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Number of items: 55.
Bers, A. V.
Antifouling potection at dfferent scales : multiple defence in Mytilus edulis and the global performance of mytilid microtopographies.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 77 pp.
Bers, V., D’Souza, F., Klijnstra, J. W., Willemsen, P. R. and Wahl, M.
Chemical defence in mussels: antifouling effect of crude extracts of the periostracum of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis.
Biofouling, 22
pp. 251-259.
DOI 10.1080/08927010600901112.
Bers, V., Prendergast, G. S., Zürn, C. M., Hansson, L., Head, R. M. and Thomason, J. C.
A comparative study of the anti-settlement properties of mytilid shells.
Biology Letters, 2006
pp. 88-91.
DOI 10.1098/rsbl.2005.0389.
Buchholz, B.
Invasions-getriebene Veränderungsraten von Foulinggemeinschaften.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 70 pp.
Contardo Jara, V., Myamoto, J. H. S., da Gama, B. A. P., Molis, M., Wahl, M. and Pereira, R. C.
Limited evidence of interactive disturbance and nutrient effects on the diversity of macrobenthic assemblages..
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 308
pp. 37-48.
DOI 10.3354/meps308037.
Diaz, E., Güldenzoph, C., Molis, M., McQuaid, C. and Wahl, M.
Variability in grazer-mediated defensive responses of green and red macroalgae on the south coast of South Africa.
Marine Biology, 149
pp. 1301-1311.
DOI 10.1007/s00227-006-0320-6.
Dobretsov, S. V., Dahms, H. U. and Qian, P. Y.
Inhibition of biofouling by marine microorganisms and their metabolites.
Biofouling, 22
pp. 43-54.
DOI 10.1080/08927010500504784.
Fiedler, G., Czerniak, A. , Fleischer, D., Rumohr, H., Spindler, M. and Thalheim, B.
Content warehouses.
Bericht / Institut für Informatik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 0605
Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany , Kiel, Germany, 71 pp.
Gröger, J. and Rumohr, H.
Modeling and forecasting long-term dynamics of western Baltic macrobenthic fauna in relation to climate signals and environmental change.
Journal of Sea Research, 55
pp. 266-277.
DOI 10.1016/j.seares.2005.11.005.
Hermelink, B.
Einfluss von Störung und Produktivität auf die Diversität und Zusammensetzung mariner Lebensgemeinschaften des Hartbodenbenthos.
(Diploma thesis), Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 78 pp.
Keller, S.
Is there a relationship between diversity and invasiveness of a community?
Eine Untersuchung zum invasiven Potential frühsukzessionaler mariner Aufwuchsgemeinschaften in Abhängigkeit von sukzessionalem Stadium und Diversität.
(Diploma thesis), Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität, Oldenburg, Germany, 60 pp.
Knotz, S.
Trophic interactions in the pelagic.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 121 pp.
Kossak, U.
How climate change translates into ecological change: Impacts of warming and desalination on prey properties and predator-prey interactions in the Baltic Sea.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 97 pp.
Lau, S. C. K., Tsoi, M. M. Y., Li, X. C., Plakhotnikova, I., Dobretsov, S. V. and Wong, P. K.
Gramella portivictoriae sp nov, a novel member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from marine sediment (vol 55, pg 2497, 2005).
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 56
Lau, S. C. K., Tsoi, M. M. Y., Li, X., Plakhotnikova, I., Dobretsov, S. V., Wu, M., Wong, P. K., Pawlik, J. R. and Qian, P. Y.
Stenothermobacter spongiae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Flavobacteriaceae isolated from a marine sponge in the Bahamas, and emended description of Nonlabens tegetincola.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 56
pp. 181-185.
DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.63908-0.
Lenz, M., Molis, M. and Wahl, M.
Globally replicated experiments offer a new perspective for the empirical testing of concepts in ecology.
In: 35th Benthic Ecology Meeting. , 08.-12.03.2006, Québec City, Canada .
Lion, U., Wiesemeier, T., Weinberger, F. , Beltran, J., Flores, V., Faugeron, S., Correa, J. and Pohnert, G.
Phospholipases and galactolipases trigger an oxylipin-mediated wound activated defense of the red alga Gracilaria chilensis against ephiphytes.
ChemBioChem, 7
pp. 457-462.
DOI 10.1002/cbic.200500365.
Li, X., Dobretsov, S. V., Xu, Y., Xiao, X., Hung, O. S. and Qian, P. Y.
Antifouling diketopiperazines produced by a deep-sea bacterium, Streptomyces fungicidicus.
Biofouling, 22
pp. 201-208.
Maczassek, K.
Nahrungsökologie des Dorsches (Gadus morhua L.) in der zentralen Ostsee.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 104 pp.
Matthiessen, B.
Experimental test of diversity effects in marine metacommunities.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 96 pp.
Molis, M., Körner, J., Ko, Y. W., Kim, J. H. and Wahl, M.
Inducible responses in the brown seaweed Ecklonia cava: the role of grazer identity and season.
Journal of Ecology, 94
pp. 243-249.
DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2005.01058.x.
Panusch, R.
Does disturbance and their temporal variability impact
diversity and stability of marine hart bottom communities
on the North East coast of England?.
(Diploma thesis), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany, 42 pp.
Rumohr, H. and Fleischer, D.
Praxistest des Makrozoobenthos - Klassifizierungsverfahren im Rahmen der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie für die schleswig-holsteinische Ostsee..
DOI Bericht an das LANU.
Schröder, S. E.
Effects of temporally variable disturbance regimes on structure and diversity of marine macrobenthic communities in the southern Baltic Sea.
(Diploma thesis), Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany, 77, A0-A12 pp.
Stuckrad, S. K. v.
Effekte von zeitlich variierender Störung auf die Diversität mariner Hartsubstratgemeinschaften.
(Diploma thesis), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 58 pp.
Stürmer, H.
Effects of temporally variable disturbance regimes
on structure and diversity of marine macrobenthic
communities in the mediterranean, Alexandria, Egypt.
(Diploma thesis), Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, 66 pp.
Wiesmann, L.
Stabilität mariner Aufwuchsgemeinschaften unter veränderten Umweltbedingungen im Nordosten Neuseelands.
(Diploma thesis), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universtät, Münster, Germany, 48 pp.
Wunderer, L.
Beeinflusst das Alter von Aufwuchsgemeinschaften ihre Resistenz gegenüber veränderten Umweltbedingungen? - ein Transplantationsexperiment an der Südostküste Brasiliens.
(Diploma thesis), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, 66 pp.
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