Browse by Types by year
Number of items: 36.
Bach, W., Jöns, N., Thal, J., Breuer, C., Shu, L., Dubilier, N., Borowski, C., Meyerdierks, A., Pjevac, P., Brunner, B., Müller, I., Petersen, S. , Hourdez, S., Schaen, A., Koloa, K. and Jonda , L.
and MARUM Quest 4000m team
Interactions between fluids, minerals, and organisms in sulfur-dominated hydrothermal vents in the eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea – A report from RV Sonne Cruise 216.
InterRidge News, 21
pp. 31-34.
Behrens, L. K., Martin, T. , Semenov, V. and Latif, M.
The Arctic Sea ice in the CMIP3 climate model ensemble – variability and anthropogenic change.
The Cryosphere Discussions, 6
pp. 5317-5344.
DOI 10.5194/tcd-6-5317-2012.
Bohlen, L. and Sommer, S.
Enhanced recycling of bioavailable nitrogen in sediments underlying the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 26-27.
Brandt, P. and Greatbatch, R. J.
Deep jets in the deep equatorial Atlantic cause climte variability.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 22-23.
Clemmesen, C. , Frommel, A., Maneja, R., Franke, A., Piatkowski, U. and Reusch, T. B. H.
Ocean acidification affects early life st ages
of heavily explo ited fish.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 30-31.
Galgani, L. and Engel, A.
The ocean has a gel-like skin made of proteins.
SOLAS News, 14
pp. 7-8.
Goecke, F. R., Labes, A., Wiese, J. and Imhoff, J. F.
Bacteria associations with co-occurring macroalgae: Host, epiphyte and environmental factors.
European Journal of Phycology, 46
pp. 45-50.
DOI 10.1080/09670262.2011.613190.
Hepach, H. , Quack, B., Raimund, S., Atlas, E. L., Fuhlbruegge, S., Shi, Q. and Krüger, K.
Halogenated very short lived substances in the tropical western Pacific region.
SOLAS News, 14
pp. 9-10.
Hoernle, K.
Erratum to: Age and geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Hikurangi and Manihiki oceanic Plateaus, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 7196-7219.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77
pp. 605-606.
DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.010.
Hoernle, K.
Erratum to: K. Hoernle, F. Hauff, P. van den Bogaard, R. Werner, N. Mortimer,
J. Geldmacher, D. Garbe-Schönberg, B. Davy (2010) “Age and geochemistry of
volcanic rocks from the Hikurangi and Manihiki oceanic Plateaus”,
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 7196–7219.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77
pp. 605-606.
DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2011.11.010.
Kanzow, T. and Visbeck, M.
Ocean circulation: Does large-scale ocean overturning circulation vary with climate change?.
PAGES News, 20
p. 14.
Leisner, T., Oschlies, A. and Rickels, W.
Lässt sich die Erde künstlich kühlen? .
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, 4/12
pp. 4-11.
Litt, T., Anselmetti, F. S., Baumgarten, H., Beer, J., Cagatay, N., Cukur, D., Damci, E., Glombitza, C., Haug, G., Heumann, G., Kallmeyer, J., Kipfer, R., Krastel, S., Kwiecien, O., Meydan, A. F., Orcen, S., Pickarski, N., Randlett, M. E., Schmincke, H. U. , Schubert, C. J., Sturm, M., Sumita, M. , Stockhecke, M. and Tomonaga, Y.
and PALEOVAN Scientific Team
500,000 Years of Environmental History in Eastern Anatolia: The PALEOVAN Drilling Project.
Scientific Drilling, 14
pp. 18-29.
DOI 10.2204/iodp.sd.14.02.2012.
Oschlies, A. , Brandt, P. , Schelten, C. and Stramma, L.
SFB754: Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean.
Exchanges, 58
pp. 11-14.
Petereit, C.
Attraktiv, neu und noch rätselhaft – Meeräschen in der westlichen Ostsee.
Homepage Landessportfischer Verband Schleswig-Holstein
Petersen, S.
Deep-sea massive sulfide deposits may not represent a major resource potential.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 34-35.
Quack, B. and Krüger, K.
Trace gas emissions from tropical oceans influence the stratospheric ozone layer.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 28-29.
Reitz, A.
Investigating the impact of sub-seabed CO2 storage on marine ecosystems.
The Marine Scientist, 40
pp. 18-21.
Rumohr, H.
Buchbesprechung: A. Mahn und G. Wegener, 2012: Frischer Fisch und Heidekraut: Walter Herwig - Präsident der Klosterkammer Hanniver und "Vater der Fischer". Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock.
Historisch-Meereskundliches Jahrbuch, 18
p. 142.
Scott, R.
Found in Nemo: Sea turtle ocean highways tracked through satellite telemetry and the NEMO ocean model.
Current Conservation, 6
pp. 18-22.
Spielhagen, R., Werner, K. and Kandiano, E.
Enhanced Atlantic water inflow warms the Arctic.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 24-25.
Steinhoff, T., Bange, H. W. , Kock, A. , Wallace, D. W. R. and Körtzinger, A.
Biological productivity in the Mauritanian upwelling estimated with a triple gas approach.
Biogeosciences Discussions, 9
pp. 4853-4875.
DOI 10.5194/bgd-9-4853-2012.
Troll, V. R., Klügel, A., Longpré, M. A., Burchardt, S., Deegan, F. M., Carracedo, J. C., Wiesmaier, S., Kueppers, U., Dahren, B., Blythe, L. S., Hansteen, T. H. , Freda, C., Budd, D. A., Jolis, E. M., Jonsson, E., Meade, F. C., Harris, C., Berg, S. E., Mancini, L., Polacci, M. and Pedroza, K.
Corrigendum to "Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption" published in Solid Earth, 3, 97–110, 2012.
Solid Earth, 3
p. 189.
DOI 10.5194/se-3-189-2012.
van den Bogaard, C.
Application of Tephrochronology in the Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems (KALMAR-Project).
Quaternary International, 279-280
p. 511.
DOI 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.08.1764.
Villasante, S., Gascuel, D. and Froese, R.
Rebuilding fish stocks and changing fisheries management, a major challenge for the Common Fisheries Policy reform in Europe.
Ocean & Coastal Management, 70
pp. 1-3.
DOI 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2012.07.021.
Völker, D., Geersen, J. , Behrmann, J. H. and Weinrebe, R. W.
Mass wasting and earthquakes - unexpected interrelations offshore Central Chile.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 36-38.
Wahl, M.
Does biological diversity matter for stability of marine communities?.
IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2011
pp. 32-33.
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