Comparative Genome Analysis of the Photosynthetic Betaproteobacteria of the Genus Rhodocyclus: Heterogeneity within Strains Assigned to Rhodocyclus tenuis and Description of Rhodocyclus gracilis sp. nov. as a New Species.

Kyndt, John A., Aviles, Fabiola A., Imhoff, Johannes F. , Künzel, Sven, Neulinger, Sven C. and Meyer, Terrance E. (2022) Comparative Genome Analysis of the Photosynthetic Betaproteobacteria of the Genus Rhodocyclus: Heterogeneity within Strains Assigned to Rhodocyclus tenuis and Description of Rhodocyclus gracilis sp. nov. as a New Species. Open Access Microorganisms, 10 (3). Art.Nr. 649. DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10030649.

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Supplementary data:


The genome sequences for Rhodocyclus purpureus DSM 168T and four strains assigned to Rhodocyclus tenuis (DSM 110, DSM 111, DSM 112, and IM 230) have been determined. One of the strains studied (IM 230) has an average nucleotide identity (ANI) of 97% to the recently reported genome of the type strain DSM 109 of Rcy. tenuis and is regarded as virtually identical at the species level. The ANI of 80% for three other strains (DSM 110, DSM 111, DSM 112) to the type strain of Rcy. tenuis points to a differentiation of these at the species level. Rcy. purpureus is equidistant from Rcy. tenuis and the new species, based on both ANI (78–80%) and complete proteome comparisons (70% AAI). Strains DSM 110, DSM 111, and DSM 112 are very closely related to each other based on ANI, whole genome, and proteome comparisons but clearly distinct from the Rcy. tenuis type strain DSM 109. In addition to the whole genome differentiation, these three strains also contain unique genetic differences in cytochrome genes and contain genes for an anaerobic cobalamin synthesis pathway that is lacking from both Rcy. tenuis and Rcy. purpureus. Based on genomic and genetic differences, these three strains should be considered to represent a new species, which is distinctly different from both Rcy. purpureus and Rcy. tenuis, for which the new name Rhodocyclus gracilis sp. nov. is proposed.

Document Type: Article
Additional Information: This Whole Genome Shotgun project has been deposited at DDBJ/ENA/ GenBank under the accession numbers provided in Table 1. Table 1. Overview of genome features of all of the Rhodocyclus genome sequences. Species Genome Size GC Content Contigs Coverage CDS tRNAs Reference Genbank Accession # Rhodocyclus tenuis DSM109 3.85 Mb 64.7 30 100x 3605 51 Wang, 2020 SSSP00000000 Rhodocyclus tenuis IM230 3.65 Mb 64.7 28 93x 3359 51 this study NRRZ00000000 Rhodocyclus sp. DSM110 2.93 Mb 64.5 27 54x 2735 47 this study WIXJ00000000 Rhodocyclus sp. DSM111 2.93 Mb 64.4 30 55x 2705 47 this study WJED00000000 Rhodocyclus sp. DSM112 2.98 Mb 64.5 27 73x 2768 47 this study JAATWB000000000 Rhodocyclus purpureus DSM168 3.62 Mb 66.1 69 81x 3600 51 this study NHRX00000000
Keywords: Cobalamin; Gracilis; HiPIP; Purpureus; Rhodocyclus; Taxonomy; Tenuis; Whole genome sequencing
Research affiliation: MPG
OceanRep > GEOMAR > FB3 Marine Ecology > FB3-MS Marine Symbioses
Main POF Topic: PT6: Marine Life
Refereed: Yes
Open Access Journal?: Yes
Publisher: MDPI
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Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2022 08:43
Last Modified: 20 Jan 2025 08:35

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