P- and S-wave anisotropy and shear-wave splitting at pressure and temperature in possible mantle rocks and their relation to the rock fabric.
Kern, H. (1993) P- and S-wave anisotropy and shear-wave splitting at pressure and temperature in possible mantle rocks and their relation to the rock fabric. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 78 (3-4). pp. 245-256. DOI 10.1016/0031-9201(93)90159-7.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
The seismic properties and their directional dependence have been measured in three potentially mantle-derived rocks (peridotite, Ivrea zone, Italy; lherzolitic xenolith, Massif Central, France; serpentinite). The experimental data include the measurement of elastic wave velocities and densities at confining pressures up to 600 MPa and temperatures up to 600°C (600 MPa), and the determination of velocity anisotropy and shear-wave splitting. The petrophysical data can be related to mineral composition and to microstructural characteristics of the rocks. Macroscopic anisotropy of P- and S-wave velocities is strongly controlled in the peridodites by the olivine and in the serpentinite by the serpentine (antigorite) lattice preferred orientation (LPO), respectively. Shear-wave splitting was found to be an important characteristic of the anisotropic rocks. The study shows that for the interpretation of shear-wave splitting, the direction of wave propagation in relation to the LPOs of the major minerals and to the symmetry of their lattice fabric is of great importance. In the Ivrea peridotite exhibiting rhombic symmetry, there is practically no shear-wave splitting to be observed for S-waves propagating parallel to the olivine [100]- axes, and the maximum shear-wave splitting is not coupled with the direction of highest P-wave velocity. In the transversely isotropic Massif Central xenolith shear waves do not split when propagating parallel to the olivine [010] maximum coinciding with the direction of the radial symmetry axis of the olivine fabric. The experimental data are principally in accordance with velocity calculations based on the measured olivine LPO and the olivine single crystal stiffness coefficients. Implications for the interpretation of seismic data are discussed.
Document Type: | Article |
Research affiliation: | Kiel University |
Refereed: | No |
Date Deposited: | 02 Feb 2012 09:26 |
Last Modified: | 23 Sep 2019 22:37 |
URI: | https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/15521 |
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