The sodalite family - A simple but versatile framework structure.

Depmeier, Wulf (2005) The sodalite family - A simple but versatile framework structure. In: Micro- and Mesoporous Mineral Phases. ; 57 , ed. by Ferraris, G. and Merlino, S.. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry . Mineralogical Soc America, Washington, pp. 203-240. ISBN 1529-6466 DOI 10.2138/rmg.2005.57.7.

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Supplementary data:


A particular family of crystalline microporous solids, the so-called sodalite family, is presented in various chemical, topological, geometrical, and crystallographic aspects. It is shown that the sodalite structure can be decomposed into three partial structures, namely i) the sodalite framework of all-corner connected TO4 tetrahedra, ii) a virtual lattice of cage cations, and iii) isolated cage anions. Important properties and features can be explained by interactions of the partial structures. In some cases the interactions are frustrated, resulting in the formation of modulated structures. Substitution effects occur on all three partial structures and occasionally have dramatic effects on phase transitions and phase diagrams.

Document Type: Book chapter
Keywords: minimal balance surfaces tetragonal sphere packings displacive phase-transitions cubic lattice complexes rigid-unit modes crystal-structure silica-sodalite aluminate sodalites thermal-expansion high-pressure
Research affiliation: Kiel University
Publisher: Mineralogical Soc America
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2012 05:33
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2012 10:26

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