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Number of items: 14.

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Adlerstein, S., Basson, M., Bell, E., Björnsson, H., Bravington, M., Bromley, P., Daan, N., Dobby, H., Duplisea, D., Gislason, H., Harwood, J., Horwood, J., Köster, F., Metcalfe, J., O'Brien, C., Raid, T., Stokes, K., Tjelmeland, S. and Vinther, M. (1999) Report of the Study Group to Evaluate the Effects of Multispecies Interactions. Open Access [Paper] In: Study Group to Evaluate the Effects of Multispecies Interactions. , 07-11-09.1999, Lowestoft, UK . ICES Council Meeting Papers, D:4 .

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Alexandrov, V. Y., Martin, T. , Kolatschek, J. S., Eicken, H., Kreischer, M. and Makshtas, A. P. (1999) Studies of sea-ice motion in the Laptev Sea with the use of satellite remote sensing and numerical modelling. Open Access [Paper] In: IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. IGARSS'99. , 28.06.-02.07.1999, Hamburg, Germany . Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS'99. ; pp. 2013-2015 . DOI 10.1109/IGARSS.1999.775017.

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Bühler, V., Clemmesen, C. and Svendson, E. (1999) Growth of Atlantic herring larvae (Clupea harengus L.) in response to climatic long term trends (NAO) and to hydrographical features in the Northern Sea in the period 1990-1997. Open Access [Paper] In: ICES Council Meeting 1999. , 29.09.-02.10.1999, Stockholm, Sweden . ICES Council Meeting Papers, 1999 (L:26).

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Gröger, J. P. and Schnack, D. (1999) Report of the HERRING ASSESSMENT WORKING GROUP for the area south of 62°N. Open Access [Paper] In: ICES Council Meeting 1999. , 29.09.-02.10.1999, Stockholm, Sweden ; pp. 1-203 . ICES Council Meeting Papers, ACFM:12 .

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Hinrichsen, H. H., Böttcher, U., Oeberst, R., Voss, R. and Lehmann, A. (1999) Drift patterns of cod early life stages in the Baltic: exchange between the western and eastern stock, a physical modelling approach. Open Access [Paper] In: ICES Council Meeting 1999. , 29.09.-02.10.1999, Stockholm, Sweden . ICES Council Meeting Papers, Y:04 .

Holfort, J. and Zenk, W. (1999) SONNE-Reise 113: Zirkulation in mittleren Tiefen des tropischen Westpazifiks. [Paper] In: Statusseminar. . Meeresforschung mit FS SONNE. ; pp. 241-243 .

Jung, T. and Ruprecht, E. (1999) On the Nature of the North Atlantic Oscillation and its Interdecadal Variability. [Paper] In: 10th Symposium on Global Change Studies. , 10.-15.01.1999, Dallas, USA .

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Lückge, A., Berner, U., Poggenburg, J., Schmaljohann, R., von Rad, U. and Linke, P. (1999) Gas seeps and methane in the water column at the Makran accretionary wedge. Open Access [Paper] In: Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne 1999. , 10.-12.03.1999, Freiberg, Germany . Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne. ; pp. 229-230 .

Petuhov, K. and Waniek, J. J. (1999) Distribution of characteristical hydrographic parameters during the SW-Monsoon 1997 along the drift trajectory. [Paper] In: WOCE India Ocean Workshop. . WOCE Report 164/1999. .

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Plikshs, M., Hinrichsen, H. H., Köster, F., Tomkiewicz, J. and Berzins, V. (1999) Baltic cod reproduction in the Gotland Basin: annual variability and possible causes. Open Access [Paper] In: ICES Council Meeting 1999. , 29.09.-02.10.1999, Stockholm, Sweden . ICES Council Meeting Papers, 1999 (Y:31).

Podgorsek, L., Weitzel, B., Gocke, K. and Imhoff, J. F. and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (1999) Mikrobiologische und geochemische Untersuchungen in Hydrothermalfeldern des Nord-Fiji-Beckens (HYFIFLUX II). [Paper] In: Statusseminar 1999. . Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne. ; pp. 365-368 .

Schmaljohann, R., Drews, M. and Imhoff, J. F. and Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (1999) Thioploca-Gemeinschaften in Sedimenten der Sauerstoff-Minimum-Zone im Arabischen Meer vor Pakistan (SONNE-130/MAKRAN II). [Paper] In: Statusseminar 1999. . Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne. ; pp. 375-378 .

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Tomkiewicz, J. and Köster, F. W. (1999) Maturation processes and spawning time of cod in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea: Preliminary results. Open Access [Paper] In: ICES Council Meeting 1999. , 29.09.-02.10.1999, Stockholm, Sweden ; pp. 1-19 . ICES Council Meeting Papers, Y:25 .

von Bremen, L., Ruprecht, E. and Macke, A. (1999) Modelling Study of Beamfilling Effects in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing. [Paper] In: IEEE 1999 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. , 28.06.-02.07.1999, Hamburg, Germany .

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