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Number of items: 4.
Khon, V. C., Latif, M. , Mokhov, I. I., Roeckner, E. and Semenov, V.
Impact of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation on the European and Northern Atlantic weather in a coupled GCM simulation.
In: Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling.
, ed. by
Cote, H..
WMO/TD, 1397
WMO, Genf, .5-7.6.
Hasse, L. and Smith, S. D.
Wind and windstress.
In: WCRP workshop on air-sea flux fields for forcing ocean models and vaidation GCMS. , 24.-27.10.1995, Reading, UK ; pp. 63-68 .
WMO/TD, 762
Hasse, L., Grossklaus, M. and Uhlig, K.
Measuring rain and rain drop size distribution at sea.
In: Technical conference on meteorological and environmental instruments and methods of observations (TECO-98). , 13.-15.05.1998, Casablanca, Morocco ; pp. 365-368 .
WMO/TD, 877
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