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Number of items: 40.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Baumann, H., Pepin, P., Davidson, F. J. M., Mowbray, F., Schnack, D. and Dower, J. F.
Reconstruction of environmental histories to investigate patterns of larval radiated shanny (Ulvaria subbifurcata) growth and selective survival in a large bay of Newfoundland.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60
pp. 243-258.
DOI 10.1016/S1054-3139(03)00019-5.
Clemmesen, C. , Bühler, V., Carvalho, G., Case, R., Evans, G., Hauser, L., Hutchinson, W. F., Kjesbu, O. S., Mempel, H., Moksness, E., Otteraa, H., Paulsen, H., Thorsen, A. and Svaasand, T.
Variability in condition and growth of Atlantic cod larvae and juveniles reared in mesocosms: environmental and maternal effects.
Journal of Fish Biology, 62
pp. 706-723.
DOI 10.1046/j.1095-8649.2003.00060.x.
Froese, R. and Binohlan, C.
Simple methods to obtain preliminary growth estimates for fishes.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 19
pp. 376-379.
DOI 10.1111/j.1439-0426.2003.00490.x.
Hinrichsen, H. H., Böttcher, U., Köster, F. W., Lehmann, A. and St. John, M. A.
Modelling the influences of atmospheric forcing conditions on Baltic cod early life stages: distribution and drift.
Journal of Sea Research, 49
pp. 187-201.
DOI 10.1016/S1385-1101(03)00006-6.
Hinrichsen, H. H., Lehmann, A., Möllmann, C. and Schmidt, J.
Dependency of larval fish survival on retention/dispersion in food limited environments: The Baltic Sea as a case study.
Fisheries Oceanography, 12
pp. 425-433.
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2419.2003.00246.x.
Hüssy, K., Mosegaard, H. H., Hinrichsen, H. H. and Böttcher, U.
Factors determining variations in otolith microincrement width of demersal juvenile Baltic cod Gadus morhua.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258
pp. 243-251.
DOI 10.3354/meps258243.
Hüssy, K., Mosegaard, H. H., Hinrichsen, H. H. and Böttcher, U.
Using otolith microstructure to analyse growth of juvenile Baltic cod Gadus morhua.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258
pp. 233-241.
DOI 10.3354/meps258233.
Klimpel, S., Palm, H. W. and Seehagen, A.
Metazoan parasites and food composition of juvenile Etmopterus spinax (L., 1758) (Dalatidae, Squaliformes) from the Norwegian Deep.
Parasitology Research, 89
pp. 245-251.
DOI 10.1007/s00436-002-0741-1.
Köster, F., Hinrichsen, H. H., Schnack, D. , St.John, M. A., MacKenzie, B. R., Tomkiewicz, J., Möllmann, C. , Kraus, G., Plikshs, M., Makarchouk, A. and Aro, E.
Recruitment of Baltic cod and sprat stocks: identification of critical life stages and incorporation of enviromental variability into stock-recruitment relationships.
Scientia Marina, 67
pp. 129-154.
Köster, F., Schnack, D. and Möllmann, C.
Scientific knowledge on biological processes potentially useful in fish stock prediction.
Scientia Marina, 67
(Suppl. 1).
pp. 101-127.
Köster, F. W., Möllmann, C., Neuenfeldt, S., Vinther, M., St. John, M. A., Tomkiewicz, J., Voss, R., Hinrichsen, H. H., Kraus, G. and Schnack, D.
Fish stock development in the central Baltic Sea (1976-2000) in relation to variability in the environment.
ICES Marine Science Symposia, 219
pp. 294-306.
Malzahn, A., Clemmesen, C. and Rosenthal, H.
Temperature effects on growth and nucleic acids in laboratory-reared larval coregonid fish.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 259
pp. 285-293.
DOI 10.3354/meps259285.
Möllmann, C. , Kornilovs, G., Fetter, M., Köster, F. W. and Hinrichsen, H. H.
The marine copepod, Pseudocalanus elongatus, as a mediator between climate variability and fisheries in the central Baltic Sea.
Fisheries Oceanography, 12
pp. 360-368.
DOI 10.1046/j.1365-2419.2003.00257.x.
Möllmann, C. , Köster, F., Kornilovs, G. and Ludvigs, S.
Interannual variability in population dynamics of calanoid copepods in the central Baltic Sea.
ICES Marine Science Symposia, 219
pp. 220-230.
Nissling, A., Müller, A. and Hinrichsen, H. H.
Specific gravity and vertical distribution of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) eggs in the Baltic Sea.
Journal of Fish Biology, 63
pp. 280-299.
DOI 10.1046/j.1095-8649.2003.00139.x.
Pedersen, B. H., Ueberschär, B. and Kurukawa, T.
Digestive response and rates of growth in pre-leptocephalus larvae of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) reared on artificial diets.
Aquaculture, 215
pp. 321-338.
DOI 10.1016/S0044-8486(02)00065-0.
Rossi-Wongtschowski, C. L., Clemmesen, C. , Ueberschär, B. and Ferraz-Dias, J. F.
Larval condition and growth of Sardinella brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1879): preliminary results from laboratory studies.
Scientia Marina, 67
pp. 13-23.
Simeone, A. and Wilson, R. P.
In depth studies of Magellanic foraging behavior: Can we estimate prey consumption by perturbations in the profile?.
Marine Biology, 143
pp. 825-831.
DOI 10.1007/s00227-003-1114-8.
Voss, R. and Hinrichsen, H. H.
Sources of uncertainty in ichthyoplankton surveys: influence of wind forcing and survey strategy on abundance estimates.
Journal of Marine Systems, 43
pp. 87-103.
DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2003.05.001.
Voss, R., Köster, F. W. and Dickmann, M.
Comparing the feeding habits of co-occurring sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and cod (Gadus morhua) larvae in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea.
Fisheries Research, 63
pp. 97-111.
Wilson, R. P. and Liebsch, N.
Up-beat motion in swimming limbs: New insights into assessing movement of free-living marine vertebrates..
Marine Biology, 142
pp. 537-547.
DOI 10.1007/s00227-002-0964-9.
Wittmann, K. J., Hernández, F., Dürr, J., Tejera, E., Gonzáles, J. A. and Jimenez, S.
The epi- to bathypelagic Mysidacea (Peracarida) off the Selvagens, Canary, and Cape Verde Islands (NE Atlantic), with first description of the male of Longithorax alicei H. Nouvel, 1942.
Crustaceana, 76
pp. 1257-1280.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Bergstad, O. A. and Piatkowski, U.
MAR-ECO - Patterns and processes of the ecosystems of the northern mid-Atlantic: an international project under the Census of Marine Life
GLOBEC International Newsletter, 9
pp. 20-22.
Fureder, L., Oberkofler, B., Hanel, R., Leiter, J. and Thaler, B.
The freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes in South Tyrol. Heritage species and bioindicator.
Bulletin Francais De La Peche Et De La Pisciculture, 370-71
pp. 81-95.
DOI 10.1051/kmae:2003005.
Kraus, G., Möllmann, C., Hinrichsen, H. H., Lehmann, A. and Schnack, D.
Unusual water mass advection affected Central Baltic key species 1: Sprat and the summer inflow.
GLOBEC International Newsletter, 9
pp. 27-28.
Schmidt, J. , Möllmann, C. , Temming, A., Herrmann, J. P., Floeter, J., Sell, A. and St. John, M. A.
Unusual water mass advection affected Central Baltic key species 2: Pseudocalanus and the winter inflow.
GLOBEC International Newsletter, 9
pp. 28-29.
Book chapters
Froese, R. and Reyes Jr., R.
Use them or lose them: the need to make collection databases publicly available.
In: The new panorama of animal evolution: Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Zoology, Athens 2000.
, ed. by
Legakis, A., Sfenthourakis, S., Polymeri, R. and Thessalou-Legaki, M..
Penosoft Publishing, Sofia, Moscow, Russia, pp. 585-591.
Piatkowski, U. , Allcock, L. and Vecchione, M.
Cephalopod diversity and ecology.
In: The expeditions ANTARKTIS-XIX/3-4 of the Research Vessel Polarstern in 2002 (ANDEEP I and II: Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity – colonization history and recent community patterns).
, ed. by
Fütterer, D., Brandt, A. and Poore, G. C. B..
Berichte zur Polarforschung, 470
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 32-38.
Schnack, D.
Ursachen großer Bestandsveränderungen bei Meeresfischen in der Ostsee.
In: Fische und Fischerei in Ost- und Nordsee.
, ed. by
Benke, H..
Meer und Museum, 17
Deutsches Meeresmuseum, Stralsund, Germany, pp. 96-103.
Waller, U.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Aquakultur.
In: Handbuch Fisch, Krebs- und Weichtiere.
, ed. by
Keller, M..
Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 1-26.
Watson, R., Pauly, D., Christensen, V., Froese, R. , Longhurst, A., Platt, T., Sathyendranath, S., Sherman, K., O'Reilly, J. and Celone, P.
Mapping fisheries onto marine ecosystems for regional, oceanic and global integrations.
In: Large marine ecosystems of the world.
, ed. by
Hempel, G. and Sherman, K..
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 375-395.
ISBN 0-444-51027-3
Theses - not published by a publisher
Bischoff, A. A.
Experiments on growth and mortality of a marine polychaete of the genus Nereis.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 102 pp.
Brendel, S. I.
Beobachtungen zum Verhalten von Wolfsbarschen (Dicentrarchus labrax) unter Kulturbedingungen in einer Kreislaufanlage.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 34 pp.
Kim, S. K.
Ecophysiological requirements for artificial seed production of Saxidomus purpuratus (Veneridae; Eulamellibranchia), a new candidate for marine aquaculture.
(PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, 157 pp.
Probst, W. N.
Parental effects on early life-history traits of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L.).
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 63 pp.
Schubert, P.
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Opisthobranchiern und ihre Beuteorganismen.
(Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 103 pp.
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