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Number of items: 12.
Bohrmann, G., Greinert, J.
, Suess, E. and Torres, M.
Authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia subduction zone and their relation to gas hydrate stability.
Geology, 26
pp. 647-650.
DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0647:ACFTCS>2.3.CO;2.
Greinert, J.
Rezente submarine Mineralbildungen : Abbild geochemischer Prozesse an aktiven Fluidaustrittsstellen im Aleuten- und Cascadia-Akkretionskomplex.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 217 pp.
. GEOMAR-Report, 087
DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_87_1999.
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Gulati, A.
Benthic primary production in two different sediment types of the Kiel Fjord (western Baltic Sea).
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 157 pp.
. GEOMAR-Report, 068
DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_68_1998.
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Keir, R., Rehder, G., Suess, E. and Erlenkeuser, H.
The d13C anomaly in the northeastern Atlantic.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 12
pp. 467-477.
DOI 10.1029/98GB02054.
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Long, D., Lammers, S. and Linke, P.
Possible hydrate mounds within large seafloor craters in the Barents Sea.
In: Gas Hydrates: Relevance to World Margin Stability and Climate Change.
, ed. by
Henriet, J. P. and Mienert, J..
Special Publications Geological Society London, 137
GSL (Geological Society London), London, pp. 223-237.
DOI 10.1144/GSL.SP.1998.137.01.18.
Moore, J. C., Klaus, A., Bangs, N. L., Bekins, B., Bücker, C. J., Brückmann, W.
, Erickson, S. N., Hansen, O., Horton, T., Ireland, P., Major, C. O., Moore, G. F., Peacock, S., Saito, S., Screaton, E. J., Shimeld, J. W., Henry Stauffer, P., Taymaz, T., Teas, P. A. and Tokunaga, T.
Consolidation patterns during initiation and evolution of a plate-boundary decollement zone: Northern Barbados accretionary prism.
Geology, 26
pp. 811-814.
DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(1998)026<0811:CPDIAE>2.3.CO;2.
Nähr , T., Botz , R., Bohrmann , G. and Schmidt, M.
Oxygen isotopic composition of low-temperature authigenic clinoptilolite.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 160
DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00097-1.
Richter, T.
Sedimentary fluxes at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: sediment sources, accumulation rates, and geochemical characterisation.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 173, A29 pp.
. GEOMAR-Report, 073
DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_73_1998.
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Schlüter, M., Linke, P.
and Suess, E.
Geochemistry at a sealed deep-sea borehole of the Cascadia Margin.
Marine Geology, 148
pp. 9-20.
DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(98)00016-4.
Schlüter, M., Rutgers van der Loeff, M. M., Holby, O. and Kuhn, G.
Silica cycle in surface sediments of the South Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45
pp. 1085-1109.
DOI 10.1016/S0967-0637(98)00006-5.
Suess, E., Bohrmann, G., von Huene, R., Linke, P.
, Wallmann, K.
, Lammers, S., Sahling, H., Winckler, G., Lutz, R. A. and Orange, D.
Fluid venting in the eastern Aleutian subduction zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 103
pp. 2597-2614.
DOI 10.1029/97JB02131.
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