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Number of items: 613.

Abegg, F., Kuhn, T., Lackschewitz, K., Pieper, M., Hinz, C., Huusmann, H., Meier, A. and Devey, C. W. (2008) ROV Kiel 6000 on R.V. L'Atalante: experiences and results. [Talk] In: Tagung Inmartech 08. , 08.10.2008, Toulon, France .

Abegg, F. and Pieper, M. (2008) Quest 5 and 7 LARS System. [Talk] In: Tagung Inmartech 08. , 08.10, Toulon, France .

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Amini, M., Eisenhauer, A. , Holmden, C., Böhm, F., Hauff, F. and Jochum, K. P. (2008) δ44/40Ca variability in igneous rocks. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada . DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.004.

Appelhans, Y., Lenz, M. and Wahl, M. (2008) Partners wanted: The international research program GAME establishes a unique global network in marine benthic ecology. [Talk] In: 37th Benthic Ecology Meeting. , 09-13.04, Providence Rhode Island, USA .

Appelhans, Y., Medeiros, H. E., da Gama, B. A. P., Lenz, M. and Wahl, M. (2008) Metabolites for nothing and the defense for free? The influence of low-light stress on defensive traits against herbivory in four Brazilian macroalgae. [Talk] In: 37. Benthic Ecology Meeting. , 09.-13.04.2008, Providence Rhode Island, USA .

Arroyo, I. G., Husen, S., Flueh, E. R. and Alvarado, G. E. (2008) 3-D P-wave velocity structure and seismicity in Central Costa Rica from Local Earthquake Tomography using an amphibic network. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.12.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .

Arsad, S., Eidens, C., Lenz, M. and Abdullah, A. S. (2008) Effects of feeding pressure and low-light stress on the performance of antiherbivore defenses in the two red algae Gracilaria edulis and Gracilaria salicornia from Malay Peninsular. [Talk] In: UMT International Symposium on Sustainability Science and Management. , 08.-20.06.2008, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia .

Ashi, J., Lallemant, S., Kimura, G., Screaton, E., Kinoshita, M., Tobin, H., Masago, H., Moe, K. T., Curewitz, D., Kanamatsu, T., Kitamura, Y. and NanTroSEIZE Stage 1A Shipboard Scientists (2008) Evolution of the accretionary prism and the forearc basin of the Nankai Trough off Kumano? Shipboard results of stratigraphy and age from NanTroSEIZE Stage 1A Expeditions. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Ashi, J., Lallemant, S., Masago, H., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 Scientists (2008) Preliminary results of Mega-Splay Riser Pilot during IODP Expedition 315 in the central Nankai Trough. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Avdeeva, A. and Avdeev, D. (2008) 3D MT Inversion with a Limited-Memory QN Method. [Talk] In: MT 3D Inversion Workshop. , 12.-14.03, Dublin, Ireland .

Avdeev, D. and Avdeeva, A. (2008) 3D MT inversion of the DIAS secret dataset. [Talk] In: MT 3D Inversion Workshop. , 12.-14.03, Dublin, Ireland .

Baars, O. (2008) Chemical speciation of the trace elements Zn, Cd, Co and Ni in the Southern Ocean and potential impacts on phytoplankton species. [Talk] In: FB2 Seminar, Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR). , 27.10.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Bange, H. W. (2008) Biogeochemical studies off Mauritania: First results from SOPRAN. [Talk] In: RCOM/MARUM. , 23.01, Bremen .

Bange, H. W. (2008) Nitrous oxide and methane in coastal areas, Keynote lecture. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Bange, H. W. (2008) Nitrous oxide during Meteor74/1b. [Talk] In: Meteor post cruise meeting. , 02.10, Hamburg .

Bange, H. W. (2008) Trace gases in the ocean. [Talk] In: BIOCAT Summer School. , 16.09, Kiel .

Barckhausen, U., Gibbons, A., Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Mueller, D. R. (2008) Seafloor spreading anomalies of the south-eastern Indian Ocean revisited. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Bauch, H. (2008) Marine records of Glacial-Interglacial change from the Arctic periphery. [Invited talk] In: GEOTOP. , 28.01, Montréal, Québec, Canada .

Bauch, H. (2008) The potential of mollusk shells to reconstruct paleohydrological change at the North Eurasian margin. [Talk] In: Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research, Annual Workshop. , 25.02.-26.02, Kiel .

Bauch, H. (2008) Records of paleoenvironmental change from the Arctic periphery. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 07.02, Bremen .

Bauch, H. and Kandiano, E. (2008) Late Holocene water mass change in the Norwegian Sea caused by different ocean-atmosphere circulation patterns. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Bauch, H. , Kassens, H., Meyer, H., Polyakova, Y., Rekant, P. and Hoelemann, J. A. (2008) Evidence for the alteration of submarine permafrost at the northern Siberian continental margin since last glacial times. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year". , 08.07.-11.07.2008, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Bauch, H. , Kassens, H., Meyer, H., Polyakova, Y. and Rekant, P. (2008) Alteration of submarine permafrost at the North Siberian continental margin. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.04.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Bauch, H. , Kassens, H., Meyer, H., Polyakova, Y. and Rekant, P. (2008) Pore water chemistry infers alteration of submarine permafrost since the last global sea-level rise. [Talk] In: 2. APEX Workshop. , 01.04.-04.04, Durham, UK .

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Behrmann, J. H. , Heberer, B., Roeser, G., Rahn, M. and Kopf, A. (2008) Young sediments from the Southern Chile Trench: a record of active margin magmatism, tectonics, and paleoseismicity. [Talk] In: 4. Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.11.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

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Behrmann, J. H. , Roeser, G. and Kopf, A. (2008) Did differences in composition and strength of subducted sediment define the rupture of the great 1960 Chile earthquake?. [Talk] In: 4. Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.11.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Bessho, K., Kubicek, A., Nakaoka, M., Lenz, M. and Wahl, M. (2008) Effects of light limitation on defensive traits in marine macroalgae: Defense strategies of Chondrus yendoi against herbivory. [Talk] In: 55. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan. , 14.-17.03.2008, Fukuoka, Japan .

Biastoch, A. (2008) Agulhas Leakage: Importance of Small-Scale Dynamics and Large-scale Impact. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 23.09, Cape Town, South Africa .

Biastoch, A. (2008) Agulhas Leakage: Importance of Small-Scale Dynamics and Large-scale Impact. [Talk] In: Seminar Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU. , 04.12, Utrecht, Netherlands .

Biastoch, A. (2008) Agulhas Leakage: Importance of Small-Scale Dynamics and Large-Scale Impact. [Invited talk] In: Kolloquium. , 29.04, Warnemünde .

Biastoch, A. (2008) A Model Study of Agulhas Leakage: Mesoscale Variability and Large-Scale Implications. [Talk] In: FB1-Seminar. , 18.02, Kiel .

Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. and Scheinert, M. (2008) The Agulhas System as a Key Region of the Global Oceanic Circulation. [Invited talk] In: NEC/HLRS Teraflop Workshop. , 13.11, Sendai, Japan .

Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. , Scheinert, M. and Lutjeharms, J. (2008) The Agulhas System as a Key Region of the Global Oceanic Circulation. [Invited talk] In: 11th HLRS Results and Review Workshop. , 29.09, Stuttgart .

Biastoch, A. , Lütjeharms, J. R. E., Scheinert, M. , Böning, C. W. and Siedler, G. (2008) The Importance of Small-scale Dynamics on the Agulhas Leakage. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Biermann, A., Engel, A. , Sommer, U. and Riebesell, U. (2008) The combined effect of temperature and light on the cycling of organic matter during a phytoplankton bloom (spring 2008) - a mesocosm study. [Talk] In: 5. AQUASHIFT-Workshop (in the framework of the DGL Annual Meeting). , 22.-26.09, Konstanz .

Biescas, B., Ribodetti, A., Sallàres, V., Carbonell, R., Papenberg, C. and Klaeschen, D. (2008) Velocity model inversion from seismic reflection stacked data using the Very Fast Simulated Annealing algorithm. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

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Bigalke, N., Gust, G., Rehder, G. and Meyer, A. (2008) Hydrodynamically constrained flux of in-situ generated methane hydrate dissolving into undersaturated seawater. [Talk] In: 9. ICGMS. , 16.09, Bremen .

Bleich, M., Melzner, F., Hiebenthal, C. , Mempel, H., Schulz, K., Riebesell, U. , Wahl, M. , Sommer, F., Sommer, U., Form, A., Piatkowski, U. , Hanel, R., Piepenburg, D., Spindler, M., Eisenhauer, A. , Franke, A., Möller, V., Baumert, G. A. and Clemmesen, C. (2008) Kiel CO2 manipulation experimental facility (KICO2). [Talk] In: Second Symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 06.-09.10, Monaco .

Boettger-Schnack, R. and Machida, R. (2008) Species identification of the microcopepod family Oncaeidae in the Mediterranean Sea using morphological and molecular criteria. [Talk] In: 10. International Conference on Copepoda. , 13.-19.07., Pattaya, Thailand .

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Böhm, F., Rausch, S., Eisenhauer, A. , Bach, W. and Klügel, A. (2008) Low temperature alteration carbonates in the ocean crust and their importance for CO2 uptake and the global Ca cycle. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. , 24.09.2008, Princeton, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change. [Talk] In: National Center for Atmospheric research. , 06.10.2008, Princeton, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to recent climate change. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .

Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) Multi-decadal warming and freshening of the ACC. [Talk] In: International Symposium "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans". , 20.05.2008, Gijón, Spain .

Brasse, H., Kapinos, G., Mäutschard, L., Alvarado, G. E., Worzewski, T. and Jegen-Kulcsar, M. (2008) First deep resistivity section of Costa Rica. [Talk] In: 19. International Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth. , 23.10.-29.10, Beijing, China .

Breitbarth, E., Bellerby, R., Neill, C. C., Ardelan, M. V., Meyerhöfer, M., Zöllner, E., Croot, P. and Riebesell, U. (2008) Ocean Acidification Effects on Iron Speciation in Seawater. [Talk] In: 2. International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. , 06.10, Monaco .

Breithaupt, P., Lewandowska, A. M., Von Scheibner, M., Walther, K., Sommer, U., Jürgens, K. and Hoppe, H. G. (2008) The influence of temperature and light on phytoplankton - bacterioplankton interactions during the spring bloom - Recurring patterns from four years of mesocosm experiments. [Talk] In: DFG AQUASHIFT Workshop auf dem DGL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie) Jahrestreffen. , 26.09.2008, Konstanz, Germany .

Büdenbender, J., Comeau, S., Bartz, M., Lischka, S. and Riebesell, U. (2008) Impact of ocean acidification and warming on polar shelled pteropods (Limacina spp.) - preliminary results. [Talk] In: 2. AWIPEV Scientific Workshop on French-German Polar Research in Svalbard. , 08.-10.10, Bremen .

Buffet, G., Biescas, B., Machin, F., Sallàres, V., Pelegri, J., Carbonell, R., Klaeschen, D. and Hobbs, R. (2008) New Perspectives on the Physical Characterization of the Mediterranean Undercurrent. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Cerda, O., Pansch, C. , Lenz, M., Wahl, M. and Thiel, M. (2008) Effects of low-light stress on anti-herbivore and anti-fouling defenses in four macroalgae species from northern-central Chile. [Talk] In: 28. Chilean Marine Sciences Conference. , 26.-30.05.2008, Vina del Mar, Chile .

Chen, J. and Jegen-Kulcsar, M. (2008) Empirical model decomposition and Hilbert Hunag Transform (HHT) in MT data processing. [Talk] In: 19. International Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth. , 23.10.-29.10, Beijing, China .

Clemmesen, C. (2008) Determination of nutritional condition and growth in larval fish. [Talk] In: Kolloquium am Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut , Institut für Ostseefischerei Rostock. , 08.04, Rostock .

Clemmesen, C. (2008) Nahrungsuntersuchungen an Heringslarven (RNA/DNA). [Talk] In: OSF-Kolloquium zum Thema "Untersuchungen an Heringslarven in der westlichen Ostsee". , 08.04, Rostock .

Croot, P. (2008) Artifical iron fertilisation experiments (What have we learnt - what is it we still need to understand). [Talk] In: EurOceans Workshop - Iron Biogeochemistry across marine systems at changing times. , 14.05, Gothenburg, Sweden .

Dando, P. R., Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., Linke, P. and Aliani, S. (2008) Mapping hydrothermal sites and methane plume off Milos, Aegean Sea: a comparison of ship and aerial surveys. [Other] In: EGU General Assembl. , 14.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

de Benedetti, A. A., Esposito, A., Monecke, T., Petersen, S. and Giordano, G. (2008) New high resolution bathymetric data from Panarea (Aeolian islands) offshore: the bathymetry in the area of the Basiluzzo islet. [Talk] In: IAVCEI 2008. , 17.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Dengg, J. and Cochoy, D. (2008) Einmal Meeresforscher sein... Schülerprojekte in den Meereswissenschaften. [Talk] In: Sommervorträge. , 03.06, Maasholm .

Dengg, J. and Jamous, M. (2008) CarboSchools - Partnerships between climate researchers and secondary school teachers. [Talk] In: 6. CarboEurope Integrated Project Meeting. , 30.09, Jena .

Dengg, J., Knickmeier, K. and Neuhaus, R. (2008) Attracting students to science: NaT-Working "Marine Research" from a scientist's point of view. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Orlando, Florida, USA .

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Dengler, M. (2008) Folgen des Klimawandels für Europa - Reißt der Golfstrom ab?. [Invited talk] In: Deutsch-französisches Seminar "Klimawandel" des Lehrstuhls Wissenschaftsjournalismus der TU-Dortmund. , 06.10.2008, Dortmund, Germany .

Dengler, M. (2008) Mixing Processes in the eastern upwelling region of the tropical Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: Symposium "Highlights in Physical Oceanography". , 15.02, Bremen .

Dengler, M. (2008) Verändert sich die großräumige Zirkulation im Atlantischen Ozean?,. [Invited talk] In: Studentische Meteorologische Tagung StMeTa08. , 01.05, Kiel .

DeShon, H. R., Dinc, A. and Rabbel, W. (2008) P-wave Velocity Modeling Using Onshore/Offshore Passive Seismic Networks Along the Middle America Subduction Zone, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15-19 December, San Francisco, USA .

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Devey, C. W. and Stroncik, N. (2008) Plume-ridge interaction: Dying from the feet up. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada .

Diekmann, B., Andreev, A., Dirksen, O., Hoff, U., Luepfert, H., Mueller, S., Nazarova, L., Pestrakova, L., Popp, S., Subetto, D. and Werner, K. (2008) Lake Records of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes and Palaeoclimate in Northeastern Eurasia. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference 2008. , 08.-11.07, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Dmitrenko, I. A., Kirillov, S. A., Tremblay, L. B., Bauch, D. and Makhotin, M. (2008) Effects of atmospheric vorticity on the seasonal hydrographic cycle over the eastern Siberian shelf. [Talk] In: OSL Annual Meeting - 2007/2008 Fellowship Program. , 25.02.-26.02.2008, Kiel .

Dmitrenko, I., Bauch, D. , Kirillov, S. A., Koldunov, N., Ivanov, V. V., Hoelemann, J. A. and Timokhov, L. (2008) Barents Sea upstream events impact the interannual variability of Atlantic water inflow into the Arctic Ocean: evidence from 2005-2006 downstream observations. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC International Conference on the International Polar Year. , 08.-11.07.2008, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Dmitrenko, I., Kirillov, S. A., Tremblay, L. B. and Bauch, D. (2008) Effects of atmospheric vorticity on the seasonal hydrographic cycle over the eastern Siberian shelf. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year". , 08.07.-11.07, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Das Klima 2100. [Public Lecture] In: Drei Königstreffen. , 06.01, Itzehoe .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Das Klima 2100. [Public Lecture] In: Klimakonferenz, Kieler Klima Tage. , 23.02, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Das Klima 2100. [Public Lecture] In: Kieler Bauaustellung. , 07.09, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Das Klima 2100. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.07, Plön .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Das Klima 2100. [Public Lecture] In: Gustav Heinemann Weiterbildung. , 05.11, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Der Klimawandel. [Public Lecture] In: Deutsch-Dänische Gymnasiums Hadersleben - Vortrag. , 06.05, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Der Klimawandel. [Public Lecture] In: Internationaler Städte Forum Kieler Woche. , 21.06, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Der Klimawandel. [Public Lecture] In: Podiumsdiskussion. , 02.07, Bad Schwartau .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Generation of global hyper climate modes. [Talk] In: Conference on Teleconnections in the Atmosphere and Oceans, ICTP. , 17,11, Trieste, Italy .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Global Hyper Climate Modes. [Talk] In: STUDMET Tagung. , 01.05, Kiel .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Global Hyper Climate Modes. [Talk] In: The 2nd Korean-German Workshop on Earth System Modeling: Global teleconnections and the East Asian Region. , 03.06, Korea .

Dommenget, D. (2008) Ist das klima noch zu retten?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.-29.03, Goslar .

Dommenget, D. (2008) A Null Hypothesis for Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Modes. [Invited talk] In: Monte Verita workshop on ‘Variability of the Global Atmospheric Circulation during the Past 100 Years'. , 16.07, Monte Verita, Switzerland .

Dommenget, D. (2008) The Ocean's Lead in Continental Climate Change and Variability. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Dommenget, D. and Latif, M. (2008) Generation of Global Hyper Climate Modes. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Duggen, S. (2008) Stabile und radiogene Isotope im globalen Wandel der Ozeane im Miozän und Pliozän. [Invited talk] In: Symposium. , 09.07, Bremen .

Duggen, S. (2008) Were mantle processes responsibel for the desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea ca. 6 million years ago?. [Invited talk] In: Deep Crust and Mantle Dynamics Group Seminar College. , 19.09, College Station, Texas, USA .

Duggen, S. (2008) Why the Mediterranean Sea ran dry ca. 6 million years ago: the role of mantle processes for the causes of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. [Invited talk] In: Dpt. die Geodinamica Seminar. , 25.01, Granada, Spain .

Duggen, S., Olgun, N., Croot, P., Dietze, H. , Schacht, U., Oskarsson, N., Siebe, C. and Auer, A. (2008) The significance on volcanic ash for the surface ocean iron budget and phytoplankton growth. [Talk] In: International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earths Interior (IAVCEI) Meeting. , 17.08.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Duggen, S., Olgun, N., Croot, P., Hoffmann, L., Schacht, U. and Dietze, H. (2008) The role of volcanic ash for surface ocean iron fertilisation. [Talk] In: EUR-OCEANS Workshop "Iron Biogeochemistry Across Marine Systems At Changing Times". , 14.05.-16.05, Gothenburg .

Dullo, W. C. (2008) Cold-water coral growth in relation to the hydrography of the Celtic and Nordic European Continental Margin. [Talk] In: Workshop Cold-water Coral Ecosystems in a Changing World. , 17.01, Gent, Belgium .

Dullo, W. C. (2008) Das neue Forschungsschiff "Maria S. Merian": Bau, Erprobung und erste Forschungsfahrt. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 10.01, Hamburg .

Dullo, W. C. (2008) Geobiology of European continental margins: the cold-water coral reefs. [Talk] In: Kolloquiumsvortrag. , 12.11, Bremerhaven .

Dullo, W. C. (2008) Korallen und Schwämme im Zeugenstand: Wie war das Klima? Wohin geht es?. [Public Lecture] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 12.06, Berlin .

Dullo, W. C. (2008) Umweltveränderungen im Meer: Korallen berichten. [Talk] In: Kolloquiumsvortrag. , 28.04, Jena .

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Dullo, W. C. , Flögel, S. and Rüggeberg, A. (2008) Cold-water coral growth in relation to the hydrography of the Celtic and Nordic European Continental Margin. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Dullo, W. C. , Flögel, S. and Rüggeberg, A. (2008) Hydrographic control of cold water coral habitats on the Atlantic continental margin of Europe. [Talk] In: First EuroMARC Conference. , 15.-17.09, La Colle-sur-Loup, France .

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Eisenhauer, A. , Böhm, F., Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Amini, M., Kisakurek, B., Heuser, A. , Tang, J. and Dietzel, M. (2008) The application of natural divalent cation isotope (Ca, Sr, Mg) fractionation (DCIF) in earth system research. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada .

Engel, A. (2008) Organic and export production, elemental ratios. [Invited talk] In: Workshop on Best Practices for Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting, IFM-GEOMAR. , 19.-21.11.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Engel, A. (2008) Reactivity and fate of organic matter in the ocean. [Invited talk] In: IFM-GEOMAR Colloquium. , 2008, Kiel, Germany .

Engel, A. (2008) Testing the effects of ocean acidification on marine plankton: What can we expect in the future?. [Invited talk] In: SOMAS Special Seminar, Stony Brook University. , 2008, Stony Brook, USA .

Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Guenther, D., Frische, M., Zumholz, K., Hansteen, T. and Eisenhauer, A. (2008) Improvements in Precise and Accurate Isotope Ratio Determination via LA-MC-ICP-MS by Application of an Alternative Data Reduction Protocol. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15-19 December, San Francisco, USA .

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Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Günther, D., Frische, A., Zumholz, K., Hansteen, T. H. and Eisenhauer, A. (2008) Alternative data reduction for precise and accurate isotope ratio determination via LA-MC-ICP-MS. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada .

Flögel, S., Dullo, W. C. , Parkin, G., Pollard, D., Hay, W. W. and Wagner, T. (2008) Continental hydrology and its linkages to teh marine realm and organic rich sediments - from the Late Cretaceous greenhouse to the Future. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Flögel, S., Dullo, W. C. , Pfannkuche, O., Schönfeld, J. and Rüggeberg, A. (2008) Cold-water coral growth in relation to the hydrography of the Celtic and Nordic European Continental Margin. [Talk] In: HERMES Annual Meeting. , 31.03, Carvoeiro, Portugal .

Flögel, S., Rüggeberg, A. and Dullo, W. C. (2008) Cold-water coral growth in relation to the hydrography of the Celtic and Nordic European Continental Margin. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Flögel, S., Rüggeberg, A., Mienis, F. and Dullo, W. C. (2008) Cold-water corals and the hydrochemistry of the ambient bottom water masses - results from the NE-Atlantic and the Mediterranean. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Frank, M. (2008) Tracing Past Ocean Circulation and Continental Weathering with Radiogenic Isotopes. [Talk] In: Seminarvortrag im Kolloquium des Instituts für Geowissenschaften. , 24.01, Tübingen .

Frank, M. , Haley, B., Spielhagen, R., Eisenhauer, A. , Backman, J. and Fietzke, J. (2008) Arctic Ocean circulation and weathering inputs over the past 15 million years. [Talk] In: DFG-IODP/ICDP-Kolloquium. , 13.03, Hannover .

Froese, R. (2008) AquaMaps for GBIF. [Talk] In: Meeting to explore options for partnership between AquaMaps and GBIF. , 30.01, Copenhagen, Denmark .

Froese, R. (2008) AquaMaps: Mapping Marine Biodiversity. [Talk] In: Stockholm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium, NRM. , 03.12, Stockholm, Sweden .

Froese, R. (2008) AquaMaps: Mapping Marine Biodiversity. [Talk] In: FishBase Symposium. , 01.09, Qingdao, China .

Froese, R. (2008) Ecological Impacts of Current Quota Systems. [Talk] In: Workshop on Marine and Coastal Resources: Risks and Law. , 07.09, Kiel .

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Froese, R. (2008) Fisch kaputt: Ursachen der weltweiten Überfischung. [Public Lecture] In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2008. , 18.11.2008, Kiel . Fisch kaputt: Ursachen der weltweiten Überfischung. .

Froese, R. (2008) Fishes under Threat: an Analysis of the Fishes in the 2007 IUCN Red List. [Talk] In: FishBase Symposium. , 03.11, Stockholm, Sweden .

Froese, R. (2008) From FishBase to SpeciesBase. [Talk] In: Stockholm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium, NRM. , 01.12, Stockholm, Sweden .

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Froese, R. (2008) Recent Trends in Global Fisheries. [Talk] In: 2. Future Ocean Symposium. , 08.09.2008, Kiel .

Froese, R. (2008) Situation der Fischerei, wo gibt es nachhaltigen Fisch?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.02, Heilbronn .

Froese, R. (2008) Towards a global species information system: progress in the Oceans. [Talk] In: EC-Side Event at the Convention of Biological Diversity. , 19.05, Bonn .

Froese, R. (2008) Ursachen und Lösungen für die weltweite Überfischung. [Talk] In: 28. Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Informatik in der Landwirtschaft. , 10.03, Kiel .

Froese, R. (2008) Weltweite Überfischung, was kann der Handel tun?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 22.04, Berlin .

Gaedke, U., Ruhenstroth-Bauer, M., Wiegand, I., Tirok, K., Aberle, N., Breithaupt, P., Lengfellner, K., Wohlers, J. and Sommer, U. (2008) Spring phytoplankton dynamics depend on temperature, cloudiness, grazing and overwintering biomasses - a process oriented modeling study based on mesocosm experiments. [Talk] In: 5. AQUASHIFT-Workshop (in the framework of the DGL Annual Meeting). , 22.-26.09, Konstanz .

Gay, A., Berndt, C. and Planke, S. (2008) The Gjallar Giant Vent (GGV): A huge cold seep on the Norwegian Margin driven by the reactivation of ancient hydrothermal hot vents. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Geldmacher, J., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P. and Klügel, A. (2008) Age and geochemistry of the Central American forearc basement: insights into Mesozoic arc volacanism and seamount accretion on the fringe of the Caribbean large igneous province. [Other] In: Joint Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America. , 05.10.-09.10, Houston, Texas, USA .

Géli, L. B., Hobbs, R., Klaeschen, D. , Cosquer, E., Marsset, B., Klingelhoefer, F. and Papenberg, C. (2008) High Resolution Seismic Images Of The Water Structure Obtained With A Small Volume Source Array. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Géli, L., Hobbs, R., Klaeschen, D. , Cosquer, E., Marsset, B., Klingelhoeffer, F. and Papenberg, C. (2008) High resolution seismic images of the water structure obtained with a small volume source array. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Gemmell, J. B., Petersen, S. , Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. , Gibson, H., Perrin, K., Sharpe, R. and Simpson, K. (2008) Drilling of shallow marine sulphide-sulfate mineralisation in south-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. [Talk] In: PACRIM-Congress. , 25.11, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia .

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Getzlaff, K. , Voss, R., Hinrichsen, H. H., Lehmann, A., Köster, F. and Harlaß, J. (2008) CAVIAR: Climate Variability of the Baltic Sea Area. [Talk] In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 23.09.2008, Halifax, Canada .

Gleßmer, M., Eden, C. and Oschlies, A. (2008) Contributions of Oxygen Minimum Zone Waters to the Upwelling off Mauritania. [Talk] In: Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems Symposium. , 04.06.2008, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain .

Gleßmer, M., Eden, C. and Oschlies, A. (2008) Contributions of Oxygen Minimum Zone Waters to the Upwellingoff Mauritania. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Gleßmer, M., Eden, C. and Oschlies, A. (2008) Modeling the Upwelling off Mauritania. [Talk] In: SOPRAN Meeting. , 11.03, Warnemünde .

Gleßmer, M., Eden, C. and Oschlies, A. (2008) Upwelling off Mauritania - Transports, pathways and importancefor the ventilation of the OMZ investigated in an eddy-resolving model. [Talk] In: AGU Ocean ScienceMeeting. , 04.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Grbec, B., Morovic, M., Molinero, J. C., Matic, F., Beg Paklar, G., Marasovic, I., Nincevic, Z., Dulcic, J. and Skoko, S. M. (2008) The influence of Northern Hemisphere climate patterns on the Adriatic Sea pelagic ecosystem. [Talk] In: Effects of climate Change on the World Oceans. , 19.-23.05, Gijon, Spain .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Different perspectives on the transport of heat by the ocean. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.02, Bremen .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) The dispersal of wind-generated near-inertial energy in the ocean. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 09.12, Warnemünde .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) The dispersal of wind-generated near-inertial energy in the ocean. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 25.02, Liverpool, UK .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) The dispersal of wind-generated near-inertial energy in the ocean. [Talk] In: JONSMOD08. , 23.-25.06, Bergen, Norway .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Heat transport by eddies. [Invited talk] In: Southern Ocean Theory Workshop. , 05.06, Liverpool, UK .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Prospects for decadal prediction of the North Atlantic Oscillation. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 25.03, Nanjing, China .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Prospects for decadal prediction of the North Atlantic Oscillation. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 13.03, Nanjing, China .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Prospects for decadal prediction of the North Atlantic Oscillation. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.03, Nanjing, China .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Revisiting some ideas about the wind-driven ocean circulation. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 25.04, Kiel .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) The trend in northern hemisphere winter atmospheric circulation during the last half of the 20th century: Application of an adjoint model. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 20.05, Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, Canada .

Greatbatch, R. (2008) Wind-driven Ocean Circulation. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.-21.03, Nanjing, China .

Greinert, J. and Bialas, J. (2008) An overview of latest cold seep research around New Zealand. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04.2008, Vienna, Austria .

Greinert, J. , Faure, K., Bialas, J. , Linke, P. , Pecher, I. and Rowden, A. (2008) An overview of the latest results of cold seep research along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Gas hydrates in the marine environment - from cold seeps to marine CCS. [Talk] In: Frontier of Sciences Colloquium. , 08.02, München .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Gas hydrates: potentials for energy production and CO2 storage. [Talk] In: AIESEC Energy Symposium. , 22.11, Bremen .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Gas hydrates: potentials for energy production and CO2 storage. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 27.11, Erlangen .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Methane hydrate production and CO2 sequestration. [Talk] In: 2nd Symposium of "The Future Ocean", Workshop "Marine and Coastal Resources: Risks and Law". , 06.-09.10, Kiel .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Options for marine CCS. [Talk] In: UBA Press Conference. , 16.-17.06, Berlin .

Haeckel, M. (2008) Options for storage of carbon dioxide in marine sediments. [Talk] In: 14th German-American Frontiers of Science Symposium. , 11.-14.06, Potsdam .

Haeckel, M. (2008) The SUGAR project - Submarine gas hydrate reservoirs: exploration, exploitation, and transport. [Talk] In: BMWi "Forschung und Entwicklung in Schifffahrt und Meerestechnik" Statustagung 2008. , 11.12, Warnemünde .

Haeckel, M. , Reitz, A., Klaucke, I. and Sahling, H. (2008) Methane budget of a large gas hydrate province offshore Georgia, Black Sea. [Talk] In: 6th International Conference of Gas Hydrates 2008. , 06.-10.07, Vancouver, Canada .

Haeckel, M. , Sommer, S. and Linke, P. (2008) Porewater geochemistry and methane fluxes of cold seeps at the Hikurangi margin, offshore New Zealand. [Other] In: EGU General Assembl. , 14.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Haeckel, M. and Wallmann, K. (2008) Indications for convective flow induced by focussed fluid venting at bacterial mats. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada . DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.011.

Haeckel, M. and Wallmann, K. (2008) Indications for convective flow induced by focussed fluid venting at bacterial mats. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07, Vancouver, Canada .

Halama, R., Bebout G. E., John, T. and Schenk, V. (2008) Nitrogen cycling in subduction zones: Insights from eclogites of the Raspas Complex, Ecuador. [Talk] In: DMG-Konferenz. , 14.- 17.09, Berlin, Deutschland .

Halama, R., Bebout, G. E., John, T. and Schenk, V. (2008) Recycling of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from high-pressure and ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks. [Talk] In: AGU 2008 - Fall meeting. , 15.- 19.12, San Francisco, USA .

Hall-Spencer, J., Fossá, J. H., Rüggeberg, A. , Fine, M. and Rodolfo-Metalpa, R. (2008) Effects of ocean acidification on temperate corals. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Hamada, Y., Hirono, T., Nishima, T., Ishikawa, T., Tanimizu, M., Ujiie, K., Ikehara, M., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 315/316 Scientific Parties (2008) Heat detection and chemical analysis of the fault-related black materials discovered from IODP Expeditions 315 and 316. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Hammann, M., Buchholz, B., Karez, R. and Weinberger, F. (2008) Impact of the invasive red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla upon native Fucus communities in the Baltic Sea. [Talk] In: 43. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 08.-12.09.2008, Ponta Delgada, Azoren, Portugal .

Hanel, R., John, H. C., Meyer-Klaeden, O. and Piatkowski, U. (2008) Abundance and distribution patterns of fish larvae at Senghor Seamount, Cape Verde Islands. [Talk] In: ICES Annual Science Conference, ICES Council Meeting, C:25. , Halifax, Canada .

Hansteen, T. , Freundt, A. , Kutterolf, S. and Galle, B. (2008) Magma flux rates through the Central American Volcanic Arc. [Talk] In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 17.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Harms, L. and Piatkowski, U. (2008) Distribution patterns and growth rate estimation of early life stages of oceanic cephalopods in the Indian Ocean. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

Haslob, H., Petereit, C., Clemmesen, C. and Kraus, G. (2008) The effect of natural variability of life-history parameters on Baltic sprat population dynamics. [Talk] In: Aquashift-Workshop. , 27.09, Konstanz .

Haslob, H., Rohlf, N. and Schnack, D. (2008) Small scale distribution patterns and vertical migration of North Sea herring (Clupea harengus) larvae in relation to abiotic and biotic factors - food for IBMs. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 05.08, Kiel .

Haslob, H., Saborido-Rey, F. and Kraus, G. (2008) Estimation of sprat spawning interval and spawning frequency. [Talk] In: Joint NAFO-FRESH Meeting. , 18.11, Palermo, Italy .

Hauss, H. , Würzberg, L. and Peck, M. A. (2008) Impacts of prey field characteristics on foraging, growth and condition of larval herring. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 05.08, Kiel .

Hauss, H. , Würzberg, L. and Peck, M. A. (2008) Larval herring growth vs.consumption: Testing IBM parameterisations at the individual level. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

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Heberer, B., Behrmann, J. H. and Rahn, M. (2008) Tracking the provenance - assessing sedimentary pathways and upper plate dynamics at the South Central Chile margin. [Talk] In: 4. Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.11.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

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Heberer, B., Behrmann, J. H. and Rahn, M. (2008) Tracking the provenance - assessing sedimentary pathways and upper plate dynamics at the South Central Chile margin. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.04.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Heinold, B., Tegen, I., Laurent, B. and Schepanski, K. (2008) Radiative Effects andFeedbacks of Mineral Dust on Boundary Layer Dynamics in the Saharan Desert - Results from a Regional Modelling Study. [Talk] In: 3. International Workshop on Mineral Dust. , 15.-17.09, Leipzig .

Heinold, B., Tegen, I., Laurent, B. and Schepanski, K. (2008) Regional Modelling of Saharan Dust: Dust radiative Effects and Feedbacks on Boundary Layer Dynamics. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Helland, I. P., Clemmesen, C. , Petereit, C. and Mehner, T. (2008) Growth and recruitment of larval vendace (Coregonus albula) in a deep lake. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 05.08, Kiel .

Heller, M. (2008) SOPRAN (German SOLAS) Superoxide reactivity at TENATSO. [Talk] In: INDP. , 05.08, Mindelo, S. Vicente, Cabo Verde .

Hennings, I. and Herbers, D. (2008) On an improved radar imaging theory of marine sand wave signatures applicable to TerraSAR-X data. [Talk] In: Marine and River Dune Dynamics III, International Workshop. , 01.-03.04, Leeds, United Kingdom .

Henriet, J. P., Andres, M., Dullo, W. C. , Foubert, A., Hebbeln, D., Rüggeberg, A. and Van Rooij, D. (2008) COCARDE: an industry-academia partnership for the study of Cold-Water Carbonate Reservoir Systems in Deep Environments. [Talk] In: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition. , 16.09, Cape Town, South Africa .

Hetzinger, S. , Halfar, J., Kronz, A., Steneck, R., Adey, W., Lebednik, P. A. and Schöne, B. R. (2008) High-resolution Mg/Ca ratios in crustose coralline red algae from the subarctic North Pacific – a record of past climate variability. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04.2008, Vienna, Austria .

Hetzinger, S., Pfeiffer, M., Dullo, W. C. , Ruprecht, E. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2008) Impact of remote forcing on climate in the eastern Caribbean Sea during the 20th century as captured by a coral record from Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles). [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Hieronymi, M. (2008) Light Variability in the Ocean and Biological Responces. [Talk] In: Meteorologie Seminar. , 17.07, Kiel .

Hieronymi, M. (2008) Measurements of Solar Radiation at High Sea. [Talk] In: Wissenschaftliche Vortragsreihe ANT24/4. , 07.05, FS Polarstern .

Hieronymi, M. (2008) Underwater Light - Measurements, Modelling and Open Issues. [Talk] In: Sylt-Seminar. , 25.09, Westerland .

Hindle, D., Kopp, H. , Klaeschen, D. and Oncken, O. (2008) End-member type accretion: a closed subduction channel off western Java. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Hinrichsen, H. H., Huwer, B., Schaber, M. and Krause, G. (2008) Marine protected areas as a fishery management tool for eastern Baltic cod: coupling of observational data with hydrodynamic modelsimulations. [Talk] In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 24.09, Halifax, Canada .

Hinrichsen, H. H. and Krause, G. (2008) Settlement probability of juvenile cod and the identification of nursery grounds in the eastern Baltic: a hydrodynamic modelling approach. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 06.08, Kiel .

Hinrichsen, H. H., Schmidt, J. , Peck, M. and Voss, R. (2008) Decadal changes in the diel vertical migration behaviour of Baltic sprat larvae: causes and consequences. [Talk] In: EUR-OCEANS Final Conference. , 27.11, Rome, Italy .

Hirose, T., Tanikawa, W., Lin, W., Hirono, T., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedtions 315/316 Scientists (2008) Shear strength and permeability of core samples from NanTroSEIZE Expeditions 315 and 316: preliminary laboratory results. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Akita, Japan .

Hirose, T., Tanikawa, W., Lin, W., Soh, W., Hirono, T., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) High-velocity frictional behavior of sediments from IODP Expedition 316. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.009.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P., Timm, C. , Coffin, M., Mortimer, N. and Davy, B. (2008) A similar multi-stage geochemical evolution for the Manihiki, Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateaus?. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .

Hoppe, H. G., Breithaupt, P. and Gocke, K. (2008) Responses of microbes to environmental change: What to study and how to study?. [Invited talk] In: International Symposium - Current issues and perspectives in Aquatic Microbiology. , 29.05, Warsaw, Poland .

Hormann, V., Brandt, P. , Bourlès, B., Fischer, J. , Schott, F., Stramma, L. and Dengler, M. (2008) Role of the tropical Atlantic Ocean for climate variability - Observations and process understanding. [Talk] In: 5th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. , 22.04, Kiel .

Hu, M. Y. A., Saborowski, R., Hagen, W. and Jeng, M. S. (2008) On the feeding physiology of the hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus testudinatus (Decapoda, Brachyura). [Other] In: Society for Experimental Biology Annual Main Meeting. , 06.-10.07, Marseille, France .

Huwer, B., Hinrichsen, H. H., Böttcher, U. and Köster, F. W. (2008) Coupling otolith microstructure and hydrodynamic modelling to investigate the early life history of Baltic cod. [Talk] In: EUR-OCEANS Final Conference. , 27.11, Rome, Italy .

Huwer, B., Hinrichsen, H. H., Böttcher, U. and Köster, F. W. (2008) Marine Protected Areas as a fisheries management tool in the central Baltic: an evaluation by coupling otolith microstructure analysis to a hydrodynamic model. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 06.08, Kiel .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Biomining the treasure of the ocean - new natural products. [Invited talk] In: VAAM International Workshop "Biology and Chemistry of Antibiotic-Producing Bacteria". , 28.09, Berlin .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Das Meer als Schatztruhe für neue Wirkstoffe. [Invited talk] In: Let Life Sciences meet you. Bundesweites Netzwerk von Studenten und Doktoranden der Life Sciences. , 21.05, Lübeck .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Marine biotechnology and research of active substances. [Invited talk] In: Seminar Auditorium Facultad de Recursos del Mar. , 20.11, Antofagasta, Chile .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Marine Wirkstoffe. [Invited talk] In: Fachschaftstagung der Fachschaft Chemie-Biologie "Schatztruhe Ozean". , 01.05, Papenburg .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Meeresorganismen als Fundgrube neuer Wirkstoffe. [Invited talk] In: IHK Nord - Biotechnologiekonferenz. , 10.04, Schloss Fleesensee / Neubrandenburg .

Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Neue Medikamente aus dem Meer. [Invited talk] In: Föhrde-Club zu Kiel. , 16.10, Kiel .

Imhoff, J. F. , Labes, A., Kajahn, I., Krämer, M., Stöhr, R., Thiel, V. and Wiese, J. (2008) Marine biotechnology: bio-mining the treasures of the ocean. [Invited talk] In: European Bioperspectives. , 07.10, Hannover .

Inagaki, F., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 315/316 Scientists (2008) Subseafloor biosphere on the continental margin. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Ivanov, V. V., Polyakov, I. V., Dmitrenko, I., Timokhov, L. A. and Kirillov, S. A. (2008) NABOS tracks Arctic Ocean warming. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year". , 08.07.-11.07, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Jakob, E., Hanel, R. and Steinhagen, D. (2008) Habitat bedingte Parasitierung und Virenlast des Europäischen Aals (Anguilla anguilla) aus norddeutschen Gewässern. [Talk] In: 24. Ichthyoparasitologisches Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Parasitologie. , 23.05, Boiensdorf, Germany .

Jakob, E., Neuhaus, H., Steinhagen, D. and Hanel, R. (2008) Monitoring der Parasitien- und Virenlast des Europäischen Aals (Anguilla anguilla) aus norddeutschen Gewässern. [Talk] In: 12. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektionen der European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP). , 08.10, Jena .

Jeannsson, E., Olsson, E. K. A., Tanhua, T. and Johannesen, T. (2008) Recent Changes in the Greenland Sea: Tracers and Hydrography. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Jegen-Kulcsar, M. (2008) Marine Elektromagnetik in der Wissenschaft und Industrie. [Talk] In: Kolloquium. , 22.05, Berlin .

John, T., Layne, G. D. and Haase, K. M. (2008) The Chlorine Isotope Signature of Mantle Endmembers. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.- 18.07, Vancouver, Canada .

John, T., Vrijmoed, J. C., van der Straaten, F., Podladchikov, Y. Y. and Jamtveit, B. (2008) Hydration of eclogite at the slab-wedge interface: an example of fluid infiltration into a swelling system. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.- 18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Kajahn, I. and Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Das Meer als Schatztruhe neuer Wirkstoffe. [Invited talk] In: 25. Chrom-Forum. , 10.09, Burgsteinfurt .

Kaksonen, A. H., Inagaki, F., Morono, Y., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 Scientists (2008) Distribution of microbial communities in deep subseafloor sediments of the seismogenic subduction zone, the Nankai Trough. [Talk] In: 12. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. , 17.08.-22.08, Cairns, Australia .

Kandiano, E., Bauch, H. , Fahl, K., Helmke, J. and Röhl, U. (2008) Interglacial surface ocean temperaturesreveal strong ocean-atmosphere linkages between the subtropical and subpolar regions. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Kandiano, E., Bauch, H. , Fahl, K., Helmke, J. and Röhl, U. (2008) Marine temperature records from MIS 11 reveal strongclimate linkages between the low and middle northern latitudes. [Talk] In: EPICA 2008. , 10.11.-13.11.2008, Venice, Italy .

Kanstinger, P., Peck, M. A., Huwer, B., Baumann, H., Clemmesen, C. and Petereit, C. (2008) How slow can you grow? Variability in the timing of daily ring formation in larval sprat. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

Kassens, H. (2008) Klimawandel - welche Chancen haben wir?. [Public Lecture] In: Kulturgemeinde Ennepetal e.V.. , 17.10, Ennepetal .

Kassens, H. (2008) Marine Research and study programme POMOR. [Talk] In: BSSSC Board Meeting (Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation). , 22.-23.05, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H. (2008) New AOSB Initiatives: New Research Generation. [Talk] In: Arctic Science Summit Week. , 26.03.-02.04, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia .

Kassens, H., Bauch, D. , Hoelemann, J. A., Dmitrenko, I., Timokhov, L. A., Wegner, C. and Abramova, A. (2008) The impact of climate change on the Laptev Sea polynya. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year". , 08.07.-11.07.2008, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Kassens, H., Bauch, H. , Cherkashov, G., Hoelemann, J. A., Melles, M., Spieß, V., Timokhov, L. and Thiede, J. (2008) Continental shelf drilling in the Laptev Sea. [Talk] In: Ocean History, From Speculation to Reality. , 03.-05.11, Bremerhaven .

Kassens, H., Bauch, H. , Rekant, P., Spieß, V., Schwenk, T. and Thiede, J. (2008) Subsea permafrost in the siberian Arctic. [Talk] In: 33rd International Geological Congress. , 06.-14.08, Oslo, Norway .

Keenlyside, N. S. (2008) Decadal prediction: Closing the climate projection - seasonal forecast gap. [Invited talk] In: JSPS-DFG meeting. , 16.01.2008, Hamburg, Germany .

Keenlyside, N. S. (2008) Decadal prediction: Closing the climate projection - seasonal forecast gap. [Invited talk] In: Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies. , 28.01.2008, Calverton, USA .

Keenlyside, N. S. (2008) SST initialization at IFM-GEOMAR. [Invited talk] In: AGCI workshop: Climate prediction to 2030. , 22.-28.06.2008, Aspen, USA .

Kimura, G., Screaton, E., Curewitz, D., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) Growth of the splay fault, frontal thrust and Nankai accretionary prism revealed from NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 Expedition 316. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Kimura, G., Screaton, E., Curewitz, D., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 NanTroSEIZE Science Party (2008) Preliminary result of NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, shallow megasplay fault system and frontal thrust. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Kipf, A., Werner, R., Gohl, K., Hauff, F. , Viereck-Götte, L., van den Bogaard, P., Veit, A. and Hoernle, K. (2008) Erste Ergebnisse von Untersuchungen zu Ursachen und Auswirkungen des Magmatismus im Bereich der Marie Byrd Seamounts (Amundsenmeer). [Talk] In: 23. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung. , 10.03.-14.03, Münster .

Kisakurek, B., Eisenhauer, A. , Böhm, F. and Erez, J. (2008) Calcium isotope fractionation in foraminifera. [Talk] In: The Micropalaeontological Society's Foraminifera and Nannofossil Groups Joint Spring Meeting 2008, "Bioindicators of past and present environments". , 15.-17.05, Tübingen .

Kitamura, Y., Zhao, X., Kanamatsu, T. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) Initial results of magnetic fabric analysis from IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316 (shallow mega splay and frontal thrust). [Talk] In: 33. International Geological Congress. , 06.08.-14.08, Oslo, Norway .

Klaeschen, D. and Papenberg, C. (2008) Acoustic wave propagation and inversion of physical parameters. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Klagge, T. (2008) Data transmission. [Talk] In: IMPETUS 2008: Techniques in Polar Ocean Observation and Monitoring. , 12.11.-22.11, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Klaucke, I. , Weinrebe, R. W., Bialas, J. and Klaeschen, D. (2008) Fluid venting along the Central Chilean Continental Margin: a geophysical perspective. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Klüser, L., Schepanski, Holzer-Popp, T. and Hartmann, A. (2008) Remote Sensing of Mineral Dust with MSG Infrared Channels. [Talk] In: 3. International Workshop on Mineral Dust. , 15.-17.09, Leipzig .

Klüser, L., Schepanski, K. and Holzer-Popp, T. (2008) Bitemporal Dust Detection from MSG-SEVIRI Observations. [Talk] In: EUMETSAT-Conference: Meteorological Satellite Conference. , 09.09, Darmstadt .

Klüser, L., Schepanski, K. and Holzer-Popp, T. (2008) Bitemporal Mineral Dust Detection from MSG SEVIRI observations. [Talk] In: EUMETSAT-Conference: Meteorological Satellite Conference. , 08.-12.09, Darmstadt .

Knippertz, P., Ansmann, A., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Tesche, M., Bierwirth, E., Dinter, T., Müller, T., von Hoyningen-Huene, W., Schepanski, K. , Wendisch, M., Heinold, B., Kandler, K., Petzold, A., Schütz, L. and Tegen, I. (2008) Dust Mobilization and Transport in the Northern Sahara duringSAMUM 2006. [Talk] In: 3. International Workshop on Mineral Dust. , 15.-17.09, Leipzig .

Knippertz, P., Ansmann, A., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Tesche, M., Bierwirth, E., Dinter, T., Müller, T., von Hoyningen-Huene, W., Schepanski, K. , Wendisch, M., Heinold, B., Kandler, K., Petzold, A., Schütz, L. and Tegen, I. (2008) Dust Mobilization and Transport in the Northern Sahara during SAMUM 2006. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Koeve, W. and Körtzinger, A. (2008) Sharing marine facilities (EUR-OCEANS WP 1.1). [Talk] In: EUR-OCEANS Final Conference. , 25.-27.11.2008, Rome, Italy .

Koppers, A. A., Class, C., Sager, W. W. and Hoernle, K. (2008) On the Walvis Ridge hotspot life-cycle: flood basalt to robust aseismic ridge to low-volume intra-plate volcanism. [Invited talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Kopp, H. (2008) Getting to the bottom (and deeper): Multiscale studies of subduction zone processes. [Talk] In: Geophysikalisches Aktionsprogramm GAP 2008. , 01.-04.05, Kiel .

Körtzinger, A. (2008) CO2 Sequestration I: What is the (natural) oceanic sequestration potential?. [Invited talk] In: Bi-annual Symposium "Future Ocean". , 09.10, Kiel .

Körtzinger, A. (2008) Measuring surface ocean CO2 partial pressure from autonomous platforms. [Invited talk] In: AquaLife 2008 Workshop. , 02.07, kiel .

Körtzinger, A. (2008) Observing the changing marine carbon cycle. [Invited talk] In: Biogeochemical Seminar of the CLISAP Excellence Cluster. , 19.12, Hamburg .

Körtzinger, A. (2008) Oceanic oxygen depletion and Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems - are we bound for trouble?. [Invited talk] In: 1. South African SOLAS/IMBER International Science Meeting. , 09.05, Cape Town, South Africa .

Körtzinger, A. and Dengg, J. (2008) CarboSchools: Regional project at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel, Germany. [Talk] In: CarboOcean 4th Annual Meeting. , 08.-12.12, Dourdan, France .

Krastel, S. , Antobreh, A. A., Wynn, R. B., Henrich, R., Hanebuth, T. J. J., Georgiopoulou, A. and Geersen, J. (2008) Large scale mass wasting at the NW-African Continental Margin: Some general implications for mass wasting at passive continental margins. [Talk] In: International Geological Congress. , 06.08.-14.08, Oslo, Norway .

Kriest, I. , Oschlies, A. and Khatiwala, S. (2008) Development and assessment of a model for global ecosystems. [Talk] In: Final MERSEA Plenary Meeting. , 29.04, Paris, France .

Kriest, I. , Oschlies, A. and Khatiwala, S. (2008) Development and assessment of global marine biogeochemical models of varying complexity. [Talk] In: 4. Scientific Computing Seminar, Parameter Estimation, Optimization and Inverse Modeling in Geosciences. , 16.06, Kiel .

Krüger, K. (2008) Climate Modelling - Climate effects of volcanic eruptions. [Other] In: SFB 574 Begutachtung. , 17.01, Kiel .

Krüger, K. (2008) Klimawandel - was ist das?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 03.07, Bonn .

Krüger, K., Tegtmeier, S. and Rex, M. (2008) Interannual variability of residence time in the TTL. [Talk] In: SPARC Tagung. , 04.09, Bologna, Italy .

Krüger, K., Timmreck, C., Giorgetta, M., Steil, B. and Brühl, C. (2008) The influence of major volcanic eruptions on the atmosphere in two different ECHAM simulations. [Talk] In: FB1 Begutachtung. , 22.04, Kiel .

Krüger, K., Timmreck, C., Manu, T., Giorgetta, M., Steil, B. and Brühl, C. (2008) Changes of the Brewer Dobson Circulation due to major volcanic eruptions in different ECHAM simulations. [Talk] In: SPARC Tagung. , 04.09, Bologna, Italy .

Krüger, K., Timmreck, C., Thomas, M., Giorgetta, M., Steil, B. and Brühl, C. (2008) Changes of the Brewer Dobson Circulation due to major volcanic eruptions. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Retreat. , 30.10., Sankelmark .

Krüger, K., Wallace, D. W. R. and Quack, B. (2008) VSL bromine substances from the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere. [Talk] In: Tropical Halogen Meeting. , 07.01, Norwich, UK .

Krug, S., Matthiessen, B., Riebesell, U. and Sommer, U. (2008) Dominance shift in an experimental coccolithophore community does not counteract impact of ocean acidification on biomass. [Talk] In: Second Symposium on The Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 06.-09.10, Monaco .

Kujau, A., Nürnberg, D. and Zielhofer, C. (2008) Mississippi River flood dynamics of the last ~560 kyrs. [Talk] In: 3. Mitteleuropäische Geomorphologietagung. , 25.09, Salzburg .

Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Perez, W., Wehrmann, H. and Schmincke, H. U. (2008) Mafic Plinian eruptions: A common phenomenon at the Central American volcanic arc. [Talk] In: IAVCEI International Meeting. , 18.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Kwasnitschka, T. (2008) Filming with the RED One Camera. [Invited talk] In: 3. Workshop on Immersive Cinema. , 25.-28.03.2008, Plymouth, UK .

Labes, A., Staufenberger, T. and Imhoff, J. F. (2008) Novel glycoside hydrolases for biotechnological application from marine resources. [Invited talk] In: BioCat2008-Tagung. , 03.08, Hamburg .

Lackschewitz, K., Abegg, F., Sticklus, J. , Rothenbeck, M. and Devey, C. W. (2008) AUV ABYSS. [Talk] In: Tagung Inmartech 08. , 07.10, Toulon, France .

Landolfi, A. , Dietze, H. and Oschlies, A. (2008) The More you Fix the More you Loose. [Talk] In: AGU Ocean ScienceMeeting. , 06.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Latif, M. (2008) Are we knocking our climate out of whack?. [Talk] In: 6th Conference of Presidents of American Clubs. , 17.10, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: Info-Veranstaltung Seen-Programm. , 26.11, Plön .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 27.08, Hittfeld .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: Klima-Tag. , 29.04, Werl .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 16.12, Rendsburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: Klima-Tag. , 29.04, Dortmund .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 05.05, Ratzeburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir das Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: Besuch der Auguste-Viktoria Schule am IFM-GEOMAR. , 25.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Bringen wir unser Klima aus dem Takt?. [Talk] In: Fakultätsfeier. , 15.11, Paderborn .

Latif, M. (2008) The Challenge of Long-term Climate Change. [Talk] In: DHL Innovation Center und Go Green "International Green Day". , 26.02, Köln .

Latif, M. (2008) Climate Change in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. [Talk] In: Symposium „Cape Verde Cooperation Agreement Signing". , 29.05, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) The climate of the 20th and 21st century. [Invited talk] In: Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics: Tools for Global Change Research. , 12.11, Potsdam .

Latif, M. (2008) Das El Nino-Phänomen. [Talk] In: Universitäts-Gesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein. , 13.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Das Klima des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. [Talk] In: Einweihungsfeier der HLRN II, Zuse-Institut-Berlin (ZIB). , 03.07, Berlin .

Latif, M. (2008) Das Klima des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. [Talk] In: Weltbodentag 2008. , 04.12, Berlin .

Latif, M. (2008) Das Klima im Computer. [Talk] In: Einweihungsfeier der HLRN II, Rechenzentrum Hannover. , 10.07, Hannover .

Latif, M. (2008) Der erwartete Klimawandel bis zum Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts. [Talk] In: 2. Symposium NaT-Working "Meeresforschung". , 28.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Der globale Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe "Wege in eine nachhaltige Zukunft". , 02.06, Konstanz .

Latif, M. (2008) Der menschliche Einfluss auf das Klima.. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.05, Schenefeld .

Latif, M. (2008) Der Menschliche Einfluss auf das Klima. [Talk] In: Tagung der Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels: Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und Papier - Lösungsstrategien im Verlagswesen. , 05.05, München .

Latif, M. (2008) Detecting the Anthropogenic Impact on Climate Change. [Talk] In: Fifth Environmental Forum Magdeburg Daimler and UNEP. , 03.07, Magdeburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung des Klimawandels. [Talk] In: Jahresanfangstagung VGH Versicherungen RD Osnabrück. , 25.01, Osnabrück .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Landesverbandstag des Dachdecker¬verbands Schleswig-Holstein. , 26.09, Rendsburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 25.09, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: 8. AINS-Symposium anlässlich der Kieler Woche 2008. , 27.06, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: 29. Neujahrsempfang, Kreishand­werker­schaft Mittelholstein. , 02.02, Bad Segeberg .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Arbeitstagung Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.. , 22.09, Lübeck-Travemünde .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Führungs¬kräfte¬treffen der Kreissparkasse Esslingen-Nürtingen. , 18.09, Esslingen .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 20.02, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Waldtag Bayern 2008: Der Wald im Klimawandel - Opfer oder Retter?. , 18.07, Freising- Weihenstephan .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Fellbacher Bank-Forum. , 03.03, Fellbach .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Bonner Akademischer Sommer. , 02.06, Bonn .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel ? Warum ist es auf der Erde so warm?. [Talk] In: Kinder-Uni. , 20.11, Weil der Stadt .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel - was wir jetzt tun müssen. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 26.02, Wandsbek .

Latif, M. (2008) Herausforderung Klimawandel - was wir jetzt tun müssen. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 06.06, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Hurrikane die göttlichen Winde. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 11.02, Glückstadt .

Latif, M. (2008) Hurrikane, die göttlichen Winde. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 09.01, Eutin .

Latif, M. (2008) Hurrikane, die göttlichen Winde. [Talk] In: Universitäts-Gesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein. , 01.12, St.Peter Ording .

Latif, M. (2008) Hurrikane, die göttlichen Winde. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 03.11, Trappenkamp .

Latif, M. (2008) Internal versus external climate variability. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.07, Moscow, Russia .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimaforschung - Klimawandel Global denken - Lokal handeln. [Talk] In: Fortbildungsseminar des höheren Dienstes der Landespolizei S.-H.. , 27.11, Leck .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.12, Düsseldorf .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 28.10, Osnabrück .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel: Fakt oder Fiktion?. [Talk] In: Drei-Königstreffen, Rotary Club Lübecker Bucht/Timmendorfer Strand. , 08.01, Timmendorfer Strand .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel und seine Gefahren - was können wir tun?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 05.02, Lüneburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel und Wetterextreme. [Talk] In: Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Schleswig-Holsteins. , 27.02, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Klimawandel - welche Zukunft erwartet uns noch und was ist zu tun?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 30.01, Neuenrade .

Latif, M. (2008) Können wir das Klima der letzten 100 Jahre und nächsten 100 Jahre verstehen?. [Talk] In: Studentische Meteorologen Tagung. , 01.05, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Methoden zur Erhebung von Klimadaten. [Talk] In: Klima-Workshop. , 23.06, Dortmund .

Latif, M. (2008) Multidecadal variability in the Atlantic and its prediction. [Talk] In: Workshop: Variability of the Global Atmospheric Circulation during the past 100 Years. , 17.06, Monte Verita, Switzerland .

Latif, M. (2008) Nach uns die Sintflut. [Talk] In: 8. Unternehmertreffen Volksbank. , 22.09, Elmshorn .

Latif, M. (2008) Nach uns die Sintflut?. [Talk] In: 50 Jahre Zivil- und Bevölkerungsschutz in Deutschland. , 05.12, Bonn .

Latif, M. (2008) NAO and ENSO interactions. [Talk] In: Dynamite Meeting. , 07.02, Bologna, Italy .

Latif, M. (2008) Ozean der Zukunft - die Rolle der Weltmeere für das Klima. [Talk] In: Öffentliche Veranstaltung anlässlich des Symposiums "Future Ocean" Die Ozeane und der globale Klimawandel - eine Herausforderung für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. , 07.10, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Supercomputer, die Basis für die moderne Klimaforschung. [Talk] In: 50-Jahre RZ am CAU Kiel. , 27.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Umwelt und Globalisierung - Herausforderung Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Capgemini Business Dialog. , 28.05, Zurich, Switzerland .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 09.10, Heikendorf .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: Fachvortragsveranstaltung der Steuerberaterkammer und des Steuerberaterverbandes Schleswig-Holstein. , 07.11, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 14.05, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 19.05, Reinbek, Sachsenwald .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: Traditioneller Herrenabend im Finkenwerder Elbblick. , 11.02, Hamburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 20.05, Bordesholm .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: Nahverkehrsforum Nord, IHK Kiel. , 08.05, Kiel .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: Neujahrs­veranstaltung, Fa. BEKO. , 16.01, Lütjenburg .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: 125 Jahre Hansa-Gymnasium. , 27.05, Hamburg-Bergedorf .

Latif, M. (2008) Verändert der Mensch das Klima?. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 23.01, Bergedorf .

Latif, M. (2008) Von der globalen zur regionalen Klimavorhersage. [Talk] In: Betrifft Wasser: EZ trifft Wissenschaft. Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Regionale Prognosen verbessern. , 05.06, Eschborn .

Latif, M. (2008) Vorhersagbarkeit des Klimas. [Talk] In: Physikalisches Kolloquium. , 15.11, Paderborn .

Latif, M. (2008) Vorhersagbarkeit von saisonalen und dekadischen Variabilitäten. [Talk] In: BMBF Nordatlantik Status-Seminar. , 20.02, Hamburg .

[thumbnail of Handout]

Latif, M. (2008) Warum ist es auf der Erde so schön warm?. [Public Lecture] In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2008. , 01.10.2008, Kiel . Warum ist es auf der Erde so schön warm?. .

Latif, M. (2008) Wo stehen wir in Sachen Klimaschutz?. [Talk] In: "Mit Energie für Klimaschutz" mit dem Niedersächsischen Umweltminister. , 30.10, Hannover .

Latif, M. and Keenlyside, N. (2008) Internal multi-decadal and multi-centennial MOC variability, implications for past and future climate changes. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 05.03, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Latif, M. , Keenlyside, N., Park, W. , Semenov, V. and Müller, W. (2008) Understanding Common Aspects and Interactions between ENSO and the NAO. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Laurent, B., Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Schepanski, K. , Weinzierl, B. and Petzold, A. (2008) Regional investigations on Saharan dust events using the LM-MUSCAT-DES model. [Talk] In: 3. International Workshop on Mineral Dust. , 15.-17.09, Leipzig .

Laurent, B., Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Schepanski, K. , Weinzierl, B. and Petzold, A. (2008) Simulation of the Saharan dust with the LM-MUSCAT-DES regional model during SAMUM 2006. [Talk] In: IGAC 10th International Conference. , 08.09, Annecy, France .

Lebrato, M. (2008) Importance of organism-level measurements in the carbon biogeochemical cycling and large-scale processes. [Talk] In: FB2 Seminar, Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR). , 01.12.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Lenz, M. (2008) Bioinvasionen im Meer. [Talk] In: MNU-Tagung. , 18.11, Bremerhaven .

Lenz, M. (2008) Mehr als nur Sushi: Neue Einblicke in die Ökologie der Großalgen. [Talk] In: Maasholmer Meereskundliche Vorträge. , 29.07, Maasholm .

Lenz, M. and Wahl, M. (2008) Is energy supply affecting algal palatability? Temporary low-light stress in coastal habitats and its consequences for grazer-algal interactions. [Talk] In: 43. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 12.09.2008, Ponta Delgada, Azoren, Portugal .

Lewandowska, A. M. and Sommer, U. (2008) Effect of climate warming and different light scenarios on the phytoplankton succession. [Talk] In: DFG AQUASHIFT Workshop auf dem DGL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie) Jahrestreffen. , 26.09.2008, Konstanz, Germany .

Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Krabbenhöft, A., Fietzke, J. , Rüggeberg, A. and Guers, K. (2008) New perspectives on the marine strontium isotope record of the last 27 Ma from δ88/86Sr and 87SR /86Sr systematics using the TIMS Sr-Double-Spike-Technique. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Linke, P. (2008) Controls on methane fluxes and their climatic relevance in marine gas-hydrate-bearing sediments. [Other] In: StatoilHydro Gas Hydrate Workshop. , 31.01, Oslo, Norway .

Link, H., Piepenburg, D., Tamelander, T., Damerau, M., Renaud, P. E. and Archambault, P. (2008) Relationship between sea ice-cover and benthic carbon turnover in the Amundsen Gulf. [Talk] In: Arctic Change 2008 Conference. , 09.-12.12, Quebec, Canada .

Lin, W., Byrne, A., Tsutsumi, A., Sakaguchi, A., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 315/316 Scientists (2008) Preliminary results of anelastic strain recovery (ASR) measurements using IODP Expedition 315 and 316 core samples. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

López Correa, M., Montagna, P., Rüggeberg, A. , McCulloch, M., Taviani, M. and Freiwald, A. (2008) Trace elements and stable isotopes in recent North Atlantic Lophelia pertusa along a latitudal gradient and from fossil Mediterranean sites. [Talk] In: ASLO 2008 Summer Meeting. , 08.06.-13.06, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada .

Löptien, U. , Eden, C. and Timmermann, A. (2008) Biologically induced circulation changes in the tropical Pacific as simulated with eddy-resolving coupled ocean-ecosystem model. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Löptien, U. , Eden, C. and Timmermann, A. (2008) High resolution hybrid coupled modeling in the tropical Pacific. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Löptien, U. , Eden, C. and Timmermann, A. (2008) WP2: Simulating ENSO in an eddy-resolving coupled ocean-ecosystem model - part II. [Talk] In: DYNAMITE-meeting. , 07.02, Bologna, Italy .

Löptien, U. , Eden, C. and Timmermann, A. (2008) WP4: Simulating ENSO in an eddy-resolving coupled ocean-ecosystem model - part I. [Talk] In: DYNAMITE-meeting. , 06.02, Bologna, Italy .

Lorbacher, K., Dengg, J., Böning, C. W. , Visbeck, M. , Karstensen, J. and Neumann, U. (2008) Manifestation of oceanic mass transport changes in sea surface height and ocean bottom pressure changes - simulations and observations. [Talk] In: 2. SPP1257-Kolloquium. , 06.-08.10, München .

Lübbecke, J. F. , Böning, C. W. , Biastoch, A. and Döös, K. (2008) Variability in the Pacific Subtropical Cells and its Effect on Near-Surface Temperatures. [Talk] In: GFDL Seminar. , 05.03.2008, Princeton, USA .

Macke, A. (2008) Der Einfluss von Wolken und Aerosol auf die Energiebilanz an der Meeresoberfläche aus Schiffs- und Satellitenbeobachtungen. [Talk] In: Kolloquium am DLR-Oberpfaffenhofen. , 20.02, Oberpfaffenhofen .

Macke, A. (2008) Forschung auf dem Sonnendeck: Wolken, Strahlung & Mehr. [Talk] In: Kolloquium des Zweigverein Hamburg der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft. , 08.01, Hamburg .

Macke, A. (2008) Forschung auf dem Sonnendeck - Wolken, Strahlung und Mehr. [Talk] In: Kolloquium am Institut für Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Universität Hannover. , 05.06, Hannover .

Macke, A. (2008) METEOSAT: Europas Blick aus dem All auf Wetter und Klima. [Talk] In: SHUG-Sektion Norderstedt. , 28.10 .

Macke, A. (2008) METEOSAT: Europas Blick aus dem All auf Wetter und Klima. [Talk] In: SHUG-Sektion Niebüll. , 09.10 .

Macke, A. (2008) METEOSAT: Europas Blick aus dem All auf Wetter und Klima. [Talk] In: SHUG-Sektion Bönningstedt. , 01.10 .

Macke, A. (2008) Meteosat Second Generation - Europas Auge im All auf Wetter und Klima. [Talk] In: SHUG-Vortrag Sektion Neumünster. , 12.02, Neumünster .

Macke, A. (2008) Meteosat Second Generation - Europas Auge im All auf Wetter und Klima. [Talk] In: SHUG-Vortrag Sektion Lütjenburg. , 21.02, Lütjenburg .

Macke, A. (2008) Observation of cloud & aerosol radiative forcings over the Atlantic ocean. [Talk] In: International Radiation Symposium 2008. , 06.08, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil .

Macke, A. (2008) OCEANET - First Results. [Talk] In: IFM-GEOMAR FB1-Seminar. , 09.06, Kiel .

Macke, A. (2008) Strahlungserhöhung durch Wolkeneinwirkung: Extremwetter für Sonnenanbeter. [Talk] In: 3. Extremwetterkongress. , 28.03, Hamburg .

Macke, A. (2008) Strahlung, Wolken & Meer: Von der belasteten zur bewölkten Atmosphäre. [Talk] In: Kolloquium. , 11.04, Leipzig .

Macke, A. (2008) Sub-daily Saharan Dust Source Activation Inferred from MSG-SEVIRI Observations. [Talk] In: International Radiation Symposium 2008. , 06.08, Foz do Iguacu, Brasil .

Macke, A. (2008) Sun deck research: clouds, radiation & more. [Talk] In: Kolloquium. , 18.07, Bremen .

Macke, A. (2008) Validation of CM-SAF surface radiation products over the Atlantic Ocean. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 15.02, Offenbach .

Macke, A. (2008) Validation of MetOp-IASI from ship based temperature and humidity profiling. [Talk] In: EUMETSAT. , 06.06, Darmstadt .

Macke, A. (2008) Validation von CM-SAF-Produkten über dem Atlantik. [Talk] In: Seminarvortrag. , 24.07, Offenbach .

Macke, A. (2008) Wolken im Wetter und Klimageschehen. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 11.11, Ahrensburg .

Macke, A. (2008) Wolken im Wetter- und Klimageschehen. [Talk] In: Schleswig-Holsteinische Universitätsgesellschaft. , 10.01, Itzehohe .

Macke, A. (2008) Wolkeninduzierte Erhöhung der solaren Einstrahlung. [Talk] In: CLIMAderm Workshop. , 21.05, Hamburg .

Malzahn, A., Clemmesen, C. , Aberle, N. and Boersma, M. (2008) Does food quality really matter?. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 05.08, Kiel .

Manney, G. L., Hegglin, M. I., Daffer, W. H., Santee, M. L., Bernath, P. F., Boone, C. D., Gille, J. C., Kinnison, D., Krüger, K., Livesey, N. J., Minschwaner, K. R., Nardi, B., Pawson, S. and Walker, K. A. (2008) Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gas Evolution in Recent Satellite Datasets: Relationships to Stratospheric and Upper Tropospheric Jets. [Talk] In: Aura Meeting. , 27.-30.10, Columbia, MD, USA .

Manney, G. L., Hegglin, M. I., Daffer, W. H., Santee, M. L., Bernath, P. F., Boone, C. D., Gille, J. C., Kinnison, D., Krüger, K., Livesey, N. J., Minschwaner, K. R., Nardi, B., Pawson, S. and Walker, K. A. (2008) Upper Troposphere/Lower Stratosphere (UTLS) Trace Gas Evolution in Recent Satellite Datasets: Relationships to Stratospheric and Upper Tropospheric Jets. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Manney, G. L., Krüger, K., Schwartz, M. J., Pawson, S., Daffer, W. H., Hoppel, K. W., Livesey, N. J., Polavarapu, S., Mlynczak, M. G., Remsberg, E. E. and Russell III, J. M. (2008) Studies of Stratopause Evolution Using Satellite Data and Meteorological Analyses: Stratospheric Sudden Warmings and Interannual/Interhemispheric Variability. [Talk] In: Aura Meeting. , 27.-30.10, Columbia, MD, USA .

Manney, G. L., Krüger, K., Schwartz, M. J., Pawson, S., Daffer, W. H., Hoppel, K. W., Livesey, N. J., Polavarapu, S., Mlynczak, M. G., Remsberg, E. E. and Russell III, J. M. (2008) Studies of Stratopause Evolution Using Satellite Data and Meteorological Analyses: Stratospheric SuddenWarmings and Interannual/Interhemispheric Variability. [Talk] In: SPARC Tagung. , 02.09, Bologna, Italy .

Marandino, C., De Bruyn, W. J., Miller, S. D. and Saltzmann, E. S. (2008) Eddy correlation air/sea flux measurements of DMS using API-CIMS. [Invited talk] In: IFM-GEOMAR. , 2008, Kiel, Germany .

Marandino, C., De Bruyn, W. J., Miller, S. D. and Saltzmann, E. S. (2008) Open ocean DMS gas transfer coefficients from the N. and S. Pacific Ocean. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04.2008, Vienna, Austria .

Marandino, C., Miller, S. D., De Bruyn, W. J. and Saltzmann, E. S. (2008) Open ocean DMS air/sea eddy covariance fluxes and concentrations over the N. Atlantic. [Talk] In: AMEMR Workshop. , 2008, Plymouth, UK .

Marandino, C., Miller, S. D., De Bruyn, W. J. and Saltzmann, E. S. (2008) Open Ocean DMS Air/Sea Fluxes Over the Eastern South Pacific Ocean. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Margreth, S., Rüggeberg, A. , Tamburini, F. and Spezzaferri, S. (2008) Benthic and planktonic foraminifera and other proxies for determining environmental parameters in cold-water coral ecosystems along the European margin. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Margreth, S., Rüggeberg, A. , Tamburini, F. and Spezzaferri, S. (2008) Cold water coral mounds from the Porcupine Area: on-off mound characterization based on planktonic and benthic foraminifera and phosphorus content in the sediments. [Talk] In: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition. , 26.10.-29.10, Cape Town, South Africa .

Marohn, L. (2008) Migratory behaviour and habitat choice of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Microchemical otolith analyses provide an insight into the environmental history of an endangered species. [Talk] In: 3. International student conference. Biodiversity and functioning of aquatic ecosystems in the baltic sea region. , 11.10, Klaipeda (Juodkrante), Lithuania .

Matthiessen, B. , Mielke, E. and Sommer, U. (2008) Patch heterogeneity and dispersal limitation cause a negative correlation between realized local diversity and community productivity. [Talk] In: World Conference of Marine Biodiversiity. , 14.11, Valencia, Spain .

Matveeva, T., Rekant, P., Beketov, E., Schwenk, T., Gusev, E., Cherkashov, G. and Kassens, H. (2008) Shallow gas occurrences in the Laptev Sea and implications for possible gas hydrate presence. [Talk] In: International Conference on Minerals of the Ocean - 4: Future Developments. , 12.05.-14.05, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Melzner, F. (2008) Cephalopod vs. fish early life history: life in the fast lane. [Invited talk] In: Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

Melzner, F. (2008) Pre-adaptation to future ocean acidification: What distinguishes the tolerant from the more sensitive species?. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 04.11, Montpellier, France .

Melzner, F. (2008) Warum der Ozean sauer wird und warum das die Miesmuschel interessiert. [Public Lecture] In: Aquariumsvortrag Kieler Woche. , 26.06, Kiel .

Melzner, F. , Gutowska, M. A. and Langenbuch, M. (2008) Molluscan tolerance to future ocean acidification: What distinguishes the tolerant from the more sensitive taxa?. [Other] In: 1. Mini-Symposium on Bivalves and Jellyfish Biology. , 10.12, Odense, Denmark .

Melzner, F. , Hu, M. Y. A. and Gutowska, M. A. (2008) Sensitivity of cephalopod embryonic development to elevated pCO2 and temperature. [Other] In: Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

Mertens, K., Amorim, A., Ribeiro, S., Deaf, A. S., Harding, I., De Schepper S., de Vernal, A., Radi, T., Dybkjaer, K., Poulsen, N., Feist-Burkhardt, S., Chitolie, J., Gonzalez, C., Heilmann-Clausen, C., Kodrans-Nsiah, M., Londeix, L., Turon, J. L., Marret, F., Matthiessen, J., McCarthy, F., Prasad, V., Pospelova, V., Hughes, J. K., Riding, J. B., Rochon, A., Sangiorgi, F., Marino, G., Welters, N., Sinclair, N., Thun, C., Soliman, A., Van Nieuwenhove, N. , Vink, A., Verhoeven, K., Verleye, T., Louwye, S. and Young, M. (2008) The absolute abundance calibration project: The Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test. [Talk] In: 8. International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8). , 09.05, Montreal, Québec, Canada .

Metzner, D., Krüger, K., Keenlyside, N., Bader, J., Semenov, V. and Latif, M. (2008) The role of the stratosphere for simulating ENSO wintertime teleconnections in northern extra-tropics. [Talk] In: SPARC Tagung. , 01.09, Bologna, Italy .

Metzner, D., Krüger, K., Keenlyside, N., Bader, J., Semenov, V. and Latif, M. (2008) The role of the stratosphere for simulating ENSO wintertime teleconnections in northern extra-tropics. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Retreat. , 30.-31.10, Sankelmark .

Mielke, E. (2008) Diversity structure and community dynamic. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.11, Amsterdam, Netherlands .

Mielke, E. (2008) Diversity structure and community dynamics. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 18.11, Groningen, Netherlands .

Mielke, E. (2008) Experimental test of diversity effects across spatial scales. [Talk] In: Challenges in Speciation Research. , 18.09, Sheffield, GB .

Miensopust, M. P., Queralt, P., Jones, A. G. and Avdeeva, A. and MT 3D Inversion Workshop attendees (2008) MT 3D inversion - a recapitulation of a successful workshop. [Talk] In: 19th EM Induction Workshop. , 23.-29.10, Beijing, China .

Miller, S. D., Marandino, C., De Bruyn, W. J. and Saltzmann, E. S. (2008) Simultaneous Eddy Covariance CO2 and DMS Flux Measurements in the North Atlantic. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Mironov, N. L. and Portnyagin, M. (2008) Dynamics of magma crystallization and transport at the Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka) revealed from melt inclusions study. [Talk] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Molinero, J. C. (2008) The impact of climate variability on aquatic ecosystems. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 13.03, Rennes .

Molinero, J. C. (2008) Overview of climate effects on aquatic ecosystems in Western Europe. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 31.01 .

Molinero, J. C. (2008) Zooplankton time-series related to North Atlantic climate changes in waters of the Balearic Sea: a case of boundary area in the Central Western Mediterranean. [Talk] In: Effects of Climate Change on the World Oceans. , 20.05, Gijon, Spain .

Monecke, T., Petersen, S. , Augustin, N. , De Benedetti, A. A., Esposito, A., Gärtner, A., Gemmell, B., Gibson, H., Hannington, M. D., He, G., Hügler, M., Kleeberg, R., Kuever, J., Kummer, N. A., Lackschewitz, K., Lappe, F., Perrin, K., Peters, M., Sharpe, R., Simpson, K., Smith, D. and Wan, B. (2008) Shallow marine sulfide mineralization in the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. [Talk] In: Joint Annual GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Meeting. , 26.-28.05, Quebec, Canada .

Monecke, T., Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Augustin, N. , Anzidei, M., Esposito, A., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Giordano, G., Hocking, M. and Melchert, B. (2008) Explosion craters associated with shallow marine gas venting at Panarea, Aeolian Islands, Italy. [Talk] In: Joint Annual GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Meeting. , 26.-28.05, Quebec, Canada .

Moore, G., Park, J. O., Tobin, H., Bangs, N., Kuramoto, S., Taira, A., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 NantroSEIZE Science Party (2008) Structure of the Kumano splay fault system from 3D seismic reflection and IODP drilling. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Moorkamp, M., Chen, J., Heincke, B., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. , Hobbs, R. and Henderson, D. (2008) Joint inversion of MT, gravity and seismic data applied to sub-basalt imaging. [Talk] In: 19. International Workshop on EM Induction in the Earth. , 23.10.-29.10, Beijing, China .

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Moreno, A., Dos Santos, A., Piatkowski, U. , Santos, A. M. P. and Cabral, H. (2008) Distribution of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae within the western Iberia and Gulf of Cadiz ecosystems. [Talk] In: 8th Larval Biology Symposium. , 06.-11.07.2008, Lisbon, Portugal .

Morovic, M., Grbec, B., Molinero, J. C., Beg Paklar, G., Dulcic, J., Bone, M., Matic, F. and Nincevic, Z. (2008) Toward a better understanding of climate forcing on decadal changes in the Adriatic Sea ecosystem. [Talk] In: Effects of Climate Change on the World Oceans. , 19.-23.05, Gijon, Spain .

Müller, C., Kopp, H. , Djajadihardja, Y., Engels, M., Flueh, E. R., Gaedicke, C., Lüschen, E., Neben, S., Planert, L. and Shulgin, A. (2008) Subduction along the Sunda-Banda Arc transition. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-14.04, Vienna, Austria .

Müller, M., Schulz, K. and Riebesell, U. (2008) Influence of high CO2 on three coccolithophore key species under long-term cultivation. [Talk] In: EPOCA Kick-off-Meeting. , 10.-13.06, Nizza, France .

Naudts, L., Greinert, J. , Poort, J., Belza, J., Vangampelaere, E., Boone, D., Linke, P. , Henriet, J. P. and De Batis, M. (2008) Submeter Mapping Of Methane Seeps By ROV Observations And Measurements At The Hikurangi Margin, New Zeeland. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Naudts, L., Greinert, J. , Poort, J., Belza, J., Vangampelaere, E., Boone, D., Linke, P. , Henriet, J. P. and De Batist, M. (2008) Submeter mapping of methane seeps by ROV observations and measurements at the Hikurangi Martin, New Zealand. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Netzeband, G., Krabbenhöft, A. and Bialas, J. (2008) Seep structures in Wairarapa, Hikurangi Margin: Seismic characteristics and methane concentrations. [Talk] In: Special Symposium 4. New Zealand Cold Seeps/Gas Hydrates/Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates (MDACs) - Present and Past. , 23.-26.11, Wellington, New Zealand .

Netzeband, G., Krabbenhöft, A., Zillmer, M., Klaucke, I. , Petersen, C. J. and Bialas, J. (2008) Analysing cold vents - an example from Wairarapa offshore New Zealand. [Talk] In: DGG-Tagung 2008. , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Nommensen, L., Stipp, M., Pomella, H. and Fügenschuh, B. (2008) Structural Mapping along the Meran-Mauls and the Faltleis Faults in the Sarntaler Alps (South Tyrol, Northern Italy). [Talk] In: 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. , 21.-23.11, Lugano, Switzerland .

Nürnberg, D. , Ziegler, M., Karas, C. , Tiedemann, R. and Schmidt, M. (2008) Interacting Loop Current variability and Mississippi discharge over the past 400 kyrs. [Talk] In: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008. , 13.4, Wien .

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Pahlow, M. and Oschlies, A. (2008) Chain model of Phytoplankton Optimal Utilisation of N, P and Light. [Talk] In: Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research Symposium 2008. , 25.06, Plymouth, U.K. .

Pansch, C. , Gomez, I., Rothäusler, E., Veliz, K. and Thiel, M. (2008) Defense of vegetative vs. reproductive blades of the Pacific kelps. Macrocystic integrifolia and Lessonia nigrescens: A test of species-specific defense strategies. [Talk] In: 43. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 08.-12.09.2008, Ponta Delgada, Azoren, Portugal .

Papenberg, C. and Klaeschen, D. (2008) Seismic processing and inversion methods in seismic oceanography - latest results. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Papenberg, C. , Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Hobbs, R. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) In Seismic Oceanography - A Proof Of Concept. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Paulsen, H., Buehler, V., Clemmesen, C. , Case, R. A. J., Carvalho, G. R., Hutchinson, W. F., Kjesbu, O. S., Otterå, H., Svåsand, T. and Thorsen, A. (2008) Observations on within family and between families' variations in growth and nutritional status of larval Atlantic cod reared in mesocosms. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 07.08, Kiel .

Peck, M. A., Clemmesen, C. , Kraus, G., Schrum, C. and St. John, M. (2008) REsolving Trophodynamic CoNsequences of Climate ChaNge. [Talk] In: RECONN Project Cluster Introduction, Aquashift-Workshop. , 27.09, Konstanz .

Peck, M. A., Hauss, H. and Würzberg, L. (2008) Biophysical modeling of climate impacts on larval fish: Testing parameterizations at the individual level. [Talk] In: Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans International Symposium. , 19.-23.05, Gijón, Spain .

Peck, M., Kühn, W., Pohlmann, T. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2008) Intra- and interannual diffeences in the drift trajectories and dispersion ofmarine fish eggs and larvae in the North Sea. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 06.08, Kiel .

Perez, W., Freundt, A. and Kutterolf, S. (2008) The origin of the Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua. [Talk] In: IAVCEI Generally Assembly. , 17.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Perez, W., Freundt, A. , Kutterolf, S. and Pullinger, C. (2008) The youngest eruptions from the Coatepeque Caldera (El Salvador): the Congo and Conacaste tephras. [Talk] In: IAVCEI Meeting. , 17.-22.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Peschutter, J., Clemmesen, C. and Malzahn, A. M. (2008) Linkingfatty acid composition and nutritional condition of larval herring (Clupea harengus L.). [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 05.08, Kiel .

Petereit, C., Hinrichsen, H. H., Voss, R., Kraus, G., Freese, M. and Clemmesen, C. (2008) The influence of different salinity conditions on egg development, egg survival and morphometric traits of yolk sac larvae of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) from the Baltic Sea. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 06.08, Kiel .

Petersen, S. and Hannington, M. D. (2008) Modern Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits: Distribution, Types of Deposits and Origin. [Talk] In: Conference on Deep-Sea Minerals and Mining: Shaping the Future. , 09.-13.03, Aachen .

Pfeiffer, M. and Dullo, W. C. (2008) Tropical Indian Ocean temperatures from modern porites corals - evaluating 20th century warming trends from geochemical proxies and instrumental data. [Talk] In: DGG/GV International Conference Geo 2008, Ressources and Risks in the Earth Systems. , 29.09, Aachen .

Piatkowski, U. (2008) Kalmare, Kraken und Co: Athleten der Tiefsee. [Talk] In: Winterabendvortrag. , 27.02, Bonn .

Piatkowski, U. (2008) Kraken der Tiefsee. [Talk] In: Informationsvortrag zur Lesung Bernhard Kegels aus seinem Roman "Der Rote". , 16.01, Kiel .

Piot, A., Lenz, M., Vasel, M., Archambault, P. and Wahl, M. (2008) Large scale study of algal adaptation to temporary low-light conditions. [Talk] In: 37th Benthic Ecology Meeting. , 09.-13.04.2008, Providence Rhode Island, USA .

Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Shulgin, A., Lueschen, E., Mueller, C., Djajadihardja, Y., Flueh, E. R., Engels, M. and SINDBAD Working Group (2008) Crustal structure of the Sunda-Banda Arc transition: linking forearc deformation and lower plate variability. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Planert, L., Shulgin, A., Kopp, H. , Müller, C., Flueh, E. R., Lüschen, E., Engels, M. and Djajadihardja, Y. S. (2008) The Sunda-Banda Arc Transition: New Insights From Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Data Acquired Offshore Eastern Indonesia. [Talk] In: 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG). , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Plechova, A. A., Portnyagin, M. , Mironov, N. L. and Bazanova, L. I. (2008) Composition and crystallization conditions of parental melts of Zhupanovsky Volcano (Kamchatka) inferred from study of melt inclusions in olivine. [Other] In: 13. All-Russian Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry in Conjunction with APIFIS-IY Symposium. , 22.09.-25.09, Moscow, Russia .

Pomella, H., Fügenschuh, B. and Stipp, M. (2008) The Giudicarie Fault System at the transition between Southern and Eastern Alps (Northern Italy) A new structural analysis. [Talk] In: 6th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. , 21.-23.11, Lugano, Switzerland .

Pomella, H., Fügenschuh, B. and Stipp, M. (2008) The Tonalitic lamellae along the Giudicarie Fault System. [Talk] In: Pangeo 2008. , 22.-25.09, Wien, Austria .

Portnyagin, M. , Almeev, R., Matveev, S., Mironov, N. L. and Holtz, F. (2008) Experimental and natural evidence for rapid water exchange between melt inclusions in olivine and host magma. [Invited talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Portnyagin, M. , Mironov, N. L., Ponomareva, V. V. and Hoernle, K. (2008) Millennial variations of magma and volatile fluxes inferred from time-series study of Klyuchevskoy Volcano, Kamchatka. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Portnyagin, M. , Ponomareva, V. V., Bindeman, I. N., van den Bogaard, C., Krasheninnikov, S. P., Kuvikas, O. V., Mironov, N. L., Plechova, A. and Hoernle, K. (2008) Millennium-scale major element variations of Klyuchevskoy Volcano magmas (Kamchatka) revealed from high-resolution study of tephra deposits. [Other] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Portnyagin, M. , Storm, S., Hoernle, K. and van den Bogaard, C. (2008) Water-rich Iclandic magmas. [Invited talk] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

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Prieß, M. (2008) LOOP Current variability – its relation to meridional overturning circulation and the impact of Mississippi discharge. [Talk] In: INTERDYNAMIK Workshop. , 18.-19.06.2008, Bremen, Germany .

Prieß, M. (2008) Space Mapping Optimization. [Talk] In: Department of Computer Science, Oberseminar: Numerische Mathematik, Christian-Albrechts-University. , 12.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Quack, B. (2008) Coastal Mauritanian halocarbon sources. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 11.06, Hamburg .

Quack, B. (2008) The sea to air flux of bromoform (CHBr3) - observations and theory. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 24.11, Heidelberg .

Ranero, C. R., Grevemeyer, I. , Sahling, H., Barckhausen, U., Hensen, C. , Wallmann, K. and Weinrebe, R. W. (2008) The distinct hydrogeological system of the forearc of the Middle America Trench: significance for long-term tectonics and updip limit of the interplate seismogenic zone. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15-19 December, San Francisco, USA .

Rehder, G., Boetius, A., de Beer, D., Haeckel, M. , Inagaki, F., Mehrtens, C., Nakamura, K., Ratmeyer, V., Schneider von Deimling, J. and Yanagawa, K. (2008) Where mother earth runs lab for us - investigating carbon storage in the deep sea by looking at natural CO2 seepage in the Okinawa Trough hydrothermal system. [Invited talk] In: 9. International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments. , 15.09.-19.09.2008, Bremen .

Rehder, G. and Schneider von Deimling, J. (2008) Ein virtueller Gang entlang des Meeresbodens der Ostsee: Schwellen, Becken und wie sie die Ostsee beeinflussen. [Public Lecture] In: Warnemünder Abende. , 2008, Warnemünde .

Reitz, A., Scholz, F. , Nuzzo, M., Hensen, C. , Liebetrau, V., Elvert, M., Hinrichs, K. U., Schmidt, M. and Weise, S. M. and Shipboard Scientific Party (2008) Fluid and gas origin of two active mud volcanoes on the West Nile Delta. [Talk] In: 33rd International Geological Congress. , 06.-14.08, Oslo, Norway .

Rickert, E. and Weinberger, F. (2008) Does the oligoguluronate-activated oxidative burst affect the defensive capacity of Saccharina latissima?. [Talk] In: 43. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 08.-12.09.2008, Ponta Delgada, Azoren, Portugal .

Riebesell, U. (2008) Impacts of ocean change on primary producers. [Talk] In: 2. International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. , 06.-09.10, Monaco .

Riebesell, U. (2008) Marine biota sensitivities to ocean acidification: risks and uncertainties. [Talk] In: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Symposium. , 14.-18.02, Boston, USA .

Riebesell, U. (2008) Pelagic mesocosm experimentation. [Talk] In: UNESCO-IOC-EPOCA workshop on Best Practices in Ocean Acidification Research and Data Reporting. , 19.-21.11, Kiel .

Riethdorf, J. R., Rüggeberg, A., López Correa, M., Montagna, P., Fietzke, J. , Eisenhauer, A. , Taviani, M., McCulloch, M. and Dullo, W. C. (2008) Mediterranean cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa as a high-resolution archive of paleo-environmental conditions. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Rohde, S., Shahnaz, L. and Weinberger, F. (2008) Einfluss von Lichtstress auf die Verteidigungsfähigkeit und Epibakterien von Fucus vesiculosus. [Talk] In: Scientific meeting of the phycological section of the Botanical Society of Germany. , 01.04, Wittenberg .

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. and IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party (2008) Cold-water coral mound initiation and early development - results of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and grain-size analysis. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. and IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party (2008) Cold-water coral mound initiation and early development - results of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and grain-size analysis. [Talk] In: IODP-ICDP Kolloquium. , 12.-14.03, Hannover .

Rüggeberg, A., Dullo, W. C. and IODP Scientific Party (2008) Cold-water coral mound initiation and early development - results of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and grain-size analysis. [Other] In: Gemeinsames IODP/ICDP Kolloquium. , 12.03.-14.03, Hannover .

Rüggeberg, A., Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Dullo, W. C. and Freiwald, A. (2008) Stable strontium isotopes (δ88/86) in cold-water corals - a new proxy for reconstruction of intermediate ocean water temperatures. [Talk] In: First EuroMARC Conference. , 15.-17.09, La Colle-sur-Loup, France .

Rüggeberg, A., Flögel, S., Dullo, W. C. , Hissmann, K. and Freiwald, A. (2008) Water mass characteristics and sill dynamics in a Polar cold-water coral reef setting at Stjernsund, northern Norway. [Talk] In: HERMES Annual Meeting. , 31.03.-04.04, Carvoeiro, Portugal .

Rüggeberg, A., Liebetrau, V., Flögel, S. and Dullo, W. C. (2008) Cold-water coral reef development on carbonate mounds in relation to paleo-density estimates. [Talk] In: 4. International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. , 01.12.-05.12, Wellington, New Zealand .

Ruhenstroth-Bauer, M., Wiegand, I., Tirok, K., Aberle, N., Breithaupt, P., Lengfellner, K., Wohlers, J., Sommer, U. and Gaedke, U. (2008) Spring phytoplankton dynamics depend on temperature,cloudiness, grazing and overwintering biomasses - a modelling study based on mesocosm experiments. [Talk] In: DFG AQUASHIFT Workshop auf dem DGL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie) Jahrestreffen. , 26.09, Konstanz .

Rumohr, H. (2008) A 5-step succession model for the Baltic: A future management tool?. [Talk] In: Baltic Sea 2020 Workshop on coastal hypoxia. , 30.10, Lund, Sweden .

Rumohr, H. (2008) Coastal hypoxia along the German coast. [Talk] In: Baltic Sea 2020 Workshop on coastal hypoxia. , 29.10, Lund, Sweden .

Saage, A. (2008) Plankton - klein aber oho. [Talk] In: Wissenschaftliche Sonntagsmatinee für Familien. , 30.03, Burg Lichtenberg, Kusel .

Sakaguchi, A., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) Lithostratigraphy of NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Sakaguchi, A., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) Paleo-thermal environment of fault zone in IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, and new vitrinite reflectance analysis. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Saphoerster, J., Thomsen, J., Heinemann, A. and Melzner, F. (2008) Effects of future ocean acidification on marine animal physiology: mussels as model organisms. [Talk] In: 1. Mini-Symposium on Bivalves and Jellyfish Biology. , 10.12, Kerteminde, Denmark .

Schaber, M., Clemmesen, C. , Harjes, A., Haslob, H., Hinrichsen, H. H., Schmidt, J. , Voss, R., Huwer, B., Köster, F. W. and Kraus, G. (2008) Seasonal abundance and distribution of the invading ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Bornholm Basin in relation to ichthyoplankton prey-organisms and ambient hydrography. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 07.08, Kiel .

Scheinert, M. (2008) Mechanisms of Changes in the Subpolar freshwater budget: model results. [Talk] In: DRAKKAR Winter Meeting. , 04.02, Grenoble, France .

Scheinert, M. (2008) North Atlantic Freshwater Variability and its relation on the meridional overturning circulation. [Invited talk] In: DRAKKAR Summer Meeting. , 26.09, Brest, France .

Scheinert, M. (2008) What caused the freshening of the subpolar North Atlantic during the last 40 years?. [Invited talk] In: 5th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board. , 22.04, Kiel .

Scheinert, M. and Böning, C. W. (2008) Freshening of the subpolar North Atlantic: causes and consequences. [Talk] In: International Symposium on Effects of climate change on the world's oceans (ICES, PICES, IOC). , 20.05, Gijón, Spain .

Scheinert, M. , Böning, C. W. and Biastoch, A. (2008) Deep Subpolar Gyre freshening - Just a result of the NAO?. [Talk] In: AGU Ocean Science Meeting. , 06.10, Orlando, USA .

Scheinert, M. , Böning, C. W. and Biastoch, A. (2008) Mechanisms of changes in the subpolar freshwater budget: model results. [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Schepanski, K. (2008) Characterization of dust soure activation from satellite remote sensing. [Talk] In: 3. International Workshop on Mineral Dust. , 15.09, Leipzig .

Schepanski, K. , Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Bönisch, G., Laurent, B. and Macke, A. (2008) Meteorological Processes forcing Saharan Dust Source Activations inferred from MSG Obeservations of sub-daily Dust Mobilisation. [Talk] In: Aegean Conferences, 1st International Conference: From Desert to Monsoons. , 01.-06.06, Crete, Greece .

Schepanski, K. , Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Bönisch, G. and Macke, A. (2008) Meteorological processes forcing Saharan dust emission inferred from MSG-SEVIRI observations of sub-daily dust source activation. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Scherwath, M., Contreras-Reyes, E., Flueh, E. R. and Grevemeyer, I. (2008) Upper lithospheric structure of the subduction zone in south central Chile - Comparison for differently aged incoming plate. [Talk] In: 7th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG). , 04.09, Nice, France .

Scherwath, M., Kopp, H. , Flueh, E. R. and Henrys, S. A. (2008) Subduction and backarc spreading structures along the Kermadec trench from wide-angle seismic data. [Talk] In: DGG-Jahrestagung. , 03.-06.03, Freiberg .

Schiffer, M. and Piatkowski, U. (2008) Distribution of the early life stages of cephalopods in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 04.-07.08, Kiel .

Schmidt, J. (2008) Untersuchungsprogramme in der Kieler Bucht. [Talk] In: OSF-Kolloquium zum Thema "Untersuchungen an Heringslarven in der westlichen Ostsee". , 08.04, Rostock .

Schmidt, S. , Fischer, J. , Send, U. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seasonal and decadal variations of west Greenland current salinity and the impact on the central Labrador Sea. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Florida, USA .

Schmidt, S. and Klein, B. (2008) Klimatrends im Nordatlantik, das operationelle Ozeanbeobachtungsprogramm ARGO. [Talk] In: Fortbildungstag der Deutschen Meteorologische Gesellschafft - Zweigverein München. , 30.05, München .

Schmincke, H. U. and Sumita, M. (2008) Volcanology in a changing world - the past 50 years. [Talk] In: IAVCEI International Meeting 2008. , 18.-22.08.2008, Reykjavik, Iceland .

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Schneider, A., Wallace, D. W. R., Tanhua, T. , Klein, B. and Roether, W. (2008) Anthropogenic Carbon in the Mediterranean Sea. [Talk] In: Zukunftskolleg Summer School. , 13.-20.07, Konstanz .

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Schneider, A., Wallace, D. W. R., Tanhua, T. , Klein, B. and Roether, W. (2008) Anthropogenic Carbon in the Mediterranean Sea. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.-18.04, Wien, Austria .

Schönfeld, J. (2008) A brief introduction into the genus Uvigerina. [Talk] In: HERMES Workshop Taxonomy and Ecology of Recent Foraminifera. , 07.04.-10.04, Ancona, Italy .

Schönfeld, J. (2008) Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of benthic foraminifera at the Iberian Margin - what can we learn from historical data sets?. [Talk] In: HERMES Workshop Taxonomy and Ecology of Recent Foraminifera. , 07.04.-10.04, Ancona, Italy .

Schulz, K. and Riebesell, U. (2008) Coccolithophorid calcification in a high CO2 ocean: from organism to ecosystem. [Talk] In: Micropalaeontological Society's Joint Spring Meeting. , 15.05, Tübingen .

Schulz, K. and Riebesell, U. (2008) Experimental approaches of carbonate chemistry manipulation in CO2 pertubation studies. [Talk] In: 2. Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World. , 08.10, Monaco .

Schwalenberg, K., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. and Keen, G. (2008) Marine controlled source electromagnetics on the Hikurangi Margin, NZ: coincidence between cold gas seep sites and electrical resistivity anomalies indicating sub-seafloor gas hydrate deposits. [Talk] In: 6th International Conference of Gas Hydrates 2008. , 06.-10.07, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada .

Schwalenberg, K., Netzeband, G., Poort, J. and Jegen-Kulcsar, M. (2008) Geophysical implications of submarine gas seeps on the Hikurangi Margin, NZ. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.04.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Semenov, V., Dommenget, D. and Stroeh, A. (2008) Can Arctic warm the Earth. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Sherrell, R., Anagostou, E., Croot, P., Schlosser, C. , Streu, P., Wuttig, K. and LaRoche, J. (2008) Iron and Other Trace Metals in Southern Ocean Surface Waters - Indian Ocean Sector. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 16.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .

Shishkina, T. A., Plechov, P. Y. and Portnyagin, M. (2008) An origin of olivine-anorthite crystalline inclusions in volcanic rocks of the Kurile-Kamchatka Arc. [Other] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Shulgin, A., Planert, L., Kopp, H. , Müller, C., Lüschen, E. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) Subduction along the Sunda-Banda Arc transition: Marine wide-angle seismic modelling. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembl. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Siedler, G. (2008) Circulation in the source region of the Agulhas Current. [Talk] In: Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. , 28.03.2008, New York, USA .

Siedler, G. (2008) Circulation in the source region of the Agulhas Current. [Talk] In: University of Tokyo, Department of Earth and Planetary Science. , 11.03.2008, Tokyo, Japan .

Siedler, G. (2008) Properties of western boundary flow in the South Indian Ocean. [Talk] In: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. , 23.10.2008, Woods Hole, USA .

Siedler, G. (2008) Upper-ocean countercurrents in the subtropical oceans. [Talk] In: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Frontier Research Centerfor Global Change (FRCGC). , 10.03, Yokohama, Japan .

Siedler, G. (2008) Western boundary currents and the subtropical countercurrent in the southern Indian Ocean. [Talk] In: University of Hawaii, International Pacific Research Center and International Center for Climate and Society. , 18.03.2008, Honolulu, Hawaii .

Sommer, F. (2008) Impact of temperature and salinity on Mnemiopsis leidyi respiration and excretion rates. [Talk] In: 43. European Marine Biology Symposium (EMBS). , 12.09.2008, Punta Delgada, Azores, Portugal .

Sommer, S., Linke, P. , Pfannkuche, O., Bowden, D. A., Haeckel, M. , Greinert, J. and Thurber, A. R. (2008) Novel cold seep habitat along the Hikurangi margin (New Zealand). [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 14.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Sommer, S. and Pfannkuche, O. (2008) Gasexchange system for extended in situ benthic chamber flux measurements under controlled oxygen conditions. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 14.02, Gothenburg, Sweden .

Sommer, U. (2008) Climate change and the spring bloom of plankton. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.06, St. Johns, Canada .

Sommer, U. (2008) Die Biologie der Meere im 21. Jahrhundert. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 16.07, Plön .

Sommer, U. (2008) Die Rolle der Quallen im Ökosystem Ostsee. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 17.04, Güstrow .

Sommer, U. (2008) Meeresökosystem im Klimawandel. [Talk] In: Stechlin-Forum 2008. , 17.05, Rheinsberg .

Sommer, U. (2008) Studying plankton seasonal succession - a succession of paradigms. [Talk] In: ASLO-Konferenz. , 17.06, St. Johns, Canada .

Spielhagen, R. (2008) Quaternary history of the Eurasian Arctic Ocean from sediment cores. [Invited talk] In: IODP Arctic Drilling Planning Meeting. , 03.-05.11, Bremerhaven .

Spielhagen, R., Frank, M. , Haley, B., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N. and Polyak, L. (2008) Large-scale land-ocean interactions in the Arctic in the last 250 ky. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC International Conference on the International Polar Year. , 08.-11.07, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Spielhagen, R., Frank, M. , Haley, B., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N. and Polyak, L. (2008) Surface and deep water masses in the Arctic Ocean in the last 250 ky. [Talk] In: 2nd APEX Workshop. , 01.-04.04, Durham, United Kingdom .

Spielhagen, R. and Hass, H. C. (2008) The Holocene record of surface and bottom waters on the northern Yermak Plateau (Arctic Ocean). [Talk] In: EGU Annual Meeting. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

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2. Konferenzdaten/Titelblatt Tagungsband]

Starostenko, V. I., Grad, M., Grin', D. N., Guterkh, A., Dannowski, A. , Kolomiets, E. V., Lysynchuk, D. V., Omel'chenko, V. D., Stifenson, R., Stretford, V., Tubo, C., Tolkunov, A. P., Flueh, E. R., Chuba, V., Shroda, P., Shulgin, A. and Janik, T. (2008) Seismicheskie issledovaniya litosfery metodami GSZ i OGT zony Vostochno-Evropeiskoi platformy i Skifskoi plity (Proekt DOBRE-2) = Seismic investigations of the lithosphere with CDP and wide-angle profiling of the edge zone of East-European platform and Skiff plate (Project DOBRE-2). [Talk] In: 10. Geofizicheskie Chteniya Imeni V. V. Fedynskogo = 10.Geophysical V. V. Fedynskij Conference. , 27.02.-29.02, Moscow, Russia .

Steinfeldt, R., Rhein, M., Bullister, J. and Tanhua, T. (2008) Inventory changes of anthropogenic CO2 in Labrador Sea Water. [Talk] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , Orlando, Florida, USA .

Steinfeldt, R., Rhein, M., Bullister, J. and Tanhua, T. (2008) Inventory of anthropogenic carbon in the Atlantic. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Steinhoff, T. (2008) Marine Biogeochemie - was macht die Chemie im Meer?. [Public Lecture] In: MNU CAMPUS 2008. , 15.09, Kiel .

Steinhoff, T., Körtzinger, A. , Schroeder, F., Petersen, W. and Hoppema, M. (2008) Inter-comparison of pCO2 instruments - classical versus new methods. [Invited talk] In: FerryBox and Ship of Opportunity meeting,Southampton, UK. , 30.9, Southampton, UK .

Stramma, L. (2008) Supply paths of and time variations in oxygen poor zones of the tropical oceans. [Talk] In: SFB-754 Seminar. , 26.05, Kiel .

Stramma, L. , Johnson, G. C. and Brandt, P. (2008) Supply paths of and time variations in the oxygen minimum zones of the eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. [Talk] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , 03.03, Orlando, FL, USA .

Stramma, L. , Visbeck, M. , Johnson, G. C., Firing, E. and Brandt, P. (2008) The oxygen minimum zones in the eastern tropical oceans. [Talk] In: European Geophysical Union General Assembly. , 14.04, Wien, Austria .

Strasser, M., Riedinger, N., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expedition 316 Scientists (2008) IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316 (Shallow Mega Splay and frontal thrust) - initial results. [Talk] In: IODP/ICDP Kolloquium. , 12.03.-14.03, Hannover .

Stroncik, N. A., Niedermann, S., Haase, K., Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. and Werner, R. (2008) The mode of plume-ridge interaction: constraints from He, Ne, Ar isotope and abundance systematics. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference. , 13.07.-18.07, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada . DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2008.05.021.

Taldenkova, E., Bauch, H. , Stepanova, A., Ovsepyan, Y., Strezh, A., Pogodina, I., Nikolaev, S., Kandiano, E. and Kassens, H. (2008) Atlantic-derived water inflows and past environments of the western Laptev Sea continental margin during the Postglacial and Holocene: microfossil and lithological evidence. [Talk] In: OSL Annual Meeting. , 25.02.-26.02, Kiel .

Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Schepanski, K. and Reinfried, F. (2008) Regional modelling of Saharan Dust: forcing and feedback. [Talk] In: Aegean Conferences, 1st International Conference: From Desert to Monsoons. , 05.06, Crete, Greece .

Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Schepanski, K. , Laurent, B. and Reinfried, F. (2008) Regional Modeling of Saharan Dust Aerosol in the Framework of the German SAMUM project. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 16.04, Vienna, Austria .

Tilman, F. J., Grevemeyer, I. , Suwargadi, B., Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) The seismic/aseismic transition as seen in aftershocks of the 28 March 2005 Nias and 26 December 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembl. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Tilmann, F., Grevemeyer, I. , Suwargadi, B., Kopp, H. and Flueh, E. R. (2008) The updip seismic/aseismic transition as seen by aftershocks of the 28 March 2005 Nias and 26 Dcember 2004 Aceh-Andaman earthquakes. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 15.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Timm, C. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., White, J. and Mortimer, N. (2008) The origin of intraplate volcanism on Zealandia. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 13.04.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Timokhov, L., Kassens, H., Dmitrenko, I., Hölemann, J. and Novikhin, A. (2008) Global view on the great summer 2007 anomalies in the Laptev Sea: results of TRANSDRIFT XII/BARKALAV 2007 and IPY's expeditions. [Talk] In: OSL Annual Meeting. , 25.02.-26.02.2008, Kiel .

Tomaru, H., Hulme, S. M., Solomon, E., Claesson Liljedahl, L., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 315/316 Scientists (2008) Geochemistry of interstitial waters from NanTroSEIZE Stage 1. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Treude, T. (2008) Biogeochemical processes at cold seeps and whale falls. [Talk] In: Seminar, Institut für Polarökologie. , 06, Kiel .

Treude, T. (2008) Walkadaver (Whale Falls): Oasen in der Tiefsee. [Talk] In: Vortragsreihe des Zoologischen Museums. , 04, Hamburg .

Tsutsumi, A., Goldsby, D., Harris, R., Jiang, T., Knuth, M., Louis, L., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 Scientists (2008) Preliminary report of physical properties measurements from IODP NanTroSEIZE Stage 1A, Expedition 316. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Tsutsumi, A., Goldsby, D., Harris, R., Jiang, T., Knuth, M., Louis, L., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314 and 316 Scientists (2008) Physical properties measurements from IODP NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 Expedition 316. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Ueberschär, B. (2008) Critical Times for Fish Larvae. [Talk] In: 4th Sino-German Summer School "Ocean Under Stress". , 27.07.-08.08, Qingdao, China .

Ueberschär, B. (2008) Fischkonsum im Einklang mit der Ökologie. [Talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 01.07, Maasholm .

Ueberschär, B. (2008) Fischverzehr im Einklang mit der Ökologie. [Talk] In: Ozean der Zukunft auf dem Schleswig-Holstein-Tag. , 11.-13.07, Kiel .

Ueberschär, B. (2008) New innovative teaching methods in aquaculture. [Talk] In: Aqua-TNET Annual and final meeting. , 19.09, Krakow, Poland .

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Reston, T. J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic reflections within the water column south of South Africa: indications for the Agulhas Retroflection. [Talk] In: ESF Seismic Oceanography Workshop 2008. , 19.-21.11, Begur, Spain .

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klaeschen, D. , Krahmann, G. , Reston, T. J. and Visbeck, M. (2008) Seismic Reflections Within The Water Column South Of South Africa: Indications For The Agulhas Retroflection. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

van den Bogaard, C. (2008) Im Visier: Kamtschatkas Vulkane und die Auswirkungen auf die globale Umwelt und das Klima. [Public Lecture] In: Vortragsreihe. , 02.04, Kiel .

van den Bogaard, C., Dullo, W. C. , Baranov, B. and Georgeleit, K. (2008) KALMAR - "Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutean Marginal Sea-Island Arc Systems: Geodynamic and Climate Interaction in Space and Time" - a project presentation. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 14.04, Vienna, Austria .

van den Bogaard, C., Dullo, W. C. , Hoernle, K. , Baranov, B., Werner, R. and Nürnberg, D. (2008) KALMAR: a Russian-German Collaborative Project in the Kurile-Kamchatka and Aleutian Marginal Sea -Island Arc Systems. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.-19.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

van den Bogaard, C., Ponomareva, V. V. and Portnyagin, M. (2008) Refining of fingerprints from Kamchatka volcanic arc tephras. [Invited talk] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Vanneste, H., Harbitz, C. B., De Blasio, F. V., Glimsdal, S., Winkelmann, D., Mienert, J. and Elverhøi, A. (2008) The Hinlopen-Yermak Landslide, Arctic Ocean - Geomorphology, Landslide Dynamics and Tsunami Simulations. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Van Nieuwenhove, N. , Bauch, H. and Matthiessen, J. (2008) The structure of upper water column in the eastern Nordic Seas during the last Interglacial (MIS 5e), based on dinoflagellate cysts. [Talk] In: 8. International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (DINO8). , 09.05, Montreal, Québec, Canada .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Beobachtungen aus dem Inneren des Ozeans: Eine Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert. [Talk] In: Kieler Woche Vorträge. , 23.06, Kiel .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Der deutsche ARGO Beitrag. [Talk] In: D-GEO Workshop. , 21.01, Frankfurt .

Visbeck, M. (2008) Rapid climate change: What have we learned at the workshop. [Talk] In: The Leverhulme Climate Symposium 2008,"Earth's Climate: Past, Present and Future". , 12.03, Cambridge .

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Visbeck, M. (2008) Roboter erforschen den Ozean: Wie hängen, treiben und schwimmen Messsonden im Meer?. [Public Lecture] In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2008. , 15.10..2008, Kiel . Roboter erforschen den Ozean: Wie hängen, treiben und schwimmen Messsonden im Meer?. .

Vogt, M., Krahmann, G. , Papenberg, C. , Silva, P., Brandt, P. , Klaeschen, D. , Visbeck, M. and Hobbs, R. (2008) Combining CTD-Yoyo Data With Seismic Reflections. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.12, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Voigt, S. (2008) Das Cenoman-Turon Profil der Bohrung Wunstorf - Entwicklung eines orbitalen Zeitmodells mittels Bohrlochgeophysik und XRF-Kernscanning. [Other] In: 9. FKPE Workshop Bohrlochgeophysik und Gesteinsphysik. , 08.05, Hannover .

Voigt, S., Schönfeld, J. and Friedrich, O. (2008) Campanian-Maastrichtian carbon cycle changes: a linkage to late Cretaceous cooling?. [Talk] In: IAS Meeting of Sedimentology. , 03.09, Bochum .

Völker, D. and Grevemeyer, I. (2008) Temperature field and seismicity of the Chilean Subduction Zone at 38°S and 43°S. [Talk] In: 4th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Völker, D., Reichel, T., Wiedicke, M. and Heubeck, C. (2008) Turbidites deposited on Southern Central Chilean seamounts: evidence for energetic turbidity currents. [Talk] In: 4th EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

von Scheibner, M., Breithaupt, P., Hoppe, H. G., Sommer, U. and Jürgens, K. (2008) Impact of rising temperatures on phytoplankton-bacteria interactions during early spring bloom conditions: Identifying the response of bacterial key players. [Talk] In: DFG AQUASHIFT Workshop auf dem DGL (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie) Jahrestreffen. , 26.09, Konstanz .

Voss, R., Schmidt, J. , Peck, M. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2008) Causes and consequences of decadal changes in the diel vertical migration behaviour of Baltic sprat larvae. [Talk] In: ICES Annual Science Conference. , 23.09, Halifax, Canada .

Voss, R., Stepputtis, D., Bernreuther, M., Schmidt, J. and Hinrichsen, H. H. (2008) Evaluating the importance ofpredation during the recruitment process of Baltic sprat and cod. [Talk] In: 32nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. , 06.08, Kiel .

Wahl, M. (2008) Community stability in the face of environmental change: things that matter (a bit). [Talk] In: International Conference on Biofouling & Ballast Water Management. , 06.02, Goa, India .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Chemical Oceanography. [Invited talk] In: BIOCAT Summer School. , 15.09, Kiel .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Climate-Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Oceans. [Invited talk] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 23.01, Odense, Denmark .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Detecting anthropogenic CO2 in the Oceans. [Invited talk] In: Summer School of the Zukunftskolleg. , 14.07, Konstanz .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Dust IN, Gases OUT; Air-Sea Biogeochemical Interactions in the Tropical Eastern North Atlantic. [Other] In: 13. Biennial Challenger Conference. , 07.09, Bangor, UK .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Dust IN, Gases OUT; Air-Sea Biogeochemical Interactions in the Tropical Eastern North Atlantic. [Invited talk] In: Eastern Boundary Upwelling Symposium. , 04.06, Las Palmas, Spain .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Future Scientific Track for SOLAS. [Other] In: SCOR 50. Anniversary Symposium. , 21.10, Woods Hole, USA .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Ocean Chemical Tracers. [Invited talk] In: Summer School of the Zukunftskolleg. , 15.07, Konstanz .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Risk-Reward of Data Publication. [Other] In: UNSPECIFIED. , 19.06, Paris, France .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) Surface Ocean Processes in the Anthropocene: International Aspects. [Other] In: SOPRAN Meeting. , 11.03, Warnemünde .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) The TENATSO Project. [Other] In: Cape Verde Day Workshop. , 29.05, Kiel .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) The Tropical Eastern North Atlantik Time-Series Observatory at Cape Verde (TENATSO). Status and Initial Results. [Other] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , 07.03, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Wallace, D. W. R. (2008) What is SOLAS?. [Invited talk] In: BIOCAT Summer School. , 15.09, Kiel .

Wallace, D. W. R., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Körtzinger, A. , Visbeck, M. , Karstensen, J. , Brandt, P. , dos Santos Ferreira, C., Melicio, O., Silva, P. and Monteiro, I. (2008) The Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory at Cape Verde (TENATSO). Status and initial results from the ocean site. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 15.04, Vienna, Austria .

Wallace, D. W. R., Körtzinger, A. , Cotrim da Cunha, L., Visbeck, M. , dos Santos Ferreira, C., Melicio, O., Carpenter, L., Read, K., Faria, B. and Mendes, L. (2008) The Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory at Cape verde (TENATSO). Status and initial results. [Talk] In: Ocean Science Meeting. , 02.-17.03, Orlando, Florida, USA .

Wegner, C., Hoelemann, J. A., Dmitrenko, I. A., Kirillov, S. A., Kassens, H. and Timokhov, L. A. (2008) Sediment transport dynamics on the Laptev Sea shelf - evidence from one-year records and process studies. [Talk] In: SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference "Polar Research - Arctic and Antarctic Perspectives in the International Polar Year". , 08.07.-11.07.2008, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Wehrmann, H., Hoernle, K. , Portnyagin, M. , Wiedenbeck, M., Heydolph, K. and van den Bogaard, P. (2008) CO2-turnover at the Central American subduction zone - insights from melt inclusions in mafic tephras. [Other] In: IAVCEI General Assembly. , 18.08.-25.08, Reykjavik, Iceland .

Weinberger, F. (2008) Release of halogenated organic compounds by seaweeds: what is its biological function? . [Talk] In: FB2 Seminar, Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR). , 28.01.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Weinberger, F. (2008) Unterschiedlich regulierte Haloperoxidation bei der Agaroligosaccharid-aktivierten Abwehr in zwei verwandten Rotalgen, Gracilaria „dura" und Gracilaria chilensis. [Talk] In: Scientific meeting of the phycological section of the Botanical Society of Germany. , 01.04, Wittenberg .

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Weinrebe, R. W., Klaucke, I. , Völker, D., Bialas, J. , Behrmann, J. H. , Ranero, C. R., Diaz Naveas, J. and JC23 Shipboard Scientific Party (2008) Tectonics, fluid flow and slope stability of the central Chilean subduction zone revealed with multibeam bathymetry and deep-tow side-scan sonar surveys. [Talk] In: 4. Alexander von Humboldt International Conference - The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences. , 24.11.-28.11, Santiago de Chile, Chile .

Werner, K., Spielhagen, R., Brückmann, W. , Hass, H. C. and Niessen, F. (2008) Correlation of High-Resolution Records in Sediment Cores from the Westspitsbergen Continental Margin and the Yermak Plateau. [Talk] In: APEX 2nd International Conference and Workshop 2008. , 01.-04.04, Durham, United Kingdom .

Werner, K., Spielhagen, R., Hass, H. and Howe, J. A. (2008) Record of Latest Holocene Atlantic Water Advection in the Fram Strait. [Talk] In: IMPETUS 2008 Techniques in Polar Ocean Observation and Monitoring. , 19.-22.11, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Winkelmann, D. (2008) Hydrate Risks: Greenhouse Effect and Slope Failure. [Talk] In: Workshop "Marine and Coastal Resources: Risks and Law" of the 2nd Symposium Future Ocean. , 06.-09.10, Kiel .

Winkelmann, D. (2008) Tectonic control on intra-basin subsidence within the Sophia Basin, Arctic Ocean. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Winkelmann, D., Stein, R., Schäfer, C. and Mackensen, A. (2008) Events of enhanced terrigenous input to the Sophia Basin, Arctic Ocean. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2008. , 13.-18.04, Vienna, Austria .

Winkelmann, D. and Stein, R. (2008) Late Weichselian mega-scale mass wasting along the North Spitsbergen continental margin. [Other] In: Geo 2008 "Resources and Risks in the Earth System2. , 29.09.-02.10, Aachen .

Wohlers, J., Engel, A. , Zöllner, E., Sommer, U. and Riebesell, U. (2008) The impact of rising sea surface temperature on the cycling of organic matter - an indoor mesocosm study. [Talk] In: International Symposium "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans". , 19.-23.05.2008, Gijón, Spain .

Wohlers, J., Engel, A., Zöllner, E., Sommer, U. and Riebesell, U. (2008) The effect of global warming on the partitioning and fate of organic carbon in the surface ocean: a mesocosm study. [Talk] In: ASLO Summer Meeting. , 10.06, St. John's, Canada .

Worzewski, T., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. , Chen, J., Hölz, S. , Moorkamp, M. and Brasse, H. (2008) Marine magnetotellurics on Costa Rican subduction zone. [Talk] In: 19. International Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth. , 23.10.-29.10, Beijing, China .

Wurst, M., Voss, M., Engel, A. , Grossart, H. P., Riebesell, U. and Lunau, M. (2008) Coupling of transparent exopolymer particle dynamics and microbiological processes during an ocean acidification experiment in the Baltic Sea. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03.2008, Orlando, FL, USA .

Wurst, M., Voss, M., Engel, A. , Grossart, H. P., Riebesell, U. and Lunau, M. (2008) Coupling of transparent exopolymer particle dynamics and microbiological processes during an ocean acidification experiment in the Baltic Sea. [Talk] In: SOPRAN annual meeting 2008. , 11.-12.03.2008, Rostock/Warnemünde, Germany .

Yamaguchi A., Kanagawa, K., Ujiie, K., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 Scientists (2008) Preliminary results of structural analysis of core samples recovered from NanTroSEIZE Stage 1A. [Talk] In: 115. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. , 20.09.-22.09, Akita, Japan .

Yamaguchi, A., Ujiie, K., Olivier, F., Chester, F. M., Li, C. F., Kitamura, Y. and IODP Expeditions 314/315/316 Scientists (2008) Structural perspective of shallow megasplay fault and frontal thrust: initial shipfboard results of Expedition 316. [Talk] In: Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2008. , 25.05.-30.05, Chiba, Japan .

Zamora, L., Oschlies, A. , Hansell, D., Landolfi, A. , Dietze, H. and Dentener, F. (2008) Atmospheric contribution to excess nitrate development in the subtropical North Atlantic: Atmospheric viewpoint. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .

Ziegler, M., Nürnberg, D. , Karas, C. , Tiedemann, R. and Lourens, L. J. (2008) Persistent summer expansion of the Atlantic Warm Pool during glacial abrupt cold events. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12, San Francisco, USA .

Zindler, C. (2008) The production of DMS and DMSP in the oceans. [Talk] In: FB2 Seminar, Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR). , 22.09.2008, Kiel, Germany .

Zöllner, E. (2008) Microbes during OOMPH-cruises - 3 emerging stories. [Talk] In: Workshop of the EU-Project OOMPH. , 02.04, Budapest, Hungary .

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