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Number of items at this level: 40.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

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Andersen, C. S., Rüpke, L. , Hasenclever, J., Grevemeyer, I. and Petersen, S. (2015) Fault geometry and permeability contrast control vent temperatures at the Logatchev 1 hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geology, 43 (1). pp. 51-54. DOI 10.1130/G36113.1.

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Bani Hassan, N., Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. H. and Borgia, A. (2012) Controls of bathymetric relief on hydrothermal fluid flow at mid-ocean ridges. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 . Q05002. DOI 10.1029/2012GC004041.

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Beuchert, M. J., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Simon, N. S. C. and Rüpke, L. (2010) Modeling of craton stability using a viscoelastic rheology. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115 (B11). B11413. DOI 10.1029/2009JB006482.

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Biastoch, A. , Treude, T. , Rüpke, L. H. , Riebesell, U. , Roth, C., Burwicz, E. B. , Park, W. , Latif, M. , Böning, C. W. , Madec, G. and Wallmann, K. (2011) Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (8). L08602. DOI 10.1029/2011GL047222.

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Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. H. , Phipps Morgan, J. and Grevemeyer, I. (2012) Controls of faulting and reaction kinetics on serpentinization and double Benioff zones. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 . Q09010. DOI 10.1029/2012gc004304.

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Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Phipps Morgan, J. (2010) Feedbacks between mantle hydration and hydrothermal convection at ocean spreading centers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 296 (1/2). pp. 34-44. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.04.037.

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Rüpke, L. , Schmalholz, S. M., Schmid, D. W. and Podiadchikov, Y. Y. (2008) Automated thermotectonostratigraphic basin reconstruction: Viking Graben case study. AAPG Bulletin, 92 (3). pp. 309-326. DOI 10.1306/11140707009.

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Theissen-Krah, S., Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Morgan, J. P. (2011) Coupled mechanical and hydrothermal modeling of crustal accretion at intermediate to fast spreading ridges. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 311 (3-4). pp. 275-286. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2011.09.018.

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Wallmann, K. , Pinero, E., Burwicz, E. , Haeckel, M. , Hensen, C. , Dale, A. W. and Ruepke, L. (2012) The Global Inventory of Methane Hydrate in Marine Sediments: A Theoretical Approach. Open Access Energies, 5 (7). pp. 2449-2498. DOI 10.3390/en5072449.

Book chapters

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Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2011) A new global gas hydrate budget based on numerical reaction-transport modeling and a novel parameterization of Holocene and Quaternary sedimentation. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2011. . HWU, Edinburgh, p. 9.

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Rüpke, L. , Biastoch, A. , Treude, T. , Riebesell, U. , Roth, C., Burwicz, E. , Park, W. , Latif, M. , Böning, C. W. , Wallmann, K. and Madec, G. (2011) Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2011. . HWU, Edinburgh, p. 6.

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Wallmann, K. , Burwicz, E. , Ruepke, L. H. , Marquardt, M., Pinero, E., Haeckel, M. and Hensen, C. (2011) Constraining the global inventory of methane hydrate in marine sediments. Open Access In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH2011). . HWU, Edinburgh, UK, 129/1-13.

Conference papers

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Burwicz, E. , Reichel, T., Pinero, E., Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. and Haeckel, M. (2014) Gas hydrate dynamics at the Green Canyon Site, Gulf of Mexico - recovery prospects based on new 3-D modeling study. [Paper] In: 8. International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH8). , 28.07.-01.08.2014, Beijing, China . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH8-2014), Beijing, China, 28 July - 1 August, 2014. ; T3-63 .


Bani Hassan, N., Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Borgia, A. (2010) Controls of surface topography on submarine and subaerial hydrothermal fluid flow and vent-site location. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 15.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA .

Burwicz, E. B. , Ruepke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2012) A new numerical reaction-transport model of marine gas hydrate deposits. [Invited talk] In: 11. International Conference of Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS11). , 04-07.09.2012, Nice, France .

Burwicz, E. , Pinero, E. and Hensen, C. (2014) Influence of 3D fault modeling on gas migration pathways and gas hydrate accumulation in porous sediments: case studies of Hydrate Ridge (Oregon margin) and Green Canyon (Gulf of Mexico). [Talk] In: 12. International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments (GIMS12). , 01.-04.09.2014, Taipei, Taiwan .

Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2014) NEW INSIGHTS ON GAS HYDRATE AND FREE GAS CO-EXISTENCE BASED ON MULTIPHASE NUMERICAL MODELING – AN EXAMPLE FROM THE BLAKE RIDGE SITE, OFFSHORE SOUTH CAROLINA . [Talk] In: 8. International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH8). , 28.07.-01.08.2014, Beijing, China .

Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2014) Numerical modeling of the co-existence of dissolved and gaseous methane in the Blake Ridge site - implications for gas hydrate accumulation dynamics. [Talk] In: 12. International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments (GIMS12). , 01.-04.09.2014, Taipei, Taiwan .

Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2011) Numerical modeling techniques for natural gas hydrate systems. [Talk] In: ECORD Summer School on “Subseafloor Fluid Flow and Gas Hydrates”. , 12.-23.09.2011, Bremen .

Franz, G. , Jegen, M. , Neska, A. , Avdeeva, A., Schmid, F. , Dannowski, A. , Kopp, H. and Hannington, M. D. (2021) Crustal Structure of the nascent Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center, Lau basin, derived from Magnetotelluric Measurements. [Talk] In: IAGA-IASPEI 2021. , 21. - 27.08.2021, Online .

Iyer, K. (2012) Controls of reaction kinetics on mantle serpentinization. [Invited talk] In: Physics of Geological Processes, University of Oslo. , 21.06.2012, Oslo, Norway .

Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Grevemeyer, I. (2010) Bend-faulting, serpentinization, and double seismic zones - new insights from reaction-transport modeling. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Rüpke, L. H. , Biastoch, A. , Treude, T. , Riebesell, U. , Roth, C., Burwicz, E. B. , Park, W. , Latif, M. , Böning, C. W. , Wallmann, K. and Madec, G. (2012) Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification. [Talk] In: Arctic Frontiers 2012 – ‘Energies of the High North’. , 22. - 27.01.2012, Tromsø, Norway .

Rüpke, L. , Iyer, K. , Hasenclever, J. and Morgan, J. P. (2010) The subduction zone water cycle revisited with novel 2D and 3D numerical models. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.- 07.11. 2010, Pucón, Chile .

Wallmann, K. , Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. , Marquardt, M., Pinero, E., Haeckel, M. and Hensen, C. (2010) Constraining the global inventory of methane hydrate in marine sediments. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Conference posters

Andersen, C. S., Rüpke, L. and Petersen, S. (2012) Tectono-magmatic controls on hydrothermal activity at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Poster] In: GEOCEAN Symposium and Summer School. , 27.-31.08.2012, Brest, France .

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Andersen, C. S., Rüpke, L. and Petersen, S. (2012) Tectono-magmatic controls on hydrothermal activity at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge vent fields Logatchev and 5°S. [Poster] In: GeoMod 2012 Conference. , 15.-20.07.2012, Lausanne, Switzerland .

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Andersen, C. S., Rüpke, L. , Grevemeyer, I. and Petersen, S. (2013) Conditions for high-temperature off-axis venting at the Logatchev 1 hydrothermal field. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .

Andersen, C. S., Rüpke, L. , Grevemeyer, I. , Petersen, S. and Hasenclever, J. (2013) Control of high-permeability faults on off-axis hydrothermal venting - a case study of Logatchev 1. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2013. , 09.-13.12.2013, San Francisco, USA .

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Burwicz, E. B. , Rüpke, L. and Wallmann, K. (2011) Transport- reaction modeling of marine gas hydrate deposits- global results. [Poster] In: GeoMod 2012. , 15 - 20.07.2012, Lausanne, Switzerland .

Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. , Wallmann, K. and Biastoch, A. (2010) New global estimates of marine gas hydrate accumulations based on POC degradation and reaction-transport modeling. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

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Franz, G., Jegen, M. , Avdeeva, A. and Moorkamp, M. (2017) The Namibian passive volcanic margin - Investigations of the South Atlantic Opening with Magnetotelluric and Gravity data. [Poster] In: 27. Schmucker-Weidelt-Kolloquium für Elektromagnetische Tiefenforschung (EMTF 2017). , 25.-29.09.2017, Breklum, Germany .

Franz, G., Moorkamp, M., Jegen, M. , Berndt, C. and Rabbel, W. (2021) Comparison of Earth models of the Namibian continental margin derived from Joint MT and Gravity Inversions. [Poster] In: 81. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 01.03.-05.03.2021, Kiel (online) .

Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. H. , Grevemeyer, I. and Phipps Morgan, J. (2012) Control of reaction kinetics on mantle serpentinization and double Benioff zones. [Poster] In: The Lübeck Retreat, Collaborative Research SFB 574 Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction Zones: Climate Feedback and Trigger Mechanisms for Natural Disasters. , 23.05.-25.05.2012, Lübeck . The Lübeck Retreat: final colloquium of SFB 574; May 23-25, 2012: program & abstracts. ; p. 13 .

Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Phipps Morgan, J. (2010) Constraining serpentinization at mid-ocean ridges: effects on fluid flow and the global water budget. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Franz, G. (2017) The Namibian passive volcanic margin - Investigations of the South Atlantic Opening with Magnetotelluric and Gravity data. (Master thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 87 pp.

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Berndt, C. , Urlaub, M. , Jegen, M. , Faghih, Z., Reeck, K., Franz, G., Barnscheidt, K. C., Wollatz-Vogt, M., Liebsch, J., Schramm, B., Elger, J. , Kühn, M., Müller, T. , Schmidt, M. , Spiegel, T., Timm, H., Hinz, A. K., Sager, T., Hilbert, H. S., Rohde, L., Korbjuhn, T., Reissmann, S. and Diller, N. (2021) RV SONNE Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report SO277 OMAX: Offshore Malta Aquifer Exploration, Emden (Germany) – Emden (Germany), 14.08. – 03.10.2020. Open Access . GEOMAR Report, N. Ser. 057 . GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 139 pp. DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_NS_57_20.


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