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Number of items: 27.

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Avsic, T. and Send, U. (2003) Akustische Tomographie im Ozean. Open Access [Talk] In: Tomographie in den Geowissenschaften. , 08.10.2003, Leipzig, Germany .

Avsic, T., Send, U. and Baschek, B. (2003) Tomographic Observations in the Strait of Gibraltar. [Talk] In: EGU. , 10.04.2003, Nice, France .

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Böhme, L. (2003) Quality control of profiling float data in the Subpolar North Atlantic. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 79 pp.

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Fischer, J. , Brandt, P. , Dengler, M. , Müller, M. and Symonds, D. (2003) Surveying the upper Ocean with the Ocean Surveyor - a new Phased Array Doppler Current Profiler. Open Access Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20 (5). pp. 742-751. DOI 10.1175/1520-0426(2003)20<742:STUOWT>2.0.CO;2.

[thumbnail of Hurrell et al. Overview of the NAO.pdf]

Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M. (2003) An Overview of the North Atlantic Oscillation. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and environmental impact. , ed. by Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 134 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 1-36. DOI 10.1029/134GM01.

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Karstensen, J. (2003) Cruise Report F.S. ALKOR Cruise No. 223 . Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL223 . Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany, 22 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL223.

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Karstensen, J. (2003) Cruise Report F.S. ALKOR Cruise No. 229 . Open Access . Alkor-Berichte, AL229 . Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany, 30 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_AL229.

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Krahmann, G. , Visbeck, M. , Smethie, W., D'Asaro, E. A., Rhines, P. B., Clarke, R. A., Lazier, J., Davis, R. E., Niiler, P. P., Guest, P. S., Meincke, J., Moore, K. G. W., Pickart, R. S., Brechner Owens, W., Prater, M. D., Renfrew, I. A. and Schott, F. (2003) The Labrador Sea Deep Convection Experiment data collection. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4 (10). p. 1091. DOI 10.1029/2003GC000536.

Lankhorst, M. (2003) Eddy-Scale Variability in the Northeastern Atlantic from RAFOS Floats. [Talk] In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.-11.04.2003, Nice, France .

Lankhorst, M. (2003) A First Look at the Technical Data from APEX Floats. [Talk] In: GyroScope Annual Meeting. , 01.2003, Santa Cruz de Tenerife .

Lankhorst, M. (2003) Technical Performance of the Floats as their Age Increases. [Talk] In: GyroScope Final Meeting. , 10.2003, Paris, France .

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Lilly, J. M., Rhines, P. B., Schott, F., Lavender, K., Lazier, J., Send, U. and D'Asaro, E. D. (2003) Observations of the Labrador Sea eddy field. Progress in Oceanography, 59 . pp. 75-176. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2003.08.013.

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Meggers, H., Babero-Munoz, L., Barrera, C., Bergenthal, M., Betancort, J., Cardona, L., Cianca, A., Cire, B. A., Dimmler, W., Drünert, F., Eberwein, A., Freudenthal, T., Garming, J., Gebhardt, C., Gutt, J., Kahl, G., Kasten, S., Klar, S., Kopiske, E., Koy, U., Makaoui, A., Meinecke, G., Nowald, N., Pinck, A., Plewa, K., Ratmeyer, V., Romero, O., Rosiak, U., Ruhland, G., Schmidt, W., Scholz, M., Truscheit, T., Villagarcia, M., Warnken, C. and Wülbers, A. (2003) Report and preliminary results of Meteor cruise M53/1, Limassol - Las Palmas - Mindelo, 30.03-03.05.2002. Open Access . Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 214 . UNSPECIFIED, 91 pp.

Meincke, J., Quadfasel, D., Berger, W. H., Brander, K., Dickson, R. R., Haugan, P. M., Latif, M. , Marotzke, J., Marshall, J., Minster, J., Pätzold, J., Parilla, G., de Ruijter, W. and Schott, F. (2003) Variability of the Thermohaline Circulation (THC). In: Marine Science Frontiers for Europe. , ed. by Wefer, G., Lamy, F. and Mantoura, F.. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-60.

Müller, T. J. (2003) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON POS293/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 15 pp.

Müller, T. J. (2003) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON POS306. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 10 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_POS306.

Müller, T. J. (2003) Cruise summary report ALKOR AL215. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 4 pp.

Müller, T. J. and Schulz-Bull, D. (2003) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON POS283. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 15 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_POS283.

Rabe, B., Smeed, D. A., Lane-Serff, G. F. and Dalziel, S. B. (2003) Rotating exchange flows: results from a large experimental platform. [Talk] In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.- 11.04.2003, Nice, France .

Rabe, B., Smeed, D. A., Lane-Serff, G. F. and Dalziel, S. B. (2003) Rotating exchange flows through straits with multiple channels. [Talk] In: International Conference: Towards a Balanced Methodology in European Hydraulic Research. , 22.- 23.05.2003, Budapest, Hungary .

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Schafstall, J. (2003) Oberflächennahe Zirkulation des tropischen Atlantiks bei 10°N im Herbst 2002. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 55 pp.

Schmidt, S. (2003) Timing and origin of seasonal freshwater influences in the Labrador Sea. [Talk] In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly. , 06.- 11.04.2003, Nice, France .

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Schott, F., Dengler, M. , Brandt, P. , Affler, K., Fischer, J. , Bourles, B., Gouriou, Y., Molinari, R. and Rhein, M. (2003) The zonal currents and transports at 35°W in the tropical Atlantic. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (7). pp. 1349-1352. DOI 10.1029/2002GL016849.

[thumbnail of Circulation, variability and near-equatorial meridional flow in the central tropical Atlantic by Stramma et al..pdf]

Stramma, L. , Fischer, J. , Brandt, P. and Schott, F. (2003) Circulation, variability and near equatorial meridional flow in the central tropical Atlantic. In: Interhemispheric Water Exchange in the Atlantic Ocean. , ed. by Goni, G. and Malanotte-Rizzoli, P.. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 68 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1-22. DOI 10.1016/S0422-9894(03)80141-1.

Visbeck, M. , Chassignet, E., Curry, R., Delworth, T., Dickson, B. and Krahmann, G. (2003) The Ocean's Response to North Atlantic Oscillation Variability. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climate Significance and Environmental Impact. , ed. by Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 134 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 113-146.

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Zenk, W. (2003) Cruise Summary Report RRS DISCOVERY D276. Open Access . Institut für Meereskunde Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 6 pp.

Zenk, W. (2003) Würdigungen zu 70. Geburtstagen - Prof. Dr. G. Siedler. Christiana Albertina, 57 .

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