Systematic Evolution from Uranyl(VI) Phosphites to Uranium(IV) Phosphates.

Villa, Eric M., Marr, Connor J., Jouffret, Laurent J., Alekseev, Evgeny V., Depmeier, Wulf and Albrecht-Schmitt, Thomas E. (2012) Systematic Evolution from Uranyl(VI) Phosphites to Uranium(IV) Phosphates. Inorganic Chemistry, 51 (12). pp. 6548-6558. DOI 10.1021/ic3000735.

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Supplementary data:


Six new uranium phosphites, phosphates, and mixed phosphate–phosphite compounds were hydrothermally synthesized, with an additional uranyl phosphite synthesized at room temperature. These compounds can contain UVI or UIV, and two are mixed-valent UVI/UIV compounds. There appears to be a strong correlation between the starting pH and reaction duration and the products that form. In general, phosphites are more likely to form at shorter reaction times, while phosphates form at extended reaction times. Additionally, reduction of uranium from UVI to UIV happens much more readily at lower pH and can be slowed with an increase in the initial pH of the reaction mixture. Here we explore the in situ hydrothermal redox reactions of uranyl nitrate with phosphorous acid and alkali-metal carbonates. The resulting products reveal the evolution of compounds formed as these hydrothermal redox reactions proceed forward with time.

Document Type: Article
Research affiliation: Kiel University
OceanRep > The Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence
Refereed: Yes
Open Access Journal?: No
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Projects: Future Ocean
Date Deposited: 14 May 2014 09:14
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2019 20:36

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