Items where Author is "Tapia, Raúl (Tapia, Raúl Iván, Tapia Arroyo, Raúl)"
Number of items: 13.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Tapia, R., Nürnberg, D. , Ho, S. L., Lamy, F., Ullermann, J., Gersonde, R. and Tiedemann, R.
Glacial differences of Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters in the Central South Pacific.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 208
pp. 105-117.
DOI 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.01.016.
Molina-Kescher, M., Frank, M. , Tapia, R., Ronge, T. A., Nürnberg, D. and Tiedemann, R.
Reduced admixture of North Atlantic Deep Water to the deep central South Pacific during the last two glacial periods.
Paleoceanography, 31
pp. 651-668.
DOI 10.1002/2015PA002863.
Tapia, R., Nürnberg, D. , Ronge, T. and Tiedemann, R.
Disparities in glacial advection of Southern Ocean Intermediate Water to the South Pacific Gyre.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 410
pp. 152-164.
DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.11.031.
Conference posters
Molina-Kescher, M., Frank, M. , Ronge, T., Tapia, R., Nürnberg, D. and Tiedemann, R.
Late Quaternary reconstruction of the deep-water circulation in the South Pacific Ocean using radiogenic Nd and Pb isotopes.
In: 11. International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP11) 2013. , 01.-06.09.2013, Sitges - Barcelona, Spain .
Tapia, R., Nürnberg, D. and Tiedemann, R.
South Pacific upper water conditions during the Late Pleistocene.
In: 11. International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP11) 2013. , 01.-06.09.2013, Sitges - Barcelona, Spain .
Tapia, R., Nürnberg, D. , Tiedemann, R. and Ronge, T.
South Pacific surface, subsurface and intermediate water variability during the Late Quaternary – First results from SO-213 (SOPATRA).
In: SONNE Statusseminar 2013. , 14.-15.02.2013, Kiel, Germany .
Tapia, R. I., Nürnberg, D. and Frank, M.
Reconstructing the South Pacific upper water conditions during the Late Quaternary.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.12.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, California, USA .
Theses - not published by a publisher
Tapia Arroyo, R. I.
Paleo-Water Column Structure In The South Pacific: Evidence from Foraminiferal δ18O and Mg/Ca.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 187 pp.
Reports - Cruise Reports
Tiedemann, R., Lamy, F., Molina-Kescher, M., Tapia Arroyo, R., Poggemann, D. W. and Nürnberg, D.
and SO213 Cruise participants
FS Sonne Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report
SO213 - SOPATRA: South Pacific Paleoceanographic Transects Geodynamic and Climatic Variability in Space and Time, Leg 1: Valparaiso/Chile - Valparaiso/Chile, 27.12.2010 - 12.01.2011 and Leg 2: Valparaiso/Chile - Wellington/New Zealand, 12.01.2011 - 07.03.2011.
DOI 10.2312/cr_so213.
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