Items where Author is "Thorwart, Martin"
Number of items: 69.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Wiesenberg, L., Grevemeyer, I. and Kopp, H.
and AlpArray Working Group
3D crustal structure of the Ligurian Basin revealed by surface wavetomography using ocean bottom seismometer data.
Solid Earth, 12
pp. 2597-2613.
DOI 10.5194/se-2021-55.
Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Petersen, F. , Crawford, W. and Paul, A.
and AlpArray Working Group
Basin inversion: Reactivated rift structures in the Ligurian Sea revealed by OBS.
Solid Earth, 12
DOI 10.5194/se-12-2553-2021.
Fujie, G., Kodaira, S., Nakamura, Y., Morgan, J. P., Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Grevemeyer, I. and Miura, S.
Spatial variations of incoming sediments at the northeastern Japan arc and their implications for megathrust earthquakes.
Geology, 48
DOI 10.1130/G46757.1.
Kolinsky, P. , Bokelmann, G. , Hetenyi, G., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besancon, S., Bes De Berc, M., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Carman, M., Cavaliere, A., Cheze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., Grawford, W. C., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D'Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasovic, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Graczer, Z., Groeschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Herak, M., Huber, J., Jaric, D., Jedlicka, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolinsky, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kuhne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Metral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Pequegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerova, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Regnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rumpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Sipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipcevic, J., Strollo, A., Sule, B., Szanyi, G., Szucs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Weber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T., Zivcic, M. and Zlebcikova, H.
and AlpArray Working Group
Arrival angles of teleseismic fundamental mode Rayleigh waves across the AlpArray.
Geophysical Journal International, 218
pp. 115-144.
DOI 10.1093/gji/ggz081.
Motra, H. B., Mager, J., Ismail, A., Wuttke, F., Rabbel, W., Köhn, D., Thorwart, M., Simonetta, C. and Costantino, N.
Determining the influence of pressure and temperature on the elastic constants of anisotropic rock samples using ultrasonic wave techniques.
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159
pp. 715-730.
DOI 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2018.10.016.
Schippkus, S. , Zigone, D., Bokelmann, G., Hetenyi, G., Abreu, R., Allegretti, I., Apoloner, M. T., Aubert, C., Besancon, S., Bes de Berc, M., Bokelmann, G., Brunel, D., Capello, M., Carman, M., Cavaliere, A., Cheze, J., Chiarabba, C., Clinton, J., Cougoulat, G., Crawford, W. C., Cristiano, L., Czifra, T., D'Alema, E., Danesi, S., Daniel, R., Dannowski, A. , Dasovic, I., Deschamps, A., Dessa, J. X., Doubre, C., Egdorf, S., Fiket, T., Fischer, K., Friederich, W., Fuchs, F., Funke, S., Giardini, D., Govoni, A., Graczer, Z., Gröschl, G., Heimers, S., Heit, B., Herak, D., Huber, J., Jaric, D., Jedlicka, P., Jia, Y., Jund, H., Kissling, E., Klingen, S., Klotz, B., Kolinsky, P., Kopp, H. , Korn, M., Kotek, J., Kühne, L., Kuk, K., Lange, D. , Loos, J., Lovati, S., Malengros, D., Margheriti, L., Maron, C., Martin, X., Massa, M., Mazzarini, F., Meier, T., Metral, L., Molinari, I., Moretti, M., Munzarova, H., Nardi, A., Pahor, J., Paul, A., Pequegnat, C., Petersen, D., Pesaresi, D., Piccinini, D., Piromallo, C., Plenefisch, T., Plomerova, J., Pondrelli, S., Prevolnik, S., Racine, R., Regnier, M., Reiss, M., Ritter, J., Rümpker, G., Salimbeni, S., Santulin, M., Scherer, W., Schippkus, S., Schulte-Kortnack, D., Sipka, V., Solarino, S., Spallarossa, D., Spieker, K., Stipcevic, J., Strollo, A., Süle, B., Szanyi, G., Szücs, E., Thomas, C., Thorwart, M., Tilmann, F., Ueding, S., Vallocchia, M., Vecsey, L., Voigt, R., Wassermann, J., Weber, Z., Weidle, C., Wesztergom, V., Weyland, G., Wiemer, S., Wolf, F. N. , Wolyniec, D., Zieke, T. and Zivcic, M.
and the AlpArray Working Group
Ambient-noise tomography of the wider Vienna Basin region.
Geophysical Journal International, 215
pp. 102-117.
DOI 10.1093/gji/ggy259.
Rabbel, W., Jusri, T., Köhn, D., Motra, H. B., Niederau, J., Schreiter, L., Thorwart, M. and Wuttke, F.
Seismic Velocity Uncertainties and their Effect on Geothermal Predictions: A Case Study.
Energy Procedia, 125
pp. 283-290.
DOI 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.178.
Mora Stock, C., Thorwart, M., Wunderlich, T., Bredemeyer, S., Hansteen, T. H. and Rabbel, W.
Comparison of seismic activity for Llaima and Villarrica volcanoes prior to and after the Maule 2010 earthquake.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 2015-2028.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0840-x.
Thorwart, M., Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W. and Hensen, C.
Seismic swarms, fluid flow and hydraulic conductivity in the forearc offshore North Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 1789-1799.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-013-0960-y.
Völker, D., Geersen, J. , Contreras-Reyes, E. , Sellanes, J., Pantoja, S., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M., Reichert, C., Block, M. and Weinrebe, W.
Morphology and geology of the continental shelf and upper slope of southern Central Chile (32°S-43°S).
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 1765-1787.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0795-y.
Moore-Driskell, M., DeShon, H. R., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M., Dzierma, Y. and Arroyo, I. G.
Integration of Arrival-Time Datasets for Consistent Quality Control: A Case Study of Amphibious Experiments along the Middle America Trench.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103
pp. 2752-2766.
DOI 10.1785/0120120274.
Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Kraft, H. A., Arroyo, I. and Thorwart, M.
Crustal thickness and mantle wedge structure from receiver functions in the Chilean Maule region at 35°S.
Tectonophysics, 592
pp. 159-164.
DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.02.015.
Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M., Koulakov, I., Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. and Comte, D.
Seismic velocity structure of the slab and continental plate in the region of the 1960 Valdivia (Chile) slip maximum - insights into fluid release and plate coupling.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331-332
pp. 164-176.
DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.02.006.
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M. and Rabbel, W.
Moho topography and subducting oceanic slab of the Chilean continental margin in the maximum slip segment of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia (Chile) earthquake from P-receiver functions.
Tectonophysics, 530/531
pp. 180-192.
DOI 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.12.016.
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W., Siegmund, C., Comte, D., Bataille, K., Iglesia, P. and Prezzi, C.
Seismicity near the slip maximum of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia earthquake (Chile): Plate interface lock and reactivation of the Valdivia Fracture Zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117
DOI 10.1029/2011JB008914.
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W., Siegmund, C., Comte, D., Bataille, K., Iglesia, P. and Prezzi, C.
Seismicity near the slip maximum of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia earthquake (Chile): Plate interface lock and reactivation of the subducted Valdivia Fracture Zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 117
DOI 10.1029/2011JB008914.
Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M., Flueh, E. R., Mora, M. M. and Alvarado, G. A.
The steeply subducting edge of the Cocos Ridge : evidence from receiver functions beneath the northern Talamanca Range, south-central Costa Rica.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 12
DOI 10.1029/2010GC003477.
Moscoso, E., Grevemeyer, I. , Contreras-Reyes, E. , Flueh, E. R., Dzierma, Y., Rabbel, W. and Thorwart, M.
Revealing the deep structure and rupture plane of the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake (Mw=8.8) using wide angle seismic data.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307
pp. 147-155.
DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.04.025.
Dinc-Akdogan, N., Koulakov, I., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W., Flueh, E. R., Arroyo, I. G., Taylor, W. and Alvarado, G.
Local Earthquake Tomography of Central Costa Rica: Transition from seamount to ridge subduction.
Geophysical Journal International, 183
pp. 286-302.
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04717.x.
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W., Flueh, E. R., Alvarado, G. E. and Mora, M. M.
Imaging crustal structure in South-Central Costa Rica with Receiver Functions.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11
DOI 10.1029/2009GC002936.
Outerbridge, K. C., Dixon, T. H., Schwartz, S. Y., Walter, J. I., Protti, M., Gonzales, V., Biggs, J., Thorwart, M. and Rabbel, W.
A Tremor and Slip Event on the Cocos-Caribbean Subduction zone as measured by a GPS and Seismic Network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115
DOI 10.1029/2009JB006845.
Outerbridge, K. C., Dixon, T. H., Schwartz, S. Y., Walter, J. I., Protti, M., Gonzalez, V., Biggs, J., Thorwart, M. and Rabbel, W.
A tremor and slip event on the Cocos-Caribbean subduction zone as measured by a global positioning system (GPS) and seismic network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 115
DOI 10.1029/2009jb006845.
Brown, J. R., Beroza, G. C., Ide, S., Ohta, K., Shelly, D. R., Schwartz, S. Y., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M. and Kao, H.
Deep low-frequency earthquakes in tremor localize to the plate interface in multiple subduction zones.
Geophysical Research Letters, 36
DOI 10.1029/2009GL040027.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Lehr, J., Bredemeyer, S., Rabbel, W., Thorwart, M. and Franco, L.
Comparative interevent time statistics of degassing and seismic activity at Villarrica Volcano (Chile).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
DOI 10.1002/essoar.10503030.1.
Thorwart, M. and Dahm, T.
Wavefield decomposition for passive ocean bottom seismological data.
Geophysical Journal International, 163
pp. 611-621.
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02761.x.
Book chapters
Thorwart, M., Dzierma, Y., Lieser, K., Buhs, H. and Rabbel, W.
Shear-wave velocity structure of the Chilean subduction zone (39-40 S) based on Rayleigh wave dispersion: evidence of fluid release and melts in the mantle beneath the Villarrica volcano.
In: The Role of Volatiles in the Genesis, Evolution and Eruption of Arc Magmas.
, ed. by
Zellmer, G. F., Edmonds, M. and Straub, S. M..
Special Publications Geological Society London, 410
GSL (Geological Society London), London, pp. 59-70.
ISBN 978-1-86239-689-0
DOI 10.1144/SP410.9.
Conference papers
Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Wolf, F. N. , Murray-Bergquist, L., Lange, D. , Crawford, W., Grevemeyer, I. and Kopp, H.
and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group
Lithospheric architecture of the Ligurian Basin from amphibious seismic AlpArray data.
In: 37. General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. , 19.-24.09.2021, Athen, Virtuell .
Murray-Bergquist, L., Lange, D. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Thorwart, M., Le Breton, E. and Crawford, W.
First Results Towards 3D Travel Time Tomography of the Ligurian Sea and Coastal Western Alps.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2021. , 13.-17.12.2021, New Orleans, USA & Online .
Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M. and Paul, A.
and AlpArray Working Group
Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ligurian Sea revealed by ambient noise tomography and receiver function analysis.
[Invited talk]
In: GeoUtrecht 2020. , 24.-26.08.2020, Online .
Dannowski, A. , Thorwart, M., Kopp, H. , Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Wolf, F. N. , Crawford, W. and Paul, A.
Lithospheric architecture from amphibious AlpArray data across the Ligurian Basin.
[Invited talk]
In: GEO Utrecht 2020. , 24.08.-26.08.2020, Online-Konferenz .
Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B.
and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group
Seismic investigations of the Ligurian Basin .
In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .
Dannowski, A. , Wolf, F. N. , Kopp, H. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W., Caielli, G., de Franco, R., Paul, A., Petersen, F. and Schramm, B.
and MSM71 cruise participants, AlpArray Working Group
Investigations of the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data and the ambient noise technique.
In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 08.-13.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W. and Flueh, E. R.
Eine Receiver-Funktions-Studie von Süd-Costa-Rica - Hinweise auf steile Subduktion der Cocos-Platte.
In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 23.03.-26.03, Kiel .
Conference posters
Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Barckhausen, U., Franke, D., Thorwart, M., Funck, T., Engels, M. and Berndt, C.
Structure and evolution of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-10040.
Funck, T., Madsen, A. S., Berndt, C. , Dannowski, A. , Franke, D., Geissler, W., Schnabel, M. and Thorwart, M.
The crustal structure of the Northeast Greenland continental shelf across the extension of the West Jan Mayen Fracture Zone.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-2296.
Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Thorwart, M., Caielli, G., Franco, R., Petersen, F. , Wolf, F. N. and Schramm, B.
Investigations of the Oligocene-Miocene opening of the Ligurian Basin using refraction seismic data.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6950.
Thorwart, M., Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Crawford, W., Paul, A. and Wolf, F. N.
Seismicity cluster below the Moho indicates thrust faulting in the central Ligurian Basin.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 04.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19205.
Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M., Froitzheim, N. and Paul, A.
and the AlpArray Working Group
What AlpArray’s offshore network tells us about the Ligurian Sea – velocity structure revealed by ambient noise.
In: DGG-Jahrestagung 2020. , 30.03.-04.04.2020, München .
Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Crawford, W., Thorwart, M., Froitzheim, N. and Paul, A.
and AlpArray Working Group
Crust and upper mantle structure of the Ligurian Sea revealed by ambient noise tomography using ocean bottom seismometer data.
In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .
DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-5374.
Wolf, F. N. , Lange, D. , Kopp, H. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Thorwart, M., Crawford, W. and Paul, A.
and AlpArray Working Group
Ambient noise analysis in the Ligurian Sea, a Mediterranean back-arc basin.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2020. , 01.-17.12.2020, Online, San Francisco, USA .
Dannowski, A. , Schnabel, M., Barckhausen, U., Franke, D., Thorwart, M., Funck, T., Engels, M. and Berndt, C.
Structure and evolution of the Jan Mayen Microcontinent.
In: 79. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 5.3. - 8.3.2019, Braunschweig, Germany .
Rabbel, W., Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Wunderlich, T., Koulakov, I., Hoernle, K. and Wehrmann, H.
Seismic evidence of a link between subducted oceanic faults and volcanism: A case study from South Central Chile.
In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .
Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Flueh, E. R., Thorwart, M. and Rabbel, W.
Crustal structure from teleseismic P-wave receiver function analysis in the Maule Region, Central Chile.
In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.04.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria .
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13
Dzierma, Y., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W., Flueh, E. R., Alvarado, G. E. and Mora, M. M.
A Receiver Function Study of the Southern Costa Rican Subduction Zone, (2008).
In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-18.04.2008, Vienna, Austria .
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