Browse by Divisions by year
Number of items: 8.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Mikkelsen, N., Hoffmann-Wieck, G. and Sveinbjoernsdottir, A.
Climate Variability and Disappearance of the Norse from South Greenland.
Mitteilungen der Pollichia, 88
pp. 77-80.
Reuning, L., Reijmer, J. and Betzler, C.
Sedimentation cycles and their diagenesis on the slope of a Miocene carbonate ramp (Bahamas, ODP Leg 166).
Marine Geology, 185
pp. 121-142.
DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(01)00293-6.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Stoffers, P., Worthington, T., Hakinian, R., Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Türkay, M., Ackermand, D., Borowski, C., Dankert, S., Fretzdorff, S., Haase, K. M., Hoppe, A., Jonasson, I. R., Kuhn, T., Lancaster, R., Monecke, T., Renno, A., Stecher, J. and Weierhäuser, L.
Widespread silicic volcanism and hydrothermal activity on the Northern Pacific-Antarctic Ridge.
InterRidge News, 11
pp. 30-32.
Book chapters
Froese, R. and Garilao, C. V.
An annotated checklist of the elasmobranches of the South China Sea, with some global statistics on elasmobranch biodiversity, and an offer to taxonomists.
In: Elasmobranch biodiversity, conservation and management: proceedings of the international seminar and workshop.
, ed. by
Fowler, S. L., Reed, T. M. and Dipper, F. A..
Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, 25
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland, pp. 82-85.
ISBN 2-8317-0650-5
Hoffmann-Wieck, G. and Nakoinz, O.
Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im Gebiet der Ostseeförde Schlei (westliche Ostsee).
In: Maritime Archäologie heute.
, ed. by
Cederlund, C. O. and Krüger, K..
Ingo Koch Verlag, Rostock, Germany, pp. 126-134.
ISBN 3-935319-40-1
Conference papers
Hennings, I. and Metzner, M.
Radar imaging mechanism of the sea bed in coastal waters and the influence of quasi resonant internal waves.
In: 13th International Conference and Exhibition of the Hydrographic Society and the DHyG, 17th German Hydrographic Days. , 08.-10.10.2002, Kiel, Germany . Hydro 2002 Documentation. ; pp. 316-325 .
The Hydrographic Society Special Publication, 46
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