Browse by Research Division FB - All
- Organizations (167)
Number of items at this level: 31.
Al Balushi, H., Müller, T., Friesen, J., Leibold, P., Schmidt, M. and Brückmann, W.
Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Combining offshore autonomous monitoring with onshore groundwater modeling and monitoring in the Salalah coastal plain, Oman.
In: Conference ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition, from a ‚natural‘ to an ‚anthropogenically-modified‘ state. , 04.-07.09.2016, Bremen, Germany .
Alberti, M. and Reich, S.
A palaeoecological review of the lower Gatun Formation (Miocene) of Panama with special emphasis on trophic relationships.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 98
pp. 571-591.
DOI 10.1007/s12549-018-0326-3.
Angerer, G., Buchholz, P., Gutzmer, J., Hagelüken, C., Herzig, P., Littke, R., Thauer, R. K. and Wellmer, F. W.
Rohstoffe für die Energieversorgung der Zukunft: Geologie - Märkte - Umwelteinflüsse.
Energiesysteme der Zukunft
acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, München, 198 pp.
ISBN 978-3-9817048-6-0
Barbier, M., Hahn, T. , Reitz, A., Pabortsava, K. and Whoriskey, F.
Geoethics, how to apply ethical core-values to the ocean observation community.
AtlantOS Newsletter, 1
pp. 4-5.
Herzig, P.
Goldrausch in der Tiefsee.
[Public Lecture]
In: Kinder- und Schüleruni 2009. , 21.04.2009, Kiel . Goldrausch in der Tiefsee. .
Kinder- und Schüleruni Kiel: Begleitheft zum Vortrag
Herzig, P. M. and Deinet, U., eds.
and Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, IFM-GEOMAR
Vom Meeresboden zur Atmosphäre : das Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften.
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 20 pp.
Herzig, P. M., Deinet, U. and Botros, M., eds.
and Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel, IFM-GEOMAR
From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere : Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences.
IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 20 pp.
Hissmann, K., Rothenbeck, M., Wenzlaff, E., Weiß, T. and Leibold, P.
RV ALKOR Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report AL533 - Mutual Field Trials of the Manned Submersible JAGO and the Hover-AUVs ANTON and LUISE off the Aeolian Islands, Mediterranean Sea,
Catania (Italy) – La Seyne-sur-mer (France) 05.02. – 18.02.2020
GEOMAR Report, N. Ser. 055
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 43 pp.
DOI 10.3289/GEOMAR_REP_NS_55_2020.
Kandiano, E. S., van der Meer, M. T. J., Bauch, H. A. , Helmke, J., Damsté, J. S. S. and Schouten, S.
A cold and fresh ocean surface in the Nordic Seas during MIS 11: Significance for the future ocean.
Geophysical Research Letters, 43
pp. 10929-10937.
DOI 10.1002/2016GL070294.
Keller, F., Wanke, M., Kueter, N., Guillong, M. and Bachmann, O.
An Amphibole Perspective on the Recent Magmatic Evolution of Mount St. Helens.
Journal of Petrology, 65
Art.Nr. egad093.
DOI 10.1093/petrology/egad093.
Leibold, P. and Al Abri, O.
An integrated web-based approach for near real-time mission monitoring.
In: 2019 1st International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems-Oman, UVS 2019.
IEEE, Article number 8658284.
ISBN 978-153869368-1
DOI 10.1109/UVS.2019.8658284.
Meyer, G. and Matthes, K.
Die Zukunft der Ozeanforschung.
Kieler Nachrichten
, 22.05.2024
, 117.
Müller, T. , Gros, J. , Leibold, P., Al-Balushi, H., Petermann, E., Schmidt, M. , Brückmann, W. , Al Kindi, M. and Al-Abri, O. S.
Autonomous Large-Scale Radon Mapping and Buoyant Plume Modeling Quantify Deep Submarine Groundwater Discharge: A Novel Approach Based on a Self-Sufficient Open Ocean Vehicle.
Environmental Science & Technology, 57
pp. 6540-6549.
DOI 10.1021/acs.est.3c00786.
Pape, T., Blumenberg, M., Reitz, A., Scheeder, G., Schmidt, M. , Haeckel, M. , Blinova, V. N., Ivanov, M. K., Sahling, H., Wallmann, K. and Bohrmann, G.
Oil and gas seepage offshore Georgia (Black Sea) – Geochemical evidences for a Paleogene-Neogene hydrocarbon source rock.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 128
Art.Nr. 104995.
DOI 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.104995.
Petersen, S. , Herzig, P., Kuhn, T., Monecke, T., Franz, L., Hannington, M. D. and Gemmel, J. B.
Shallow Drilling of Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems Using the BGS Rockdrill: Conical Seamount (New Ireland Fore-Arc) and PACMANUS (Eastern Manus Basin), Papua New Guinea.
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 23
pp. 175-193.
DOI 10.1080/10641190500192185.
Petersen, S. , Herzig, P., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Hannington, M. D. and Jonasson, I. R.
Hydrothermal precipitates associated with bimodal volcanism in the Central Bransfield Strait, Antarctica.
Mineralium Deposita, 39
pp. 358-379.
DOI 10.1007/s00126-004-0414-3.
Rohde, C. and Matthes, K.
Frühwarnsystem für die Ostsee - Forschungsprojekt will mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Phänomene wie Fischsterben besser vorhersagen.
Kieler Nachrichten
, 09.03.2024.
Schmidt, N. and Süling, J., eds.
and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Research Agenda 2025 : From the deep sea to the atmosphere.
UNSPECIFIED, Kiel, 29 pp.
Wellmer, F. W., Buchholz, P., Gutzmer, J., Hagelüken, C., Herzig, P., Littke, R. and Thauer, R. K.
Raw materials for future energy supply.
Springer International, Cham, X, 150 pp.
ISBN 978-331991229-5; 978-331991228-8
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-91229-5.
Wölfl, A. C. , Snaith, H., Amirebrahimi, S., Devey, C. W. , Dorschel, B., Ferrini, V., Huvenne, V. A., Jakobsson, M., Jencks, J., Johnston, G., Lamarche, G., Mayer, L., Millar, D., Pedersen, T. H., Picard, K., Reitz, A., Schmitt, T., Visbeck, M. , Weatherall, P. and Wigley, R.
Seafloor Mapping – the challenge of a truly global ocean bathymetry.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
Art.Nr. 283.
DOI 10.3389/fmars.2019.00283.
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