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Number of items: 9.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Bokn, T. L., Duarte, C. M., Pedersen, M. F., Marba, N., Moy, F. E., Barrón, C., Bjerkeng, B., Borum, J., Christie, H., Engelbert, S., Fotel, F. L., Hoell, E. E., Karez, R., Kersting, K., Kraufvelin, P., Lindblad, C., Olsen, M., Sanerud, K. A., Sommer, U. and Sörensen, K.
The response of experimental rocky shore communities to nutrient additions.
Ecosystems, 6
pp. 577-594.
DOI 10.1007/s10021-002-0108-6.
Sommer, F., Hansen, T., Feuchtmayr, H., Santer, B., Tokle, N. and Sommer, U.
Do calanoid copepods supress appendicularians in the coastal ocean?.
Journal of Plankton Research, 25
pp. 869-871.
DOI 10.1093/plankt/25.7.869.
Sommer, F., Santer, B., Jamieson, C., Hansen, T. and Sommer, U.
Daphnia population growth but not moulting is a substantial phosphorus drain for phytoplankton.
Freshwater Biology, 48
pp. 67-74.
Sommer, U., Sommer, F., Santer, B., Zöllner, E., Jürgens, K., Jamieson, C., Boersma, M. and Gocke, K.
Daphnia versus copepod impact on summer phytoplankton: functional compensation at both trophic levels.
pp. 639-647.
DOI 10.1007/s00442-003-1214-7.
Stibor, H. and Sommer, U.
Mixotrophy of a phyotosynthetic flagellate viewed from an optimal foraging perspective.
Protist, 154
pp. 91-98.
DOI 10.1078/143446103764928512.
Worm, B. and Duffy, J. E.
Biodiversity, productivity, and stability in real food webs.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 18
pp. 162-173.
DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2003.09.003.
Theses - not published by a publisher
Ptacnik, R.
Omnivory in planktonic food webs: a study on the impact of mixotrophic flagellates and microzooplankton on food web dynamics and productivity.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 101 pp.
. Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 328
DOI 10.3289/ifm_ber_328.
Wenzel, C.
Spurenelementanreicherung in arktischen und borealen Meeresvögeln.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 243 pp.
Reports - other reports
Sommer, F.
A comparison of the impact of major mesozooplankton taxa on marine, brackish and freshwater phytoplankton during summer.
Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 329
Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany, 91 pp.
DOI 10.3289/ifm_ber_329.
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