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Number of items: 28.

Anagnostou, E. (2024) Looking into tipping elements of the carbon-climate balance in Earth’s history. [Invited talk] In: Symposium Exploring Earth's Past and Present: Ocean Dynamics, Climate Change, and Paleo-environmental reconstructions. , 08-09.04 2024, Academica Sinica, Taiwan .

Anagnostou, E. , Khanolkar, S., Drury, A. J., Westerhold, T., Babila, T. and Ausin, B. (2024) The evolving carbon and climate relationship in the Palaeogene. [Invited talk] In: Ocean Floor Symposium. , 13.-16.05, 2024, MARUM, Bremen University .

Arao, M., Nakamura, M., Mujin, M., Araya, N., Sawa, S., Nakatani, T., Sumita, M. and Schmincke, H. U. (2024) Elucidating Deep processes leading to maar eruptions using mantle xenoliths in the West Eifel volcanic field. [Talk] In: Annual Meeting of the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences 2024. , 12.09.-14.09.2024, Nagoya, Japan .

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Berndt, J. (2024) Long-Term Storage in FAIR Data Management: Achievements and Challenges for German Marine Seismic Data. Open Access [Talk] In: NFDI4Earth Interest Group Long-Term Storage and Archiving (IG LTA). , 13.12.2024, Online .

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Berndt, J. , Felden, J. and Berndt, C. (2024) MetaSeis - Metadata concept for OBS and 3D Seismic data for the German Community. Open Access [Talk] In: HMC Helmholtz Summer Meeting 2024. , 03.-05.07.2024, Kiel, Germany . DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13753997.

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Bischof, S. , Pilch Kedzierski, R. , Hänsch, M., Wahl, S. and Matthes, K. (2024) The Role of the North Atlantic for Heat Wave Characteristics in Europe. Open Access [Invited talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9274.

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de Melo, G. W. S., Grevemeyer, I. , Metz, D., Lange, D. and Kopp, H. (2024) Rupture Behavior of Large Strike-Slip Earthquakes at Equatorial Atlantic Oceanic Transform Faults: Constraints From Hydroacoustic Data. Open Access [Talk] In: SSA Annual Meeting 2024. , 29.04.-03.05.2024, Anchorage, Alaska, USA .

Eisenhauer, A., Heuser, A., Lutz, M., Müller, M. and Oehme, J. (2024) Calcium (CA) isotope composition in serum and urine for the assessment of bone calcium balance (BCaB) – results from a post-market surveillance clinical follow-up study on 2409 participants. [Talk] In: OSTEOLOGIE 2024. , 14.-16.03.2024, Wiesbaden, Germany . DOI 10.1055/s-0044-1782055.

Fiedler, S. , Bischof, S. , Sudarchikova, N., Hoesly, R. M. and Smith, S. J. (2024) Anthropogenic aerosol forcing in CMIP from prescribed optical and cloud microphysical properties. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5200.

Galerne, C., Cheviet, A., Kahl, W. A., Wiggers, C., Bach, W., Neumann, F., Buatier, M., Höfig, T. W., Lizarralde, D., Teske, A., Peña-Salinas, M., Karstens, J. , Böttner, C. , Berndt, C. , Aiello, I. W., Marsaglia, K. M., Gontharet, S., Kuhnert, H., Stock, J., Negrete-Aranda, R., Zhang, J. and Kopf, A. (2024) Sill stacking in subseafloor unconsolidated sediments and control on sustained hydrothermal systems: evidence from IODP drilling in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California.. [Talk] In: Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program Task Force Sedimentary Basins. , 07.10.-11.10.2024, Krakow, Poland .

Ghotbi, M. (2024) Microbial dynamics during phytoplankton blooms. [Talk] In: GEOMAR Science Day. , 30.09.2024, Kiel, Germany .

Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Klaucke, I. , Beniest, A., Gomez de la Pena, L. , Ren, Y., Hilbert, H. S. , Li, Y. , Murray-Bergquist, L., Unger-Moreno, K., Devey, C. W. and Ruepke, L. (2024) The Oceanographer Transform Fault Revisited – Preliminary Results from a Mirco-Seismicity Survey Reveals Extensional Tectonics at Ridge-Transform Intersections. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2279.

Haroon, A. , Paasche, H., Graber, S., Petersen, S. , Attias, E., Jegen, M. , Gehrmann, R., Hölz, S. and Klischies, M. (2024) Integrated Image Segmentation and Geophysical Data Analysis at the TAG Hydrothermal Field. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2024. , 09.-13.12.2024, Washington DC, USA .

Heimbürger-Boavida, L. E., Torres-Rodriguez, N., Yuan, Y., Petersen, S. , Dufour, A., Gonzalez-Santana, D., Chavagnac, V., Planquette, H., Horvat, M., Amouroux, D., Cathalot, C., Pelleter, E., Sun, R., Sonke, J. and Luther, G. (2024) Mercury fluxes from hydrothermal venting at mid-ocean ridges constrained by measurements. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria .

Hilbert, H. S. , Dannowski, A. , Grevemeyer, I. , Berndt, C. , Kodaira, S. , Fujie, G. and Takahashi, N. (2024) From symmetric to asymmetric spreading - a seismic tomography study of the central Mariana Trough. Open Access [Invited talk] In: 72. Rifts and Rifted Margin Online Webinar. , 09.09.2024, Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam .

Hölz, S. , Cordoba-Ramirez, F., Yeo, I. and Murton, B. (2024) Geophysical Investigations with the Marine Transient Electromagnetic System MARTEMIS at the Semyenov Hydrothermal Complex. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2024. , 09.-13.12.2024, Washington DC, USA .

Jegen, M. , Franz, G., Avdeeva, A., Hölz, S. , Neska, A., Wollatz-Vogt, M., Kopp, H. and Hannington, M. D. (2024) Back-Arc Rifting in the Eastern Lau Basin – a Magnetotelluric Study of the Nascent Fonualei Rift System. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2024. , 09.-13.12.2024, Washington DC, USA .

Karstens, J. , Kühn, M. , Urlaub, M. , Husrin, S., Furst, S. , Berndt, C. , Belo, J., Supardi, S. R., Karima, S., Budi Nugroho, A., Pratama, A., Klein, E. , Pank, K., Berndt, J., Matthies, F., Meredew, K. and Preine, P. (2024) New insights into processes involved in the 1883 Krakatau eruption and tsunami from seismic and hydroacoustic data. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2024. , 09.-13.12.2024, Washington DC, USA .

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Mehrtens, H. (2024) Forschungsdatenmanagement als Community Service: lokal - national - global. Open Access [Talk] In: Lecture Series DatenHorizonte. , 22.04.2024, Kiel . DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11060335.

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Mehrtens, H. , Getzlaff, K. and Lorenz, S. (2024) The NFDI4Earth Distributed User Support Network. Open Access [Talk] In: 9. Data Science Symposium. , 04.-05.04 2024, Bremen, Germany .

Nievas, C. I., Androsov, A., Harig, S., Hinz, A. K., Karstens, J. , Ren, Y., Urlaub, M. and Weatherill, G. (2024) Propagating Uncertainty in Tsunamigenesis through to Damage and Loss using Data Reduction. [Talk] In: 8. World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024). , 30.06. - 05.07.2024, Milan, Italy .

Paap, J., Sudek, L., Matantseva, O., Igel, H., Muschiol, J., Dash, P., Ares Jr., M. and Worden, A. Z. (2024) Developing CRISPR/Cas9 in Micromonas - New genetic tools for a marine model alga. [Talk] In: International Conference for Young Marine Researchers ICYMARE. , 16.-20.09.2024, Bremen, Germany .

Petersen, S. (2024) Seafloor hydrothermal systems at oceanic core complexes - the Semyonov cluster at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: POF4-Topic-8 days. , 10.-11.04.2024, Potsdam, Germany .

Preine, J., Hübscher, C., Woodhouse, A., Koukousioura, O., Chiyonobu, S., Druitt, T. H., Kutterolf, S. , Nomikou, P., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Manga, M., McIntosh, I. M., Tominga, M., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S. M., Fernandez Perez, T. I., Gertisser, R., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Pank, K., Peccia, A., Polymenakou, P., Yamamoto, Y., Metcalfe, A., Xiaohui, L., Crutchley, G. J. and Karstens, J. (2024) Discovery of a major normal fault along the Kolumbo Volcanic Chain reveals fundamental volcano-tectonic feedback mechanisms. [Talk] In: Cities on Volcanoes 12. , 11.02.2024-17.02.2024, La Antigua, Guatemala .

Preine, J., Hübscher, C., Woodhouse, A., Koukousioura, O., Chiyonobu, S., Druitt, T. H., Kutterolf, S. , Nomikou, P., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Manga, M., McIntosh, I. M., Tominga, M., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., Chen, H., Clark, A., DeBari, S. M., Fernandez Perez, T. I., Gertisser, R., Jones, C., Batuk Joshi, K., Kletetschka, G., McCanta, M., Morris, A., Pank, K., Peccia, A., Polymenakou, P., Yamamoto, Y., Metcalfe, A., Xiaohui, L., Crutchley, G. J. and Karstens, J. (2024) IODP Expedition 398 reveals a major normal fault along the Kolumbo Volcanic Chain.. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria .

Raddatz, J. (2024) Environmental boundary conditions of Quaternary Cold-Water coral Ecosystems. [Invited talk] In: ICBM Colloquium, Oldenburg. , 17.01.2024, Oldenburg .

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Schlundt, M. , Oelker, J., Kopte, R. and Wiemer, G. (2024) AI-Application for Scientific Sensor Data collected onboard German Research Vessels. Open Access [Talk] In: Data Science Symposium No.9. , 04.-05.04.2024, Bremen, Germany .

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Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2024) ORCID Nutzung. Open Access [Invited talk] In: Fachhochschule Kiel. , 31.05.2024, Kiel, Germany .

This list was generated on Mon Jan 27 06:13:13 2025 CET.