Items where Research division is "FB3 Marine Ecology"

Group by: Document type | Year of publication | Author/Editor | No Grouping
Number of items at this level: 33.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

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Gremillet, D., Storch, S. and Peters, G. (2000) Determining food requirements in marine top-predators: A comparison of three independent techniques in Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78 (9). pp. 1567-1579. DOI 10.1139/z00-092.

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Imhoff, J. F. (2001) Transfer of Pfennigia purpurea Tindall 1999 (Amoebobacter purpureus Echler and Pfennig 1988) to the genus Lamprocystis as Lamprocystis purpurea. Open Access International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 51 . pp. 1699-1701. DOI 10.1099/00207713-51-5-1699.

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Rumohr, H. and Kujawski, T. (2000) The impact of trawl fishery on the epifauna of the southern North Sea. Open Access ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57 . pp. 1389-1394. DOI 10.1006/jmsc.2000.0930.

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Rumohr, H., Karakassis, I. and Noerrevang Jensen, J. (2001) Estimating species richness, abundance and diversity with 70 macrobenthic replicates in the Western Baltic Sea. Open Access Marine Ecology Progress Series, 214 . pp. 103-110. DOI 10.3354/meps214103.

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Sommer, F., Santer, B., Jamieson, C., Hansen, T. and Sommer, U. (2003) Daphnia population growth but not moulting is a substantial phosphorus drain for phytoplankton. Freshwater Biology, 48 (1). pp. 67-74.

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Sommer, U., Meusel, B. and Stielau, C. (1999) An experimental analysis of the importance of body-size in the seastar-mussel predator-prey relationship. Acta Oecologica - International Journal of Ecology, 20 (2). pp. 81-86. DOI 10.1016/S1146-609X(99)80019-8.

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Sommer, U., Sommer, F., Santer, B., Zöllner, E., Jürgens, K., Jamieson, C., Boersma, M. and Gocke, K. (2003) Daphnia versus copepod impact on summer phytoplankton: functional compensation at both trophic levels. Oecologia (135). pp. 639-647. DOI 10.1007/s00442-003-1214-7.

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Walter, T., Palm, H., Piepiorka, S. and Rückert, S. (2002) Parasites of the Antarctic rattail Macrourus whitsoni (Regan, 1913) (Macrouridae, Gadiformes). Polar Biology, 25 . pp. 633-640. DOI 10.1007/s00300-002-0407-6.

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Wilson, R. P., Kierspel, M., Scolaro, J. A., Upton, J., Gallelli, H., Frere, E. and Gandini, P. (1999) To think or swim: Does it really cost penguins more to waddle?. Journal of Avian Biology, 30 . pp. 221-224. DOI 10.2307/3677132.

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Wilson, R. P., Simeone, A., Luna-Joquera, G., Steinfurth, A., Jackson, S. and Fahlman, A. (2003) Patterns of respiration in diving penguins: Is the last gasp based on an inspired tactic?. Open Access Journal of Experimental Biology, 206 . pp. 1751-1763. DOI 10.1242/jeb.00341.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Luna-Jorquera, G., Garthe, S. , Sepulveda, F. G., Weichler, T. and Vàsquez, J. A. (2000) Population size of Humboldt penguins assessed by combined terrestrial and at-sea counts. Colonial Waterbirds, 23 (3). pp. 506-510. DOI 10.2307/1522191.

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Remane, A. and Wattenberg, H. (1940) Das Institut für Meereskunde der Universität zu Kiel. Open Access Kieler Meeresforschungen, 3 . pp. 1-16.

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Simstich, J., Müller-Lupp, T. and Erlenkeuser, H. (2001) Schalen arktischer Bivalven als Datenspeicher jahreszeitlicher Schwankungen von Temperatur und Salzgehalt im Bodenwasser? Erste Ansätze aus Kara- und Laptev-See. Open Access Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 17 . pp. 7-10.

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Steinfurth, A. (2002) Untersuchungen zur Aktivität von Magellanpinguinen, Spheniscus magellanicus, während der Kükenaufzucht. Open Access Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 18 . p. 8.

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Zumholz, K., Schröder, J., Hansteen, T. , Piatkowski, U. and Lechtenberg, F. (2003) Elemental distributions in otoliths of eel. Open Access Hasylab Annual Report . pp. 933-935.


Newig, J. and Theede, H. (2000) Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer. . Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, Germany, 152 pp. ISBN 3-89234-931-2

Newig, J. and Theede, H. (2000) Sturmflut: Gefährdetes Land an der Nordsee-Küste. . Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, 160 pp. ISBN 3-89234-932-0

Newig, J. and Theede, H. (2000) Von Seefahrt, Seeräubern und Schiffswracks an der deutschen Nordseeküste. . Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, Germany, 120 pp.

Book chapters

Garthe, S. (2000) Von Brutvögeln und Durchzüglern. In: Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer. , ed. by Newig, J. and Theede, H.. Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, pp. 100-117.

Imhoff, J. F. (2003) The family Chromatiaceae. In: The Prokaryotes. An evolving electronic resource for the microbial community. 3rd edition.. , ed. by Dworkin, M., Falkow, S., Rosenberg, E., Schleifer, K. H. and Stackebrandt, E.. Springer Verlag, New York.

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Sommer, U., Stibor, H., Katechakis, A., Sommer, F. and Hansen, T. (2002) Pelagic food web configurations at different levels of nutrient richness and their implications for the ratio fish production: primary production. In: Sustainable Increase of Marine Harvesting: Fundamental Mechanisms and New Concepts: Proceedings of the 1 st Maricult Conference held in Trondheim, Norway, 25-28 June 2000. , ed. by Vadstein, O. and Olsen, Y.. Developments in Hydrobiology, 167 . Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 11-20. ISBN 978-90-481-6217-8 DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-3190-4_2.

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Theede, H. (2000) Meeresungeheuer und Seejungfrauen: nur Seemannsgarn?. In: Von Seefahrt, Seeräubern und Schiffswracks. , ed. by Newig, J. and Theede, H.. Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 58-69. ISBN 3-89234-948-7

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Theede, H. (2000) Nationalpark Wattenmeer. In: Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer. , ed. by Newig, J. and Theede, H.. Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 140-148. ISBN 3-89234-931-2

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Theede, H. (2000) Tierwelt unter extremen Lebensbedingungen im Watt. In: Pflanzen- und Tierwelt im Wattenmeer. , ed. by Newig, J. and Theede, H.. Ellert & Richter, Hamburg, pp. 23-34. ISBN 3-89234-931-2

Conference books

Conference papers

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Storch, S., Hillis-Starr, Z. and Wilson, R. P. (2003) Caribbean round-trip ticket: The migration behavior of female hawksbill turtles recorded using data loggers.. Open Access [Paper] In: 22. Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. , 04.-07.04.2002, Miami, USA ; pp. 54-55 . NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC, 350 .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Blümel, M. (2001) Bakterien als Biomarker für Wassermassen: Molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur bakteriellen Diversität im östlichen Mittelmeer. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 88 pp.

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Kramer, D. (1981) Zum Problem des Energiehaushaltes mariner Wirbelloser beim Übergang von oxischen zu anoxischen Bedingungen. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany , 85 pp.

Sommer, F. (2003) A comparison of the impact of major mesozooplankton taxa on marine, brackish and freshwater phytoplankton during summer. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Institut für Meereskunde, 91 pp.

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Theede, H. (1962) Experimentelle Untersuchungen ueber die Filtrationsleistung der Miesmuschel Mytilus edulis L.. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 77 pp.

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