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Number of items: 154.

Rona, P. A., Devey, C., Dyment, J. and Murton, B., eds. (2010) Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges. . Geophysical Monograph Series, 188 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington DC, 440 pp. ISBN 978-0-87390-478-8

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Kanzow, T., Thurnherr, A., Lackschewitz, K., Rothenbeck, M., Koy, U., Zappa, C., Sticklus, J. and Augustin, N., eds. (2010) FS POSEIDON Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report POS403, Ponta Delgada (Azores) - Ponta Delgada (Azores), 14.08. - 30.08.2010. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 38 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 66 pp. DOI 10.3289/ifm-geomar_rep_38_2010.

Augustin, N. , Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. and Kutterolf, S. (2010) Authigenic Carbonates as Archives for Fluid Venting: Insights from drill cores off-shore Costa Rica & Nicaragua. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Bani Hassan, N., Iyer, K. , Rüpke, L. and Borgia, A. (2010) Controls of surface topography on submarine and subaerial hydrothermal fluid flow and vent-site location. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 15.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Behrmann, J. H. , Speckbacher, R., Nagel, T., Klaucke, I. and Devey, C. W. (2010) The active Moresby Seamount Detachment Fault,Woodlark Basin: insights into structure and mechanics from high-resolution submarine mapping and sampling. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

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Beuchert, M. J., Podladchikov, Y. Y., Simon, N. S. C. and Rüpke, L. (2010) Modeling of craton stability using a viscoelastic rheology. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115 (B11). B11413. DOI 10.1029/2009JB006482.

Biastoch, A. , Treude, T. , Roth, C., Rüpke, L. , Burwicz, E. , Park, W. , Latif, M. , Böning, C. W. , Madec, G. and Wallmann, K. (2010) Evolution of Arctic Ocean temperatures and fate of marine gas hydrates under global warming. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

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Bindeman, I. N., Leonov, V. L., Izbekov, P. E., Ponomareva, V. V., Watts, K. E., Shipley, N. K., Perepelov, A. B., Bazanova, L. I., Jicha, B., Singer, B. S., Schmitt, A. K., Portnyagin, M. and Chen, C. H. (2010) Large-volume silicic volcanism in Kamchatka: Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages, isotopic, and geochemical characteristics of major pre-Holocene caldera-forming eruptions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 189 (1/2). pp. 57-80. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.10.009.

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Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI, International Ociean Insitute (2010) World Ocean Review 2010 : Living with the oceans. Open Access , ed. by Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M.. World Ocean Review, 1 . Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1

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Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence (2010) World Ocean Review 2010 : Mit den Meeren leben. Open Access , ed. by Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M.. World Ocean Review, 1 . Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1

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Bouabdellah, M., Hoernle, K. , Kchit, A., Duggen, S., Hauff, F. , Klügel, A., Lowery, D. and Beaudoin, G. (2010) Petrogenesis of Eocene Tamazert continental carbonatites (Central High Atlas, Morocco): implications for a common source for the Tamazert and Canary and Cape Verde Island carbonatites. Journal of Petrology, 51 . pp. 1655-1686. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egq033.

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Breitbarth, E., Achterberg, E. P. , Ardelan, M. V., Baker, A. R., Bucciarelli, E., Chever, F., Croot, P., Duggen, S., Gledhill, M. , Hassellöv, M., Hassler, C., Hoffmann, L., Hunter, K. A., Hutchins, D. A., Ingri, J., Jickells, T., Lohan, M. C., Nielsdóttir, M. C., Sarthou, G., Schoemann, V., Trapp, J. M., Turner, D. R. and Ye, Y. (2010) Iron biogeochemistry across marine systems - progress from the past decade. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 7 (3). pp. 1075-1097. DOI 10.5194/bg-7-1075-2010.

Breuer, C. (2010) The role of magmatic volatiles in the formation of sulfates and sulfides in the off-shore area of Panarea, Aeolian Island-arc, Italy. (Master thesis), Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany, 86 pp.

Burkert, C., Freundt, A. , Gilbert, D. and Kutterolf, S. (2010) Origin of magmatic components in the Diamante Tuff. [Poster] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

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Dekov, V. M., Petersen, S. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Kamenov, G. D., Perner, M. , Kuzmann, E. and Schmidt, M. (2010) Fe–Si-oxyhydroxide deposits at a slow-spreading centre with thickened oceanic crust: the Lilliput hydrothermal field (9°33′S, Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Chemical Geology, 278 . pp. 186-200. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.09.012.

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Deppe, J., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., O'Connor, J. and Jokat, W. (2010) Evidence for a long-term geochemical zonation of the Tristan-Gough Hotspot. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010 - European Geosciences Union. , 02.05.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria . Geophysical Research Abstracts. ; EGU2010 .

Deppe, J., Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., O'Connor, J. and Jokat, W. (2010) Evidence for a long-term geochemical zonation of the Tristan-Gough Hotspot. [Talk] In: SPP1375 Colloquium. , 14.06.-17.06.2010, Kiel .

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Devey, C. (2010) Fieldwork on the seafloor: we are getting close. Open Access IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2009 . pp. 34-35.

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Devey, C. and Petersen, S. (2010) Exchange of material and energy druing the formation of new oceanic crust. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrasss, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 48-51.

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Devey, C. and Petersen, S. (2010) Material- und Energieaustausch bei der Neubildung von Lithosphäre im Ozean. In: Mit der SONNE die Erde erforschen. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 48-51.

Devey, C. W. (2010) Feuer aus den Tiefen der Erde - Vulkane: Zerstörer und Lebensspender. In: Expedition Erde - Wissenswertes und Spannendes aus den Geowissenschaften. , ed. by Wefer, G. and Schmieder, F.. MARUM, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 94-99. 3., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. ISBN 978-3-00-030772-0

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Devey, C. W. , German, C. R., Haase, K. M., Lackschewitz, K., Melchert, B. and Connelly, D. P. (2010) The Relationships Between Volcanism, Tectonism, and Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In: Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges. , ed. by Rona, P. A. and Devey, C. W.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 188 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 133-152. ISBN 978-0-87390-478-8

Devey, C. W. , Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Klaucke, I. , Lackschewitz, K., Mahlke, J., Rothenbeck, M. and Sticklus, J. (2010) Constructing mid-ocean ridge flat-topped volcanoes: First evidence from AUV mapping in the Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA ; V12A-06 . EOS Transactions (91 (53), Fall Meeting Suppl.).

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Duggen, S., Olgun, N., Croot, P., Hoffmann, L. J., Dietze, H. , Delmelle, P. and Teschner, C. (2010) The role of airborne volcanic ash for the surface ocean biogeochemical iron-cycle: a review. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 7 (3). pp. 827-844. DOI 10.5194/bg-7-827-2010.

Dzierma, Y. and Wehrmann, H. (2010) Eruption time series statistically examined: Probabilities of future eruptions in the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Dzierma, Y. and Wehrmann, H. (2010) Young volcanoes in the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone: A statistical approach to eruption prediction based on time series. [Poster] In: 6th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on Climate Change, Natural Hazards, and Societies. , 14.-19.03.2010, Merida, Mexico .

Eisele, S. (2010) Volcanic, structural and compositional evolution of Eselsberg scoria cone complex, West-Eifel volcanic field. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, ? pp.

Form, A. and Ragazzola, F. (2010) OA studies on cold-water corals and coralline red algae. [Talk] In: EPOCA/BIOACID/ Calmaro/OCB Training workshop Best practises in ocean acidification research. , 08.-12.03.2010, Kiel, Germany .

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Freundt, A. , Hartmann, A., Kutterolf, S. and Strauch, W. (2010) Volcaniclastic stratigraphy of the Tiscapa maar crater walls (Managua, Nicaragua) : implications for volcanic and seismic hazards and Holocene climate changes. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99 . pp. 1453-1470. DOI 10.1007/s00531-009-0469-6.

Freundt, A. , Kutterolf, S. , Burkert, C., Gilbert, D., Lara, L. and Naranjo, J. (2010) Volatile contents of melt inclusions of tephras along and across the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile – preliminary results. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Frische, M., Fietzke, J. , Wehrmann, H., Hansteen, T. and Kutterolf, S. (2010) High-precision determination of stable chlorine isotopes: Insights into recycling processes beneath volcanic arcs. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Garofalo, K., Pena, P., Dzierma, Y., Hansteen, T. , Rabbel, W., Gil, F. and Bredemeyer, S. (2010) Multiparameter surveillance of Villarrica volcano. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Gazel, E., Feigensohn, M., Carr, M. J. and Hoernle, K. (2010) The OIB signature in Central America: old lithospheric and young asthenospheric mantle reservoirs. [Talk] In: 20. Annual Goldschmidt Conference: Earth, Energy and Environment. , 13.06.-19.06.2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA . Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. ; A322 .

Gilbert, D., Freundt, A. , Kutterolf, S. and Burkert, C. (2010) Late pleistocene to holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Lonquimay volcano, South Central Chile. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Gilbert, D., Freundt, A. , Kutterolf, S. and Burkert, C. (2010) Late Pleistocene to Holocene tephrostratigraphy of the Lonquimay Volcano, South Central Chile. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

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Gurenko, A. A., Hoernle, K. , Sobolev, A. V., Hauff, F. and Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Source components of the Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) shield stage magmas: evidence from olivine composition and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 159 (5). pp. 689-702. DOI 10.1007/s00410-009-0448-8.

Hannington, M. D., Jamieson, J., Monecke, T. and Petersen, S. (2010) Modern sea-floor massive sulfides and base metal resources: Toward an estimate of global sea-floor massive sulfide potential. In: The Challenge of Finding New Mineral Resources: Global Metallogeny, Innovative Exploration, and New Discoveries. Vol. 2: Zinc-Lead, Nickel-Copper-PGE, and Uranium. , ed. by Goldfarb, R. J., Marsh, E. E. and Monecke, T.. Special publications of the Society of Economic Geologists (15). Society of Economic Geologists, Littleton, Colorado, pp. 317-338.

Hannington, M. D., Jamieson, J., Monecke, T. and Petersen, S. (2010) Modern sea-floor massive sulfides and base metal resources: Toward an estimate of global sea-floor massive sulfide potential.. [Talk] In: Society of Economic Geologists 2010 Conference. , 03.-05.10.2010, Keystone, Colorado, USA .

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Hansteen, T. H. (2010) 1. Wochenbericht M80/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hansteen, T. H. (2010) 2. Wochenbericht M80/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hansteen, T. H. (2010) 3. Wochenbericht M80/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Hansteen, T. H. (2010) 4. Wochenbericht M80/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Hansteen, T. H. (2010) 5. Wochenbericht M80/3. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Hansteen, T. , Kutterolf, S. , Appel, K., Freundt, A. , Perez, W. and Wehrmann, H. (2010) Bromine release during Plinian eruptions along the Central American Volcanic Arc. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

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Harders, R., Kutterolf, S. , Hensen, C. , Moerz, T. and Brückmann, W. (2010) Tephra layers : a controlling factor on submarine translational sliding?. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11 (5). DOI 10.1029/2009GC002844.

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Heydolph, K. (2010) Spatial variations in the geochemistry of arc volcanism in Central America. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 153 pp.

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Heydolph, K., Hoernle, K. , van den Bogaard, P. and Hauff, F. (2010) Northwestern Central American Volcanic Arc: Increased contribution of enriched lithosphere to lavas along the volcanic front from Nicaragua to Guatemala and behind the volcanic front. [Talk] In: 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DMG, From Dust to Dust. , 19.09.-22.09.2010, Münster . From dust to dust : 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DMG ; Abstracts. ; 121, S09-T07 .

Hoernle, K. (2010) Past and Potential Future Collaboration between MARGINS and the Collaborative Research Center SFB574 and other European Research Programs. [Invited talk] In: MARGINS Successor Planning Meeting. , 15.-17.02.2010, San Antonio, Texas, USA .

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 1. Wochenbericht M81/2A. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 2. Wochenbericht M81/2A. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 3. Wochenbericht M81/2A. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 3. Wochenbericht SO208/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 4. Wochenbericht SO208/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 5. Wochenbericht SO208/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

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Hoernle, K. A. (2010) 6. Wochenbericht SO208/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

Hoernle, K. and Hauff, F. (2010) WALVIS-II: Exploring the temporal and geochemical evolution of the Central Walvis Ridge with a R/V Meteor / Merian Expedition in 2011. [Talk] In: SPP1375 Colloquium. , 14.06.-17.06.2010, Kiel .

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Hanan, B., Werner, R., Christie, D. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2010) Seamounts South of the Galapagos Spreading Center provide new constraints on plume-ridge interaction and evidence for a depleted plume component. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.--17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V52A-08 .

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Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Barckhausen, U. (2010) Bruchzonen: Ursprung für große Erdbeben und Archiv der Geschichte des Ozeanbodens. In: Mit der SONNE die Erde erforschen. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 44-47.

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R. and Barckhausen, U. (2010) Fracture zones: large earthquakes, tsunamis and the evolution of the seafloor. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 44-47.

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Werner, R., van den Bogaard, P., Timm, C. , Michael, P., Coffin, M., Mortimer, N. and Davy, B. (2010) A common multi-stage evolution for the Manihiki, Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateaus: Is there a link between the Greater Ontong Java Event and the South Pacific Superswell?. [Invited talk] In: Geodynamics Seminar, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. , 10.05. 2010, Palisades, NY, USA .

Hoernle, K. , Heydolph, K., van den Bogaard, P. and Hauff, F. (2010) Along- and Across-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Central American Volcanic Arc. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Höfig, T. (2010) Science outreach between climate change and tsunamis - Communicating marine research to the public. [Talk] In: GeoDarmstadt 2010 - Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (DGG) und der Geologischen Vereinigung (GV). , 10.-13.10.2010, Darmstadt .

Höfig, T. (2010) Von Japan nach Alaska: Die SONNE-Ausfahrt SO201-KALMAR Leg 1b. [Public Lecture] In: Vortragsreihe 2010 der Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V. an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. , 28.04.2010, Halle/Saale .

Höfig, T. and Portnyagin, M. (2010) Magmatic evolution of Far Western Aleutian Arc. [Poster] In: 5. Deutscher KALMAR-Workshop am Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften. , 27.-28.09.2010, Kiel .

Jacques, G., Hoernle, K. A. , Wehrmann, H., Garbe-Schönberg, D., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. and Lara, L. (2010) Along- and Across-Arc Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

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Jacques, G., Hoernle, K. , Wehrmann, H., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., van den Bogaard, P., Hauff, F. and Lara, L. (2010) Along- and Across-Arc Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile. [Talk] In: 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DMG, From Dust to Dust. , 19.09.-22.09.2010, Münster . From Dust to Dust : 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DMG ; Abstracts. ; 122, S09-T08 .

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Jegen-Kulcsar, M. , Kutterolf, S. , Kwasnitschka, T. and Freundt, A. and European Geosciences Union (2010) Cyclic volcanism at convergent margins: linked to aarth orbital parameters or climate changes?. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.05.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria . Geophysical Research Abstracts. .

Jegen, M. D. , Kutterolf, S. , Mitrovica, J. X., Kwasnitschka, T., Freundt, A. and Huybers, P. (2010) A detection of Milankovitch Periodocity in records of global arc volcanism. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.12.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Jutzeler, M., Schmincke, H. U. and Sumita, M. (2010) The incrementally zoned Miocene Ayagaures ignimbrite (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 196 (1-2). pp. 1-19. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.07.002.

Kayzar, T. M., Nelson, B. K., Bachmann, O., Portnyagin, M. and Ponomareva, V. (2010) Are U-series disequilibria transparent to crustal processing of magma? A case study at Bezymianny and Klyuchevskoy Volcanoes, Kamchatka, Russia. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V43A-2358 .

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Klapp, S. A., Bohrmann, G., Kuhs, W. F., Mangir Murshed, M., Pape, T., Klein, H., Techmer, K. S., Heeschen, K. U. and Abegg, F. (2010) Microstructures of structure I and II gas hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27 (1). pp. 116-125. DOI 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.03.004.

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Krabbenhöft, A., Eisenhauer, A. , Böhm, F., Vollstaedt, H., Fietzke, J. , Liebetrau, V., Augustin, N. , Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Müller, M., Horn, C., Hansen, B. T., Nolte, N. and Wallmann, K. (2010) Constraining the marine strontium budget with natural strontium isotope fractionations (87Sr/86Sr*, δ88/86Sr) of carbonates, hydrothermal solutions and river waters. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (14). pp. 4097-4109. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.009.

Krasheninnikov, S. P. and Portnyagin, M. V. (2010) Melt inclusions in minerals from Holocene tephras of Avachinsky Volcano, Kamchatka. [Talk] In: XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) - V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS. , 15.09.-20.09.2010, Novosibirsk, Russia . ACROFI III and TBG XIV Abstracts Volume: Abstracts pf III Biennial Conference Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI III) and XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) / ed. V. V. Sharygin. ; pp. 104-105 .

Kutterolf, S. , Hansteen, T. , Appel, K., Freundt, A. , Perez, W. and Wehrmann, H. (2010) Bromine release during Plinian eruptions along the Central American Volcanic Arc. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Kutterolf, S. , Hansteen, T. , Rickers-Appel, K., Freundt, A. , Perez, W., Wehrmann, H. and Frische, M. (2010) Magmatic heavy halogen concentrations and degassed masses in late Pleistocene to Holocene Plinian eruptions of Nicaragua. [Talk] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Kwasnitschka, T. (2010) Fulldome Live Action: Why we need it, how we get it?. [Talk] In: International Planetarium Society Conference 2010. , 26.-30.06.2010, Alexandria, Egypt .

Kwasnitschka, T. (2010) Progress in Fulldome Live Action. [Talk] In: International Planetarium Society Conference 2010. , 26.-30.06.2010, Alexandria, Egypt .

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Langmann, B., Zaksek, K., Hort, M. and Duggen, S. (2010) Volcanic ash as fertiliser for the surface ocean. Open Access Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10 (8). pp. 3891-3899. DOI 10.5194/acp-10-3891-2010.

Laurila, T. E., Hannington, M. D., Petersen, S. and Krätschell, A. (2010) The Atlantis II Deep - Geochemical insights to the metal precipitation in the Red Sea. [Poster] In: Society of Economic Geologists 2010 Conference. , 03.-05.10.2010, Keystone, Colorado, USA .

Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Fietzke, J. , Suess, E., Kutterolf, S. , Reitner, J., Thiel, V., Seifert, R., Stadnitskaia, A., Han, X. and Linke, P. (2010) Time scales and controls of microbially-mediated carbonate formation at cold seeps. [Talk] In: 10th International Conference on Gas in Marine Sediments. , 09.09.2010, Listvaynka, Irkutsk (Lake Baikal), Russia .

Liebetrau, V., Eisenhauer, A. , Fietzke, J. , Suess, E., Kutterolf, S. , Reitner, J., Thiel, V., Seifert, R., Stadnitskaia, A., Han, X. and Linke, P. (2010) Seepage Systematic of Different Geological Settings: Reflected in Time Scales and Controls of Microbially Mediated Carbonate Formation. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Linke, P. , Freundt, A. , Geersen, J. , Kutterolf, S. , Liebetrau, V., Rovelli, L., Scholz, F., Sommer, S., Steeb, P., Treude, T. and Völker, D. (2010) ChiFlux - Identification and investigation of fluid flux, mass wasting and sediments in the forearc of the central Chilean subduction zone – First results from SONNE cruise SO-210. [Talk] In: SFB 574 SUBDUCTION WORKSHOP. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Mahlke, J., Devey, C. W. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: Continental Dynamics Papua New Guinea Group Meeting. , 12.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Mahlke, J., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and Devey, C. W. (2010) Bulk trace element composition of submarine volcanic glasses from the Woodlark Basin by LA-ICPMS: competetive with conventional solution ICPMS?. [Poster] In: 10th European Workshop on Laser Ablation. , 29.06.-01.07.2010, Kiel .

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Metzner, D., Toohey, M. , Lorenz, S., Niemeier, U., Brovkin, V., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) Climate response to major volcanic eruptions in earth system climate models of different complexities. [Poster] In: Summer School "Governing Climate Engineering". , 12.-16.07.2010, Heidelberg, Germany .

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Metzner, D., Toohey, M. , Lorenz, S., Niemeier, U., Brovkin, V., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) Simulations of the climate response to major volcanic eruptions using different complexities of eartch system climate models. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Metzner, D., Toohey, M. , Lorenz, S., Niemeier, U., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Brovkin, V., Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) Climate response to major volcanic eruptions in earth system models of different complexities. [Poster] In: 1. young Scientist Excellence Cluster Conference on Marine and Climate Research. , 04.-06.10.2010, Hamburg, Germany .

Metzner, D., Zanchettin, D., Toohey, M. , Niemeier, U., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) Climate response and feedbacks of the large volcanic eruption Los Chocoyos in the MPI-ESM. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucón, Chile .

Metzner, D., Zanchettin, D., Toohey, M. , Niemeier, U., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. , Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) Climate response and feedback to the large volcanic eruption of Los Chocoyos in the MPI ESM. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Monecke, T., Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Anzidei, M., Esposito, A., Giordano, G., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Augustin, N. , Melchert, B. and Hocking, M. (2010) Eruption craters associated with shallow submarine gas venting off Panarea Island, Italy. [Paper] In: 2010 Annual Meeting Geological Society of America. , 31.10.-3.11.2010, Denver, USA . Abstracts with Programs. ; p. 224 .

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Mueller, A. D., Anselmetti, F. S., Arizteguli, D., Brenner, M., Hodell, D. A., Curtis, J. H., Escobar, J., Gilli, A., Grzesik, D. A., Guilderson, T. P., Kutterolf, S. and Plötze, M. (2010) Late Quaternary palaeoenvironment of northern Guatemala: evidence from deep drill cores and seismic stratigraphy of Lake Petén Itzá. Sedimentology, 57 (5). pp. 1220-1245. DOI 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2009.01144.x.

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Ngwa, C., Suh, C. E. and Devey, C. W. (2010) Phreatomagmatic deposits and stratigraphic reconstruction at Debunscha Maar (Mt Cameroon volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 192 (3-4). pp. 201-211. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.02.012.

O'Connor, J., Hoernle, K. , Wijbrans, J., Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Stoffers, P. (2010) Do periodic plate reorganisations control late-stage volcanism across a broad Galápagos hotspot?. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.--17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V41A-2264 .

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Pape, T., Kasten, S., Zabel, M., Bahr, A., Abegg, F., Hohnberg, H. J. and Bohrmann, G. (2010) Gas hydrates in shallow deposits of the Amsterdam mud volcano, Anaximander Mountains, Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 30 (3-4). pp. 187-206. DOI 10.1007/s00367-010-0197-8.

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Perner, M. , Seifert, R., Strauss, H. and Petersen, S. (2010) Microbial communities and metabolisms from basalt- and ultramafic-hosted vents. Open Access [Talk] In: Chapman Conference on Detachments in Oceanic Lithosphere: Deformation, Magmatism, Fluid Flow, and Ecosystems, American Geophysical Union. , 11.05.2010, Agros, Cyprus .

Petersen, S. (2010) Die dritte Dimension submariner Hydrothermalsysteme: Implikationen für ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit. [Talk] In: Ringvorlesung "Metalle: Lagerstättengenese, Versorgung, Umweltproblematik". , 21.01, Bremen .

Petersen, S. (2010) Marine Massivsulfide - Wann beginnt der Abbau?. [Talk] In: Workshop der AG Gashydrate/Meeresbergbau der GMT, Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik. , 24.06.2010, Hamburg .

Petersen, S. (2010) Marine mineralische Rohstoffe. In: World Ocean Review 2010. . Maribus , Bremen, pp. 146-151. ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1

Petersen, S. (2010) Modern seafloor massive sulfide deposits - distribution, ore types and economic significance. [Talk] In: Minerals of the Ocean V and Deep-Sea Minerals and Mining II, VNII-Okeangeologia. , 29.06.2010, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Petersen, S. (2010) Sampling and drilling of sulfide deposits using mobile drilling systems. [Talk] In: International Workshop on Massive Sulfide Deposits, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe. , 21.07.2010, Hannover .

Petersen, S. (2010) Sulfide exploration in the southern Atlantic Ocean (German activities). [Talk] In: International Workshop on Massive Sulfide Deposits, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe. , 20.07.2010, Hannover .

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Petersen, S. (2010) Warum Forscher mit einem Tauchroboter nach einem Flugzeugwrack suchen können und manchmal müssen. [Public Lecture] In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2010. , 03.11.2010, Kiel, Germany . Warum Forscher mit einem Tauchroboter nach einem Flugzeugwrack suchen können und manchmal müssen. . Kinder- und Schüleruni Kiel: Begleitheft zum Vortrag .

Petersen, S. , Purcell, M., Packard, G., Sherrell, A., Wanless, D., Dennett, M., Ekblaw, G., Littlefield, R., McPhee, N., Mulrooney, M., Murphy, S. and Rothenbeck, M. (2010) High-resolution side-scan mapping of large areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 3°N using a fleet of REMUS-type autonomous underwater vehicles. [Talk] In: Minerals of the Ocean V and Deep-Sea Minerals and Mining II, VNII-Okeangeologia. , 30.06.2010, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Peters, M., Strauss, S., Petersen, S. , Kummer, N. and Thomazo, C. (2010) The Palinuro volcanic complex (Tyrrhenian Sea): inorganic and microbial sulfur cycling as revealed by multiple sulfur isotope data. [Talk] In: Minerals of the Ocean V and Deep-Sea Minerals and Mining II, VNII-Okeangeologii. , 29.06.2010, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Peterson, M., Saal, A., Hauri, E., Werner, R., Hauff, F. , Kurz, M., Geist, D. and Harpp, K. (2010) Sources of volatiles in basalts from the Galapagos Archipelago: deep and shallow evidence. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.--17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V51D-05 .

Plechova, A. A., Portnyagin, M. V. and Mironov, N. (2010) Volatiles in primitive magmas of Kamchatka and their long-term fluxes. [Talk] In: XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) - V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS. , 15.09.-20.09.2010, Novosibirsk, Russia . ACROFI III and TBG XIV Abstracts Volume: Abstracts pf III Biennial Conference Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI III) and XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) / ed. V. V. Sharygin. ; pp. 174-175 .

Ponomareva, V., Portnyagin, M. , Bazanova, L., Bigg, G., Bindeman, I., Derkachev, A., Jusschus, O., Leonov, V. and van den Bogaard, C. (2010) The largest Pleistocene-Holocene eruptions in the Kamchatka Peninsula, NW Pacific, and long-distance correlation of their tephra. [Poster] In: 5th International Lake El’gygytgyn Workshop. , 20.05.-24.05.2010, Köln .

Portnyagin, M. , Hoernle, K. , Sobolev, A., Heydolph, K., Hauff, F. and Kuzmin, D. (2010) Wide-spread occurrence of olivine-free pyroxenites in the mantle wedge beneath the Central American Arc. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Portnyagin, M. V. , Hoernle, K. , Storm, S., Mironov, N. and van den Bogaard, C. (2010) Water-rich melt inclusions in olivine from silicic Icelandic rocks. [Talk] In: XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) - V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS. , 15.09.-20.09.2010, Novosibirsk, Russia . ACROFI III and TBG XIV Abstracts Volume: Abstracts pf III Biennial Conference Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI III) and XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) / ed. V. V. Sharygin. ; pp. 176-177 .

Portnyagin, M. V. , Naumov, V. B., Mironov, N. L., Belousov, I. A. and Kononkova, N. N. (2010) Composition and evolution of parental melts of the 1996 eruption in the Academy Nauk Caldera (Karmysky Volcanic Center, Kamchatka). [Talk] In: XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) - V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS. , 15.09.-20.09.2010, Novosibirsk, Russia . ACROFI III and TBG XIV Abstracts Volume: Abstracts pf III Biennial Conference Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ACROFI III) and XIV International Conference on Thermobarogeochemistry (TBG XIV) / ed. V. V. Sharygin. ; pp. 178-179 .

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Rausch, J. and Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Nejapa Tephra: The youngest (c. 1kaBP) highly explosive hydroclastic eruption in western Managua (Nicaragua). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 192 (3-4). pp. 159-177. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.02.010.

Rüpke, L. , Iyer, K. , Hasenclever, J. and Morgan, J. P. (2010) The subduction zone water cycle revisited with novel 2D and 3D numerical models. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.- 07.11. 2010, Pucón, Chile .

Rüpke, L. and Phipps Morgan, J. (2010) Neptun, Pluto und die tiefen Wasserkreisläufe unseres Planeten Erde. In: Expedition Erde - Wissenswertes und Spannendes aus den Geowissenschaften. , ed. by Wefer, G. and Schmieder, F.. MARUM, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 94-99. 3., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. ISBN 978-3-00-030772-0

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Schacht, U., Wallmann, K. and Kutterolf, S. (2010) The influence of volcanic ash alteration on the REE composition of marine pore waters. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 106 (1-3). pp. 176-187. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2010.02.006.

Schmincke, H. U. (2010) The system magma-volcano-man part II. [Talk] In: Kind Saud University. , 22.02.2010, Riadh, Saudi Arabia .

Schmincke, H. U. (2010) The system magma-volcano-man part I. [Talk] In: King Abdullah Center of Science and Technology. , 21.02.2010, Riadh, Saudi Arabia .

Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Vulkanausbrüche – Vulkangefahren – Vulkankatastrophen. [Public Lecture] In: Industriemuseum Henrichshütte . , 29.01.2010, Hattingen .

Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Vulkanismus. . Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 264 pp. 3., überarb. Aufl. ISBN 978-3-534-23628-2

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Schmincke, H. U. , Rausch, J., Freundt, A. and Kutterolf, S. (2010) Walking through volcanic mud : the 2,100 year-old Acahualina footprints (Nicaragua) II: the Acahualina people, environmental conditions and motivation. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99 (Suppl 1). S279-S292. DOI 10.1007/s00531-009-0438-0.

Schmincke, H. U. and Sumita, M. (2010) Geological evolution of the Canary Islands : a young volcanic archipelago adjacent to the old African continent. . Görres, Koblenz, 188 pp. ISBN 978-3-86972-005-0

Schmincke, H. U. and Sumita, M. (2010) Origin and evolution of the Canary Islands. [Talk] In: Cities on Volcanoes. , 31.05.2010, Tenerife, Canary Islands .

Schmincke, H. U. , Sumita, M. and Yuichi, N. (2010) Kazangaku. . Kokonshoin, Tokyo, 354 pp. ISBN 978-4-7722-3133-6

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Shishkina, T. A., Botcharnikov, R. E., Holtz, F., Almeev, R. R. and Portnyagin, M. V. (2010) Solubility of H2O and CO2-bearing fluids in tholeiitic basalts at pressures up to 500 MPa. Chemical Geology, 277 (1/2). pp. 115-125. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2010.07.014.

Strehlow, K. , Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2010) Pliocene to Quaternary Central American tephrostratigraphy based on marine Tephras from ODP and DSDP sites - first comprehensive study. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Sumita, M. and Schmincke, H. U. (2010) The hazardous initial phreatomagmatic phase of scoria cones: Jorullo Volcano (Mexico)(1759-1774): Basal tephra deposits and historic accounts. [Talk] In: Cities on Volcanoes. , 01.06.2010, Tenerife, Canary Islands .

Sumita, M. and Schmincke, H. U. (2010) Onland tephra record around Lake Van as a stratigraphic, compositional, temporal and alteration framework for the Paleovan drilling project. [Talk] In: ICDP-IODP Kolloquium. , 10.03.2010, Frankfurt .

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Timm, C. , Hoernle, K. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. , van den Bogaard, P., White, J., Mortimer, N. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2010) Temporal and geochemical evolution of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism of Zealandia. Earth-Science Reviews, 98 (1-2). pp. 38-64. DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.10.002.

Toohey, M. , Niemeier, U., Kutterolf, S. , Timmreck, C. and Krüger, K. (2010) On the hemispheric asymmetry of atmospheric sulphate aerosol loading and surface deposition after major tropical volcanic eruptions. [Talk] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

Tost, M. (2010) Temporal, volcanic and compositional evolution of the Feuerberg scoria-lapilli cone, West Eifel volcanic field, Germany. (Diploma thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, ? pp.

van den Bogaard, C., Ponomareva, V., Portnyagin, M. , Dirksen, O., Diekmann, B., Derkachev, A. and Nürnberg, D. (2010) Towards a Kamchatka tephrochronological framework for testing synchronous climate development. [Talk] In: Active Tephra in Kyushu, International Field Conference and Workshop on Tephrochronology, Volcanism, and Human Activity. , 09.05.-17.05.2010, Kirishima, South Kyushu, Japan . Quaternary Internationl. .

Wallmann, K. , Burwicz, E. , Rüpke, L. , Marquardt, M., Pinero, E., Haeckel, M. and Hensen, C. (2010) Constraining the global inventory of methane hydrate in marine sediments. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

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Walter, M., Mertens, C., Stöber, U., German, C. R., Yoerger, D. R., Sültenfuß, J., Rhein, M., Melchert, B. and Baker, E. T. (2010) Rapid dispersal of a hydrothermal plume by turbulent mixing. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 57 (8). pp. 931-945. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2010.04.010.

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Wanke, M., Portnyagin, M. , Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Initial results for the composition of the igneous basement of the Bowers and Shirshov Ridges (Bering Sea, NW Pacific). [Talk] In: 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DMG, From Dust to Dust. , 19.09.-22.09.2010, Münster . From dust to dust : 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, DGM ; Abstracts. ; 192, S14-T17 .

Wehrmann, H., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Jacques, G., Hoernle, K. , Mahlke, J. and Schumann, K. (2010) Tephras from the Southern Chilean-Argentinian subduction system: high-resolution trace element analyses by LA-ICP-MS. [Poster] In: 10th European Workshop on Laser Ablation. , 29.06.-01.07.2010, Kiel, Germany .

Wehrmann, H., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Hoernle, K. , Jacques, G., Mahlke, J., Schumann, K. and van den Bogaard, P. (2010) On the fluid-mobility of molybdenum and tungsten in subduction zone volcanics: a comparative study of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone and the Central American Volcanic Arc. [Poster] In: SFB 574 Subduction Workshop. , 04.-07.11.2010, Pucon, Chile .

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Werner, R. (2010) 1. Wochenbericht M81/2B. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Werner, R. (2010) 1. Wochenbericht SO208/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Werner, R. (2010) 2. Wochenbericht M81/2B. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Werner, R. (2010) 2. Wochenbericht SO208/1. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Werner, R. (2010) 3. Wochenbericht M81/2B. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

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Werner, R. (2010) 4. Wochenbericht M81/2B. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 1 pp.

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Werner, R. and Hauff, F. (2010) Marine Supervulkane. In: Mit der SONNE die Erde erforschen. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 39-43.

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Werner, R., Hauff, F. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Marine supervulcanoes. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 39-43.

Werner, R., Hoernle, K. , Herbrich, A., Maicher, D. , Hauff, F. , White, S. and Borchert, W. (2010) R/V SONNE 208 PLUMEFLUX Cruise: Extent of the influence of the Galapagos Plume on the surrounding upper mantle and variations in plume-ridge interaction through time. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.--17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V41A-2257 .

Wickham, K. M., Bindeman, I. N., Ponomareva, V., Izbekov, P. E. and Portnyagin, M. (2010) Oxygen, hydrogen, and compositional characterization of Bezymyanny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: a 2000-year geochemical history based on analysis of individual phenocrysts and glasses from tephra sections and surface lavas. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 13.12.--17.12.2010, San Francisco, California, USA . EOS Transactions. ; V21B-2334 .

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Wittig, N., Pearson, D. G., Duggen, S., Baker, J. A. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Tracing the metasomatic and magmatic evolution of continental mantle roots with Sr, Nd, Hf and Pb isotopes : a case study of Middle Atlas (Morocco) peridotite xenoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (4). pp. 1417-1435. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.048.

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