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Number of items: 94.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of Bork.pdf]

Bork, K., Karstensen, J. , Visbeck, M. and Zimmermann, A. (2008) The Legal Regulation of Floats and Gliders - in Quest of a New Regime?. Ocean Development and International Law, 39 (3). pp. 298-328. DOI 10.1080/00908320802235338.

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Brandt, P. , Hormann, V., Bourles, B., Fischer, J. , Schott, F., Stramma, L. and Dengler, M. (2008) Oxygen tongues and zonal currents in the equatorial Atlantic. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C04012. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004435.

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Eden, C. and Dengler, M. (2008) Stacked jets in the deep equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C04003. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004298.

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Fischer, J. , Hormann, V., Brandt, P. , Schott, F., Rabe, B. and Funk, A. (2008) South Equatorial Undercurrent in the western to central tropical Atlantic. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 35 (L21601). DOI 10.1029/2008GL035753.

[thumbnail of 69_Hyatt_2008_EstimatingSeaiceCoverageDraftAnd_Artzeit_pubid9016.pdf]

Hyatt, J., Visbeck, M. , Beardsley, R. S. and Owens, W. B. (2008) Estimating sea-ice coverage, draft, and velocity in Marguerite Bay (Antarctica) using a subsurface moored upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 55 . pp. 351-364. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.11.004.

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Kanzow, T. , Send, U. and McCartney, M. (2008) On the variability of the deep meridional transports in the tropical North Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 55 (12). pp. 1601-1623. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2008.07.011.

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Karstensen, J. , Stramma, L. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Progress in Oceanography, 77 (4). pp. 331-350. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2007.05.009.

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Körtzinger, A. , Send, U., Lampitt, R., Hartman, S., Wallace, D. W. R., Karstensen, J. , Villagarcia, M. G., Llinas, O. and DeGrandpre, M. D. (2008) The seasonal pCO2 cycle at 49°N/16.5°W in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and what it tells us about biological productivity . Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C04020. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004347.

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Körtzinger, A. , Send, U., Wallace, D. W. R., Karstensen, J. and DeGrandpre, M. (2008) Seasonal cycle of O2 and pCO2 in the central Labrador Sea: Atmospheric, biological, and physical implications . Open Access Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22 . GB1014. DOI 10.1029/2007GB003029.

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Krahmann, G. , Brandt, P. , Klaeschen, D. and Reston, T. J. (2008) Mid-depth internal wave energy off the Iberian Peninsula estimated from seismic reflection data. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C12016. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004678.

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Rabe, B., Schott, F. and Köhl, A. (2008) Mean circulation and variability of the tropical Atlantic during 1952-2001 in the GECCO assimilation field. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 38 (1). pp. 177-192. DOI 10.1175/2007JPO3541.1.

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Schott, F., Stramma, L. , Wang, W., Giese, B. S. and Zantopp, R. J. (2008) Pacific subtropical cell variability in the SODA 2.0.2/3 assimilation. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 35 (L10607). DOI 10.1029/2008GL033757.

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Schuckmann, K. v., Brandt, P. and Eden, C. (2008) Generation of tropical instability waves in the Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C08034. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004712.

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Stramma, L. , Brandt, P. , Schafstall, J., Schott, F., Fischer, J. and Körtzinger, A. (2008) Oxygen minimum zone in the North Atlantic south and east of the Cape Verde Islands. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 113 . C04014. DOI 10.1029/2007JC004369.

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Stramma, L. , Johnson, G. C., Sprintall, J. and Mohrholz, V. (2008) Expanding Oxygen-Minimum Zones in the Tropical Oceans. Science, 320 . pp. 655-658. DOI 10.1126/science.1153847.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) From climate assessment to climate services. Nature Geoscience, 1 . pp. 2-3. DOI 10.1038/ngeo.2007.55.

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You, Y., Ribbe, J., Karstensen, J. and Church, J. D. (2008) Matthias Tomczak: A distinguished regional oceanographer and water-mass expert. Progress in Oceanography, 77 (4). pp. 269-272. DOI 10.1016/j.pocean.2007.05.007.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Brandt, P. , Dengler, M. , Latif, M. and Macke, A. (2008) Innovative observations of ocean/atmosphere interactions in the tropical/subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Open Access IFM-GEOMAR [Annual] Report, 2007 . pp. 14-16.

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Brandt, P. , Willebrand, J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Friedrich A. Schott (1939-2008). Open Access Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 89 (41). p. 391. DOI 10.1029/2008EO410005.

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Jung, T., Kurcharski, F., Visbeck, M. and Krahmann, G. (2008) Wechselwirkung der NAO mit dem Ozean und Meereis / Interaction of the NAO with the ocean and sea ice. Open Access Promet - Meteorologische Fortbildung, 34 (3/4). pp. 113-121.

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You, Y., Rossby, T., Zenk, W., Gordon, A., Ilahude, A. G., Suginohara, N., Davis, R., Hümmer, D., Susanto, D., Richardson, P. L., Villanoy, C., Liu, C. T., Kim, K., Molcard, R., Fukasawa, M., Pandoe, W. W., Baker, D. J., Koga, M., Qu, T., Fine, R., Gabric, A., Robertson, R., Masumoto, Y. and Riser, S. (2008) PACSWIN: A new international ocean climate program in the Indonesian seas and adjacent regions. Open Access CLIVAR Exchanges, 45 (13 (2)). pp. 30-31.

Book chapters

Alpers, W., Brandt, P. and Rubino, A. (2008) Internal Waves Generated in the Straits of Gibraltar and Messina: Observations from Space. In: Remote Sensing of the European Seas. , ed. by Barale, V. and Gade, M.. Springer, Berlin [u.a.], pp. 319-330. ISBN 978-1-402-06771-6

Haine, T., Böning, C. W. , Brandt, P. , Fischer, J. , Funk, A., Kieke, D., Kvaleberg, E., Rhein, M. and Visbeck, M. (2008) North Atlantic Deep Water Formation in the Labrador Sea, Recirculation through the Subpolar Gyre, and Discharge to the Subtropics. In: Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, Defining the Role of the Northern Seas in Climate. , ed. by Dicksen, R. R., Meincke, J. and Rhines, P.. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 653-702. ISBN 978-1-4020-6773-0

Zenk, W. (2008) Abyssal and contour currents. In: Developments in sedimentology. ; 60 , ed. by Rebesco, M. and Camerlenghi, A.. Contourites . Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 37-57. ISBN 978-0-444-52998-5


Biastoch, A. , Lütjeharms, J. R. E., Scheinert, M. , Böning, C. W. and Siedler, G. (2008) The Importance of Small-scale Dynamics on the Agulhas Leakage. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. , 24.09.2008, Princeton, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: National Center for Atmospheric research. , 06.10.2008, Princeton, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to recent climate change. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Multi-decadal warming and freshening of the ACC. [Talk] In: International Symposium "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans". , 20.05.2008, Gijón, Spain .

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Dengler, M. (2008) Folgen des Klimawandels für Europa - Reißt der Golfstrom ab?. [Invited talk] In: Deutsch-französisches Seminar "Klimawandel" des Lehrstuhls Wissenschaftsjournalismus der TU-Dortmund. , 06.10.2008, Dortmund, Germany .

Dengler, M. (2008) Mixing Processes in the eastern upwelling region of the tropical Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: Symposium "Highlights in Physical Oceanography". , 15.02, Bremen .

Dengler, M. (2008) Verändert sich die großräumige Zirkulation im Atlantischen Ozean?,. [Invited talk] In: Studentische Meteorologische Tagung StMeTa08. , 01.05, Kiel .

Hormann, V., Brandt, P. , Bourlès, B., Fischer, J. , Schott, F., Stramma, L. and Dengler, M. (2008) Role of the tropical Atlantic Ocean for climate variability - Observations and process understanding. [Talk] In: 5th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. , 22.04, Kiel .

Lorbacher, K., Dengg, J., Böning, C. W. , Visbeck, M. , Karstensen, J. and Neumann, U. (2008) Manifestation of oceanic mass transport changes in sea surface height and ocean bottom pressure changes - simulations and observations. [Talk] In: 2. SPP1257-Kolloquium. , 06.-08.10, München .

Papenberg, C. , Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Hobbs, R. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) In Seismic Oceanography - A Proof Of Concept. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Schmidt, S. , Fischer, J. , Send, U. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seasonal and decadal variations of west Greenland current salinity and the impact on the central Labrador Sea. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Florida, USA .

Schmidt, S. and Klein, B. (2008) Klimatrends im Nordatlantik, das operationelle Ozeanbeobachtungsprogramm ARGO. [Talk] In: Fortbildungstag der Deutschen Meteorologische Gesellschafft - Zweigverein München. , 30.05, München .

Siedler, G. (2008) Circulation in the source region of the Agulhas Current. [Talk] In: Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. , 28.03.2008, New York, USA .

Siedler, G. (2008) Circulation in the source region of the Agulhas Current. [Talk] In: University of Tokyo, Department of Earth and Planetary Science. , 11.03.2008, Tokyo, Japan .

Siedler, G. (2008) Properties of western boundary flow in the South Indian Ocean. [Talk] In: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. , 23.10.2008, Woods Hole, USA .

Siedler, G. (2008) Upper-ocean countercurrents in the subtropical oceans. [Talk] In: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Frontier Research Centerfor Global Change (FRCGC). , 10.03, Yokohama, Japan .

Siedler, G. (2008) Western boundary currents and the subtropical countercurrent in the southern Indian Ocean. [Talk] In: University of Hawaii, International Pacific Research Center and International Center for Climate and Society. , 18.03.2008, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Stramma, L. (2008) Supply paths of and time variations in oxygen poor zones of the tropical oceans. [Talk] In: SFB-754 Seminar. , 26.05, Kiel .

Stramma, L. , Johnson, G. C. and Brandt, P. (2008) Supply paths of and time variations in the oxygen minimum zones of the eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. [Talk] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , 03.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Stramma, L. , Visbeck, M. , Johnson, G. C., Firing, E. and Brandt, P. (2008) The oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical oceans. [Talk] In: European Geophysical Union General Assembly. , 14.04, Wien, Austria .

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Reston, T. J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic reflections within the water column south of South Africa: indications for the Agulhas Retroflection. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Reston, T. J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic Reflections Within The Water Column South Of South Africa: Indications For The Agulhas Retroflection. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Beobachtungen aus dem Inneren des Ozeans: Eine Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert. [Talk] In: Kieler Woche Vorträge. , 23.06, Kiel .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Der deutsche ARGO Beitrag. [Talk] In: D-GEO Workshop. , 21.01, Frankfurt .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Rapid climate change: What have we learned at the workshop. [Talk] In: The Leverhulme Climate Symposium 2008,"Earth's Climate: Past, Present and Future". , 12.03, Cambridge .

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Visbeck, M. (2008) Roboter erforschen den Ozean: Wie hängen, treiben und schwimmen Messsonden im Meer?. [Public Lecture] In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2008. , 15.10..2008, Kiel . Roboter erforschen den Ozean: Wie hängen, treiben und schwimmen Messsonden im Meer?. .

Vogt, M., Krahmann, G. , Papenberg, C. , Silva, P., Brandt, P. , Klaeschen, D. , Visbeck, M. and Hobbs, R. (2008) Combining CTD-Yoyo Data With Seismic Reflections. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Wallace, D. W. R., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Körtzinger, A. , Visbeck, M. , Karstensen, J. , Brandt, P. , dos Santos Ferreira, C., Melicio, O., Silva, P. and Monteiro, I. (2008) The Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory at Cape Verde (TENATSO). Status and initial results from the ocean site. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Wallace, D. W. R., Körtzinger, A. , Cotrim da Cunha, L., Visbeck, M. , dos Santos Ferreira, C., Melicio, O., Carpenter, L., Read, K., Faria, B. and Mendes, L. (2008) The Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory at Cape verde (TENATSO). Status and initial results. [Talk] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , 02.-17.03, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Conference posters

Brandt, P. , Böning, C. W. , Latif, M. , Stramma, L. , Hormann, V., Hüttl, S., Funk, A., Keenlyside, N., Wahl, S. and Ding, H. (2008) BMBF North Atlantic - Subproject 1.2: Role of the equatorial Atlantic as key region for Atlantic climate variability. [Poster] In: Statusseminar des Projekts "Nordatlantik". , 20.02, Hamburg .

Hobbs, R., Geli, L., Krahmann, G. , Vsemirnova, E. and Klaeschen, D. (2008) Multi-Spectral Seismic Images Of The Water Structure. [Poster] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Klaeschen, D. , Papenberg, C. , Krahmann, G. and Hobbs, R. (2008) Vertical seismic profiling (VSP) in seismic oceanography - a proof of concept. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Klaeschen, D. , Sallares, V., Buffet, G., Papenberg, C. , Vogt, M., Krahmann, G. , Carbonell, R., Hobbs, R. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic Images And Properties Of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW). [Poster] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Körtzinger, A. , Send, U., Wallace, D. W. R., Karstensen, J. and DeGrandpre, M. (2008) The seasonal cycle of O2 and pCO2 in the central Labrador Sea: Atmospheric, biological and physical implications. [Poster] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography. , 03.-06.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Neumann, U., Karstensen, J. , Visbeck, M. and Send, U. (2008) The influence of heat and freshwater on convective activity in the Irminger Sea. [Poster] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Schafstall, J., Dengler, M. , Brandt, P. and Bange, H. W. (2008) Circulation and mixing processes in the upwelling region off Mauritania. [Poster] In: Annual SOPRAN Meeting. , 11.-12.03, Warnemünde .

Stammer, D., Köhler, A., Böning, C. W. , Dengg, J., Visbeck, M. and Karstensen, J. (2008) Combined Ocean-Geodetic Analysis of Global and Regional Ocean Mass-, and Freshwater Transport Divergences. [Poster] In: 2. SPP1257-Kolloquium. , 06.-08.10, München .

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Reston, T. J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic reflections within the water column south of South Africa: indications for the Agulhas Retroflection. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Fischer, J. G. (2008) Circulation in the Gulf of Guinea. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 64 pp.

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Hormann, V. (2008) Upper equatorial Atlantic circulation and cold tongue variability. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 119 pp.

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Karbe, F. R. (2008) On the estimation of turbulent mixing from high frequency lowered ADCP data in the tropical Atlantic. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 69 pp.

[thumbnail of 103_Schmidt_2008_UpperLabradorSeaFreshwater_Hschri_pubid9333.pdf]

Schmidt, S. (2008) Upper Labrador Sea freshwater : seasonal to decadal. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 133 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Dengler, M., Schafstall, J., Tanhua, T., Fiedler, B., Krahmann, G. and Löptin, U., eds. (2008) FS Poseidon Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report P347 [POS347]: Mauritanian Upwelling and Mixing Process Study. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 16 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 28 pp. DOI 10.3289/ifm-geomar_rep_16_2008.

Müller, T. J. (2008) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON POS321. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 30 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_POS321.

Müller, T. J. (2008) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON POS359. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 30 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_POS359.

[thumbnail of ifm-geomar_rep22.pdf]

Petersen, S. , Augustin, N. , Borowski, C., Buller, K. C., Denker, C., Fabian, M., Fink, D., Heesemann, B., Jost, C., Koy, U., Keir, R., Kuhn, T., Marbler, H., Meier, T., Perner, M. , Peters, M., Schattenhofer, M., Vogt, M., Wefers, P., Westernstroer, U. and Westhues, A. (2008) RV Atalante Cruise Report HYDROMAR V, Toulon, France - Recife, Brazil, 04.12.2007 - 02.01.2008. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 22 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 103 pp. DOI 10.3289/ifm-geomar_rep_22_2008.

[thumbnail of M77_Expeditionsheft.pdf]

Pfannkuche, O., Schneider, R., Frank, M. and Stramma, L. (2008) Forschungsschiff / Research Vessel METEOR Reise Nr. 77 / Cruise No.77 22. 10. 2008 – 18. 02. 2009 Climate- Biogeochemistry interactions in the tropical ocean of the SE-American oxygen minimum zone . Open Access . Forschungsschiff Meteor : Reise Nr. M ... = Research vessel Meteor, 77 . Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 55 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) Short cruise report MSM08/1 (18.04.2008-03.05.2008) Mindelo - Mindelo. . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 14 pp. DOI 10.3289/SCR_MSM08_1.

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Visbeck, M. and Schulz-Bull, D. (2008) Forschungsschiff MARIA S. MERIAN Reise Nr. MSM08 / Cruise No. MSM08 18. 04. 2008 – 18. 07. 2008 Zirkulation und Ökosysteme des tropischen Nordostatlantiks und der Ostsee = Circulation and ecosystems in the tropical Northeast Atlantic and the Baltic Sea . . Forschungsschiff Maria S. Merian : Reise Nr. MSM ... = Research vessel Maria S. Merian . Leitstelle Dt. Forschungsschiffe, Hamburg, Germany, 32 pp.

Reports - Weekly reports

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht_1.pdf]

Brandt, P. (2008) 1. Wochenbericht L'ATALANTE ATA_IFMGEOMAR/4. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Brandt, P. (2008) 2. Wochenbericht L'ATALANTE ATA_IFMGEOMAR/4. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM08-leg1-wob1.pdf]

Visbeck, M. (2008) 1. Wochenbericht MSM08/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MERIAN_MSM10_01_Wochenbericht1.pdf]

Visbeck, M. (2008) 1. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) 2. Wochenbericht MSM08/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) 2. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) 3. Wochenbericht MSM08/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) 3. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

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Visbeck, M. (2008) 4. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MERIAN_MSM10_01_Wochenbericht5.pdf]

Visbeck, M. (2008) 5. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MERIAN_MSM10_01_Wochenbericht6.pdf]

Visbeck, M. (2008) 6. Wochenbericht MSM10/1. Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

Reports - other reports

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Fischer, J. (2008) BMBF-Verbundvorhaben Deutsches Argo : Abschlussbericht ; 1.1.2004 -31.12.2007. Open Access . BMBF / IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 42 pp. DOI 10.2314/GBV:587855487.


Brandt, P. (2008) DFG Kommission Mittelgroße Forschungsschiffe / Member. 2008 - 2014 [Committee]

Brandt, P. (2008) PIRATA Scientific Steering Group / Member. 2008 - [Committee]

This list was generated on Tue Feb 4 02:50:44 2025 CET.