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Number of items: 23.


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Bärisch, S. (2010) Model-Driven Test Case Construction by Domain Experts in the Context of Software System Families. (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), University of Kiel, Kiel, 260 pp. . Software Engineering Research .


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Fittkau, F. (2010) Reconstructing Software Architectures using the Code- and Structure Package of the Knowledge Discovery Meta-Model. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 127 pp.

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Frey, S. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Model-Based Migration of Legacy Software Systems into the Cloud: The CloudMIG Approach . Open Access Softwaretechnik-Trends, 30 (2). pp. 84-85.

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Frey, S. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Model-Based Migration of Legacy Software Systems to Scalable and Resource-Efficient Cloud-Based Applications: The CloudMIG Approach . [Paper] In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (Cloud Computing 2010). , 21-26 Nov 2010, Lisbon, Portugal . Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (Cloud Computing 2010) . ; pp. 155-158 .


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Giesecke, S., Gottschalk, M. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) The ArchMapper Approach to Architectural Conformance Checks: An Eclipse-based Tool for Style-oriented Architecture to Code Mappings . [Paper] In: Tagungsband des 3. Workshops zur Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung . . Tagungsband des 3. Workshops zur Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und -bewertung . ; pp. 71-80 .

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Gudenkauf, S. (2010) A Coordination-Based Model-Driven Method for Parallel Application Development . [Paper] In: Models in Software Engineering. , October 4-9, 2009, Denver, CO, USA . Models in Software Engineering. ; pp. 21-35 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science .

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Gudenkauf, S., Scherp, G., Höing, A., Hasselbring, W. and Kao, O. (2010) Workflow Modeling for WS-BPEL-based Service Orchestration in SMEs . [Paper] In: Software Engineering 2010 -- Workshopband. . Software Engineering 2010 -- Workshopband. ; pp. 185-192 . Lecture Notes in Informatics .

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Gul, I. A. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Towards Power Consumption Reduction by User Behavior Monitoring at Application level . [Paper] In: Proceedings of the 23rd International conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2010) . . Proceedings of the 23rd International conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2010) . ; pp. 377-386 .


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Hasselbring, W. and Brinkmann, A. (2010) 3. Grid Workflow Workshop (GWW 2010). [Paper] In: Software Engineering 2010 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik . . Software Engineering 2010 - Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik . ; p. 242 . Lecture Notes in Informatics .

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Hasselbring, W. and van Hoorn, A. (2010) Effektives Monitoring im Betrieb von Softwaresystemen. [Invited talk] In: IT-Anwenderkreis. , March 9, 2010, Kiel, Germany .


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Koschnicke, S., Wulf, C. and Fittkau, F. (2010) Das Rhomobile Framework – Chancen und Probleme der plattformübergreifenden Entwicklung für mobile Endgeräte. [Talk] In: KoSSE-Workshop “Entwicklungsplattformen”. , 10. November 2010, Lübeck .


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Matevska, J. (2010) Rekonfiguration komponentenbasierter Softwaresysteme zur Laufzeit . (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, 356 pp. . Software Engineering Research .


[thumbnail of RohrVanHoornHasselbringLuebckeAlekseev2010WorkloadIntensitySensitiveTimingBehaviorAnalysisForDistributedMultiUserSoftwareSystems-publisherVersion.pdf] [thumbnail of RohrVanHoornHasselbringLuebckeAlekseev2010WorkloadIntensitySensitiveTimingBehaviorAnalysisForDistributedMultiUserSoftwareSystems-slides-presented.pdf]

Rohr, M., van Hoorn, A., Hasselbring, W., Lübcke, M. and Alekseev, S. (2010) Workload-Intensity-Sensitive Timing Behavior Analysis for Distributed Multi-User Software Systems . [Paper] In: Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering (WOSP/SIPEW '10). , January 28--30, 2010, San Jose, CA, USA ; pp. 87-92 .


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Scherp, G. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Ein modellgetriebener Ansatz zur Nutzung von WS-BPEL für Scientific Workflows . [Paper] In: Software Engineering 2010 -- Workshopband. . Software Engineering 2010 -- Workshopband. ; pp. 201-208 . Lecture Notes in Informatics .

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Scherp, G. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Towards a Model-Driven Transformation Framework for Scientific Workflows . [Paper] In: 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering . . 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering . ; pp. 1513-1520 . Procedia Computer Science .

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Scherp, G., Höing, A., Gudenkauf, S., Hasselbring, W. and Kao, O. (2010) Using UNICORE and WS-BPEL for Scientific Workflow Execution in Grid Environments . [Paper] In: Euro-Par 2009 – Parallel Processing Workshops. , August 25th, 2009, Delft, NL . Euro-Par 2009 – Parallel Processing Workshops. ; pp. 335-344 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science .

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Schnoor, B. (2010) Modeling Usage and Architecture Metrics for Software Systems Applying OMG's KDM and SMM. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 52 pp.

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Streekmann, N. (2010) Model-Based Architecture Restructuring of a Large Industrial System . Softwaretechnik-Trends, 30 (2). pp. 58-59.


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von Massow, R. (2010) Performance Simulation of Runtime Reconfigurable Software Architectures. (Diploma thesis), University of Oldenburg, Germany, Oldenburg, Germany, 91 pp.

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von Massow, R., van Hoorn, A. and Hasselbring, W. (2010) Performance Simulation of Runtime Reconfigurable Component-Based Software Architectures . . Technische Berichte des Instituts für Informatik, TR-1015 . Department of Computer Science, University of Kiel, Germany, 8 pp.


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Warns, T. (2010) Structural Failure Models for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing . (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, 216 pp. . Software Engineering Research .


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Zimmermann, D. (2010) Eigenschaften, Entwurf und Evaluation ressourceneffizienter Softwarearchitekturen. (Bachelor thesis), Kiel University, Kiel, Germany, 131 pp.

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