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Number of items: 2.
Freundt, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Rabbel, W., Hansteen, T. H. , Hensen, C. , Wehrmann, H., Kutterolf, S. , Halama, R. and Frische, M.
Volatile (H2O, CO2, Cl, S) budget of the Central American subduction zone.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 2101-2127.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1001-1.
Völker, D., Wehrmann, H., Kutterolf, S. , Iyer, K. , Rabbel, W., Geersen, J. and Hoernle, K.
Constraining input and output fluxes of the southern Central Chile Subduction Zone: water, chlorine, sulfur.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103
pp. 2129-2153.
DOI 10.1007/s00531-014-1002-0.
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