Ein gekoppeltes Atmosphäre-Ozean-Modell für das Ostsee-Einzugsgebiet.

Hagedorn, Renate (2000) Ein gekoppeltes Atmosphäre-Ozean-Modell für das Ostsee-Einzugsgebiet. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 175 pp. . Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 314 . DOI 10.3289/ifm_ber_314.

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Supplementary data:


Coupled models are needed to describe the diverse interactions between the different components of the climate system. For the investigation of the coupling mechanisms on the regional scale, a three dimensional high resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean model for the Baltic Sea catchment area is developed. This work shall contribute to the objectives of the Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX), which includes as one key issue the consistent modeling of the energy and water cycle in the Baltic Sea catchment area. The quality of the sea surface temperatures (SSTs) simulated with the coupled model is comparable to SSTs from analyses, which are previously used in uncoupled simulations as lower boundary condition. This result is achieved without flux corrections, so that the prerequisite for the application of the coupled model for the BALTEX project - the consistency of the model system - is fulfilled. The detailed investigation of the coupling mechanisms shows besides the direct thermal response only minor differences in the general dynamical state of the atmosphere. The application of a composite-analysis proves that differences in the dynamics preferably occur in stationary situations with low pressure gradients. In contrast to that, in phases with zonal flow and strong westerly winds only minor coupling effects exist. Additionally to the atmospheric conditions also the chosen physical parameterizations influence the magnitude of the differences between uncoupled and coupled experiments. The stability of the coupling effects is investigated with the help of ensemble integrations. The statistical analysis reveals that especially at times with high differences in the dynamics, it is not distinguishable whether the differences are caused by the coupling procedure or by internal noise. The validation of the coupling effects shows that in comparison to analyses no significant improvements or deteriorations result from the coupling. The final cost-benefit analysis demonstrates that in the possible areas of application for coupled regional models the ratio between potential gain of information and enhanced drain on resources considerably varies. Tue results of this thesis are not only a contribution for reaching the objectives of the BALTEX project, but also give information about the potential of coupled regional modeling.

Document Type: Thesis (PhD/ Doctoral thesis)
Thesis Advisor: Lemke, Peter
Research affiliation: OceanRep > Institute for Marine Science Kiel
Refereed: No
Date Deposited: 18 Feb 2008 17:24
Last Modified: 08 Feb 2023 10:48
URI: https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/4313

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