Benthic element cycling, fluxes and transport of nutrients and trace metals across the benthic boundary layer in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (SFB 754), Cruise No. 137, 06.05. – 29.05.2017 Callao (Peru) – Callao.

Sommer, Stefan and Dengler, Marcus and Shipboard Scientific Party (2019) Benthic element cycling, fluxes and transport of nutrients and trace metals across the benthic boundary layer in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (SFB 754), Cruise No. 137, 06.05. – 29.05.2017 Callao (Peru) – Callao. Open Access . METEOR-Berichte, M137 . DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, Germany, 52 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_m137.

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Supplementary data:


The magnitude of nutrient and trace metal release from oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) sediments as well as their fate in the water column is of utmost importance for the pelagic nutrient budget and consequently for the ongoing expansion of OMZs. The major aim of this research cruise that was conducted within the framework of the Kiel collaborative research center SFB 754 (Climate – Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean), was to study the effects of variable environmental conditions on benthic element turnover and exchange with the bottom water under natural conditions of austral fall/winter but also during experiments. This allows the quantitative simulation of benthic-pelagic nutrient- and trace metal budgets over longer time periods. The experimental investigations aimed to specifically resolve the contribution of sulfur bacteria and denitrifying foraminifera controlling benthic N, P and S fluxes. The investigation of mixing processes in the bottom boundary layer (BBL) and quantification of diapycnal and advective fluxes across the BBL and the stratified water column will be used to resolve the fate of these substances.
The multidisciplinary study mainly focused on a depth transect at 12°S and is scientifically
closely linked to the METEOR cruises M135, M136 and M138. In order to achieve the scientific
goals an intense physical, biogeochemical and biological working program was conducted in the
water column and at the seafloor accompanied by shipboard experiments. Studies in the water
column comprised 92 CTD, 65 microstructure CTD, 18 TM-CTD and 14 in situ pump deployments. Sediment samples were obtained during 47 mulitple-corer and 12 Lander deployments. Additionally, lander deployments were performed to obtain time series of physical parameters and the current regime in water depths of 76 and 128m. The deployment of these instruments covered the time period of cruises M136 and M137.
We slightly deviated from the cruise proposal and spent a minor amount of the station time along a zonal transect at 12.3°S in order study the biogeochemistry during eddy formation. Eddy
formation cannot be predicted and hence planned in a cruise proposal, however their study bears a high scientific potential and is a central part of the SFB745 research activities. Due to the good weather conditions all deployments were successful, hence all the data and sample material aimed for has been achieved. It is to expect that as planned all scientific questions can be addressed. Especially, the joined synthesis including the data of the other recent SFB cruises M135, M136 und M138 and their comparison with the earlier SFB-cruises M77, M92 harbor a high scientific potential.

Document Type: Report (Cruise Report)
Keywords: RV Meteor, M137, Cruise report, Fahrtbericht,
Research affiliation: OceanRep > GEOMAR > FB2 Marine Biogeochemistry > FB2-MG Marine Geosystems
OceanRep > GEOMAR > FB1 Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics > FB1-PO Physical Oceanography
OceanRep > SFB 754
Publisher: DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie
Projects: SFB754
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2019 11:01
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2023 14:36

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