Items where Author is "Faber, Claas"
Number of items: 19.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Schoening, T. , Durden, J. M., Faber, C. , Felden, J., Heger, K., Hoving, H. J. T. , Kiko, R. , Köser, K., Krämmer, C., Kwasnitschka, T. , Möller, K. O., Nakath, D., Naß, A., Nattkemper, T. W., Purser, A. and Zurowietz, M.
Making marine image data FAIR.
Scientific Data, 9
Art.Nr. 414.
DOI 10.1038/s41597-022-01491-3.
Conference papers
Leibold, P. , Diller, N., Reißmann, S. and Faber, C.
BELUGA: An Integrated Marine Multi-Platform Infrastructure and Near Real-Time Ocean Data Visualization Tool.
In: OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast. , 25.-28.09.2023, Biloxi, MS, USA . OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast. ; pp. 1-10 .
DOI 10.23919/OCEANS52994.2023.10337372.
Klischies, M. , Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A., Yeo, I. A., Ferreira, C. d. S., Mohrmann, J., Faber, C. and Schirnick, C.
AUV Abyss workflow: autonomous deep sea exploration for ocean research.
In: 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV). , 06.-09.11.2018, Porto, Portugal . 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV). ; pp. 1-6 .
DOI 10.1109/AUV.2018.8729722.
Klischies, M. , Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A., Yeo, I. A., Ferreira, C. d. S., Mohrmann, J., Faber, C. and Schirnick, C.
AUV Abyss workflow: autonomous deep sea exploration for ocean research.
In: AUV 2018 - 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop. , 06.-09.11.2018, Porto, Portugal . 2018 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Workshop (AUV) Proceedings. ; Article number 8729722 .
DOI 10.1109/AUV.2018.8729722.
Faber, C. , Lingner, S., Springer, P. , Glemser, B., Boxhammer, T. , Getzlaff, K. , Mehrtens, H. and Schirnick, C.
Ocean Science Information System (OSIS): Past, Present and Future.
In: Digital Science Symposium 2023. , 08.-09.06.2023, Kiel, Germany .
Getzlaff, K. , Schirnick, C. , Scheinert, M. , Faber, C. , Weng, F., Paglialonga, L. , Mehrtens, H. and Lehmann, A.
THREDDS Data Server a simplified way to discover and access scientific data at GEOMAR.
In: 5. Data Science Symposium 2021. , 22.01.2021, Bremen, Germany .
Schlundt, M. , Faber, C. , Rehage, M. , Wiemer, G. and Mehrtens, H.
TSG data workflow from the sensor to publication: status quo and future perspectives
In: 6. Data Science Symposium 2021. , 09.11.2021, Bremen, Germany .
Mehrtens, H. , Springer, P. , Faber, C. , Paglialonga, L. and Schirnick, C.
Establishing "Best practice" data workflows in marine research at GEOMAR, Kiel .
In: IMDIS 2018 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. , 05.-07.11.2018, Barcelona, Spain . IMDIS 2018 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 5-7 November, 2018 - Barcelona, Spain Book of Abstracts
. ; p. 366 .
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 59, Suppl.
Conference posters
Mehrtens, H. , Springer, P. , Schirnick, C. , Faber, C. , Maicher, D. , Paglialonga, L. and Lorenz, S.
Interoperability of institutional data management systems.
In: IMDIS 2021 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. , 12.-14.04.2021, Online .
Faber, C. , Scheinert, M. and Schmidt, B.
Towards Sustainable Software Engineering and
Citable Software Publications at GEOMAR.
In: deRSE19 - Konferenz für ForschungssoftwareentwicklerInnen in Deutschland. , 04.-06.06.2019, Potsdam, Germany .
DOI 10.3289/Conf_Item_1_2019.
Paglialonga, L. , Springer, P. , Mehrtens, H. , Schirnick, C. and Faber, C.
Research Data Management.
In: GEOMAR Data Science Symposium. , 19.-20.04.2018, Kiel, Germany .
Paglialonga, L. , Springer, P. , Mehrtens, H. , Schirnick, C. and Faber, C.
Data Management Services.
In: GEOMAR Data Science Symposium. , 19.-20.04.2018, Kiel, Germany .
Paglialonga, L. , Springer, P. , Mehrtens, H. , Schirnick, C. and Faber, C.
Data Management Services.
In: Future Ocean: Cluster Retreat 2017. , 09.-10.10.2017, Schleswig, Germany .
Paglialonga, L. , Springer, P. , Mehrtens, H. , Schirnick, C. and Faber, C.
Integrating Data Management Services in Marine Sciences.
In: IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. , 11.-13.10.2016, Gdansk, Poland . IMDIS 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems 11-13 October, 2016 - Gdansk, Poland Book of Abstracts
. ; p. 252 .
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 57, Suppl.
Reports - other reports
Hasselbring, W., Adolf, M., Brauer, P. C., Faber, C. , Farrenkopf, S., Mehrtens, H. , Plumhoff, A., Scherp, G., Schmidt, B. , Schultze, R. and Wetzenstein, T.
Publikationsprozesse für Forschungsdaten mit PubFlow : von der Erhebung und Verarbeitung zur Archivierung und Publikation.
, Dezember
Bericht / Institut für Informatik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1704
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Institut für Informatik, Kiel, Germany, pp. 1-20, 20 pp.
Kopte, R. , Fischer, T. , Krahmann, G. , Brandt, P. , Faber, C. and Becker, M.
OSADCP Toolbox.
DOI 10.3289/SW_2_2024.
Klischies, M. , Mohrmann, J., Yeo, I. A., Steinführer, A., Rothenbeck, M., dos Santos Ferreira, C., Faber, C. and Schirnick, C.
AUV Abyss post-processing workflow: autonomous deep sea exploration for ocean research
DOI 10.3289/SW_1_2018.
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