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Number of items: 22.
Allan, R., Chambers, D., Drosdowsky, W., Hendon, H., Latif, M. , Nicholls, N., Smith, I., Stone, R. and Tourre, Y.
Is there an Indian Ocean dipole and is it independent of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 21
pp. 18-22.
Biebow, N.
KOMEX - Kurilen Ochotskisches Meer Experiment.
Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 17
pp. 11-13.
Gocke, K., Cortes, J. and Murrillo, M. M.
Planktonic primary production in a tidally influenced mangrove forest on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica..
Revista De Biologia Tropical, 49
pp. 279-288.
Hall, A. and Visbeck, M.
Ocean and Sea Ice response to the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode: Results from a coupled climate model.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 22
(6 (4)).
pp. 4-6.
Hay, W. W.
The development of climate during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, and increasing complexity of climate change: New developments during the last ten years.
Nova Acta Leopoldina, 88
pp. 7-16.
Karstensen, J. and Quadfasel, D.
Variability of water mass transformation and formation in the southern hemisphere.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 22
(6 (4)).
pp. 8-12.
Kortum, G.
Humboldt und das Meer: eine ozeanographiegeschichtliche Bestandsaufnahme.
Northeastern Naturalist, 8
(Special Issue 1).
pp. 91-108.
DOI 10.1656/1092-6194(2001)8[91:HUDMEO]2.0.CO;2.
Piatkowski, U. and Vergani, D. F.
Die Tintenfischnahrung des Südlichen See-Elefanten (Mirounga leonina) im Bereich der
Antarktischen Halbinsel.
Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 17
pp. 5-6.
Roberston, R., Visbeck, M. and Gordon, A. L.
Long-term warming of Weddell Sea Deep Water.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 22
(6 (4)).
pp. 21-22.
Simstich, J., Müller-Lupp, T. and Erlenkeuser, H.
Schalen arktischer Bivalven als Datenspeicher jahreszeitlicher Schwankungen von Temperatur und Salzgehalt im Bodenwasser? Erste Ansätze aus Kara- und Laptev-See.
Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, 17
pp. 7-10.
Spiegler, D.
Bolboforma biostratigraphy in the Neogene glauconitic sands of Belgium.
Aardkundige Mededelingen, 11
pp. 61-68.
Visbeck, M. , Gordon, A. L., Smethie, B., Schlosser, P., Toole, J., Huber, B. and Krahmann, G.
The CORC/ARCHES observing system for Weddell Sea Deep and Bottom Water Variability.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 22
(6 (4)).
pp. 23-25.
Visbeck, M. , Hurrell, J. and Kushnir, Y.
First International Conference on the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO): Lessons and Challenges for CLIVAR.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 19
(6 (1)).
pp. 24-25.
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