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Number of items: 4.
Gruhn, V. and Hasselbring, W.
Bericht zur 17th International Conference on Software Engineering.
Softwaretechnik-Trends, 15
pp. 56-57.
Hasselbring, W.
Software Engineering for Parallel Systems: The Role of the Programming Language in the Prototyping Phase.
In: ICSE-17 Workshop on research issues in the intersection of Software Engineering and Programming Languages. , April 23-30, 1995, Seattle, Washington, USA . Proceedings ICSE-17 Workshop on research issues in the intersection of Software Engineering and Programming Languages. .
Hasselbring, W. and Fischer, R.
Using the ProSet-Linda Prototyping Language for Investigating MIMD Algorithms for Model Matching in 3-D Computer Vision.
In: Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR 1995). , September 1995, Lyon, France . Proceedings Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly Structured Problems (IRREGULAR 1995). ; pp. 301-315 .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 980
Hasselbring, W. and Kröber, A.
Anforderungsanalyse an einen konfigurierbaren HL7-Kommunikations-Server mittels OMT und ausführbarer Modelle.
In: 2. GI/ITG Arbeitstreffen Entwicklung und Management verteilter Anwendungssysteme. , Oktober 1995, Dortmund . Tagungsband 2. GI/ITG Arbeitstreffen Entwicklung und Management verteilter Anwendungssysteme. .
Reihe Informatik für Systementwickler
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