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Number of items: 16.
Pierce, G. J., Allcock, L., Bruno, I., Bustamante, P., González, A., Guerra, A., Jereb, P., Lefkaditou, E., Malham, S., Moreno, A., Pereira, J., Piatkowski, U., Rasero, M., Sánchez, P., Santos, B., Santurtún, M., Seixas, S. and Villanueva, R., eds.
Cephalopod biology and fisheries in Europe.
ICES Cooperative Research Report, 303
ICES, Copenhagen, Denmark, 175 pp.
ISBN 978-87-7482-078-9
Pierce, G. J., Allcock, L., Bruno, I., Bustamante, P., Gonzalez, A., Guerra, A., Jereb, P., Lefkaditou, E., Malham, S., Moreno, a., Pereira, J., Piatkowski, U., Rasero, M., Sanchez, P., Santos, M. B., Santurtun, M., Seixas, S., Sobrino, I. and Villanueva, R., eds.
Cephalopod biology and fisheries in Europe.
ICES Cooperative Research Report, 303
ICES, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 9-29, 175 pp.
ISBN 978‐87‐7482‐078‐9
Zenk, W. and Naggar, S., eds.
The expedition of the research vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2009 (ANT-XXV/5).
Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 603
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung, Bremerhaven, 62 pp.
Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R.
and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI, International Ociean Insitute
World Ocean Review 2010 : Living with the oceans.
, ed. by
Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M..
World Ocean Review, 1
Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1
Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R.
and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence
World Ocean Review 2010 : Mit den Meeren leben.
, ed. by
Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M..
World Ocean Review, 1
Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1
Morozov, E. G., Demidov, A. N., Tarakanov, R. Y. and Zenk, W.
Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean, Water Structure and Flows.
Springer, Heidelberg, 266 pp.
ISBN 978-90-481-9357-8
DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9358-5.
Söding, E. , Balzereit, F. and Schäfer, K.
Die Ölkatastrophe im Golf von Mexiko - was bleibt?.
Exzellenzcluster "Ozean der Zukunft", Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, 40 pp.
Wallace, D., Law, C., Boyd, P., Collos, Y., Croot, P., Denman, K., Lam, P., Riebesell, U. , Takeda, S. and Williamson, P.
and Unesco, International Oceanographic Committee, IOC, SOLAS
Ocean fertilization : a scientific summary for policy makers.
Unesco, Paris, PDF-Datei: 17 S., 1,26 MB pp.
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