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Number of items: 3.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Böttcher, M. E., Khim, B. K., Suzuki, A., Gehre, M., Wortmann, U. G. and Brumsack, H. J.
Microbial sulfate reduction in deep sediments of the Southwest Pacific (ODP Leg 181, Sites 1119–1125): evidence from stable sulfur isotope fractionation and pore water modeling.
Marine Geology, 205
pp. 249-260.
DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(04)00026-X.
Ptacnik, R., Sommer, U., Hansen, T. and Martens, V.
Effects of microzooplankton and mixotrophy in an experimental planktonic food web.
Limnology and Oceanography, 49
pp. 1435-1445.
DOI 10.4319/lo.2004.49.4_part_2.1435.
Conference papers
Köster, F., Möllmann, C., Hinrichsen, H. H., Tomkiewicz, J., Wieland, K., Kraus, G., Voss, R., MacKenzie, B. R., Schnack, D. , Makarchouk, A., Plikshs, M., St. John, M. A., Rohlf, N., Linkowski, T. and Beyer, J. E.
Baltic cod recruitment - the role of physical forcing and species interaction.
In: ICES Council Meeting 2004. , 22.-25.09.2004, Vigo, Spain .
ICES Council Meeting Papers, L:29
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