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Number of items: 12.
Biastoch, A.
Zirkulation und Dynamik in der Agulhasregion anhand eines numerischen Modells.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 105 pp.
. Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 301
DOI 10.3289/ifm_ber_301.
Eden, C., Redler, R., Böning, C. W. , Dengg, J. and Dieterich, C.
Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation in Modellen des Atlantiks mit unterschiedlicher horizontaler Auflösung.
In: Deutsche Meteorologen-Tagung. , 14.-18.09.1998, Leipzig, Germany ; pp. 509-510 .
Annalen der Meteorologie, 37
Hagedorn, R., Jacob, D. and Lehmann, A.
A Coupled High Resolution Atmosphere - Ocean Model for the BALTEX Region.
In: Second study conference on the Baltic Sea Experiment. , 25.-29.05.1998, Geesthacht, Germany . Conference Proceedings of the Second Study Conference on BALTEX. ; pp. 66-67 .
Lehmann, A.
Baltic Sea Modelling including coupled ice-ocean and ice-ocean-atmosphere models.
In: Second Study Conference on BALTEX. , 25.-29.05.1998, Juliusruh, Island of Rügen, Germany ; pp. 124-132 .
Publication / International BALTEX Secretariat, 11
Malz, S. and Lehmann, A.
Volume and salt transports in the Baltic Sea and its subbasins.
In: Second study conference on the Baltic Sea Experiment. , 25.-29.05.1998, Geesthacht, Germany . Conference Proceedings of the Second Study Conference on BALTEX. ; p. 148 .
Rix, N.
Variabilität und Wärmetransport in einem numerischen Modell des Indischen Ozeans.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 155 pp.
Stutzer, S. and Krauß, W.
Mean circulation and transports in the South Atlantic: Combining model and drifter data.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 103
DOI 10.1029/98JC02065.
Tyler, R. H., Sanford, T. B. and Unsworth, M. J.
Propagation of electromagnetic fields in the coastal ocean with applications to underwater navigation and communication.
Radio Science, 33
pp. 967-987.
DOI 10.1029/98RS00748.
Tyler, R. H. and Sanford, T. B.
Electromagnetic forces on the earth's core due to the poleward transport of heat in the oceans.
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 88
pp. 15-129.
DOI 10.1080/03091929808245470.
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