Items where Item type is Videos
Number of items: 39.
Schulzki, T. G. , Harlaß, J. and Getzlaff, K.
Simulated see surface temperature combined with ice cover with an overlay of total cloud cover and windspeed from FOCI simulation.
Getzlaff, K. , Schulzki, T. and Schwarzkopf, F. U.
Simulated near-surface speed combined with ice cover from VIKING20X simulation.
DOI 10.3289/iAtlantic_VIKING20X_5day_2000_2009.
Boxhammer, T. , Bach, L. T. , Sswat, M. and Riebesell, U.
Orni-eutrophication by Inca terns (Larosterna inca) during the KOSMOS study 2017 in the coastal
upwelling system off Peru.
Getzlaff, K. and Schulzki, T.
Simulierte Obeflächentemperatur im Nordatlantik (VIKING20X).
DOI 10.3289/RACE_VIKING20X-JRA_SST_2012_2018.
Sswat, M. , Bach, L. T. , Boxhammer, T. and Riebesell, U.
Overview of activities during the KOSMOS mesocosm study 2017 in the coastal upwelling system off Peru.
DOI 10.3289/KOSMOS_Peru_2017.
Reitz, A., deYoung, B., Verbeek, L. and Gillan, G.
AtlantOS - Optimising and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing Systems.
Rühs, S. , Schulzki, T. G. and Schwarzkopf, F. U.
Animation of pathways of the upper limb of the overturning circulation in the South Atlantic, realized by tracking virtual fluid particles in an eddy-rich ocean model.
Boxhammer, T. , Sswat, M. , Kohnert, P., Schrödl, M. and Riebesell, U.
Mating Clione limacina (Phipps, 1774).
Kaehlert, S., Villwock, A., Fiedler, B. , Delgado, E. S., Rouveroy, M. v., Lohmann, M., Soria-Dengg, S. and Steinhoff, T.
and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, GEOMAR ROV-Team
Introducing the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo (OSCM).
Greinert, J. , Hamann, K., Huusmann, H., Linke, P. , Lohmann, M., Müller, M., Nicolai, M., Roth, T., Steffen, J. and Heckmann, M.
GEOMAR: Von der Tiefsee bis zur Atmosphäre = GEOMAR: From the Deep Sea to the Atmosphere.
Sswat, M. , Boxhammer, T. , Jutfelt, F., Clemmesen, C. and Riebesell, U.
Performance of herring larvae in a simulated future ocean food web, using the "Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for future Ocean Simulations".
van Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, M. and Nicolai, M.
Mit Tauchboot JAGO zum Unterwasser-Vulkan vor El Hierro = Diving El Hierro's Submarine Volcano.
Boxhammer, T. , Bach, L. T. , Czerny, J., Nicolai, M., Posman, K., Sswat, M. and Riebesell, U.
Video of the sampling strategy to empty sediment traps of the “Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for future Ocean Simulations” (KOSMOS).
Boxhammer, T. , Bach, L. T. , Nicolai, M. and Riebesell, U.
Video of a plankton community enclosed in a “Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosm for future Ocean Simulations” (KOSMOS) during the SOPRAN study in Raunefjord (Norway) 2011.
Boxhammer, T. , Sswat, M. , Paul, A. J., Nicolai, M. and Riebesell, U.
Video of a plankton community enclosed in a “Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosm for future Ocean Simulations” (KOSMOS) during a study in Tvärminne Storfjärden (Finland) 2012.
Sswat, M.
Floating ice sheets hitting "Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosm for future Ocean Simulations" (KOSMOS) during the long-term study in Gullmar Fjord (Sweden) 2013.
Sswat, M. , Boxhammer, T. , Jutfelt, F., Bach, L. T. , Nicolai, M. and Riebesell, U.
Video of a plankton community enclosed in a "Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosm for future Ocean Simulations" (KOSMOS) during the long-term study in Gullmar Fjord (Sweden) 2013.
Striewski, P., Schauer, J., Steffen, J., Nicolai, M. and Zanki, S.
Fast Forward Science – Superfast: JAGO: 25 Jahre unter Druck.
Augustin, N. , Berghäuser, T., Nicolai, M., Seidel, G., Freitag, J. and Ruhmland, A.
and ROV Team
GEOMAR TV: Folge 5.
Abel, R. , van den Bogaard, C., Bonanati, C., Nicolai, M., Oldorf, O., Vogel, J., Steffen, J., von Neuhoff, H. and Kiesche, S.
GEOMAR TV: Folge 4.
Aldag, J., Harbeck, M., Hoy, P., Kloth, P., Soria-Dengg, S., Dengg, J., Merkle, M. and Kühl, M.
and Sonderforschungsbereich 754
Sauerstoffminimumzonen in der Ostsee - von kiffenden Schlangensternen und Orakelkraken.
Balzereit, F., Nicolai, M., Heckmann, M., Reusch, T. B. H. , Froese, R. , Quaas, M. F., Schmidt, J. , Matz-Lück, N. and Schulz, C.
Fisheries Research in Kiel.
Dengg, J., Hauss, H. , Nicolai, M., Brünjes, R. M., Freitag, J. and Kröger, O.
GEOMAR TV: Folge 3.
Fleischer, D.
Von der Datenentstehung bis zur Publikation - das Kieler Datenmanagement Portal.
Nicolai, M., Thiede, A., Lindenblatt, B., Blanke, T. and Witt, W.
GEOMAR TV: Besuch des Bundespräsidenten.
Gerdes, A. and Strackbein, N.
and KDM - Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung
Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung.
Nicolai, M. and Klimmeck, J.
Ocean Acidification: An Ecosystem Facing Dissolution = Ozeanversauerung: Eine Lebensgemeinschaft in Auflösung.
Nicolai, M., Huusmann, H. and Heckmann, M.
Black Smokers: Ore Factories of the Deep =
Schwarze Raucher: Erzfabriken der Tiefsee.
Nicolai, M., Latos, M., Stöhr, R. and Imhoff, J. F.
Medizin aus dem Meer = Medicines from the Ocean.
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