Deep-sea sediments of the Indian Ocean.

Schott, Wolfgang (1955) Deep-sea sediments of the Indian Ocean. In: Recent Marine Sediments. , ed. by Trask, Parker Davies. SEPM Special Publications, 4 . Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa, pp. 396-408. DOI 10.2110/pec.55.04.0396.

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Supplementary data:


The different types of sediments in the Indian Ocean and their areal distribution
are described first. Following this their calcium carbonate content is discussed. The
origin of these different deposits depends on the character and amount of the ter-
rigenous detritus, on the nature of the organic substances supplied to the sediment, and
on the physical and chemical properties of the ocean water which influence the car-
bonate content of the deposits. The varied influence of these factors in the individual
ocean regions permits the interpretation of the large-scale distribution of the deep-sea
sediments and of their carbonate content on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. On the
basis of the results of investigations by the "Meteor" Expedition of the sediments of
the equatorial Atlantic Ocean it is possible to explain the stratigraphic relationships of
the pelagic sediments of the Indian Ocean in their major features and to gain some
knowledge of its history back to the last glacial period. This knowledge agrees with ob-
servations in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean, thus giving a wider regional significance to
the conclusions based on the data from the Atlantic Ocean

Document Type: Book chapter
Keywords: Deep-sea, sediments, Indian Ocean, Meteor Expedition
Open Access Journal?: No
Publisher: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Projects: Enrichment
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2016 09:55
Last Modified: 07 Jun 2016 09:55

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