Growth and production of Nodularia spumigena under elevated CO2 concentrations.

Wannicke, N., Endres, Sonja , Unger, J., Engel, Anja , Grossart, H.-P., Nausch, M. and Voss, M. (2011) Growth and production of Nodularia spumigena under elevated CO2 concentrations. [Talk] In: Limnology & Oceanography in a Changing World: 2011 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. , 13.-18.02.2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico .

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This study presents results from a joint laboratory experiment investigating the effect of elevated pCO2 and P limited conditions (P <0.5 μM) on growth and production of the Nodularia spumigena. Batch cultures were grown under three different CO2 - level (180, 380, and 780 ppm) over a 15 days growth phase. The filament number increased in all treatments but s most pronounced under the highest concentrations of CO2. Correspondingly, chlorophyll increased over the first 10 days, but decreased drastically while the phosphate pool was already exhausted at day 4 of the experiment. Growth rates depended on abundance and chlorophyll were significantly higher at 780 ppm. Moreover, C fixation rates were elevated in the highest pCO2 treatment by 14-31%, N2 fixation rates by 9-60% relative to present day CO2 conditions. A higher pCO2 level seemed to have compensated to a large extend P limited growth. Furthermore, our results suggest a CO2 limitation of nitrogen fixers at the present partial pressure of CO2, which was also found in previous experiments with the open ocean species Trichodesmium.

Document Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Talk)
Keywords: Marine Biology; Nodularia spumigena; biological oceanography
Date Deposited: 06 Oct 2011 12:03
Last Modified: 27 May 2020 07:04

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