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Number of items: 2.
Tora, D., Hentschel, U. , Lips, S., Schmitt-Jansen, M. and Borchert, E.
16s rRNA gene sequence analysis of the microbial community on microplastic samples from the North Atlantic and Great Pacific Garbage Patches.
African Journal of Microbiology Research, 17
pp. 123-138.
DOI 10.5897/AJMR2022.9682.
Zinzindohoue, C. G. F., Schoening, T. , Lima, E. B. and Fiedler, B.
PlasPi TDM: Augmentation of a low-cost camera platform for advanced underwater physical-ecological observations.
HardwareX, 15
Art.Nr. e00470.
DOI 10.1016/j.ohx.2023.e00470.
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