Das meteorologisch-aeronomische Programm der Atlantischen Expedition 1965 (IQSY) mit dem Forschungsschiff "Meteor".
Brocks, Karl (1967) Das meteorologisch-aeronomische Programm der Atlantischen Expedition 1965 (IQSY) mit dem Forschungsschiff "Meteor". Meteor Forschungsergebnisse: Reihe B, Meteorologie und Aeronomie, 1 . V-X.
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The meteorological and aeronomical programs of the "Atlantic Expedition 1965 (IQSY)" of the research vessel "Meteor" (10.8.-16.12.1965) are described. Several ionospheric parameters were measured on two meridian sections (fig. 2) and an anchor station at the crossing of the geographic and geomagnetic equator (15.9.-11.10.1965). One part of the aerological programs was to investigate the pressure-, temperature-, humidity- and wind-field of the atmosphere up to 38 km height (349 ascents) and at the equator its daily variations (8 ascents per day at 4 days, 6 ascents per day at 11 days). A second program was concerned with the finestructure of the lower troposphere, especially in the system of the tradewind (146 ascents with special temperature- and humiditysondes up to 5000 m and 63 ascents with a three-channel-sonde from captive balloons (fig. 1) or kites up to 2000 m). All components of the energy-balance of the atmosphere were measured (fig. 3). The radiationbalance up to 25 km height was studied with 26 albedo-radiosondes (A) and 58 infraread-radiosondes (B). The extinction and the atmospheric water-vapour-content (C) was measured by an interference-filter actinograph which was fixed at the sun by a photo-electric follower. The radiation balance of the sea-surface.(D,E), the vertical fluxes of momentum and of sensitive and latent heat (F), and profiles of tritium were studied at the anchor-station with a floating buoy 300 m upwind of the ship. At the same time the diurnal variation of airtemperature at 140 m height was obtained by the three-channel-sonde. The radioactivity of air, rain and ocean water, the tritium content of air in two heights and of ocean water in different depths were measured during the whole expedition. Similar determinations were made of the concentration of C14. The content of C02 of the air was recorded, S02, N02 and NO were discontinuously measured. The electric field-strength up to 15 km heights was measured to evaluate the voltage between ionosphere and earth (25 radiosondes). Continuous records of the atmospheric electric field-strength were made on board the ship and during parts of the expedition additionally the ionconcentration and free electric charge was determined. By the weatherstation of "Meteor" routine meteorological observations were taken supplemented by hourly cloud photographs during daytime. In the region of the trade-wind and the intertropical convergence by aid of the ship's weather radar films and photographs of the horizontal and vertical structure of clouds and showers were made. The results of the investigations will be published in this series.
Document Type: | Article |
Refereed: | Yes |
Open Access Journal?: | No |
Publisher: | Bornträger |
Date Deposited: | 29 Jun 2022 10:00 |
Last Modified: | 29 Jun 2022 11:31 |
URI: | https://oceanrep.geomar.de/id/eprint/56447 |
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