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Number of items: 22.
Bauch, H. A. , Cremer, H. and Kunz-Pirrung, M.
Siberian shelf sediments contain clues to paleoclimate forcing.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 81
233, 238.
Bücker, C., Shimeld, J., Hunze, S. and Brückmann, W.
Data report: logging while drilling data analysis of Leg 171A, a multivariate statistical approach.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results, 171A
pp. 1-29.
Exon, N., Kennett, J., Malone, M. and Nürnberg, D.
and Leg 189 Scientific Party
The opening of the Tasmanian Gateway drove global Cenozoic paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes: Results of Leg 189.
JOIDES Journal, 26
pp. 11-18.
Gerlach, S. A. and Kortum, G.
Zur Gründung des Instituts für Meereskunde der Universität Kiel 1933 bis 1945.
Historisch-Meereskundliches Jahrbuch, 7
pp. 7-48.
Jarre-Teichmann, A., Wieland, K., MacKenzie, B. R., Hinrichsen, H. H., Plikshs, M. and Aro, E.
Stock-recruitment relationships for cod (Gadus morhua callarias L.) in the central Baltic Sea incorporating environmental variability.
Archive of Fishery and Marine Research, 48
pp. 97-123.
Köhl, A. and Willebrand, J.
Variational assimilation of SSH variance from TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS1 into an eddypermitting
model of the North Atlantic.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 17
(5 (3)).
pp. 14-21.
König, I., Lougear, A., Bruns, P., Grützner, J., Trautwein, A. X. and Dullo, W. C.
Iron oxidation in sediment cores (Site 1062) during six months of storage in the Ocean Drilling Program archive.
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results, 172
Chapter 2.
Lochte, K. and Pfannkuche, O.
How the deep Arabian Sea reflects the productivity of surface waters.
U.S. JGOFS News, Vol. 10
pp. 10-11.
Ludwig, S. and Culik, B. M.
Diving and migratory behaviour of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California, Mexico.
Zoology, 103
(Supplement III).
p. 31.
Luna-Jorquera, G., Garthe, S. , Sepulveda, F. G., Weichler, T. and Vàsquez, J. A.
Population size of Humboldt penguins assessed by combined terrestrial and at-sea counts.
Colonial Waterbirds, 23
pp. 506-510.
DOI 10.2307/1522191.
Pahlow, M. and Riebesell, U.
Temporal trends in deep ocean Redfield ratios (Reply to technical comment by Zhang et al.).
Science, 289
p. 1837.
DOI 10.1126/science.289.5486.1837p.
Sauter, E.
Untermeerischer Grundwasseraustritt : das EU-Projekt Sub-GATE.
Mitteilungen / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Meeresforschung, 2000
pp. 24-26.
Schöttle, S. and Latif, M.
Assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON data improves ENSO hindcast skill.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 17
(5 (3)).
pp. 8-10.
Thiede, J. , Kassens, H. and Timokhov, L.
Laptev Sea System discussed at Russian-German workshop.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 81
361, 366-367.
Willems, H. and Dullo, W. C.
Contributions to particle fluxes and proxies in marine geosystems - Editorial.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 88
pp. 597-598.
DOI 10.1007/s005310050289.
Zenk, W.
Labrador Sea Water in the Iceland Basin: An Overview of the Present Kiel RAFOS Float Program.
International WOCE Newsletter, 39
pp. 3-6.
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