Transition. , 09.05.-13.05, Hong Kong SAR, China .

Bauch, H. A. and Kassens, H., eds. (2005) Arctic Siberian shelf environments. . Global and Planetary Change - Special Issue, 48 (1-3). Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1-8, 252 pp. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.003.

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Bauch, H. A. and Kassens, H. (2005) Arctic Siberian shelf environments : an introduction. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 1-8. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.003.

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Bauch, H. A. , Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N. (2005) Pechora Sea environments : past, modern, and future state of Pechora Sea. Open Access In: Pechora Sea environments : Past, Present, and Future. , ed. by Bauch, H. A., Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501 . Kamloth, Bremen, pp. 1-5, 247 pp.

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Bauch, H. A., Pavlidis, Y. A., Polyakova, Y. I., Matishov, G. G. and Koç, N., eds. (2005) Pechora Sea Environments : Past, Present, and the Future. . Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 501 . Kamloth, Bremen, 247 pp.

Bauch, H. , Kandiano, E. and Helmke, J. (2005) Evidence for a progressive change of interglacial climate conditions forced by different ocean-atmosphere circulation regimes. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .

Bauch, T., Reijmer, J., Schäfer, P. and McNeill, D. F. (2005) Reef evolution in a silicilastic dominatd environment (Early Pliocene, Costa Rica). [Other] In: Congrès ASF 2005, 10ème Congrès Francais de Sédimentologie. , 11.-13.10, Giens, France .

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Becker, C., Brepohl, D. C., Feuchtmayr, H., Zöllner, E., Sommer, F., Clemmesen, C. , Sommer, U. and Boersma, M. (2005) Impacts of copepods on marine seston and resulting effects on Calanus finmarchicus RNA: DNA ratios in mesocosm experiments. Marine Biology, 146 . pp. 531-541. DOI 10.1007/s00227-004-1459-7.

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Beckmann, B., Flögel, S., Hofmann, P., Schulz, M. and Wagner, T. (2005) Upper Cretaceous African climate development and implications for the marine carbon cycle. Nature, 437 . pp. 241-244. DOI 10.1038/nature03976.

Berger, S. and Peeken, I. (2005) Phytoplankton taxonomic composition as related to nutrients, zooplankton, and mixing depth: a comparative lake study. [Other] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.06, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

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Bialas, J. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht M66/4a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Bialas, J. (2005) 2. Wochenbericht M66/4a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Bialas, J. (2005) 3. Wochenbericht M66/4a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Biebow, N., Dullo, W. C. , Obzhirov, A., Suess, E. and Kulinich, R. (2005) The environment of the Okhotsk Sea - contribution of the KOMEX Project. [Other] In: 5th Workshop on Russian-German Cooperation in the Sea of Okhotsk - Kurile Island Arc System KOMEX. , 27.-30.05, Vladivostok, Russia .

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Bindeman, I. N., Eiler, J. M., Yogodzinski, G. M., Tatsumi, Y., Stern, C. R., Grove, T. L., Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. and Danyushevsky, L. V. (2005) Oxygen isotope evidence for slab melting in modern and ancient subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235 (3/4). pp. 480-496. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.014.

Bischoff, A. A., Kube, N., Wecker, B. and Waller, U. (2005) MARE - Marine Artificial Recirculated Ecosystem: Steps towards closed systems for the production of marine organisms. In: Lessons from the past to optimise the future. , ed. by Howell, B. and Flos, R.. ESA special publication, 35 . European Aquaculture Society, Oostende, Belgium, pp. 135-136.

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Bluhm, K. (2005) Investigations into the decomposition and production of H2O2 in seawater by Antarctic diatoms. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 60 pp.

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Bock, B., Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Frei, R. and Leipe, T. (2005) The Nd isotope signature of Holocene Baltic Mn/Fe precipitates as monitore of climate change during the little Ice-Age. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (9). pp. 2253-2263. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2004.11.016.

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Boebel, O., Lutjeharms, J. R. E. and Siedler, G. (2005) Walter Zenk: a distinguished ocean observer. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52 (3-4). pp. 375-381. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.12.002.

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Böhme, L. and Send, U. (2005) Objective analyses of hydrographic data for referencing profiling float salinities in highly variable environments. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52 (3-4). pp. 651-664. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2004.12.014.

Böhm, F. (2005) Calcium isotopes as proxy for the marine calcium budget. [Other] In: Flügel-Colloquium 2005. , 14.04, Erlangen .

Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. and Heuser, A. (2005) Expected impact of the T-J crisis on the oceanic calcium and Ca isotope budget. [Other] In: 5th Field Workshop of IGCP 458. , 07.09, Tata, Hungary .

Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. , Heuser, A., Kiessling, W. and Wallmann, K. (2005) Calcium isotope fractionation during dolomitization. [Other] In: GeoErlangen 2005. , 29.09, Erlangen .

Böhm, F., Gussone, N., Eisenhauer, A. , Reynaud, S. and Paytan, A. (2005) Calcium isotopes in corals - influence of temperature and calcification rate. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 26.04, Vienna, Austria .

Böhm, F., Gussone, N., Eisenhauer, A. , Reynaud, S., Paytan, A., Reitner, J., Wörheide, G. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Ca isotope fractionation of biogenic CaCO3 - mineralogical control and vital effects. [Other] In: Calcium Workshop. , 24.11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands .

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Bohm, M., Asch, G., Fauzi, F., Flueh, E. R., Brotopuspito, K. S., Kopp, H. , Luehr, B. G., Puspito, N. T., Ratdomopurbo, A., Rabbel, W. and Wagner, D. and MERAMEX Research Group (2005) The MERAMEX Project - a seismological network in Central Java, Indonesia. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 6-9 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

Böning, C. W. and Czeschel, L. (2005) High-resolution simulation of the subpolar North Atlantic: lessons from FLAME-1/12. [Other] In: DRAKKAR Conference. , 21.01, Grenoble, France .

Böning, C. W. and Hüttl, S. (2005) Effects of resolving the off-equatorial undercurrents in high-resolution models of the tropical Atlantic. [Other] In: CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment (TACE) Meeting. , 02.02, Miami, USA .

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Böning, C. W. and Kröger, J. (2005) Seasonal variability of deep currents in the equatorial Atlantic: A model study.. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 (1). pp. 99-121. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2004.06.015.

Böning, C. W. , Biastoch, A. , Hüttl, S. and Lübbecke, J. F. (2005) Lessons from global ocean-ice modelling with interannual CORE forcing. [Other] In: CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD). , 08.11.2005, Hobart, Australia .

Böning, C. W. , Biastoch, A. , Scheinert, M. and Lorbacher, K. (2005) Dekadische Variabilität im Golfstromsystem aus hochauflösenden Modellrechnungen. [Other] In: Kolloquium. , 12.12, Bonn .

Böning, C. W. , Hüttl, S. and Hazeleger, W. (2005) Decadal variability of the shallow subtropical-tropical circulation in the "Co-ordinated Ocean Reference Experiments (CORE)". [Other] In: CLIVAR Workshop on Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability. , 18.10, Venice, Italy .

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Bonnet, D., Richardson, A., Harris, R., Hirst, A., Beaugrand, G., Edwards, M., Ceballos, S., Diekmann, R., Lopez-Urrutia, A., Valdes, L., Carlotti, F., Molinero, J. C., Weikert, H., Greve, W., Lucic, D., Albaina, A., Yahia, N. D., Umani, S. F., Miranda, A., dos Santos, A., Cook, K., Robinson, S. and Fernandez de Puelles, M. L. (2005) An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters. Progress in Oceanography, 65 . pp. 1-53. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2005.02.002.

Booth-Rea, G., Reston, T. J., Sawyer, D. and Leythaeuser, T. (2005) Synrift geometry, structural complexity and low-angle activity of the S reflector at the west Galicia rifted margin. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-9.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Boyd, P. W., Law, C. L., Hutchins, D. A., Abraham, E., Croot, P., Ellwood, M., Frew, R. D., Hall, J., Handy, S., Hare, C., Higgins, J., Hill, P., Hunter, K. A., LeBlanc, K., Moldonado, M., McKay, R. M., Oliver, M., Pickmere, S., Safi, K., Sander, S., Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S., Smith, M., Strzepek, R., Tovar-Sanchez, A. and Wilhelm, S. (2005) FeCycle - attempting an iron biogeochemical budget from a mesoscale SF6 tracer experiment in unperturbed low iron waters. Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19 (GB4S20). DOI 10.1029/2005GB002494.

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Brandau, C. (2005) Einfluss der Wolkenmikrophysik auf den solaren Strahlungstransport. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 96 pp.

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Brandt, P. , Affler, K., Maluf, V. C., Dengler, M. , Dispert, A., Dombrowsky, U., Ferreira, M., Fischer, J. , Funk, A., Hummels, R., Mahmud, N., Müller, M., Papenburg, U., Schafstall, J., Stramma, L. , Truscheit, T., Veleda, D., Weddige, P. and Zantopp, R. J. (2005) Circulation and Variability in the Tropical Atlantic METEOR Cruise No. 62, Leg 2 from Fortaleza, Brazil to Recife, Brazil August 8 to August 31, 2004. . Universität Bremen, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Bremen, Germany, 46 pp.

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Brandt, P. and Eden, C. (2005) Annual cycle and interannual variability of the mid-depth tropical Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 (2). pp. 199-219. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2004.03.011.

Brandt, P. , Fischer, J. , Schott, F., Hormann, V., Bourles, B. and Provost, C. (2005) Circulation variability in the central equatorial Atlantic. [Talk] In: Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop. , 17.10, Venice, Italy .

Brandt, P. , Funk, A., Czeschel, L., Eden, C. and Böning, C. W. (2005) A rapid exit pathway of convectively formed water in the Labrador Sea boundary current. [Talk] In: Seminar. , 06.12, Hamburg .

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Breitbarth, E. (2005) Ecophysiology of the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 149 pp.

Breitbarth, E., Oschlies, A. , Friedrichs, G., Mills, M. M. and LaRoche, J. (2005) Global warming may decrease nitrogen fixation by Trichodesmium. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6.2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

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Breitbarth, E., Passow, U., Terbrüggen, A. and Croot, P. (2005) Progression of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and potential of iron binding to TEP during EIFEX. Cruise Report: ANT21/3 EIFEX: Jan-Mar 2004. Open Access In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXII3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 61-66, 5 pp.

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Brenner, W. (2005) Holocene environmental history of the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) - a micropalaeontological model. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 220 (3-4). pp. 227-241. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.12.010.

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Brepohl, D. C. (2005) Fatty acids distribution in marine, brackish and freshwater plankton during mesocosms experiments. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 87 pp.

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Bringmann, G., Lang, G., Gulder, T. A. M., Tsurata, H., Mühlbacher, J., Maksimenka, K., Steffens, S., Schaumann, K., Stöhr, R., Wiese, J. , Imhoff, J. F. , Perovic-Ottstadt, S., Boreiko, O. and Müller, W. E. G. (2005) The first sorbicillinoid alkaloids, the antileucemic sorbillactones A and B, from a sponge derived Penicillium chrysogenum strain. Tetrahedron (61). pp. 7252-7265. DOI 10.1016/j.tet.2005.05.026.

Broekmann, D. (2005) Die Auswirkungen der Nahrungsqualität auf Wachstum und Entwicklung der Garnele Litopenaeus vannamei unter Kulturbedingungen. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 94 pp.

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Brückmann, W. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht M66/3a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Brückmann, W. (2005) 2. Wochenbericht M66/3a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Brückmann, W. (2005) 3. Wochenbericht M66/3a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Brückmann, W. (2005) 4. Wochenbericht M66/3b. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Brückmann, W., Müller, C., Rehder, G., Greinert, J. , Mörz, T. and Schneider von Deimling, J. (2005) SO173: Gashydrat-Dissoziation und Hangrutschung am Costa Rica Kontinentalrand - Mechanismen und Bilanzen. [Talk] In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.- 11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .

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Brückmann, W. , Rhein, M., Rehder, G., Flüh, E. R. and Kopf, A. (2005) Forschungsschiff METEOR Reise Nr. 66 (2005) SUBFLUX. . Forschungsschiff Meteor : Reise Nr. M ... = Research vessel Meteor, 66 . Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 60 pp.

Bumke, K. (2005) Beeinflusst der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Besuch des Gymnasiums Elmschenhagen am IFM-GEOMAR. , 08.11, Kiel .

Bumke, K. (2005) Klima in der Krise. Welche Rolle spielt der Mensch?. [Public Lecture] In: Vortragsreihe "Zwischen den Fischen" im Rahmen der Kieler Woche. , 20.06, Kiel .

Bumke, K. (2005) Klimawandel: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik. [Public Lecture] In: Seminar über Flieger- und Tauchärztliche Aspekte sowie Physiologisches Auswahlverfahren und Betreuung von Polizeibeamtinnen und -beamten der Polizeiführungsakademie. , 19.10, Kiel .

Bumke, K. (2005) Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen. [Public Lecture] In: Veranstaltung des Nautischen Vereins Brunsbüttel e.V.. , 17.10, Brunsbüttel .

Bumke, K. (2005) Messung des Niederschlags über Land und See. [Public Lecture] In: Besuch des Gymnasiums Sylt am IFM-GEOMAR. , 10.11, Kiel .

Bumke, K. (2005) Niederschlagsmessung über See. [Other] In: Maasholm-Seminar. , 24.-26.08, Maasholm .

Bumke, K. (2005) Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten im Forschungsbereich 1. [Public Lecture] In: Besuch der Akademie für Umwelt und Natur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein im IFM-GEOMAR. , 17.02, Kiel .

Bumke, K. and Rubel, F. (2005) Precipitation over the BALTEX area. In: BALTEX Phase I - 1993-2002. , ed. by Jacob, D. and Omstedt, A.. International BALTEX Secretariat Publication, 31 . International BALTEX Secretariat, Geesthacht, pp. 83-91.

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Bumke, K., Clemens, M., Fischer, B., Peters, G., Graßl, H., Pang, S., Seltmann, J. and Wagner, A. (2005) APOLAS - More Accurate Areal Precipitation Over Land and Sea. Open Access BALTEX Newsletter, 8 . pp. 8-10.

Bürk, D., Klaucke, I. , Götze, H. J. and Sahling, H. (2005) Morphology and geology of mound structures on the continental slope offshore Nicaragua. [Talk] In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04.2005, Potsdam, Germany .

Bürk, D., Weinrebe, R. W. and Klaucke, I. (2005) Geoakustische Fernerkundung des Kontinentalrandes vor Nicaragua. [Talk] In: Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging User Group Meeting (ERDAS). , 01.- 04.11.2005, Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany .


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Cahalan, R. F., Oreopoulos, L., Marshak, A., Evans, K., Davis, A. B., Pincus, R., Yetzer, K. H., Mayer, B., Davies, R., Ackerman, T. P., Barker, H. W., Clothiaux, E. E., Ellingson, R. G., Garay, M. J., Kassianov, E., Kinne, S., Macke, A., O'Hirok, W., Partain, P. T., Prigarin, S. M., Rubiev, A. N., Stephens, G. L., Szczap, F., Takara, E. E., Várnai, T., Wen, G. and Zhuravleva, T. B. (2005) THE I3RC: Bringing Together the Most Advanced Radiative Transfer Tools for Cloudy Atmospheres. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86 . pp. 1275-1293. DOI 10.1175/BAMS-86-9-1275.

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Croot, P. (2005) Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry: What did we learn from the meso-scale iron enrichment experiments?. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.12, Canberra, Australia .

Croot, P. (2005) Surface-active organic matter in the upper water column during EIFeX, a mesoscale open ocean iron enrichment experiment in the Southern Ocean. In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 59-61.

Croot, P. and Bluhm, K. (2005) H2O2 dynamics during a mesoscale iron enrichment in the Southern Ocean. In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 46-50.

Croot, P. and Öztürk, M. (2005) Changes in the speciation and biogeochemical cycling of other trace metals during EIFeX. In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 55-58.

Croot, P., Bluhm, K., Breitbarth, E. and Öztürk, M. (2005) Temporal changes in iron specification during mesoscale iron enrichment experiment. In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" in 2004 = Die Expeditionen ANTARKTIS XXI/3-4-5 des Forschungsschiffes "Polarstern" 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, pp. 50-55.

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Delille, B., Harlay, J., Zondervan, I., Jacquet, S., Chou, L., Wollast, R., Bellerby, R. G. J., Frankignoulle, M., Borges, A. V., Riebesell, U. and Gattuso, J. P. (2005) Response of primary production and calcification to changes of pCO2 during experimental blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19 . GB2023. DOI 10.1029/2004GB002318.

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Devey, C. W. (2005) RV Poseidon Cruise No. 326 [Cruise report POS326]. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 27 pp.

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Dmitrenko, I. A., Tyshko, K. N., Kirillov, S. A., Eicken, H., Hölemann, J. A. and Kassens, H. (2005) Impact of flaw polynyas on the hydrography of the Laptev Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 9-27. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.016.

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Dommenget, D. (2005) Ocean circulation and climate dynamics at IFM-GEOMAR. [Invited talk] In: Colloquium. , 23.09, Qingdao, China .

Dommenget, D. (2005) The physics of global warming. [Other] In: Sino-German Summer School, Lectures and Exercises. , 20.09, Qingdao, China .

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Dorschel, B., Hebbeln, D., Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. and Freiwald, A. (2005) Growth and erosion of a cold-water coral covered carbonate mound in the Northeast Atlantic during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233 . pp. 33-44. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.01.035.

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D'Ortenzio, F., Iudicone, D., de Boyer Montegut, C., Testor, P., Antoine, D., Marullo, S., Santoleri, R. and Madec, G. (2005) Seasonal variability of the mixed layer depth in the Mediterranean Sea as derived from in situ profiles. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (12). L12605. DOI 10.1029/2005GL022463.

Dullo, W. C. (2005) Coral growth and reef growth. [Other] In: Flügel-Colloquium 2005: Trends and Developments in Carbonate Sedimentology and Paleontology. , 13.04.-15.04, Erlangen .

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Dullo, W. C. (2005) Coral growth and reef growth: A brief review. Facies, 51 . pp. 33-48. DOI 10.1007/s10347-005-0060-y.

Dullo, W. C. (2005) Geobiology of European continental margins: The deep-water coral reefs. [Invited talk] In: EGU 2nd General Assembly & Congress European Geosciences. , 24.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .

Dullo, W. C. (2005) Korallen im Zeugenstand: Wie änderte sich das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Abendvortrag. , 12.10, Loveno di Menaggio (Como), Italy .

Dullo, W. C. and Rüggeberg, A. (2005) Deep-water coral growth and deep-water coral reefs: Oceanographic control. [Invited talk] In: Europe's Hidden Coral Worlds, Royal Society Meeting. , 22.-25.02, Edinburgh, Scotland .

Dullo, W. C. , Biebow, N., Baranov, B., Werner, R. and Lembke-Jene, L. and SO178-Scientific Party (2005) SO178 KOMEX: Stoffaustauschprozesse und -bilanzen im Ochotskischen Meer: Hintergrund und erste Ergebnisse. [Talk] In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .

Dupré, S., Woodside, J., Klaucke, I. and MIMES Scientific Party (2005) Active fluid emission systems imaged by high-resolution geophysics on the Nile Deep Sea Fan. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 24.04.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Dürkop, A. (2005) Klimavariabilität im tropischen Pazifik. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 76 pp.


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Eicken, H., Dmitrenko, I., Tyshko, K., Darovskikh, A., Dierking, W., Blahak, U., Groves, J. and Kassens, H. (2005) Zonation of the Laptev Sea landfast ice cover and its importance as a frozen estuary. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 55-83. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.005.

Eickmann, B., Strauss, H., Koschinsky, A., Kuhn, T., Petersen, S. and Schmidt, K. (2005) Sulphur cycling at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: isotopic evidence from the Logatchev and Turtle Pits hydrothermal fields. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Ellwood, M. J., van den Berg, C. M. G., Boye, M., Veldhuis, M., Jong, J. T. M. d., Baar, H. J. W. d., Croot, P. L. and Kattner, G. (2005) Organic complexation of cobalt across the Antarctic Polar Front in the Southern Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research, 56 (8). pp. 1069-1075. DOI 10.1071/MF05097.

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Ernst, F. (2005) Einfluss der Mikrophysik auf das Polarisationsverhalten von Cirruswolken. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 84 pp.

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Ertzinger, R. (2005) Simulation kleinskaliger Wolken mit GESIMA. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 70 pp.


Fekete, N., Grevemeyer, I. and Reston, T. J. (2005) Dewatering through mud mounds on the continental fore-arc of Costa Rica. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Fekete, N., Grevemeyer, I. , Reston, T. J. and Spiess, V. (2005) Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flow in the Continental Fore-arc through the Seismic Eye - A Case Study. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

Fekete, N., Grevemeyer, I. , Reston, T. J. and Spiess, V. (2005) Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flow in the Continental Fore-arc through the Seismic Eye - A Case Study. [Talk] In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04.2005, Potsdam, Germany .

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Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Determination of uranium isotope ratios by multi-static MIC-ICP-MS: method and implementation for precise U- and Th-series isotope measurements. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 20 . pp. 395-401. DOI 10.1039/b415958f.

Flögel, S. (2005) Learning from the past, lessons for the future - planet Earth in a changing climate. [Invited talk] In: Seminar. , 07.11, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. .

Flögel, S. and Hay, W. W. (2005) Sedimentation and the hydrological cycle during times of global warmth. [Other] In: Open Science Meeting 2005. , 10.08.-12.08.2005, Beijing, China .

Flögel, S., Hay, W. W. and Söding, E. (2005) The Ocean Drilling Stratigraphic Network (ODSN) and the RONOV Database (RONOV) - concepts and status. [Invited talk] In: CHRONOS Workshop. , 07.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

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Flögel, S., Hay, W. W., DeConto, R. M. and Balukhovsky, A. N. (2005) Formation of sedimentary bedding couplets in the Western Interior Seaway of North America - Implications from Climate System Modelling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 218 (1-2). pp. 125-143. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2004.12.011.

Flögel, S., Hay, W. W., Migdisov, A., Balukhovsky, A. N., Wold, C. N. and Söding, E. (2005) Evaporites and the salinitiy of the ocean during the Phanerozoic: implications for climate, ocean circulation, and life. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .

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Flueh, E. R. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht SO181/2a. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 1 pp.

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Flueh, E. R. and Grevemeyer, I., eds. (2005) FS Sonne Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO181 TIPTEQ - from The Incoming Plate to mega Thrust EarthQuakes, Valparaiso - Talcuhuano, 06.12.2004 - 26.02.2005. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 02 . IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 546 pp. DOI 10.3289/IFM-GEOMAR_REP_2_2005.

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Flüh, E. R. and Suess, E. (2005) SUBDUCTION II - Volatile und Fluide in Subduktionszonen: Klimarückkopplungen und Auslösemechanismen von Naturkatastrophen - SO173, Abschlußbericht - 03G0173A - , Berichtszeitraum: 1. Juli 2003 bis 30. Juni 2005. . IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 9 pp.

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Form, A. (2005) Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen an Sepien (Sepia bandensis & Sepia officinalis). (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 78 pp.

Frank, M. , Porcelli, D., Andersson, P., Halliday, A. N., Kubik, P. W., Hattendorf, B. and Günther, D. (2005) Tracing water masses and riverine inputs into the Arctic Ocean with dissolved 10Be and 9Be. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Friis, K., Körtzinger, A. , Pätsch, J. and Wallace, D. W. R. (2005) On the temporal increase of anthropogenic CO2 in the subpolar North Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 . pp. 681-698. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2004.11.017.

Froese, R. (2005) Deepsea Trawling: Blind Destruction of Last Frontier. [Invited talk] In: Parliamentary Lunch Meeting about the Evironmental Impact of Deepsea Trawling. , 27.04, Berlin .

Froese, R. (2005) Ecosystem-based fisheries management. [Other] In: Worldfish Seminar Series. , 15.12, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines .

Froese, R. (2005) Gap Analysis: What Do We Not Know about Indo-Pacific Fishes. [Invited talk] In: 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference. , 16.05, Taipei, Taiwan .

Froese, R. (2005) Life-history strategies of fishes and their relevance for ecosystem-based fisheries management. [Invited talk] In: DWK/BFAFi-Workshop on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management. , 28.11, Hamburg .

Froese, R. (2005) Life-History Strategies of Recent Fishes. [Invited talk] In: 3rd Mini Symposium Fish and More. , 31.08, Thessaloniki, Greece .

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Froese, R. (2005) Life-history strategies of recent fishes: a meta-analysis. (Professorial dissertation), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 209 pp.

Froese, R. (2005) SpeciesBanks: Dreams and Realities. [Invited talk] In: GBIF Workshop Building SpeciesBanks: How Shall we Shape the Future?. , 02.03, Amsterdam, Netherlands .

Froese, R. (2005) Unexpected mega-users of ICES data. [Other] In: 2. Meeting of the ICES Study Group on Integrated Data Management. , 11.04, Lisbon, Portugal .

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Froese, R. (2005) Use of FishBase for exploring life-history strategies of fishes. [Paper] In: UNSPECIFIED. . 3rd Mini Symposium Fish and More. ; pp. 5-8 .

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Froese, R. , Garthe, S., Piatkowski, U. and Pauly, D. (2005) Trophic signatures of marine organisms in the Mediterranean as compared with other ecosystems. Open Access Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135 (2). pp. 139-143.

Funk, A., Brandt, P. , Czeschel, L. and Eden, C. (2005) Export of convective water in the boundary current of the Labrador Sea. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 27.04, Vienna, Austria .


Gao, J., John, T. and Klemd, R. (2005) Partial dehydration of blueschist: insights into the slab-wedge transfer. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 20.- 25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .

Garofalo, K., Tassi, F., Frische, M., Hansteen, T. , Vaselli, O., Delgado Huertas, A., Tedesco, D. and Strauch, W. (2005) \The collapsing volcano\" Mombacho (Nicaragua): is it experiencing a renew phase of volcanic activity?". [Talk] In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04.2005, Potsdam, Germany .

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Gärtner, A. (2005) Charakterisierung von Bakteriengemeinschaften heißer Tiefseequellen des Mittelatlantischen Rückens. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 99 pp.

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Gaul, W. (2005) Untersuchungen zur Produktion und zum mikrobiellen Umsatz von ß-Dimethyl-sulphoniopropionat. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 86 pp.

Geldmacher, J., Hoernle, K. , Gaertner, E. and Kluegel, A. (2005) Age and origin of the Central American forearc basement - evidence for the extent of the Caribbean large igneous province?. [Other] In: ICDP-IODP Meeting. , 14.03.-16.03, Potsdam .

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Geldmacher, J. , Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Duggen, S. and Werner, R. (2005) New 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data from seamounts in the Canary and Madeira volcanic provinces: support for the mantle plume hypothesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237 (1-2). pp. 85-101. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.037.

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Gischler, E., Lomando, A. J., Alhazeem, S. H., Fiebig, J., Eisenhauer, A. and Oschmann, W. (2005) Coral climate proxy data from a marginal reef area, Kuwait, northern Arabian-Persian Gulf. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 228 . pp. 86-95. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.03.052.

Gleßmer, M., Oschlies, A. and Backhaus, J. (2005) Impact of double-diffusive mixing on upper-ocean properties. [Talk] In: UK Ocean Modelling Group Meeting. , 08.09, Norwich, UK .

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Gocke, K. (2005) Estudios microbiológicos en sistemas acuáticos sin y con influencia antropogénica. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 19.01, Concepción, Chile .

Gocke, K. (2005) La importancia de las bacterias para el ciclo de la material orgánica en los sistemas acuáticos. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.11, Concepción, Chile .

Gorlenko, V. M. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Lamprobacter. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 16-18. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

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Görlitz, S. (2005) Neue Riffe im Wattenmeer: die pazifische Auster Crassotrea gigas und ihre assoziierte Lebensgemeinschaft. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 66 pp.

Götze, H. J., Schmidt, S., Araneda, M., Avenano, M., Omarini, R., Chong, G. and Viramonte, J. (2005) Twenty years of gravity surveys in the Central Andes. [Talk] In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04, Potsdam, Germany .

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Graaf, S. d. (2005) Synchronisation of the moulting cycle of the white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) under culture conditions. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 69 pp.

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Grevemeyer, I. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht SO181/1b. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Grevemeyer, I. (2005) Erdbeben in Subduktionszonen - Steuerungsmechanismen und Gefahrenpotential. [Public Lecture] In: Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium. , Kiel .

Grevemeyer, I. (2005) Tsunamis - Ursachen und Gefahrenpotential. [Invited talk] In: Seminar der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft Sektion Hamburg. , 07, Hamburg .

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Grevemeyer, I. , Flueh, E. R., Villinger, H., Dahm, T., Scherwath, M., Heesemann, M., Hofmann, S. D., Ranero, C., Rietbrock, A. and Tilman, F. and TIPTEQ Working Group (2005) Impact of the lateral variability of the incoming ocean plate in South Chile on the structure of the marine forearc and the generation of mega thrust earthquakes. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam. , 09.06.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 18-23 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

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Grevemeyer, I. , Kaul, N., Diaz-Naveas, J. L., Villinger, H. W., Ranero, C. R. and Reichert, C. (2005) Heat flow and bending-related faulting at subduction trenches: Case studies offshore of Nicaragua and Central Chile. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236 (1-2). pp. 238-248.

Grevemeyer, I. , Ranero, C. R., Sahling, H., Barckhausen, U., Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. , Weinrebe, R. W., Vanucchi, P., von Huene, R. and McIntosh, K. (2005) The relationship between fluids and tectonics at the Middle America Convergent Margin. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .

Grigoriev, M. N., Razumov, S. O., Kunitsky, V. V. and Spektor, V. B. (2005) Main Regularities of the Coast Development of the Russian East-Arctic Seas. . UNSPECIFIED, Yakutsk, 81 pp.

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Güldenzoph, C. (2005) Induzieren Herbivore Verteidigung bei Makroalgen der südafrikanischen Küste?. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, 62 pp.

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Gulin, M., Greinert, J. , Egorov, V. N., De Batist, M. and Artemov, Y. G. (2005) Observation of microbial carbonate build-ups growing at methane seeps near the upper boundary of the gas-hydrate stability zone in the Black Sea. Open Access Marine Ecological Journal, 4 (3). pp. 5-14.

Gurenko, A. A., Sobolev, A. V., Hoernle, K. and Schmincke, H. U. (2005) Recycled component in the Canary plume, Canary Islands, Spain. [Other] In: "Inclusions in Minerals and Processes in Earth's Mantle" Conference. , 09.05.-13.05, Kreuth am Tegernsee .

Gurenko, A. A., Sobolev, A. V., Hoernle, K. and Schmincke, H. U. (2005) Recycled component in the Canary plume: constraints from olivine phenocryst composition and radiogenic isotopes in the shield stage lavas from the Canary Islands. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Guse, N. (2005) Diet of a piscivorous top predator in the Baltic Sea - the Red-Throated Diver (Gavia stellata) in the Pomeranian Bight. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 105 pp.

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Gussone, N., Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. , Dietzel, M., Heuser, A., Teichert, B. M. A., Reitner, J., Wörheide, G. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Calcium isotope fractionation in calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (18). pp. 4485-4494. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2005.06.003.

Gussone, N., Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. , Dietzel, M., Heuser, A., Teichert, B. M. A., Reitner, J., Wörheide, G. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Calcium isotope fractionation in the calcium carbonate polymorphs calcite and aragonite. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 26.04, Vienna, Austria .

Guyoneaud, R., Caumette, P. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiorhodococcus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 37-38. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2


Haase, K. M., Petersen, S. , Perner, M. , Schott, T. and Süling, J. and M64/1 Scientific Party (2005) Hydrothermal activity on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: first results of the M64/1 cruise. [Talk] In: 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG). , 18.09.-21.09.2005, Aachen .

Haase, K. M., Petersen, S. , Perner, M. , Schott, T. and Süling, J. and M64/1 Scientific Party (2005) Hydrothermal venting and volcanism on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .

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Haase, K. and Lackschewitz, K. (2005) Forschungsschiff / Research Vessel METEOR Süd-Atlantik / South Atlantic Reise Nr. 64 / Cruise No. 64 02.04.2005 – 06.06.2005. . Forschungsschiff Meteor : Reise Nr. M ... = Research vessel Meteor, 64 . Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 36 pp.

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Haase-Schramm, A., Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Dullo, W. C. and Reitner, J. (2005) Annual- to interannual temperature variability in the Caribbean during the Maunder Sunspot minimum. Open Access Paleoceanography, 20 . PA4015. DOI 10.1029/2005PA001137.

Haase-Schramm, A., Böhm, F., Eisenhauer, A. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Reitner, J. and Wörheide, G. (2005) Sr/Ca ratios in different sclerosponge species and their application as temperature proxy. [Other] In: GeoErlangen 2005, System Earth -Biosphere Coupling Regional Geology of Central Europe. , 29.09, Erlangen .

Hackney, R. (2005) Gravity anomalies and seismicity suggest that slab geometry controls the rupture zone of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia earthquake. [Talk] In: LAK 2005: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences. , 18.- 20.04, Potsdam, Germany .

Hanel, R. (2005) The effects of climate change on fish populations. [Invited talk] In: First Sino-German Summer School on Marine Science. , 30.09, Qingdao, China .

Hanel, R. (2005) Fisheries genetics and evolutionary thinking: the use of mitochondrial DNA in fisheries science. [Invited talk] In: Kolloquium of the Institute for Protection and Security of Citizen (IPSC). , 22.11, Ispra, Italy .

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Hannington, M. D., de Ronde, C. D. J. and Petersen, S. (2005) Sea-floor tectonics and submarine hydrothermal systems. In: Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume. , ed. by Hedenquist, J. W., Thompson, J. F. H., Goldfarb, R. J. and Richards, J. P.. Society of Economic Geologists, Littelton, Colorado, USA, pp. 111-141.

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Harpp, K., Wanless, V. D., Otto, R. H., Hoernle, K. A. and Werner, R. (2005) The Cocos and Carnegie Aseismic Ridges: a Trace Element Record of Long-term Plume-Spreading Center Interaction. Journal of Petrology, 46 (1). pp. 109-133. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egh064.

Haslob, H., Tomkiewicz, J. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2005) Spatial and temporal variability in Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus S.) batch fecundity. [Other] In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 20.09.-24.09, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK .

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Haug, G. H., Ganopolski, A., Sigman, D. M., Rosell-Mele, A., Swann, G. E. A., Tiedemann, R., Jaccard, S. L., Bollmann, J., Maslin, M. A., Leng, M. J. and Eglinton, G. (2005) North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago. Nature, 433 . pp. 821-825. DOI 10.1038/nature03332.

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Hay, W. W., Flögel, S. and DeConto, R. (2005) Organic carbon and red-bed deposition - alternations in the state of the ocean. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.04.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

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Hay, W. W., Flögel, S. and Söding, E. (2005) Is the initiation of glaciation on Antarctica related to a change in the structure of the ocean?. Global and Planetary Change, 45 (1-3). pp. 23-33. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.09.005.

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Heesemann, M., Villinger, H. and Grevemeyer, I. (2005) Heat-flux off coast Chile measured during RV Sonne cruise SO181-1b. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 40-43 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

Heindl, H. (2005) Antimikrobielle Wirkstoffe aus marinen Mikroorganismen (Bakterien und Pilze) assoziiert mit marinen Bryozoen. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität und Universität Wien, Kiel und Vienna, Austria, 86 pp.

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Hennings, I. and Herbers, D. (2005) Radar imaging mechanism of marine sand waves at very low grazing angle illumination. Open Access EARSeL eProceedings, 4 (2). pp. 226-240.

Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. , Ranero, C. R., Rehder, G., Brückmann, W., Grevemeyer, I. and Reston, T. J. (2005) Modes of fluid expulsion and its significance for forearc dewatering at Costa Rica Convergent Margin. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , San Francisco .

Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. , Schmidt, M. , Suess, E., Ranero, C. and Brückmann, W. (2005) Fluid Flow and Gas Hydrate Dynamics at Costa Rica Convergent Margin. [Talk] In: EGU. , Vienna .

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Herbon, C. (2005) Der Einfluss der zeitlichen Variabilität von Störung auf die Struktur mariner makrobenthischer Gemeinschaften. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 63 pp.

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Herzig, P. M. and Deinet, U., eds. and Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, IFM-GEOMAR (2005) Vom Meeresboden zur Atmosphäre : das Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften. . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 20 pp.

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Herzig, P. M., Deinet, U. and Botros, M., eds. and Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, IFM-GEOMAR (2005) From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere : Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 20 pp.

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Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W. C. and Ruprecht, E. (2005) Tracking tropical Atlantic climate variability of the last century using a 93-year monthly resolved δ18O and Sr/Ca record from a Caribbean coral. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.04.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria ; 04678 . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7 .

Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W. C. and Ruprecht, E. (2005) Variability of past Caribbeansea surface conditions derived from a century-long coral record. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, California, USA .

Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Ruprecht, E. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Reconstructing past sea surface conditions using a 93-year high resolution Sr/Ca and δ18O coral record from Guadeloupe. [Poster] In: PAGES-DEKLIM Conference. , 07.03.-10.03.2005, Mainz .

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Heuser, A., Eisenhauer, A. , Böhm, F., Wallmann, K. , Gussone, N., Pearson, P. N., Nägler, T. F. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Calcium isotope (δ44/40Ca ) variations of Neogene planktonic foraminifera. Open Access Paleoceanography, 20 . PA2013. DOI 10.1029/2004PA001048.

Hillebrand, H., Gamfeldt, L., Jonsson, P. and Matthiessen, B. (2005) Consumer and prey diversity effects on trophic interactions: case studies from closed and open systems. [Invited talk] In: Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA). , 09.08, Montreal, Canada .

Hinrichsen, H. H. (2005) Development of pelagic fish stocks in the central Baltic Sea. [Invited talk] In: Workshop on Recruitment Failure of the Baltic Coastal Fish Stocks. , 05.09, Öregrund, Sweden .

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Hinrichsen, H. H., Kraus, G., Voss, R., Stepputtis, D. and Baumann, H. (2005) The general distribution pattern and mixing probability of Baltic sprat juvenile populations. Journal of Marine Systems, 58 . pp. 52-66. DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.06.003.

Hinrichsen, H. H., Neuenfeldt, S., Lehmann, A. and Mills, C. (2005) Geolocation and habitat selection of eastern Baltic cod obtained by using Data Storage Tags (DSTs). [Other] In: Baltic Sea Science Conference. , 21.06, Sopot, Poland .

Hinrichsen, H. H., Schmidt, J. , Möllmann, C., Voss, R. and Lehmann, A. (2005) The influence of circulation patterns on the interaction between Baltic larval cod and zooplankton as their prey. [Other] In: Workshop on the Impact of Zooplankton on Cod Abundance and Production. , 08.06, Copenhagen, Denmark .

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Hinrichsen, H. H., Schmidt, J. , Petereit, C. and Möllmann, C. (2005) Survival probability of Baltic larval cod in relation to spatial overlap paterns with their prey obtained from drift model studies. Open Access ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62 (5). pp. 878-885. DOI 10.1016/j.icesjms.2005.04.003.

Hiraishi, A. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Acidiphilium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 54-62. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Hiraishi, A. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Porphyrobacter. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 275-279. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Hiraishi, A. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodoferax. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 727-732. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Hiraishi, A. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodoplanes. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 545-549. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Hiraishi, A. and Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Roseateles. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 746-748. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

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Hoernle, K. A. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. and van den Bogaard, P. (2005) The Hikurangi Oceanic Plateau: A Fragment of the Largest Volcanic Event on Earth. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 51-54.

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., Werner, R. and Mortimer, N. (2005) The Hikurangi oceanic plateau: Another large piece of the largest volcanic event on earth. [Invited talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2005. , 21.-25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P. and Mortimer, N. and SO168 Scientific Party (2005) Ursprung und Entwicklung des Hikurangi Ozeanplateaus (Neuseeland): Ein Fragment des größten bekannten vulkanischen Ereignisses auf der Erde? (SO168 ZEALANDIA). [Talk] In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Warnemünde .

Hoernle, K. , Sadofsky, S. and Portnyagin, M. (2005) Differences in composition of arc volcanic rocks in Central America and Kamchatka reflect differences in input and tectonic processes. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Geldmacher, J. (2005) Origin of long-term intraplate volcanism in the Canaries, Galapagos and New Zealand: Which are consistent with the plume hypothesis?. [Invited talk] In: AGU Chapman Conference: The Great Plume Debate. , 28.08.-01.09, Fort William, Scotland .

Hoffmann, L. , Peeken, I., Assmy, P., Veldhuis M. and Lochte, K. (2005) Response of pico-, nano-, and microphytoplankton during the Southern Ocean iron fertilisation experiment EIFEX. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

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Holohan, E. P., Troll, V. R., Walter, T. R., Münn, S., McDonnell, S. and Shipton, Z. K. (2005) Elliptical calderas in active tectonic settings: an experimental approach. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 144 (1-4). pp. 119-136. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2004.11.020.

Hoppe, H. G. (2005) Microbiological aspects of anoxia: anoxic basins in the ocean and microbial mats. [Invited talk] In: Sino-German Summer School. , 24.09, Qingdao, China .

Hoppe, H. G. and Jürgens, K. (2005) Phytoplankton - bacteria interactions in temperature controlled mesocosms: Aquashift, a new project in climate research. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 16.06, Aveiro, Portugal .

Hoppe, H. G., Gocke, K. and Koppe, R. (2005) Bacterioplankton growth: characteristics on the large spatial scale: Oligotrophic versus eutrophic ocean. [Invited talk] In: ASLO-Symposium. , 22.06, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

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Horii, Y., Kannan, K., Petrick, G., Gamo, T., Falandysz, J. and Yamashita, N. (2005) Congener-specific carbon isotopic analysis of technical PCB and PCN mixtures using Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology, 39 (11). pp. 4206-4212. DOI 10.1021/es050133q.

Hormann, V. and Brandt, P. (2005) Seasonal cycle of the velocity field in the eastern equatorial Atlantic. [Other] In: Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop. , 17.10, Venice, Italy .

Hormann, V. and Brandt, P. (2005) Seasonal cycle of the velocity field in the eastern equatorial Atlantic. [Other] In: Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie Seminar. , 12.07, Hamburg .

Hühnerbach, V., Masson, D., Bohrmann, G., Bull, J. M. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Deformation and submarine landsliding caused by seamount subduction beneth the Costa Rica Continental margin - new insights from high-resolution sidescan sonar data. In: Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products. ; 244 , ed. by Hodgson, D. M. and Flint, S. S.. Geological Society Publishing, London, pp. 195-205. ISBN 1862391777

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Huysseune, A., Delgado, S. and Witten, P. E. (2005) How to replace a tooth: fish(ing) for answers. Oral Biosciences and Medicine, 2 (2/3). pp. 75-81.


Ihle, T., Petersen, S. , Herzig, P. and Hannington, M. D. (2005) Siting of gold and characteristics of gold-bearing massive sulfides from the interior of the felsic-hosted PACMANUS massive sulfide deposit, Eastern Manus Basin (PNG). [Other] In: SGA Meeting. , 18.-21.08, Beijing, China .

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodothalassium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 228-229. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Family Chromatiaceae. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 3-9. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Family Ectothiorhodospiraceae. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 40-43. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Federal funding for blue technology research - Excellence Cluster BIOTECmarin. [Invited talk] In: BlueBioNet Congress. , 14.06, Bremerhaven .

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Allochromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 12-14. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Chromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 10-12. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Ectothiorhodospira. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 43-48. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodovibrio. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; 2,C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 36-37. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodovulum. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; 2,C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 205-209. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Roseospirillum. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; 2,C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, 39 pp. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rubrivivax. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 749-750. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thioalkalicoccus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,b , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 25-26. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiococcus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 28-29. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiocystis. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 29-31. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiodictyon. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 31-33. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thioflaviococcus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 33-34. ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiopedia. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 36-37. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Thiospirillum. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 39-40. ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Halorhodospira. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 49-52. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Isochromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 15-16. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Lamprocystis. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 18-20. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Marichromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 20-21. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Phaeospirillum. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 32-33. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhabdochromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 23-24. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodobaca. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 204-205. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodobacter. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 161-167. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodoblastus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 471-473. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodocista. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 33-35. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodocyclus. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 887-890. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodopseudomonas. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 473-476. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodospira. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 35-36. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Genus Rhodospirillum. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 1-6. ISBN -10:0387-24145-0

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Leben unter Extrembedingungen. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 01.11, Neustadt .

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Neue Medikamente aus dem Meer. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 10.05, Hanerau-Hademarschen .

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Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Neue Wirkstoffe aus Laminaria saccharina, Halichondra panicea und assoziierten Mikroorganismen. [Invited talk] In: Workshop "Neues aus dem Meer". , 08.06, Büsum .

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Imhoff, J. F. (2005) New Natural Products from Marine Microorganisms. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 44-46.

Imhoff, J. F. (2005) Order Chromatiales. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 1-3. ISBN -10: 0-387-24144-2

Imhoff, J. F. and Caumette, P. (2005) Genus Halochromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 14-15. ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Caumette, P. (2005) Genus Thiocapsa. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 26-28. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Caumette, P. (2005) Genus Thiohalocapsa. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 34-35. ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Gorlenko, V. M. (2005) Genus Roseospira. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; 2,C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 37-38. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. and Gorlenko, V. M. (2005) Genus Thiorhodospira. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, 57 pp. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Hiraishi, A. (2005) Aerobic bacteria containing bacteriochlorophyll and belonging to the alphaproteobacteria. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Introductory Essays. ; 2,A , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 133-136. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24143-2

Imhoff, J. F. and Hiraishi, A. (2005) Genus Rhodobium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Alpha-, Beta-, Delta-, and Epsilonproteobacteria. ; 2,C , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 571-574. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24145-6

Imhoff, J. F. and Madigan, M. T. (2005) Genus Thermochromatium. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 24-25. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Overmann, J. (2005) Genus Thiorhodovibrio. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: The Gammaproteobacteria. ; 2,B , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 38-39. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24144-9

Imhoff, J. F. and Süling, J. (2005) Biology of phototrophic bacteria: microbiological research at IFM-GEOMAR. [Invited talk] In: DAAD Austauschprogramm. , 17.11, Hyderabad, Kukatpally, India .

Imhoff, J. F. and Wiese, J. (2005) Microbial research at IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 01.03, Kunming, China .

Imhoff, J. F. , Hiraishi, A. and Süling, J. (2005) Anoxygenic phototrophic purple bacteria. In: Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Introductory Essays. ; 2,A , ed. by Brenner, D. J., Krieg, N. R. and Staley, J. T.. Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York, pp. 119-132. 2 ISBN 978-0-387-24143-2


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Jickels, T. D., An, Z. S., Andersen, K. K., Baker, A. R., Bergametti, G., Brooks, N., Cao, J. J., Boyd, P. W., Duce, R. A., Hunter, K. A., Kawahata, H., Kubilay, N., LaRoche, J., Liss, P. S., Mahowald, N., Prospero, J. M., Ridgwell, A. J., Tegen, I. and Torres, R. (2005) Global iron connections between desert dust, ocean biogeochemistry and climate. Science, 308 . pp. 67-71. DOI 10.1126/science.1105959.

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Johansen, T. S., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Klügel, A. and Kokfelt, T. F. (2005) Basanite to phonolite differentiation within 1550-1750 yr: U-Th-Ra isotopic evidence from the A.D. 1585 eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands. Geology, 33 (11). pp. 897-900. DOI 10.1130/G21663.1.

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Johns, W. E., Kanzow, T. and Zantopp, R. J. (2005) Estimating ocean transports with dynamic height moorings: An application in the Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current at 26°N. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 (8). pp. 1542-1567. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2005.02.002.

John, T. and Schenk, V. (2005) Interrelations between intermediate-depth earthquakes and fluid flow in subducting oceanic plates. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 20.- 25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .

John, T. and Schenk, V. (2005) Interrelations between Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and Fluid Flow in subducting Oceanic Plates. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .

John, T., Scherer , E. E., Haase, K. and Schenk, V. (2005) Does fluid-induced eclogitization of slab crust generate arc signatures?. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 20.- 25.05, Moscow, Idaho, USA .

John, T., Scherer, E. E., Haase, K. and Schenk, V. (2005) Does fluid-induced Eclogitization of Oceanic Crust generate Arc Signatures?. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Jungclaus, J., Haak, H., Latif, M. and Mikolajewicz, U. (2005) Artic-North Atlantic interactions and multidecadal variability of the thermohaline circulation. Open Access Journal of Climate, 18 (19). pp. 4013-4031. DOI 10.1175/JCLI3462.1.

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Justino, F. B., Timmermann, A., Merkel, U. and Sousa, E. P. (2005) Synoptic reorganization of atmospheric flow during the Last Glacial Maximum. Open Access Journal of Climate, 18 . pp. 2826-2846. DOI 10.1175/JCLI3403.1.


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Kalisch, J. (2005) Parametrisierung der solaren Einstrahlung über dem Ozean im Rahmen des "Meridional Ocean Radiation Experiment" MORE. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 101 pp.

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Kanzow, T. , Flechtner, F., Chave, A., Schmidt, R., Schwintzer, P. and Send, U. (2005) Seasonal variation of ocean bottom pressure derived from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE): local validation and global patterns. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110 . C09001. DOI 10.1029/2004JC002772.

Kanzow, T. , Send, U., Zenk, W. and Rhein, M. (2005) Integrale Erfassung der Intensität der meridionalen Umwälzzirkulation im tropischen Nordatlantik. [Paper] In: Statusseminar 2005. . Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. ; pp. 109-111 .

Kanzow, T. , Send, U., Zenk, W. and Rhein, M. (2005) Integrale Erfassung der meridionalen Umwälzzirkulation im Tropischen Nordatlantik. [Other] In: BMBF Sonne Statusseminar. , 10.03, Warnemünde .

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Karstensen, J. (2005) Cruise Report F.S. ALKOR Cruise No. 268 . Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL268 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 30 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL268.

Karstensen, J. , Avsic, T. and Dengler, M. (2005) Subsurface temperature maxima in North Atlantic deep water formation regions. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

Karstensen, J. , Schlosser, P., Wallace, D. W. R., Bullister, J. L. and Blindheim, J. (2005) Water mass transformation in the Greenland Sea during the 1990s. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 110 . C07022. DOI 10.1029/2004JC002510.

Kassens, H. (2005) DAAD-Studienangebote deutscher Hochschulen im Ausland: POMOR. [Invited talk] In: DAAD-Tagung "Studienangebote im Ausland: Deutsche Hochschulen im Internationalen Wettbewerb". , 01.03.-02.03, Berlin .

Kassens, H., Andersen, L., Barber, D., Bauch, H. , Deming, J., Dmitrenko, I., Eicken, H., Lisitzin, A. P., Moore, S., Wassmann, P., Wegner, C. and Zhao, J. (2005) The Arctic shelf seas. [Invited talk] In: International Conference on Arctic Research Planning, ICARP II. , 10.11.-12.11, Copenhagen, Denmark .

Kassens, H. and the Members of the ICARP II WG Arctic Shelf Seas (2005) Transport and exchange at interfaces in the Arctic Ocean (coast-ocean, shelf-slope, deep-sea). [Invited talk] In: Workshop of ICARP II WG Margins and Gateways. , 31.01,-02.02, Paris, France .

Kassens, H. and Volkmann-Lark, K., eds. and MitarbeiterInnen des Vorhabens (2005) Otto-Schmidt-Labor für Polar- und Meeresforschung : Schlussbericht 03PL037A ; [Berichtszeitraum: 01.11.2002 bis 31.12.2004]. . UNSPECIFIED, Bremerhaven, Kiel, St. Petersburg, Russia, Getrennte Zählung: 309 pp.

Kassens, H., Dmitrenko, I., Hoelemann, J. A., Kirillov, S., Priamikov, S., Thiede, J. , Timokhov, L. and Wegner, C. (2005) Seafloor observatories in Russian polynyas. [Invited talk] In: 7. Arctic Science Summit Week. , 17.04.-24.04, Kunming, China .

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Keeling , R. F. and Visbeck, M. (2005) Northern ice discharges and Antarctic warming: could ocean eddies provide the link?. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24 (16-17). pp. 1809-1820. DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.04.005.

Keenlyside, N. (2005) Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability and its relation to ENSO. [Other] In: US CLIVAR Meeting. , 31.01.-02.02, Miami, USA .

Keenlyside, N. (2005) Equatorial Atlantic interannual variability and its relation to ENSO. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 04.-08.07, Alcala, Spain .

Keenlyside, N. (2005) On sub-ENSO variability. [Other] In: IAPSO Dynamic Planet 2005. , 22.-26.08, Cairns, Australia .

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Keenlyside, N., Latif, M. , Botzet, M., Jungclaus, J. and Schulzweida, U. (2005) A coupled method for initializing El Niño Southern Oscillation forecasts using sea surface temperature. Open Access Tellus A: Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, 57 (3). pp. 340-356. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2005.00107.x.

Keenlyside, N., Park, W. , Biastoch, A. , Latif, M. , Kornblueh, L., Esch, M. and Redler, R. (2005) Projects and Experience at IFM-GEOMAR and MPI-M. [Talk] In: PRISM users meeting. , Toulouse, France .

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Keir, R., Greinert, J. , Rhein, M., Petrick, G., Sültenfuß, J. and Fürhaupter, K. (2005) Methane and methane carbon isotopes in the Northeast Atlantic including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (50°N). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 (6). pp. 1043-1070. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2004.12.006.

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Khusid, T. A., Barash, M. S., Biebow, N., Nürnberg, D. and Tiedemann, R. (2005) Late Quaternary environmental changes on the Southeastern slope of the Sea of Okhotsk inferred from benthic foraminifera. Oceanology, 45 (3). pp. 413-419.

Kiiltomäki, A., Stipa, T. and Lehmann, A. (2005) Spatial and temporal variability of temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea - a comparison of observations and model data. [Other] In: Baltic Sea Science Conference. , 22.06, Sopot, Poland .

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Kim, S. K., Rosenthal, H., Clemmesen, C. , Park, K. Y., Kim, D. H., Choi, Y. S. and Seo, H. C. (2005) Various methods to determine the gonadal development and spawning season of the purplish Washington clam, Saxidomus purpuratus (Sowerby). Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 21 . pp. 101-106. DOI 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2004.00636.x.

Klaeschen, D. , Vidal, N., Kopf, A. J., von Huene, R. and Krasheninnikov, V. A. (2005) Multi-channel seismic profiles across Eratosthenes Seamount and the Florence Rise reflecting the incipient collision between Africa and Eurasia near the island of Cyprus, eastern Mediterranean. In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel. , ed. by Krasheninnikov, V. A., Hall, J. K., Hirsch, F., Benjamini, C. and Flexer, A.. Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 57-71. ISBN 965-729-703-6

Klaeschen, D. , Vidal, N., Kopf, A. J., von Huene, R. and Krasheninnikov, V. A. (2005) Reflection seismic processing and images of the eastern Mediterranean from the Cruise 5 of the Research Vessel "Akademik Nicolaj Strakhov". In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel. , ed. by Krasheninnikov, V. A., Hall, J. K., Hirsch, F., Benjamini, C. and Flexer, A.. Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 21-40. ISBN 965-729-703-6

Klaeschen, D. , Vidal, N., Kopf, A. J., von Huene, R. and Krasheninnikov, V. A. (2005) Seismic images from South-East of Cyprus to the Syrian coast. In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Vol. 2: The Levantine Basin and Israel. , ed. by Krasheninnikov, V. A., Hall, J. K., Hirsch, F., Benjamini, C. and Flexer, A.. Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 41-56. ISBN 965-729-703-6

Klaeschen, D. , Vidal, N., Kopf, A., von Huene, R. and Krasheninnikov, V. A. (2005) Seismic Images from South-East of Cyprus to the Syrien Coast. In: Geological Framework of the Levant, Volume II: The Levantine Basin and Israel. ; 2 , ed. by Krasheninnikov, V., Hall, J. K., Hirsch, F., Benjamini, C. and Flexer, A.. Historical Productions-Hall, Jerusalem, pp. 41-56. ISBN 965-729-703-6

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Klaeschen, D. , Zillmer, M. and Bialas, J. (2005) Seismic Imaging of Gas Hydrates. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 55-58.

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Kläs, J. (2005) Auswirkungen erhöhter CO2-Konzentrationen auf Mikroalgen. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 49 pp.

Klaucke, I. (2005) Das Echolot - die Tiefe hören. [Public Lecture] In: Jahresversammlung der Seglergemeinschaft (Wappen von Bremen). , 05.11, Bremen .

Klaucke, I. , Sahling, H., Bohrmann, G. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) The variability of fluid-escape features imaged with deep-towed sidescan sonar: morphologies, backscatter facies and controls. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Klaucke, I. , Sahling, H., Bürk, D., Weinrebe, R. W. and Bohrmann, G. (2005) Mapping deep-water gas emissions with sidescan sonar. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86 (38). pp. 341-346.

Klaucke, I. , Sahling, H., Weinrebe, R. W., Bohrmann, G. and Ivanov, M. K. (2005) Mud volcanoes and other types of cold seeps in the Black Sea: morphologies, settings and processes. [Invited talk] In: CIESM Workshop 29. , 19.10.-22.10, Bologna, Italy .

Klaucke, I. , Sahling, H., Weinrebe, R. W., Buerk, D., Lursmanashvili, N. and Blinova, V. (2005) Fluid venting and slope erosion offshore Georgia, Eastern Black Sea. [Other] In: Workshop on Methane in the Black Sea. , 18.-20.05, Sewastopol, Ukraine .

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Klein, G., Bohlen, T., Theilen, F., Kugler, S. and Forbriger, T. (2005) Acquisition and Inversion of Dispersive Seismic Waves in Shallow Marine Environments. Marine Geophysical Research, 26 (2-4). pp. 287-315. DOI 10.1007/s11001-005-3725-6.

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Klemm, V., Levasseur, S., Frank, M. , Hein, J. R. and Halliday, A. N. (2005) Osmium isotope stratigraphy of marine ferromanganese crusts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 238 . pp. 42-48. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.07.016.

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Klügel, A., Hansteen, T. and Galipp, K. (2005) Magma storage and underplating beneath Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma (Canary Islands). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236 (1-2). pp. 211-226. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.006.

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Kokfelt, T. F., Lundstrom, C., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Werner, R. (2005) Plume-ridge interaction studied at the Galápagos spreading center: Evidence from 226Ra-230Th-238U and 231Pa-235U isotopic disequilibria. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 234 (1-2). pp. 165-187. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.02.031.

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Rabbel, W., Wagner, D. and Wittwer, A. and MERAMEX Scientists (2005) Subduction zone processes in Central Java: Preliminary results of the MERAMEX amphibious Project. [Talk] In: Sonderkolloquium "Geotechnologien", GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam. , 09.-10.06.2005, Potsdam . Continental margins - Earth's focal points of usage and hazard potential. ; pp. 56-59 . Geotechnologien science report (5).

Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Wittwer, A., Barckhausen, U., Wagner, D., Papenberg, C. and Petersen, C. J. and MERAMEX-Working Group (2005) Geophysikalische Untersuchungen der Sunda-Subduktionszone vor Zentral-Java: erste Ergebnisse der SONNE-Fahrten SO176 & SO179. [Invited talk] In: Statusseminar 2005 Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. , 09.03.-11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .

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Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R., Wittwer, A., Klaeschen, D. and MERAMEX Scientists (2005) Subduction of basement relief off Central Java: geological indications for subduction erosion. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 05.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Kortum, G. and Ulrich, J. (2005) Kieler Meeresforschung zur Kaiserzeit: Zum Leben und Werk von Otto Krümmel (1854-1917). Open Access Historisch-Meereskundliches Jahrbuch, 11 . pp. 141-156.

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Kortum, G. and Ulrich, J. (2005) Otto Krümmel (1854-1912) und die Anfänge der Meereskunde an der Universität Kiel. Open Access Christiana Albertina, 61 . pp. 35-43.

Körtzinger, A. (2005) Der Ozean im Zeitalter des Anthropozäns - eine Betrachtung aus biogeochemischer Perspektive. [Invited talk] In: Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2005 "Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt". , 08.06, Hamburg .

Körtzinger, A. (2005) Der Ozean im Zeitalter des globalen Klimawandels, oder: CO2 wohin, woher: welche Rolle spielt das Meer?. [Public Lecture] In: Aquariumsvortrag zur Kieler Woche. , 24.06, Kiel .

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Körtzinger, A. and Wallace, D. W. R. (2005) Monitoring the Ocean's Breathing. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 31-32.

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Körtzinger, A. , Schimanski, J. and Send, U. (2005) High-quality oxygen measurements from profiling floats: A promising new technique. Open Access Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 . pp. 302-308. DOI 10.1175/JTECH1701.1.

Kossak, U. (2005) Mussel shell growth and shell stability - importance of salinity. [Other] In: MiniMussel Symposium. , 27.10, Kerteminde, Denmark .

Kossak, U. (2005) Simulating future salinity shifts: a multiple transplant experiment in the Baltic salinity gradient. [Other] In: 42. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 21.-25.08.2005, Vienna, Austria .

Kossak, U. (2005) Simulating the future: the effect of climate change on Baltic blue mussels. [Invited talk] In: BIOBOMBE Annual Meeting. , 21.05, Hel, Poland .

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Köster, F. W., Möllmann, C., Hinrichsen, H. H., Tomkiewicz, J., Wieland, K., Kraus, G., Voss, R., MacKenzie, B. R., Schnack, D. , Makarchouk, A., Plikshs, M. and Beyer, J. E. (2005) Baltic cod recruitment – the impact of climate variability on key processes. Open Access ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62 . pp. 1408-1425. DOI 10.1016/j.icesjms.2005.05.004.

Krabbenhöft, A., Bialas, J. , Zillmer, M., Flueh, E. R., Petersen, J., Thierer, P. and von Gronefeld, G. (2005) Investigation of gas hydrates and free gas saturation with seismic methods. [Other] In: Workshop on Methane in the Black Sea. , 18.-20.05, Sevastopol, Ukraine .

Kraus, G. (2005) Fisch und Fischerei in der Barentssee. [Public Lecture] In: "Die-Zeit"-Reisen. , 06.03, Kirkeness, Norway .

Kraus, G. (2005) Overview on RECONN time series analysis. [Other] In: Aquashift Fish Meeting. , 19.12, Hamburg .

Kraus, G. (2005) The value of marine protected areas. [Invited talk] In: DWK Workshop on "Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management". , 26.11, Hamburg .

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Krolikowska-Ciaglo, S., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. A. (2005) Sr-Nd isotope systematics in 14-28 Ma low-temperature altered mid-ocean ridge basalt from the Australian Antarctic Discordance, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 187. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6 (1). Q01001. DOI 10.1029/2004GC000802.

Kube, N., Bischoff, A. A., Wecker, B. and Waller, U. (2005) The feasibility of a Photobioreactor (Microalgae) for the removal of dissolved nutrients in a closed recirculating system. [Other] In: EAS Conference on Lessons from the Past to Optimise the Future. , 06.08.2005, Trondheim, Norway .

Kube, N., Bischoff, A. A., Wecker, B. and Waller, U. (2005) The feasibility of a photobioreactor (micro) for the removal of dissolved nutrients in a closed recirculating system. In: Lessons From the Past to Optimise the Future. , ed. by Howell, B. and Flos, R.. EAS special publication, 35 . European Aquaculture Society, Oostende, Belgium, pp. 289-290. ISBN 90-71625-19-2

Kuhn, T. (2005) Freiberger Tiefsee-Expeditionen in den Atlantik in 2004 - Anlass und Ergebnisse. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.11.2005, Dresden .

Kuhn, T., Bruegmann, G., Petersen, S. and Herzig, P. (2005) Os isotopic ratios and PGE geochemistry in hocks and sulfides from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothemal field, 14°45'N MAR. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Kuhn, T., Lackschewitz, K. and Petersen, S. (2005) Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 59-62.

Kuhn, T., Petersen, S. and Herzig, P. (2005) Os isotopic ratios and PGE geochemistry in hocks and sulfides from the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothemal field, 14°45'N MAR. [Other] In: DMG Tagung. , 18.-21.09, Aachen .

Kuhn, T., Petersen, S. , Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. , Franz, L., Bruegmann, G. and Devey, C. W. (2005) Hydrothermal processes in the active Logatchev-1 hydrothermal field: new insights from mineralogy and geochemistry of massive sulfides and alteration products. [Other] In: Russian Ridge Workshop. , 06.-07.06, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kutterolf, S. , Schacht, U., Freundt, A. , Wehrmann, H., Mörz, T. and Schmidt, M. (2005) Vulkanische Aschen im Pazifischen Ozean vor Nicaragua und Costa Rica – Ergebnisse der Sonne Ausfahrt SO173/3. [Poster] In: SONNE Statusseminar 2005. , 09.- 11.03.2005, Rostock-Warnemünde .

Kutterolf, S. , Schacht, U., Freundt, A. , Wehrmann, H., Mörz, T., Schmidt, M. and Schmincke, H. U. (2005) Vulkanische Aschen im pazifischen Ozean vor Nicaragua und Costa Rica - Ergebnisse der Sonne Ausfahrt SO 173/3. [Talk] In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.-11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde .


Labes, A. and Schönheit, P. (2005) Unusual starch degradation pathway in Archaeoglobus fulgidus strain 7324: Characterization of involved enzymes. [Poster] In: Conference of association of general and applicated microbiology (VAAM). , 25.-28.09, Göttingen .

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Lachnit, T. (2005) Unterscheiden sich Makroalgen in ihren bakteriellen Aufwuchsgemeinschaften?. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 82 pp.

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Lackschewitz, K. (2005) 1. Wochenbericht M64/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Lackschewitz, K. (2005) 2. Wochenbericht M64/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Lackschewitz, K. (2005) 3. Wochenbericht M64/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Lackschewitz, K. (2005) 4. Wochenbericht M64/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

Lackschewitz, K. and Devey, C. W. (2005) Using authigenic clay mineralogy and geochemistry to assess physio-chemical conditions in hydrothermal systems. [Other] In: Russian Ridge Workshop. , 06.06.-07.06, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. and Shipboard Scientific Parties (2005) The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field, 14°45'N on the MAR: new insights and results from cruises M60/3 and M64/2. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 00.10, Milton Keynes, UK .

Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Eisenhauer, A. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and James, R. (2005) Hydrothermal alteration in the Logatchev hydrothermal field: implications from secondary mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Lampitt, R., Edwards, M., Karstensen, J. , Meinecke, G., Müller, T. J. and Send, U. (2005) A fully functioning observatory network in the Northeast Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: 4. EUROGOOS Conference. , 06.06.-09.06, Brest, France .

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Langlois, R. , Raab, P. and LaRoche, J. (2005) Diazotrophic Diversity and Distribution in the Tropical and Sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (12). pp. 7910-7919. DOI DO:10.1128/AEM.71.12.7910-7919.2005.

Lankhorst, M., Fratatoni, D., Ollitrault, M., Richardson, P. and Zenk, W. (2005) The Circulation of the Western Tropical Atlantic at Mid-Depth as Observed by Floats. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

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LaRoche, J. and Breitbarth, E. (2005) Importance of the diazotrophs as a source of new nitrogen in the ocean. Journal of Sea Research, 53 (1-2). pp. 67-91. DOI 10.1016/j.seares.2004.05.005.

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LaRoche, J. and Breitbarth, E. (2005) The importance of Trichodesmium in the global nitrogen cycle. Journal of Sea Research, 53 . pp. 53-67. DOI 10.1016/j.seares.2004.05.005.

Latif, M. (2005) Aktueller Stand der Klimaforschung. [Public Lecture] In: Verleihung des Umweltpreises an Frau R. Verheyen. , 21.01, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2005) Aktueller Stand der Klimaforschung. [Public Lecture] In: Klimaschutzveranstaltung. , 25.01, Berlin .

Latif, M. (2005) Aufgaben und Pflichten von Experten. [Public Lecture] In: Umweltkolloquium. , 22.11, Jülich .

Latif, M. (2005) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.05, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2005) The challenge of long-term climate change. [Public Lecture] In: "Commodities Investing Forum", Annual Academy & Finance Events New York and Geneva. , 16.11, Genf, Schweiz .

Latif, M. (2005) Climate change and El Niño. In: Weather catastrophes and climate change - is there still hope for us?. , ed. by Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft. Selbstverlag, München, pp. 42-49.

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen. [Public Lecture] In: Pinneberg. , 28.01.2005, Pinneberg, Germany .

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen. [Public Lecture] In: Forum für Verantwortung. , 30.06, Frankfurt .

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 13.10, Neuwied .

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel und seine Folgen. [Public Lecture] In: Forum Umwelt der Kreisverwaltung Mainz-Bingen. , 04.03 .

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel - was wir jetzt tun müssen. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 31.03, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2005) Der globale Klimawandel - was wir jetzt tun müssen. [Public Lecture] In: Verein der Motorjournalisten (VDM) Kongress. , 29.04, Aachen .

Latif, M. (2005) Die Klimaproblematik. In: Klimapolitik in einer erweiterten Europäischen Union. , ed. by John, K. D. and Rübbelke, D. T. G.. Chemnitzer Studien, 7 . Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 15-25. ISBN 3-8322-3767-4

Latif, M. (2005) Die Welt im Treibhaus. [Public Lecture] In: Ev. Studentengemeinde Saarland. , 28.06, Saarbrücken .

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Latif, M. (2005) Dynamics and Predictability of North Atlantic / European Climate Variability. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 21-24.

Latif, M. (2005) El Niño. [Public Lecture] In: Scientific Hearing on the "Impact of Climate Change". , 24.02, Brüssel, Belgium .

Latif, M. (2005) Globale Klimaveränderungen: Stand der Technik. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.05, Trier .

Latif, M. (2005) Hitzerekorde und Jahrhundertflut. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 11.10, Reutlingen .

Latif, M. (2005) Interannual to interdecadal variability in the tropical Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop. , 10.10, Venice, Italy .

Latif, M. (2005) Klimaschutz und Solarenergie. [Public Lecture] In: Magistrat der Stadt Frankfurt. , 07.07, Frankfurt .

Latif, M. (2005) Klimaveränderung. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 12.03, Otzenhausen .

Latif, M. (2005) Klimawandel. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 05.10, Berlin .

Latif, M. (2005) Klimawandel - globale Herausforderung des Naturschutzes. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 08.01, Radolfzell .

Latif, M. (2005) Ocean circulations and climate dynamics. [Other] In: Symposium "The Future of Life and of Our Civilization". , 03.05, Frankfurt/Main .

Latif, M. (2005) On sub-ENSO variability. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 28.04, Vienna, Austria .

Latif, M. (2005) Ozonloch - Treibhauseffekt - Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 22.03, Eckernförde .

Latif, M. (2005) Ozonloch und Treibhauseffekt - Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 16.06, Eutin .

Latif, M. (2005) Ozonloch und Treibhauseffekt - Verändert der Mensch das Weltklima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 13.02, Heidelberg .

Latif, M. (2005) Ozonloch und Treibhauseffekt - Verändert der Mensch das Weltklima?. [Public Lecture] In: ATLAS-Zentraleinkauf Jahrestreffen 2005. , 29.01, Bad Kissingen .

Latif, M. (2005) PHOENIX Wissenschaftsforum Petersberg zum Thema "Brennpunkt Erde - Klimaschutz und Klimawandel". [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 30.11, Königswinter .

Latif, M. (2005) Podiumsdiskussion der Süddeutschen Zeitung. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 26.10, München .

Latif, M. (2005) Predictability of decadal timescales. [Invited talk] In: Biennial Meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society. , 13.09, Exeter, UK .

Latif, M. (2005) Thema: Klimawandel. [Public Lecture] In: Öffentliche Veranstaltungsreihe "Rotes-Sofa-Gespräch". , 22.02, Stuttgart .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 18.01, Elmshorn .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.11, Bordesholm .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.05, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Austrian Carbon Management ACM Klimaschutztag. , 12.05, Wien, Austria .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 10.06, Melle .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 03.11, Stuhr bei Bremen .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Eröffungsvortrag Energieforum Pinneberg. , 19.05, Pinneberg .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Versicherungskontor Martens & Prahl Geschäftsführertreffen. , 16.06, Lübeck .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 13.12, Borgdorf/Seedorf .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.12, Rendsburg .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Festvortrag anlässlich des 96. Bundeskongresses MNU (Mathematik- und naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht). , 17.03, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. In: Die Zukunft der Erde - Was verträgt unser Planet noch? Ein nichtlineares System mit verblüffendem Verhalten. , ed. by Fischer, E. P. and Wiegandt, K.. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 118-129. ISBN 3-596-17126-1

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. Der Mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht (MNU), 56 . pp. 282-286.

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 27.09, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 05.04, St. Peter-Ording .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.09, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 14.04, Kiel-Kronshagen .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Public Lecture] In: Bundesverband Solarindustrie e.V. Berlin. , 12.07, Emmendingen .

Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. Mitteilungen der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst-Und Holzwirtschaft, 11 . pp. 443-446.

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Latif, M. (2005) Verändert der Mensch das Klima? - Diese Frage stellt sich nicht mehr. UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 17 (4). pp. 193-196. DOI 10.1007/BF03039168.

Latif, M. (2005) Warnsignal Klima - wird Wasser knapper?. [Public Lecture] In: Fachtagung Akademie für Natur- und Umweltschutz. , 08.03, Karlsruhe .

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Latif, M. , Tiedemann, R. and Schott, F. (2005) Tropical Atlantic Variability. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 17-20.

Lehmann, A. (2005) Potential impact of climate change on circulation and hydrography of the Baltic Sea. [Invited talk] In: BALTDER Seminar. , 09.10, Gdansk, Poland .

Lehmann, A. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2005) Upwelling in the Baltic Sea - a numerical model case study. [Other] In: Baltic Sea Science Conference. , 21.06, Sopot, Poland .

Lehmann, A. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2005) Upwelling in the Baltic Sea - a numerical model case study. [Invited talk] In: BALTDER Seminar. , 11.10, Gdansk, Poland .

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Lehmann, A. and Isemer, H. J. (2005) BALTEX Phase II Science Framework and Implementation Strategy. Open Access BALTEX Newsletter, 7 . pp. 1-2.

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Lehmann, A. and Jacob, D. (2005) BALTIC GRID Pilot Study. Open Access BALTEX Newsletter, 8 . pp. 1-2.

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Lehmann, A., Jacob, D. and Dippner, J. W. (2005) DEKLIM Final Symposium. Open Access BALTEX Newsletter, 7 . p. 6.

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Lehmann, A., Krauß, W., Karstensen, J. , König, J., Müller, T. J. , Send, U., Lass, H. U., Dietrich, R., Eberlein, L., Liebsch, G., Novotny, K. and Prandke, H. (2005) BASEWECS - Influence of the Baltic Sea and its annual ice coverage on the water and energy budget of the Baltic Sea. Open Access BALTEX Newsletter, 8 . pp. 11-14.

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Lehmann, C. (2005) Simulation von Kondensations- und Koaleszenzprozessen in Wolken. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 69 pp.

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Lembke-Jene, L., Tiedemann, R., Nürnberg, D. , Kokfelt, U., Biebow, N., Röhl, U., Gorbarenko, S. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Millenial to Centennial scale climatic and oceanographic changes in the Okhotsk Sea during the past 15.000 years. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 29.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Lengfellner, K., Aberle, N., Sandow, M., Hansen, T. and Sommer, U. (2005) Plankton spring succession in response to warming winters. [Other] In: 2. AQUASHIFT Workshop. , 28.09.2005, Kiel .

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Lenz, M., Bers, V. and Wahl, M. (2005) Arbeiten der Forschungseinheit Benthosökologie am IFM-GEOMAR im Bereich der marinen Bionik. [Other] In: Kick-Off Meeting "Marine Bionik": Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft. , 04.02, Bremen .

Lenz, M., Molis, M. and Wahl, M. (2005) Effects of disturbance and nutrient enrichment on marine hardbottom communities: results from an experiment with a large scale replication. [Invited talk] In: Summer Meeting of the American Society of Limnology & Oceanography, ASLO. , 23.05.2005, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

Lenz, M., Molis, M. and Wahl, M. (2005) GAME - a global tool in marine experimental ecology. [Invited talk] In: 40. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 21.08.2005, Vienna, Austria .

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Leythaeuser, T., Reston, T. J. and Minshull, T. A. (2005) Waveform inversion of the S reflector west of Spain: Fine structure of a detachment fault. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (22). L22304. DOI 10.1029/2005GL024026.

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Linke, P. (2005) Autonome Landersysteme zur Erforschung der Gashydrate. [Public Lecture] In: 2. Internationales Medienfestival für die Geowissenschaften (GeOmovie). , 04.05, Göttingen .

Linke, P. (2005) Gashydrate - Energiequelle der Zukunft?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 06.07, Basel, Schweiz .

Linke, P. (2005) Marine gas hydrate research at IFM-GEOMAR: an overview on history and recent developments. [Invited talk] In: International Symposium on Gas Hydrate Technology. , 10.11, Seoul, Korea .

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Linke, P. , Wallmann, K. , Suess, E., Hensen, C. and Rehder, G. (2005) In situ benthic fluxes from an intermittently active mud volcano at the Costa Rica convergent margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 235 . pp. 79-95. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.009.

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Lohmann, F. C. (2005) Entrainment Processes during Plume Ascent. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, VIII, 152 pp.

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Lohmann, K. (2005) Tropical Pacific/Atlantic climate variability and the subtropical-tropical cells. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 77 pp. . Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 11 .

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Lohmann, K. and Latif, M. (2005) Pacific Decadal Variability and the Subtropical-Tropical Cells. Open Access Journal of Climate, 18 (23). pp. 5163-5178. DOI 10.1175/JCLI3559.1.

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Mills, M. and LaRoche, J. (2005) Dust Fertilization of the Tropical North Atlantic stimulates Nitrogen Fixation. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report 2002-2004 From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 39-40.

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Mörz, T., Brückmann, W. , Fekete, N., Hühnerbach, V., Masson, D. G., Hepp, D. A., Suess, E. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin, Part I: Margin evolution, segmentation, dewatering and mud diapirism. In: Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity. , ed. by Martinelli, G. and Panahi, B.. NATO science series : Series 4, Earth and environmental sciences, 51 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 35-48. ISBN 1-402-03203-X DOI 10.1007/1-4020-3204-8_4.

Mörz, T., Fekete, N., Kopf, A. J., Brückmann, W., Kreitner, S., Hühnerbach, V., Masson, D. G., Hepp, D. A., Schmidt, M. , Kutterolf, S. , Sahling, H., Abegg, F., Spiess, V., Suess, E. and Ranero, C. R. (2005) Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin, Part II: Mound Culebra and Mounds 11 and 12. In: Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity. , ed. by Martinelli, G. and Panahi, B.. NATO science series : Series 4, Earth and environmental sciences, 51 . Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 49-76. ISBN 1-402-03203-X DOI 10.1007/1-4020-3204-8_5.

Mörz, T., Kreiter, S., Schmidt, M. , Fekete, N., Kutterolf, S. , Brückmann, W. and Suess, E. (2005) Systematische Änderungen im Schlammdiapirismus entlang des mittelamerikanischen Kontinentalrandes. [Talk] In: SONNE Statusseminar. , 09.- 11.03, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany .

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Müller, T. J. (2005) Cruise Report F.S. ALKOR Cruise No. AL261. Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL261 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 17 pp.

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Noé, S. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Skeletal morphogenesis, growth rate and growth mode of deep-water isidid gorgonians (Octocorallia) in the West Pacific (Chatham Rise, Sea of Okhotsk). [Invited talk] In: Seminar, Institut für Paläontologie. , 18.12, Erlangen .

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Peck, M. A., Clemmesen, C. and Herrmann, J. P. (2005) Ontogenic changes in the allometric scaling of the mass-length relationship in sprat (Sprattus sprattus). Journal of Fish Biology, 66 . pp. 882-887. DOI 10.1111/j.0022-1112.2005.00651.x.

Peck, M. A., Herrmann, J. P., Baumann, H., Kürs, U., Temming, A. and Clemmesen, C. (2005) Interrelationships between rates of feeding and growth, RNA/DNA and otolith microstructure in post-larval Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) as determined from laboratory experiments. [Other] In: American Fisheries Society Larval Fish Conference. , 13.07, Barcelona, Spain .

Peeken, I. (2005) Introduction of pre-OOMPH preparation and relevant previous own work. [Other] In: OOMPH Kick-Off Meeting. , 05.-07.09, Montabaur .

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Peeken, I. and Hoffmann, L. J. (2005) Primary production, phytoplankton biomass and distribution, and size fractionated bulk variables of the chlorophyll maximum during an iron fertilisation experiment in the region of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. In: The Expeditions ANTARKTIS XXII3-4-5 of the Research Vessel Polarstern" in 2004. , ed. by Smetacek, V., Bathmann, U. and Helmke, E.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 500 . Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 106-114.

Peeken, I., Hoffmann, L. and Lochte, K. (2005) Pigment based highlights from the Southern Ocean iron fertilization experiment EIFEX. [Talk] In: EIFEX workshop. , 27.-30.4, Bremerhaven .

Peeken, I., Hoffmann, L. and Lochte, K. (2005) The role of the chlorophyll maximum for phytoplankton production in the tropical Atlantic. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

Peeken, I., Hoffmann, L. , Assmy, P., Bathmann, U., Cisewski, B., Leach, H., Lochte, K., Sachs, O., Sauter, E. and Strass, V. (2005) Export of fresh algal material during the Southern Ocean iron fertilisation experiment. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .

Pepin, P. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2005) An overview of the state of knowledge of the transport of cod eggs and larvae. [Other] In: ICES Annual Sciences Conference. , 23.09, Aberdeen, UK .

Petereit, C. (2005) Overview on RECONN temperature gradient experiment. [Other] In: Aquashift Fish Meeting. , 19.12, Hamburg .

Petereit, C. (2005) Parameterizing individual-based models of early life stages of sprat (Sprattus sprattus). [Other] In: Aquashift Modelling Workshop. , 21.02, Hamburg .

Petereit, C., Kraus, G. and Clemmesen, C. (2005) Resolving trophodynamic consequences of climate change - match - mismatch between secondary and tertiary production in the Baltic Sea. [Other] In: Aquashift Workshop. , 29.09, Kiel .

Petersen, J., Papenberg, C. and Klaeschen, D. (2005) Seismic quantification of marine gas hydrates at northern Hydrate Ridge - final results of the HYDGAS Projekt. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12.2005, San Francisco, USA .

Petersen, S. (2005) Einzigartige Ökosysteme und potenzielle Rohstofflieferanten am Meeresgrund. [Public Lecture] In: Aquariumsvortrag zur Kieler Woche. , 23.06, Kiel .

Petersen, S. (2005) Heiße Quellen in der Tiefsee. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 11.10, Essen .

Petersen, S. (2005) Seafloor hydrothermal systems at the modern seafloor and their resource potential. [Invited talk] In: 11. Annual German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium. , 02.06.-05.06, Irvine, California .

Petersen, S. (2005) Seafloor hydrothermal systems - understanding "Inner Space". [Other] In: German-American Frontiers of Sciences (GAFOS) Meeting of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation and the US National Academy of Science. , 02.-05.06, Irvine, California .

Petersen, S. , Herzig, P., Gabriel, A. and Hannington, M. D. (2005) Geochemical mapping of a large sulfide chimney from the felsic-hosted PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Papua New Guinea: Implications for trace element precipitation. [Other] In: DMG Tagung. , 18.-21.09, Aachen .

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Petersen, S. , Herzig, P., Kuhn, T., Monecke, T., Franz, L., Hannington, M. D. and Gemmel, J. B. (2005) Shallow Drilling of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems Using the BGS Rockdrill: Conical Seamount (New Ireland Fore-Arc) and PACMANUS (Eastern Manus Basin), Papua New Guinea. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 23 (3). pp. 175-193. DOI 10.1080/10641190500192185.

Petersen, S. , Kuhn, T., Herzig, P. and Hannington, M. D. (2005) Factors controlling Au and Cu enrichments at the submarine ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field, 14°45'N on the MAR. [Other] In: DMG Tagung. , 18.-21.09, Aachen .

Petersen, S. , Kuhn, T., Herzig, P. and Hannington, M. D. (2005) Factors controlling precious and base-metal enrichment at the ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field, 14°45'N on the MAR: new insights from cruise M60/3. [Other] In: SGA Meeting. , 18.-21.08, Beijing, China .

Petersen, S. , Kuhn, T., Scholten, J., Hannington, M. D. and Herzig, P. (2005) Hydrothermal Prozesse und magmatische Einträge im PACMANUS Hydrothermalfeld, östliches Manus Becken (PNG). [Other] In: BMBF Statusseminar "Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE". , 09.-11.03, Warnemünde .

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Pfaff, M. C. (2005) The interactive effects of disturbance and nutrient enrichment on species diversity and biomass of intertidal rocky-shore communities. (Master thesis), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 67 pp.

Pfannkuche, O. (2005) Allochthonous deep-sea benthic communities: functioning and forcing. In: Interactions between macro- and microorganisms in marine sediments. , ed. by Kristensen, E., Haese, R. R. and Kostka, J. E.. Coastal and estuarine studies, 60 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 251-266.

Pfeiffer, M., Timm, O. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Non-stationary relationship between rainfall and ENSO in the tropical Indian Ocean: a result of the recent sea surface temperature rise?. [Other] In: EGU 2nd General Assembly & Congress European Geosciences. , 24.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .

Pfeiffer, M., Timm, O. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Tropical Indian Ocean temperatures from Sr/Ca ratios of modern Porites Corals - assessing the impact of 20th century warming on tropical rainfall. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

Pfeiffer, M., Zinke, J., Timm, O. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) Stability of the ENSO teleconnection in the Indian Ocean: evidence from corals. [Other] In: GeoErlangen 2005: System Earth - Biosphere Coupling/Regional Geology of Central Europe. , 24.-29.09, Erlangen .

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Pfirman, S., Haxby, W., Eicken, H., Jeffries, M. and Bauch, D. (2005) Drifting Arctic Sea Ice Archives Changes in Ocean Surface. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (19). L194011. DOI 10.1029/2004GL020666.

Piatkowski, U. (2005) Cephalopod distribution patterns along the mid-Atlantic Ridge: new insights, new species. [Invited talk] In: project Patterns and Processes of the Ecosystem of the Northern Mid-Atlantic (MAR-ECO), Field Phase Workshop. , 03.06, Lisbon, Portugal .

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Piatkowski, U. and Diekmann, R. (2005) A short note on the cephalopods sampled in the Angola Basin during the DIVA I-expedition. Open Access Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 5 (1). pp. 227-230. DOI 10.1016/j.ode.2004.11.007.

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Pivovarov, S., Hoelemann, J. A., Kassens, H., Piepenburg, D. and Schmid, M. K. (2005) Laptev and East Siberian Seas. In: The Global Coastal Ocean: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Syntheses ; Pt. B, The Coasts of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and Polar Regions. , ed. by Robinson, A. R. and Brink, K. H.. The Sea, 14 (B). Havard University Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 1111-1137. ISBN 978-0-674-02117-4 ; 0-674-02117-7

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Pohlmann, H. and Latif, M. (2005) Atlantic versus Indo-Pacific influence on Atlantic-European climate. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 32 . L05707. DOI 10.1029/2004GL021316.

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Polyakova, Y. I., Bauch, H. A. and Klyuvitkina, T. S. (2005) Early to middle Holocene changes in Laptev Sea water masses deduced from diatom and aquatic palynomorph assemblages. Global and Planetary Change, 48 (1-3). pp. 208-222. DOI 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2004.12.014.

Polyakova, Y. I., Klyuvitkina, T. S., Golovnina, E. A., Bauch, H. A. and Stein, R. (2005) Postglacial changes of riverine discharge and sea-ice conditions in the Siberian Arctic seas (in Russian). In: Horizons of Geography (in Russian). , ed. by Kasimov, N. S.. MSU Publ. House, Moscow, Russia, pp. 291-301.

Portnyagin, M. and Hoernle, K. (2005) Re-equilibration of melt inclusions in spinel. [Other] In: Inclusions in Minerals and Processes in the Earth's Mantle Conference. , 09.-13.05, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee .

Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. and Hauff, F. (2005) Instantaneous melts from garnet peridotite preserved in melt inclusions from crust contaminated rocks in Kamchatka. [Other] In: Inclusions in Minerals and Processes in the Earth's Mantle Conference. , 09.-13.05, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee .

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Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Avdeiko, G. P., Hauff, F. , Werner, R., Bindeman, I., Uspensky, V. S. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2005) Transition from arc to oceanic magmatism at the Kamchatka-Aleutian junction. Geology, 33 (1). pp. 25-28. DOI 10.1130/G20853.1.

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Portnyagin, M. , Mironov, N. L., Matveev, S. V. and Plechov, P. Y. (2005) Petrology of avachites, high-magnesian basalts of Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka: II. Melt inclusions in olivine. Petrology, 13 (4). pp. 322-351.

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Portnyagin, M. , Plechov, P. Y., Matveev, S. V., Osipenko, A. B. and Mironov, N. L. (2005) Petrology of avachites, high-magnesian basalts of Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka: I. General characteristics and composition of rocks and minerals. Petrology, 13 (2). pp. 99-121.

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Portnyagin, M. , Savel'ev, D. P. and Hoernle, K. (2005) Plume-related association of Cretaceous oceanic basalts of eastern Kamchatka: compositions of spinel and parental magmas. Petrology, 13 (6). pp. 571-588.

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Ptacnik, R., Jenerette, G. D., Verschoor, A. M., Huberty, A. F., Solimini, A. G. and Brookes, J. D. (2005) Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem services. Oikos, 109 . pp. 52-62.


Quack, B., Peeken, I., Lochte, K. and Hoffmann, L. (2005) Possible biological sources of organic trace gases in the tropical Atlantic. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 19.-24.6, Santiago de Compostela, Spain .


Rabe, B. and Schott, F. (2005) Variability of the shallow Tropical Atlantic during 1992-2002 in the ECCO assimilation fields. [Other] In: Tropical Atlantic Ocean Dynamics Workshop. , 18.10.2005, Venice, Italy .

Ranero, C., Grevemeyer, I. , Weinrebe, R. W., von Huene, R., Barckhausen, U., Vannucchi, P. and Sahling, H. (2005) Fluid flow control on tectonic erosion at convergent margins. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

Ranero, C. R. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Tectonic processes during convergence of lithospheric plates at subduction zones. In: Sound Images of the Ocean: In Research and Monitoring. , ed. by Wille, P. C.. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 85-105. ISBN 3540241221

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Ranero, C. R., Villaseñor, A., Phipps Morgan, J. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Relationship between bend-faulting at trenches and intermediate-depth seismicity. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6 (12). Q12002. DOI 10.1029/2005GC000997.

Ranero, C., Villasenor, A., Phipps Morgan, J. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Relationship between bend-faulting at trenches and intermediate-depth seismicity. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

Ranero, C., Villasenor, A., Phipps Morgan, J., Grevemeyer, I. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2005) Relationship between oceanic plate hydration at trenches and intra-slab seismicity beneth arcs. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

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Raven, J., Caldeira, K., Elderfield, H., Hoegh-Guldberg, O., Liss, P., Riebesell, U. , Shepherd, J., Turley, C. and Watson, A. (2005) Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Open Access . The Royal Society, London, UK, 68 pp. ISBN 0-85403-617-2

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Rein, B., Lückge, A., Reinhard, L., Sirocko, F., Wolf, A. and Dullo, W. C. (2005) El Niño variability off Peru during the last 20,000 years. Open Access Paleoceanography, 20 . PA4003. DOI 10.1029/2004PA001099.

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Rekant, P., Gusev, E., Schwenk, T., Kassens, H., Spiess, V., Cherkashov, G., Krinitsky, P. and Transdrift X Team (2005) Seismic facies as a key to insight into the distribution and characteristics of the offshore permafrost (new data from the Laptev Sea). [Talk] In: 2. European Conference on Permafrost, EUCOP. , 12.06.-16.06, Potsdam .

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Rendle-Bühring, R. H. and Reijmer, J. (2005) Controls on grain-size patterns in periplatform carbonates: marginal setting versus glacio-eustacy. Sedimentary Geology, 175 . pp. 99-113. DOI 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2004.12.025.

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Renner, S. (2005) Simulation der letzten Eiszeit mit ECHAM5: Sensitivität gegenüber Randbedingungen und Modellauflösung. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 102 pp.

Reston, T. J. (2005) Continental breadup - evidence from West of Ireland, West Iberia and the Alps. [Invited talk] In: Annual Irish Geoscience Meeting. , 18.-20.02, Dublin, Ireland .

Reston, T. J. (2005) The formation of non-volcanic rifted margins by the progressive extension of the lithosphere. [Invited talk] In: Invited seminar. , 17.-20.01, Cambridge, UK .

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Reston, T. J. (2005) Polyphase faulting during the development of the west Galicia rifted margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237 (3-4). pp. 561-576. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.06.019.

Reston, T. J. (2005) Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones: climate feedback and trigger mechanisms for natural desasters. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Reston, T. J. (2005) Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones: climate feedback and trigger mechanisms for natural disasters: an overview of the activities of SFB 574. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2005. , 24.-29.04.2005, Vienna, Austria .

Reston, T. J. (2005) Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones: climate feedback and trigger mechanisms for natural disasters: an overview of the activities of SFB 574. [Invited talk] In: 19th Colloquium on Latin American Geosciences. , 18.-20.04, Potsdam .

Reston, T. J. and Ranero, C. R. (2005) Detachment faulting at slow-spreading centres. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 24.04.-29.04, Vienna, Austria .

Reston, T. J. and Ranero, C. R. (2005) Detachment Faulting Within Slow-Spreading Segments - Beyond the Corrugated Surface. [Invited talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2005. , 05.-09.12, San Francisco, USA .

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Reuning, L., Reijmer, J., Betzler, C., Swart, P. K. and Bauch, T. (2005) The use of paleoceanographic proxies in carbonate platform settings - opportunities and pitfalls. Sedimentary Geology, 175 . pp. 131-152. DOI 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2004.12.026.

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Rhein, M. and Stramma, L. (2005) Seasonal variability in the Deep Western Boundary Current around the eastern tip of Brazil. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52 . pp. 1414-1428. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2005.03.004.

Riebesell, U. (2005) 1st CarboOcean mesocosm experiment: preliminary results. [Other] In: CarboOcean 1. Annual Meeting. , 22.11.-24.11, Amsterdam, The Netherlands .

Riebesell, U. (2005) A1 - CO2 induced ocean acidification. A2 - Ocean warming: effects on biota and gas hydrates. [Other] In: Exzellenz-Cluster Vernetzungsworkshop. , 05.08.-06.08, Tannenfelde .

Riebesell, U. (2005) CO2 chemistry effects on planktonic calcifiers, communities, and the global carbon cycle. [Invited talk] In: Ocean Acidification Workshop. , 18.03, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA .

Riebesell, U. (2005) CO2-related ocean acidification: biological responses and biogeochemical consequences. [Invited talk] In: Gordon Research Conference 2005 "CO2 Assimilation in Plants: Genome to Biome". , 11.-16.09, Aussois, France .

Riebesell, U. (2005) Ecosystem and biogeochemical responses to ocean acidification: results from mesocosm CO2 enrichment experiments. [Invited talk] In: Bjerknes Conference. , 09.11, Bergen, Norway .

Riebesell, U. (2005) Marine ecosystem and biogeochemical responses in a high CO2 ocean. [Invited talk] In: RCOM Workshop. , 02.-03.05, Bremen .

Riebesell, U. (2005) Ocean biogeochemistry in a high CO2 world. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.01, Victoria, Canada .

Riebesell, U. (2005) The ocean in the Anthropocene. [Other] In: WGL Evaluation at IFM-GEOMAR. , 15.09, Kiel .

Riebesell, U. (2005) Ocean of the future: biological and biogeochemical responses in a high CO2 world. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.06, Leipzig .

Riebesell, U. (2005) Ozean der Zukunft: wohin geht die Reise?. [Public Lecture] In: NaT-Working-Symposium. , 21.10, Kiel .

Riebesell, U. , Peeken, I. and Zöllner, E. (2005) Introduction to facilities in Kiel for the planned Kiel Intensive (Work Package 1 - Laboratory Experiments/Sea Trials). [Other] In: OOMPH Kick-Off Meeting. ,, Montabaur .

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Riedinger, N., Pfeifer, K., Kasten, S., Garming, J. F. L., Vogt, C. and Hensen, C. (2005) Diagenetic processes within and below the zone of anaerobic oxidation of methane in sediments of the western Argentine Basin - focusing on iron diagenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (16). pp. 4117-4126. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2005.02.004.

Roebeling, R. A., Berk, A., Feijt, A. J., Frerichs, W., Jolivet, D., Macke, A. and Stammes, P. (2005) Sensitivity of cloud property retrievals to differences in radiative transfer simulations. . UNSPECIFIED, 27 pp. DOI WR2005-02.

Rohlf, N. (2005) Results of the herring larvae surveys in 2004. [Other] In: Annual Meeting of the ICES Herring Assessment Working Group. , 09.03, Copenhagen, Denmark .

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Rosenheim, B. E., Swart, P. K., Thorrold, S. R., Eisenhauer, A. and Willenz, P. (2005) Salinity change in the subtropical Atlantic: Secular increase and teleconnections to the North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (2). L02603. DOI 10.1029/2004GL021499.

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Rothäusler, E., Macaya, E., Molis, M., Wahl, M. and Thiel, M. (2005) Laboratory experiments examining inducible defense show variable responses of temperate brown and red macroalgae. Open Access Revista Chilena De Historia Natural, 78 (4). pp. 603-614. DOI 10.4067/S0716-078X2005000400001.

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Rüggeberg, A., Dorschel, B., Dullo, W. C. and Hebbeln, D. (2005) Sedimentary patterns in the vicinity of a carbonate mound in the Hovland Mound Province, northern Porcupine Seabight. In: Deep-water Corals and Ecosystems. , ed. by Freiwald, A. and Roberts, M.. Springer, Berlin, pp. 87-112. DOI 10.1007/3-540-27673-4_5.

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. , Eisenhauer, A. , Fietzke, J. , Freiwald, A., Schöne, B. R. and Andersen, N. (2005) Isotope screening on Lophelia pertusa (L.) - reconstruction of temperature vs. growth-rate. [Other] In: 3. International Symposium on Deep-Water Corals. , 28.11.-02.12.2005, Miamia, Florida, USA .

Rutgers van der Loeff, M. M. and Croot, P. (2005) Trace elements and isotopes on the transect Bremerhaven - Vigo - Cape Town: a pilot study for the International Biogeochemical Program GEOTRACERS. [Invited talk] In: Seminar Spanish-German Cooperation in Polar Research, Polarstern. , 24.10, Vigo, Spain .

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Rydl, A. (2005) Sukzession und Analyse des bakteriellen Bewuchses an Fischen und Materialoberflächen in einer geschlossenen Fischzuchtanlage. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 102 pp.


Sadofsky, S., Hoernle, K. A. , Duggen, S. and Bebout, G. E. (2005) Nitrogen isotope geochemistry of volcanic rocks from Central America: implications fro subduction-zone N cycling. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.2005, San Francisco, California, USA .

Sadofsky, S., Hoernle, K. and van den Bogaard, P. (2005) Volatile cycling through the Central American Volcanic Arc from melt inclusions studies of Nicaraguan and Costa Rican magmas. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 20.-25.05.2005, Moscow, Idaho, USA .

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Sager, W. W., Lamarche, A. J. and Kopp, C. (2005) Paleomagnetic modeling of seamounts near the Hawaiian–Emperor bend. Tectonophysics, 405 (1-4). pp. 121-140. DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.05.018.

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Sahling, H., Wallmann, K. J. G. , Dählmann, A., Schmaljohann, R. and Petersen, S. (2005) The physicochemical habitat of Sclerolinum sp., at Hook Ridge hydrothermal vent, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Limnology and Oceanography, 50 (2). pp. 598-606. DOI 10.4319/lo.2005.50.2.0598.

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