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Number of items: 22.


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Bokn, T., Moy, F. E., Hartvig, C., Engelbert, S., Karez, R., Kersting, K., Kraufvelin, P., Lindblad, C., Marba, N., Pedersen, M. F. and Sörensen, K. (2002) Are rocky shore ecosystems affected by nutrient-enriched seawater? Some preliminary results from a mesocosm experiment. Hydrobiologia, 484 . pp. 167-175. DOI 10.1023/A:1021365307438.

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Bumke, K., Karger, U. and Uhlig, K. (2002) Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes of Momentum and Sensible Heat over the Labrador Sea. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32 (2). pp. 401-410. DOI 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<0401:MOTFOM>2.0.CO;2.

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Daase, M. (2002) Distribution of Zooplankton in relation to biophysical gradients associated with frontal systems. Open Access Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 18 . p. 7.

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Dürr, J. and Gonzalez, J. A. (2002) Feeding habits of Beryx splendens and Beryx decadactylus (Berycidae) off the Canary Island. Fisheries Research, 54 . pp. 363-374. DOI 10.1016/S0165-7836(01)00269-7.

Frentzel-Beyme, B. and Köster, F. (2002) On the biology of the sharpnose sevengill shark Hetranchias perlo (BONNATERRE 1788) from the Great Meteor Seamount (central eastern Atlantic). [Paper] In: 4. European Elasmobranch Association Meeting. , 27.-30.09.2000, Livorno, Italy . Proceedings 4th European Elasmobranch Association Meeting. ; pp. 77-96 .

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Geffard, O., Budzinski, H., His, E. and Seaman, M. N. L. (2002) Relationships between contaminant levels in marine sediments and their biological effects on embryos of oysters, Crassostera gigas. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21 . pp. 2310-2318. DOI 10.1002/etc.5620211108.

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Kessner, C. (2002) Fischereibiologische Bedeutung der Parasitierung von Fischen im Seegebiet von Marokko. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 66 pp.

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Kraus, G., Tomkiewicz, J. and Köster, F. (2002) Egg production of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) in relation to variable sex ratio, maturity, and fecundity. Open Access Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 59 . pp. 1908-1920. DOI 10.1139/F02-159.

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Lotze, H. K., Worm, B., Molis, M. and Wahl, M. (2002) Effects of UV radiation and consumers on recruitment and succession of a marin macrobenthic community. Open Access Marine Ecology Progress Series, 243 . pp. 57-66. DOI 10.3354/meps243057.

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Lutjeharms, J. R. E. and Kortum, G. (2002) On the influence of German marine research on South African physical oceanography 1890. In: Historisch-meereskundliches Jahrbuch / History of Oceanography Yearbook. ; 9 . Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund, Germany, pp. 81-100. ISBN 0943-5697

Molis, M. and Wahl, M. (2002) UV-effects on shallow-water benthic assemblages: Comparing Namibia and Germany. [Talk] In: 2. International AQUAWEB Symposium. , 20.-22.03.2002, Plön, Germany .

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Möllmann, C. , Schmidt, J. , Temming, A., Herrmann, J. P., Floether, J. and Sell, A. (2002) Video Plankton Recorder reveals environmental problems of marine copepod. Open Access GLOBEC International Newsletter, 8 (2). pp. 20-21.

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Newson, R. and Villwock, A. (2002) JSC/CLIVAR Working Group on Coupled Modelling - 5th Session. Open Access CLIVAR Exchanges, 23 (7 (1)). pp. 26-27.

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Schiller, A. (2002) Zum Wachstum vom Wolfsbarsch (Dicentrarchus labrax) in einer modernen Kreislaufanlage. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 58 pp.

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Schwaderer, A. (2002) Die Rolle der Meiofauna für das Mikrophytobenthos. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 97 pp.

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Simeone, A., Araya, B., Bernal, M., Diebold, E. N., Grzybowski, K., Michaels, M., Teare, J. A., Wallace, R. S. and Willis, M. J. (2002) Oceanographic and climatic factors influencing breeding and colony attendance patterns of Humbold Penguins Spheniscus humboldti in central Chile. Open Access Marine Ecology Progress Series, 227 . pp. 43-50.

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Simeone, A. and Navarro, X. (2002) Human exploitation of seabirds in coastal southern Chile during the mid-Holocene. Open Access Revista Chilena De Historia Natural (75). pp. 423-431.

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Villwock, A. and Zebiak, S. E. (2002) 6th Session of the CLIVAR Working Group on Seasonal-to-Interannual Prediction. Open Access CLIVAR Exchanges, 23 (7 (1)). pp. 25-26.

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Wilson, R. P., Gremillet, D., Syder, J., Kierspel, M., Garthe, S., Weimerskirch, H., Schäfer-Neth, C., Scolaro, J. A., Bost, C. A., Plötz, J. and Nel, D. (2002) Remote-sensing systems and seabirds: Their use and abuse and potential for monitoring marine environmental variables?. Open Access Marine Ecology Progress Series, 228 . pp. 241-261. DOI 10.3354/meps228241.

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Wirth, A., Willebrand, J. and Schott, F. (2002) Variability of the Great Whirl from Observations and Models. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49 (7). pp. 1279-1295. DOI 10.1016/S0967-0645(01)00165-5.

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Witten, P. E. and Hall, B. K. (2002) Differentiation and growth of kype skeletal tissues in anadromous male Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Open Access International Journal of Developmental Biology, 46 . pp. 719-730.

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