1.5D inversion of lateral variation of Scholte-wave dispersion.

Bohlen, T., Kugler, S., Klein, G. and Theilen, F. (2004) 1.5D inversion of lateral variation of Scholte-wave dispersion. Geophysics, 69 (2). pp. 330-344. DOI 10.1190/1.1707052.

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Reliable models of in-situ shear-wave velocities of shallow-water marine sediments are important for geotechnical applications, lithological sediment characterization, and seismic exploration studies. We infer the 2D shear-wave velocity structure of shallow-water marine sediments from the lateral variation of Scholte-wave dispersion. Scholte waves are recorded in a common receiver gather generated by an air gun towed behind a ship away from a single stationary ocean-bottom seismometer. An offset window moves along the common receiver gather to pick up a local wavefield. A slant stack produces a slowness-frequency spectrum of the local wavefield, which contains all modes excited by the air gun. Amplitude maxima (dispersion curves) in the local spectrum are picked and inverted for the shear-wave velocity depth profile located at the center of the window. As the window continuously moves along the common receiver gather, a 2D shear-wave velocity section is generated. In a synthetic example the smooth lateral variation of surficial shear-wave velocity is well reconstructed. The method is applied to two orthogonal common receiver gathers acquired in the Baltic Sea (northern Germany). The inverted 2D models show a strong vertical gradient of shear-wave velocity at the sea floor. Along one profile significant lateral variation near the sea floor is observed.

Document Type: Article
Keywords: geoacoustic properties field transformation s-wave sea shear computation velocities sediments
Research affiliation: Kiel University
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2012 06:09
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2019 22:35
URI: https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/16109

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